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New Frame Idea ~ T I M E ~


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(First off sorry if this is in the wrong spot, and second off sorry if someone else thought of a similar [the same] thing.)


IMPORTANT - This is all ONLY a draft, I am not posting this because I thought everything through but because I want to see what the Warframe community thinks about this idea. Also it would be nice for people who know more about balancing abilities to help shape this into something plausible.



NAME - {Pending}

GENDER - {Pending}

THEME - Time and/or Manipulation. The looks could be Egyptian in terms of sand and such.

FOCUS - Speed (movement, fire-rate, casting etc) alteration, ie. increasing these things for allies and lowering it for enemies. Damage too.



ABILITY 1   ~ Fleeting Present ~

Small area around the target is affected by a time rift (imagine a smaller version of Limbo's Cataclysm, but with its own visuals!!!). Targets within the area take damage as they age incredibly fast. Damage type could be puncture, however death visuals should be similar to that of enemies dying to fire (minus the visual effect of flames), sorta what |SPOILER START| Natah looks like, or at least what we were shown in the quest |SPOILER END|. Another thing could be that the enemies turn to sand.     However the damage type this frame should focus on is something I would like your help with.


You and allies who enter the rift will have increased melee speed and fire-rate.


Duration: 2/3/4/5 seconds.
Strength: 100/150/200/250 Puncture Damage per Second. | Allies gain 10% Fire-rate and Melee Speed.
Range: 20 meters.
Cost: 25 energy.

ABILITY 2   ~ Bulwark ~

Similar to Zephyr's Turbulence, but absorbs damage instead. I was thinking that it should also provide a non up-gradable area of effect to help protect nearby allies too, or defense objects.
It would last until its timer runs out or it absorbs damage to a cap. However I was also thinking that it maybe could block a percentage of damage, but this would leave it on a strict timer, or maybe still a cap?

In terms of visuals it could be a layer or two of swirling sand or some sort of disoriented area.

Duration: 5/10/15/20 seconds.
Strength: {if reduction} 10/25/50/75%. {if absorbent} 250/500/750/1000 damage.
Range: Center is Caster, Diameter is 1/2/3/4 meters.
Cost: 50 energy.


ABILITY 3   ~ Consume Time ~

Another ability focused on caster but has no outward benefits for allies (or maybe it should?). I was thinking that over time it fills a percentage bar, or something similar, and when released deals damaged based on amount accumulated. To release you just cast it again, this would not cost energy. The way I thought it could work however would be that your own speed (fire-rate, melee speed, cast speed, sprint speed etc, or maybe just movement speed) is lowered by the same percentage the bar is going up by. To help make it more realistic to get it to 100% maybe armor or damage reduction could be applied of the same bar?
At 100% you wouldn't be able to move and possibly (undecided) you would take no damage.


Duration: Until Recast. Gains 1/2/3/5% per Second.
Strength: Deals the associated % to the bar, based of the following total values. 2500/3000/3500/4000 Puncture damage.
Range: 10 meters around caster.
Cost: 50 energy.



ABILITY 4(a)   ~ Fabric Realignment ~ (Cause making DE's life difficult is what forums are made for!)

The most ambitious thing i could think off, so probably could just be replaced with an alternative ability (I made a suggestion below).
Basically changes the room its cast in into a deformed variant. The visuals would likely be sand winds and the pits quick sand or like just empty voids with endless sand falling into them (maybe spinning?).
The room would be changed but still have the same amount of exits, enemies that fall into the pits would die! Not overpowered AT ALL!


Duration: 5/8/12/15 seconds.

Strength: N/A Unless the sand pits do damage, than maybe 100/200/300/500 damage per second on/in sand.
Range: Room frame is in, CANNOT BE CAST IN DOORWAYS!
Cost: 200 energy.



ABILITY 4(b)   ~ Encasement ~

This alternative variant could simply be another avalanche style ability. Sand comes from sides and pushes enemies, stunning them and dealing impact damage. It should also deflect/absorb bullets whilst in the area, with the caster unable to move.


Duration: 5 or 10 seconds.

