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Limbo The Invulnerable And Mesa The Untouchable


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I love the youtubes and twitch streams you do.  I agree with most of this.


1: Could you please explain the void monsters better in the original post?  Such as... Are they enemies that appear and defeating them gives a bonus?  Are they just shadows that wander around when limbo's on the team?  If they're the result of killing something banished then awesome.  If they're just always there and they're a pain that you need a limbo to deal with them, then I absolutely object.


2: The banish into an AoE, I kinda agree, but it doesn't solve the "I can't do anything without rolling after each banish" problem.  Would it be like a miniature cataclysm that has to be retracted after use, but doesn't trap enemies in as much as stuns them after going in or out for a second or so?  It'd be nice, but would suffer a bit of homogenized powersets.  I wouldn't mind a bit of a cataclysm rework though.


3:  I kinda agree with the Peacemarker redo, I'd prefer a middleground though, where you fire automatically at anything around your crosshair and anything you've marked with altfire since that's a thing now, it's just turning Peacemakers into a pair of boltos makes my mouse finger nervous.


4:  When Mesa's far off but eventual redesign comes around, I want a better shooting gallery.  Sharing a buff with your team is nice, but losing duration on your buff and making it not recastable until everyone's had a turn with your baby is the reason I don't play my duration Mesa with others.  This's the reason you don't see duration Mesas in random games.


5:  While I disagree with you that their design is unfitting of Warframe, as Frost, Trinity, Banshee and Saryn seem to have clothing-like bits... (Well, Mesa's default helmet doesn't look like a helmet at all, unlike every other frame)  I do support variety, and additional designs for frames.

1. The monsters are there as a form of CC and when an enemy enters the void they automatically attack that enemy, which ever gets to the enemy first, the others wander waiting for the next target. As a form of bonus they could do is reduce the enemy level upon "bite" I guess you can say.


2. I couldn't exactly think of something for banish since it's both famous and infamous to use along except for making it an AoE while having the void monsters be the CC the additional CC after being knocked down by it.


3. I expect the peacemakers to stay automatic upon holding the trigger. No reason to keep pressing the button unless they make the damage really high for the weapons since I did add there should be a small AoE.


4. No real comment for that.


5. Those warframes have "Cloth Bits," but not full blown clothing though. Having bits on a warframe is just fine as long as it is a suit, but having actual clothing just doesn't fit. With Equinox, she has clothing bits as night but you can still see that it is a suit.



Do not make Banish an AOE.

Why ?

Because my Limbo run no tank mods.

I just isolate and murder a heavy then run off.


An AOE will mean Limbo can take more than it can reliably chew.

Void monster idea is nice, but unless it has a real hard CC or hard disable component, it will just be gimmicky.


That's where the Void monsters come in for the CC, upon entering they are greeted by the monsters holding them down/reducing their levels.

Edited by Fait
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1. The monsters are there as a form of CC and when an enemy enters the void they automatically attack that enemy, which ever gets to the enemy first, the others wander waiting for the next target. As a form of bonus they could do is reduce the enemy level upon "bite" I guess you can say.


2. I couldn't exactly think of something for banish since it's both famous and infamous to use along except for making it an AoE while having the void monsters be the CC the additional CC after being knocked down by it.


3. I expect the peacemakers to stay automatic upon holding the trigger. No reason to keep pressing the button unless they make the damage really high for the weapons since I did add there should be a small AoE.


4. No real comment for that.


5. Those warframes have "Cloth Bits," but not full blown clothing though. Having bits on a warframe is just fine as long as it is a suit, but having actual clothing just doesn't fit. With Equinox, she has clothing bits as night but you can still see that it is a suit.



That's where the Void monsters come in for the CC, upon entering they are greeted by the monsters holding them down/reducing their levels.


1-3: This sounds amazing.  I hope for my sake that you find your way onto a development team.

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Nice to see you posting something here Fait! :)

Something I always thought would be cool that instead of Cataclysm we have something like a Void Rush that functions similar to Ah Punch's ultimate from Smite.

