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  1. Took a break from Warframe and came back today. I been playing years so have top forma gear, all frames except new ones and tried archon hunt disruption. This was the worst warframe experience I ever had. Horrible bullet sponges with no obvious counters. I could only keep them in place using operator ability for a second or two and then it stops working. Tried corrosive, viral, etc., nothing worked. The public matches I played everyone kept dying and I ended up soloing it. After about 30 minutes I just turned it off. Sure I could have kept trying and got through it, but who cares. Games are supposed to be fun. Either fantasy crazy strong or some sort of challenge, this was neither, just to much armor and health bullet sponges. I just turned it off. If this is all Warframe has to offer as new content, well I guess its been a good ride but I dont see how it continues. Does anyone think this is fun?
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