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In-Mission Adjustable Skills For Things Like Frost's Globe/limbo's Cataclysm, Etc.


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Don't know if it's been suggested before, but I had a random thought about skills that are affected by range/power/etc.


Take for instance, Frost's Snowglobe or Limbo's Cataclysm whose fixed size is determined beforehand by the mods you've installed. I know in missions I've played in the past as those frames, I've sometimes wanted a small bubble, and at other times I've wanted a large bubble, and it might be cool to have the skills be somewhat adjustable.


What I'm suggesting is that when you place a bubble, if you tap the skill hotkey, it places a bubble that is at a minimum set size. However if you hold the hotkey, it will cause the bubble to grow to the maximum size (over the span of a second or two) allowed by the various range/power/etc. mods you've installed. So if you want a maximum size bubble, you could hold the skill hotkey for a second or two before releasing it.


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No, because that would remove the need to plan ahead. No need to make the general IQ of the community even lower than it is.


That may be true and it's not a big deal with squads that have been formed before a mission in which you can discuss what people would be happy with. This is most useful for PUGs that you've been dropped into. Especially when the random people flip out about using skills. People being unhappy that the bubble you've placed is too small or too big or whatever. Gets sort of tiresome to have random people *@##$ about it.

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