Basically he casts it in a direction and it will create kind of a wind tunnel of void energy that covers the walls of the room (kind of like Equinox's maim does) but has a flowing visual effect of Limbo's void (in the casting direction). It will push all non-heavy enemies (maybe heavy enemies too) away in the direction of the void flow doing damage for however long they are in the current while also pushing items in the opposite direction (maybe - not so sure about the items part). An augment for this would also be that enemies caught in the current will be banished.


Sorry if this post wasn't well thought out. I have been awake for over 24 hours as of posting this and I'll probably come back to fixing it up later.

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Maybe Mesa's ult could be like seraph's annihlator from cod black ops 3 that lets u walk around with the pistols and one-shot everything but with some limiter so that it's not too op(in cod black ops 3 u have a limited amount of time and ammo for the pistol when u activate it)

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Let's keep it short.

I love the idea of voids monsters.

I don't like the redundancy in Limbo's 1 & 2.


If banish has an AoE (small, sensitive to range mods) and if Limbo is in this AoE, he can be targetted, the rift walk's slot may be freed to add a new power : Invoke rift monsters. If it's a projectile-based power, the first foe shot will be targetted.

Wanna go alone in the rift ? use narrow minded and target a surface near you.


About Mesa, Fait's sugg is very nice.

Edited by Cerulien
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Personoly I love the look of limbo it doesnt fit in much, but his look makes me think of him like a carictar from a anime called black bullet smart but gone a bit mad. I like the ideas for his rework. For mesa her look isnt my thing a new skin would be nice, and for your rework for her 4th ability i thought of that as well and i like it. Also i wouldnt mind Valkyr geting something like that.

Edited by WinterLynx
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My big thing is why arent we looking at mesas 4th, and Excals 4th. Why do we keep nerfing things around those abilites and not nerfing those specfic abilites that are the cause of the triggers.Both those abilites are vastly over powered and people decide to make combinations to make them stronger. Those are the abillites that need to change, not minute ones here and there like banish or greedy mag <--- doesnt use greedy mag, has never used greedy mag. Just think its unresonable to keep nerfing everything around specific abilites and leave those abilities unchecked.

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In sweden where I grew up there was a wizard on TV doing magic tricks for kids.
I guess it's clear what my reaction was when I saw Limbo make an aperance


and I feel like his abilities are a pretty show (if painfull to the eyes at times) and thats it.

They are a magic trick but dosent really do much more then goof around on I feel.

Yet it allways amuses me to see a warframe Tobbe Trollkar as a warframe.

Now if he would only pull a Kavat from out of his hat.

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I agree with alot of this but on a note, Yes the Warframes are suits but if you think about it, DE and most of the Community have always been treating them more as characters rather Suits. It might of been part of the original Plan to make them look like suits I mean the beta frames (Excalibur, Loki, Mag, Ember, Trinity, Ash, Volt, Rhino etc) They do indeed look like some for of techno-organic suit but over the coarse of the game the frames became more Characteristic, and personally I don't mind that.... most of the new frames have been made looking more unique and characterized.


Personally I don't mind this at all, it actually makes me feel closer to this game then to say a game like Firefall where they are just suits.

Edited by Demonfr34k
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I remember someone had posted an idea to rework peacemaker, and proposed something like excalibur's exalted blade (being damage enhanced by secondary mods) also he/she proposed integrated lifesteal on it, I think that would be a change that'd make everyone happy (except the people that play with me, cause If this becomes a thing Mesa will be the only frame that I'll ever use).

Do whatever you like with peacemaker, just leave her other skills as they are, also her looks, dont touch my gunslinger waifu ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Now, regarding to limbo:

I like his looks, but I think his abilities need some tweaking, my personal ideas where to make banish kinda aoe (like equinox's rest), rift walk is kinda ok I guess, rift surge needs a buff, in my opinion blind rage & transient fortitude aren't suited for limbo, so it needs to achieve a nice damage buff with intensify only, now moving on to limbo's ultimate ability, cataclism, I think this ability should stun enemies upon casting it, kinda like how banshee's silence works, make the stun last 5 seconds at max rank & stun all the enemies that come inside the area of it, it needs to let you pick up the resources since you are banishing all the area, with them included.

