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  1. Keep in mind that some of those things I listed require other players to work quickly, the best way to make sure you get a full team is to run endless mission types as they're more popular and easier. Keep in mind that not everyone has "better" nodes open, can find them, etc. It's a complex situation with a variety of reasons for it happening and there isn't a right answer to fixing it.
  2. If it makes you feel better, someone at TennoCon screamed "Gillychap Prime" and Rebecca said they might do something.
  3. I'm trying to decide if I'm a mad genius or just...accidentally genius. Over on Facebook, I help out in a handful of Warframe fan groups as a moderator/admin and every single one of those groups has a rule that you can't block the modmin team. No big deal, except, I'm in other groups as well, not just Warframe ones and I'm running into Warframe group members in the wilds of Facebook groups. Some have seen this as an opportunity as we are equals in that groups eyes, only to come to the frustrating realization that, even though we are in a different group with different rules, they still can't block me because it would violate the rules of the Warframe groups. And they can't just jump to another large Warframe group because there's a chance I'm either on the modmin team or friends with it. A City of Heroes group mod called me a menace when they realized this.
  4. Seeing a [DE] on my profile always makes me leery.
  5. I thought it was an overgrown guinea pig
  6. Jade was pregnant before she was a Warframe, having a skin that removes that wouldn't make sense.
  7. My primary complaint with those things is the spawn rate. Any caster type frame that gets locked into place for casting is screwed if more than one shows up. During the event, the I can cast Crush once and then spend a few minutes dealing with the beams before it's safe to cast again. It would probably be less of an issue if I was playing on the PC or one of the consoles but the Switch has a lot of lag since the update and that makes things harder. "Just move" really only works if you don't have lag to deal with and a castlock ontop of it.
  8. The use of "collected" instead of "turned in" is causing a series of headaches for many players. If the only way to progress in the event is by turning in the Motes, that needs to be clarified because some of my players are just holding onto the things due to the announcement saying "collected."
  9. I thought it was called "mental illness" when you saw things that weren't there?
  10. The books being burned in the image weren't in a school for children and the post you only quoted part of actually answers your question.
  11. As far back as the second century, men in medicine believed that women suffered from "wandering womb," a condition that was described as the womb roaming the body in search of fluids to prepare for the monthly menstrual cycle and one risk associated with this condition was suffocation. This belief was so enduring that when trains became a common form of transportation, women were discouraged from riding them because doctors believed their wombs would fly out of their bodies due to the trains speed. This was known as a biological "fact" in the medical community for centuries. Advancements in medical science, completely changed women's healthcare. Within our lifetime, we have been able to identify which gene on which chromosome carries the information on sex, SRY on the Y, and how many other genes play a role in development. The "redefinition" of biology is happening as our understanding of it improves. Language changes constantly. If it didn't, we wouldn't be using words the way we do right now. The word "they" was first used in the 1300's and it made people angrier than today, simply for being a new word. Beyond dead languages, there is no "pure" language that never evolves.
  12. You can deploy harvest drones on cleared planets & manage them via the Warframe companion app. Not exactly the solution nor discourse you're wanting but it is an existing option you can start utilizing without needing to be in game.
  13. Even if DE had control over that sub reddit, no one here can do anything for you beyond saying "talk to support"
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