Strength: 200/400/600/800 damage on cast AND each time the sand (etc) hits an enemy.
Range: 10/15/20/25 meters.
Cost: 100 energy.



And that's all I can think of for now!







ABILITY 1   ~ Fleeting Present ~

Target and surrounding enemies are aged a certain degree based of their distance to the cross-hair (pinpoint being 100% etc).
The enemies suffer debuffs based of their race.
Grineer - Lose Armour

Corpus - Lose Shields

Infested - Lose Health

Duration: N/A    Or should there be a limit? 5/10/15/20 seconds?
Grineer - Lose 25/50/75/100% Armour.
Corpus - Lose 25/50/75/100% Shields.
Infested - Lose 10/25/35/50% of Total Health.
Range: 20 meters.
Cost: 25 energy.



1. A percentage of a percentage, that's not hard right?
2. Overpowered? I am thinking it might be a bit...


Wide area around caster is surround by a circular wall of sand which then begins to move inwards. Picking up and tossing enemies over itself. Enemies are then forced to change targets unless none are unavailable, or maybe they are stunned? They take damage whilst in contact with the sand.
Upon collision in the center the sand erupts outward covering everything in a small radius. The caster and any other allies get an increase of fire-rate, melee speed and movement speed. Which enemies get the opposite.


Duration: Cast start to finish 5 seconds.
Strength: {buff} 10/25/50/75%. {debuff} 10/25/50/75%.        Damage 100 puncture per tick.
Range: Center is Caster, Diameter is 10/15/20/25 meters. Smaller diameter is 6/8/10/12 meters.
Cost: 50 energy.


ABILITY 3   ~ Sally Time ~

Everything near caster within the radius has its speeds (all of them) increased. Whilst everything further away has its speeds (all of them, again,) decreased.


Duration: 5/10/15/20 seconds.
Strength: Debuff at edge 50%. Buff and Center 100%. The buff/debuff have different strengths based off the spot target(s) are at within the range.
Range: 10/20/30/40 meters around caster.
Cost: 75 energy.




This one was hard to make original. :|

Finally after ages I have thought up a more original ultimate. Basically upon casting the caster becomes immune to damage, covered in sand. They then gain control of a cloud of time, so like disoriented air or something... maybe sand.
In the middle of the cloud is a more visible similar version of the frame. Any enemies caught in the cloud have their speeds (as I call it, all the speeds) drained. Then they become frozen for some time.
Enemies also take 200 damage for each second they spend in the cloud.

Maybe the ghost version can cast the other 3 abilities, and cancel the current one by casting the 4th, upon which it explodes for 1000/1250/1500/1750 damage.
But that's just a rough idea.

Duration: 5/10/15/20 seconds.

Strength: N/A Unless the ghost variant can cast, than it could be 10/25/35/50% of damage and everything else (str, range, duration, etc).
Range: Around the Caster.
Cost: 200 energy.





The above is my, hopefully, more original abilities.




1. What abilities are way to unstable or not achievable?

2. Do you have any ideas for what can be used to replace these abilities? Or any other ability?

3. What should the name of the frame be? And what should the gender of it be?

4. What abilities need to be balanced? If so how?
5. What damage should each ability deal? Puncture? Impact? Slash? Or should there be an elemental focus?

6. What questions have I forgot to ask?

7[EDIT]. How to change title... its being misleading :(



1. How to upload images? Since then I could draw some pictures to make this prettier ( or uglier :[ ).

2. Can someone who can actually draw/make concepts make a epic picture/photo/drawing of this? That would be nice.

3. Is there anyway to link words to stuff on the Warframe Wiki? Since that would add some nice shades of blue and look nice.



And Lastly, THANK YOU FOR READING!     Will do my best not to forget I made this thread!


So Have Fun And Good Luck!

Edited by Zero118
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This should probably be moved to the concepts sub-forum.


Edit: Tenno'd.


On topic with the concept, the "time" theme has been tossed around a lot in the forums already, just so you know.


I feel like, for a warframe that should focus on is control of a situation and its opponents, it has way too many ticking-damage based abilities.

