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In Regards To How Defense Mission Are Played Now


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As the person who's bringing Frost most of the time, I'm always near the pod. However, I don't think there's anything wrong with people actually roaming the map. In fact, I would say if after 2+ years and countless new frames, weapons, and reworks, if people still haven't figured out alternate strategies besides pod cuddling, then there is something wrong with the game.


Frankly, I'm a bit disappointed that a Frost, Volt, or Limbo is necessary at all. I would've hoped that the game mode would have evolved more to not be so reliant on some sort of shield power.


I applaud people who have the ingenuity to think up new strategies, and the courage to try them out. People who say you "have" to play a certain way or that you're doing it "wrong", are just sheep. It is the people who are willing to push change and innovation that figure out the strategies that everyone else then clings to like dogma.


So have at it. Just don't throw a fit when you die and no one can reach you in time.

no offence but how much strategy variation do you think there can be on defense? the objective is clearly marked, going near doors disrupts spawn points and leaves the pod unprotected.

the trying out different strategies part comes from using and discovering different warframes and how they synergize but in defense players should be near the marked point and defend it i have no doubts about that being the best strategy.

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no offence but how much strategy variation do you think there can be on defense? the objective is clearly marked, going near doors disrupts spawn points and leaves the pod unprotected.

the trying out different strategies part comes from using and discovering different warframes and how they synergize but in defense players should be near the marked point and defend it i have no doubts about that being the best strategy.


Depends on the map. In the void, your options are more limited, given the layout of the map. But then the enemy spawns from static points, meaning you could engage and eliminate them, before they reach the pod.


In terms of how the game mode could be evolved. They could give the defense objective its own impenetrable shield, possibly activated periodically by a rotating remote terminal that you would have to make your way to and hack to activate. Or maybe give you limited options to set or activate environmental traps, or change the pathing of enemy lanes. Look at how games like Dungeon Defenders, Sanctum, or Orcs Must Die, if you want ideas for how objective defense games can be diversified.

Edited by Ryme
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Hallways heroes. I usually will just sit by the pod if one or two people stick around, but if every one else is off killing stuff and I am by myself, the enemy can beat the living hell out of it and I will just watch. Sometimes their reactions are worth wasting some time.


I was Mesa in a T4D last night. 2 of the other 3 had level 15-20 frames, one had a level 0 primary. We had no frost, but that's alright. I figured ah well, as long as they act as a team it's all good. Well, wave after wave they just run everywhere and every round multiple of them die while I guard the objective. Come round 19, I politely ask if maybe they could stick near the objective. The host tells me to stfu as they don't need me anyway. Well, I stop playing, pod explodes in seconds. end of round, none of them had over 75 kills. Hate groups like that


On the flipside, my group after them we went to 60 in ODD easily.

Edited by Endgame77
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Depends on the map. In the void, your options are more limited, given the layout of the map. But then the enemy spawns from static points, meaning you could engage and eliminate them, before they reach the pod.


In terms of how the game mode could be evolved. They could give the defense objective its own impenetrable shield, possibly activated periodically by a rotating remote terminal that you would have to make your way to and hack to activate. Or maybe give you limited options to set or activate environmental traps, or change the pathing of enemy lanes. Look at how games like Dungeon Defenders, Sanctum, or Orcs Must Die, if you want ideas for how objective defense games can be diversified.

going near the spawn point disrupts it, adds time and makes the enemies spawn from a different point. you can engage them before they reach the pod if you stay near said pod and use guns or warframe powers, even thrown melee. you dont have to go out to them cuz if you leave the pod chance are you are going to look back and see a bunch of enemies having fun with it.

there is ofcourse room to improve the game mode but as it is now there is no question in my mind that the best way to do it is stay near the freakin pod.

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Dude it's the Hek, if you're NOT getting top damage it's defective and needs to be sent back. 


But back to op, on any normal run there's a lot of slack for people to goof off and still win it.  I'd prefer that they didn't but why wouldn't they if they know it will be a breeze anyway.

Sorry I think you misunderstood what I ment, I love my Hek pretty much one shots everything, what I ment was because it only has four shots I should be getting less kills than all these guys running around with somas and bolters and yet as I said I still get more kills:)

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As the person who's bringing Frost most of the time, I'm always near the pod. However, I don't think there's anything wrong with people actually roaming the map. In fact, I would say if after 2+ years and countless new frames, weapons, and reworks, if people still haven't figured out alternate strategies besides pod cuddling, then there is something wrong with the game.


Frankly, I'm a bit disappointed that a Frost, Volt, or Limbo is necessary at all. I would've hoped that the game mode would have evolved more to not be so reliant on some sort of shield power.


I applaud people who have the ingenuity to think up new strategies, and the courage to try them out. People who say you "have" to play a certain way or that you're doing it "wrong", are just sheep. It is the people who are willing to push change and innovation that figure out the strategies that everyone else then clings to like dogma.


So have at it. Just don't throw a fit when you die and no one can reach you in time.

I'm all for innovation and trying different things when it serves a practical purpose, to me leaving the pod to fend for itself, or with one player guarding,especially without a frost, and running around willy nilly is not any kind of innovative strategy that I am aware of. I agree also as far as a T1-3 you can do it without a Frost but when you get to T4 and all those Bombards you really do need one. I look at it this way the less people you have to defend the pod, the more undo pressure it put upon those that do and as I've said your not going to get more kills running around than someone just guarding the pod, I've proven that over and over again.

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