Also, I'm sorry if I made some spelling mistakes, english is not my native language.

Edited by RazrOutlaw
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Maybe banish could have an aoe and enemies inside the rift take damage over time?


That's where my Void Monsters part comes into play about the whole "damage over time" if the limbo doesn't use his 3rd ability.

Do whatever you like with peacemaker, just leave her other skills as they are, also her looks, dont touch my gunslinger waifu ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ.

You possibly misread, I didn't say what she looks like now should be taken away, just an alternate skin of the "original" was what I purposed. Also your English is fine.

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The Orokin did. And how would you know the personality of the first Limbo(Prime)?

although we dont know what race made limbo we know that a genius in math made him, but he made an error and ddied preforming rift walk and that scattered his parts. The suit we have now is the origonal, but weather people thinks he fits in with the rest of thse warframes is the issue

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That's where my Void Monsters part comes into play about the whole "damage over time" if the limbo doesn't use his 3rd ability.

You possibly misread, I didn't say what she looks like now should be taken away, just an alternate skin of the "original" was what I purposed. Also your English is fine.

I did misread, sorry >.<

I think they said they will end up giving each warframe an unique alternate skin, so we gotta wait and hope for that.

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I'll just say that I completely disagree.
thinking that ANY of the said reasons are game-breaking is likely for anyone thinking to end the game at the first rotation C. The very existence of nullifiers trash most of this imo. limbo is far away from being unkillable, its pure theory, not practice. & mesa... I wont even botter, ppl who actually play her use mostly the first 3 abilities, 4 is just cool and it can be usefull; but God forgive u if u dare to use it in actual real late game .-.

be real, "gamebreaking" were stuff like volts shield, which could do the actual max integer value of dmg, & then still boost dmg from many weapons to absurd lvls...

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Fait, you rock! Let me just put this there in front.


For Mesa I'd love to be able to use her Regulators as an actual weapon instead of the aimbot turret it is now, especially if her other skills remain untouched.

I loved Mesa, the concept and her gameplay since her release but gradually started to dislike her ultimate. The static campyness of the ability that drove me back away from playing her. 


For her looks I agree with you. She looks amazing but doesn't have that warframe feel to her.



Meh, he is nicely done visually but I really really dislike how unwarframe he feels. The tux and top hat is just too much for me.


His abilities currently are very situational and only work nice when your team also knows how to act with a limbo around and the "no loot in the rift" is just plain frustrating.

He is a bit of a love hate relationship for me: In some specific settings he already works amazingly and in some setups he feels completely useless. I'd like a similar subtle overhaul for him that Frost got, giving him better sinergy between his abilities and his teammates but I barely play him so I'll leave this one to those who have more experience with him to figure out what is missing.

Edited by TychusMechanicus
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Things i would come up with, that could be implemented into the reworked Peacemaker:


1. Initial punchthrough, but not like the one that Excal has, more like the one, weapons use. give it like 5 - 10m range that should be fine.


2. instead of AoE damage, make hits have a cone behind their target, that will do damage, like shrapnels hitting enemies.


3. give her the "shoot as fast as you can click" back. (for the lulz ofc).


4. maybe make her Ballistic Battery recastable during Peacemaker, so she can store up some damage, for bigger targets, while pew-pewing down your foes.


5. make her Shooting Galery stay (longer) on her while being in peacemaker.


Ive not read through ALL of it, but if someone already gave one of the ideas above, let me know it to give them credit for the ideas.

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The idea of a "Rift Monster" is really good. Making me think what Limbo could have been, i mean he is the Magician, but does it with science cause Ordis likes him so much. why dont we can pull out monster or rabbits from our hat, the rift walk is makes sense so he can do the magic trick poking swords to people without hurting them. and Cataclysm really should be a a place where Limbo dominates, i mean its basically his dimension, his homeground

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