Edited by IANOBW
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This should probably be moved to the concepts sub-forum.


Edit: Tenno'd.


On topic with the concept, the "time" theme has been tossed around a lot in the forums already, just so you know.


I feel like, for a warframe that should focus on is control of a situation and its opponents, it has way too many ticking-damage based abilities.


How to move stuff?

Can I delete instead? How? (since others made threads anyway).

Ticking damage... you mean... TIME PASSING ABILITIES!!!         But I see your point, this frame would be more so waiting for everything to happen then to make stuff happen.



"New" Frame Idea, even I made one concept long time ago.


I said I was sorry at the start...        Give me a break tho new to forums.




Time to make a new thread at the proper spot with ANOTHER Frame idea! xD



No idea how to find sub topics... ugh will wait a while before posting more.


EDIT 3 (wow I need to make sure I said everything I have to say without 4 edits (one for top most writing wall of text)


Off-topic, but I am still in the dark as to why a time-based Warframe is that wanted. Maybe I am just not willing to keep up with the times. 



Well time manipulation would be a newer addition that would make the devs go mad programming, hopefully but I am just guessing.

Other thing is that since it would be something different it would be fun, for a while at least.


EDIT 4 + 5 (:|)

Oh no pun intended hmm...?    <- Main reason I responded in the first place and forgot to say it...

Edited by Zero118
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Interesting concept for sure, and I think it has potential. The issue I have is it's originality. While the concept of the frame and the overall idea is quite unique, the abilities too closely mirror existing frames. Ability 1 - Limbo's Cataclysm, Ability 2 - Zephyr's Turbulence, Ability 3 - Equinox's Mend & Maim, Ability 4a - A really cool idea, but flat out death to anything IS overpowered. There has to be some kind of scaling to it. Cool, but perhaps too ambitious since the visuals would require a massive amount of work. Ability 4b - Frost's Avalanche. With a skillset so similar to existing frames it begs the question, why use this over the other frames with similar abilities? It runs into the Oberon problem. Nyx confuses better, Trinity heals better, Saryn has a better AoE ultimate. Hallowed ground has it's uses, but again has aspects to it that are overshadowed by other frames (Valkyr's Warcry offers a better armor buff). I'm not here to say Oberon is a bad frame, but his abilities have a lack of focus that can make him unwieldy, and I see some of that in your idea.


When I'm thinking of ideas for a frame I try to stay away from pure damage based powers. With a frame revolving around the idea of Time, I would expect it to have specific ways of controlling the battlefield. Not a bad idea at all though. My best suggestion for you would be to think of some purely original abilities that aren't directly influenced by the skills of another frame.

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Interesting concept for sure, and I think it has potential. The issue I have is it's originality. While the concept of the frame and the overall idea is quite unique, the abilities too closely mirror existing frames. Ability 1 - Limbo's Cataclysm, Ability 2 - Zephyr's Turbulence, Ability 3 - Equinox's Mend & Maim, Ability 4a - A really cool idea, but flat out death to anything IS overpowered. There has to be some kind of scaling to it. Cool, but perhaps too ambitious since the visuals would require a massive amount of work. Ability 4b - Frost's Avalanche. With a skillset so similar to existing frames it begs the question, why use this over the other frames with similar abilities? It runs into the Oberon problem. Nyx confuses better, Trinity heals better, Saryn has a better AoE ultimate. Hallowed ground has it's uses, but again has aspects to it that are overshadowed by other frames (Valkyr's Warcry offers a better armor buff). I'm not here to say Oberon is a bad frame, but his abilities have a lack of focus that can make him unwieldy, and I see some of that in your idea.


When I'm thinking of ideas for a frame I try to stay away from pure damage based powers. With a frame revolving around the idea of Time, I would expect it to have specific ways of controlling the battlefield. Not a bad idea at all though. My best suggestion for you would be to think of some purely original abilities that aren't directly influenced by the skills of another frame.


Thank you for the feedback.           So many frames to avoid copying, anyway will see what I can come up with.

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