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Someone Else Screws Up, I Get Banned And De Leaves Me To Dry


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Posting this here for visibility if nothing else.

So, a few days ago I rolled a 75% Discount. As I am wont to do, I picked up the 1k package, the transaction goes through, the discount gets used, and I got my plat. Then a couple days later, I have negative plat.

I filed ticket, and was told it because my online merchant had technical issues and I actually bought Plat for no cost. So now I have to buy Plat again to offset the amount. I asked support if I had a time limit because Plat is just too pricey without a discount and Support told me there was none and even told me something along the lines of 'good luck with getting a discount'. As luck would have it my brother rolled the discount I wanted, the same tier that the online merchant ate, the next morning.


Since I was still able to play fine then, and Support did say I had no time limit to fix the issue, I asked Support if I could use his discount and just trade over the Plat to offset it. Afternoon came and still no reply. Since I actually had on me enough to afford the next tier package (might as well get more platinum and not let the discount go to waste and whatnot) I went ahead made the purchase since Support wouldn't be around till late in the evening (12hr time difference). I use MOL and I didn't have enough for the package I wanted (2k, only had enough for the 1k) so I had to buy more points before the retailers close shop.

Unfortunately, I didn't have enough in-game credits for the trade (crafted supplies and stuff, leveled some mods). Since it got late and I still have enough, I decided to go to sleep and continue farming the next day (today). Come morning, I log-in and it says I'm on a 20-yr ban for negative platinum. I quickly go check my support ticket, which says I can't trade because I'm banned (which I wasn't over half a day before the timestamp on the reply. was I actually still playing when I apparently received it). Despite saying I had no time limit and even cheering me on to get the discount I want (which I can't get if I can't log-in). Now my brother sitting on a pile of my Plat that I bought, which I can't trade over. Further consultation with Support pretty just tells to go buy Plat at full price. Sorry, but I'm not paying four times as much I would have otherwise because someone else #*($%%@ up.

TL;DR: Someone #*($%%@ up, I get caught in the middle and now DE is extorting four days' worth of wage to unban me, for an issue no fault of my own, when I expected to pay only one's.

It's midnight already (noon at DE-Land) and support is ignoring my ticket for two hours now, after offering me an extremely unreasonable solution. And their office hours would be over when I get up in the morning and I would have to wait another fifteen hours for Support availability.
EDIT: Support was able to give me a satisfactory solution. After some investigation, they agreed to one of my earlier proposal.


TBH though, they really should set up round-the-clock support. I had to wait for fourteen hours for Support to be available and it took until almost 3am for us to reach to an agreement.

Edited by UnderYourBed
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I specifically asked if I had a time limit to rectify the issue and was told I didn't. Since I was still able to play fine and was not told I'd be banned for the duration of the issue, I did not think I would be. I was wrong, apparently. That Support's assistance is only available during their office hours doesn't help, since I'm from the opposite side of the globe.

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I get your upset but it really is not DE's fault, until you talk to CS your kind of out there. However posting on the forums before CS has had a chance to resolve this issue may blow up in your face. But you really should give CS the time to investigate and resolve this and 2 hours is not enought time, most CS centers receives thousands of tickets a day.


Look at it from their point, I make a purchase from an on-line retailer then call my credit card and dispute the claim. The on-line retailer will not get funds, in a traditional model were a there is a package in transit the retailer is just out the product they have to make a claim against the creditor to investigate fraud. Now in a digital retailer they can take the premium currency back/items back with a quick database update.


As for your ban check with CS it may be able to be corrected by purchasing the negative balance of Platinum as for the cost, Plat runs around $0.01-$0.05/Platinum calling it expensive is pretty laughable since a lot of items ~100 plat or 1.10-5.50 USD.


And remember this is a Free-to-Play game you can always make a new account and play till you can resolve this problem.

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YES. The support is very bad, my friend played Phoenix Intercept tactical alert, and after Mission complete, back to Liset and it shows him that Mission complete and got nothing.
He just wanted a sigil from this event mission. So just sended a ticket to support.
He gived all informations except these random people names that he played, after a week. Who remember random people names after the mission? , and support ohhh without that information we cant do anything.

Are you kidding me?!

DE Please do something with your support :/

ScreenShot: (Read it from down to up)


Edited by SignOfTheTaurus
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I get your upset but it really is not DE's fault, until you talk to CS your kind of out there. However posting on the forums before CS has had a chance to resolve this issue may blow up in your face. But you really should give CS the time to investigate and resolve this and 2 hours is not enought time, most CS centers receives thousands of tickets a day.


Look at it from their point, I make a purchase from an on-line retailer then call my credit card and dispute the claim. The on-line retailer will not get funds, in a traditional model were a there is a package in transit the retailer is just out the product they have to make a claim against the creditor to investigate fraud. Now in a digital retailer they can take the premium currency back/items back with a quick database update.


As for your ban check with CS it may be able to be corrected by purchasing the negative balance of Platinum as for the cost, Plat runs around $0.01-$0.05/Platinum calling it expensive is pretty laughable since a lot of items ~100 plat or 1.10-5.50 USD.


And remember this is a Free-to-Play game you can always make a new account and play till you can resolve this problem.

If by CS, you mean Customer Support the only solution they offered to me was to repurchase the package at full price. Which is pretty much them telling me to pay four as would have if the screw-up didn't happen. As for Plat not being expensive, it's exorbitant for a third-world income. Even with that aside, it's a matter of principle. They're making me do something I wouldn't normally do for something that is basically not my fault.

If would perfectly be fine if charged me the with what should have paid, but no. They charge me at four times that.

if OP was told there is no time limit the ban is clearly unreasonable but may be the result of an automated process and CS is pretty swamped lately.

At first I assumed that. Then CS tells me I'm actually banned despite earlier replies implying I wouldn't be. Which made my purchase of a higher discounted package, using my brother's discount, for the purpose of offsetting my negative Plat moot.

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Very interested in the reasoning behind the ban. Did they state the ban wws because you didnt pay them in a certain time limit?


Your account is usually auto-locked if you have negative platinum.

Edited by Gelkor
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Love to hear a CS Rep answer on this. Obvious misuse of authority with extortion? not looking good De

The only solution I'm being offered is to ransom my account for the equivalent Platinum amount at full price.


Even when I told them repeatedly that I only considered the purchase in the place because I had a discount on. All the options I suggested were rejected for arbitrary reasons. If I wanted to give them that much money, I would've opted for the gold package.

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The way I understand this, DE should charge you the amount you purchased. However, I understand the reason for the auto ban. Otherwise people could just make a purchase, use plat, then dispute charge.

It should get straightened out but it will take some time. They guys working in those places likely do not know the rules and misled you.

Make sure you save those emails.

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