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These Devs Officially Don't Even Know Their Own Game Anymore.


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weaker weapon DPS via ammo nerf?

hayll no!!


but my opinion in of itself matters not but heres what matters and what DE listens too



if the upcomeing change angers many to the point where many drop Warframe for another game then DE will backtrack on these changes.

Did not work for excal / hydroid nerfs

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Yes, we need to completely rework enemy scaling to make any sort of major player DPS output nerf work. By all means, DE should do this.


But so far we have no reason to believe they are. Which means that until they say they are, you need to stop defending nerfs like this with the patina of "they'll be good for us, really."



Agreed, the only thing that i heard in the devstrem was "we have to rebalance SOME weapons" not "we have to fix enemy scaling, ammo drop, damage outputs and weapons

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TLDR: Why am I so worked up? Because there are various aspects of warframe and its gameplay that continue to detriment and detract from user/player experience, reddit users fully realize the game is deteriorating in aspects, but like politics how can their voice be heard? Aren't there dozens of threads that go ignored? I AM VERY GRATEFUL but example: How long did it take to use PAID SKINS on prime and various counterparts? I spent a thousand or more plat on weapon skins over time, DotD1/2, tennogen etc. etc. How much is that in $$? Games cost $60 on norm and run servers for x years based on just that.


I must be brutally honest. PURPOSEFUL or NOT I am stomach wrenchingly SICK of these FK'ing nerfs. All verbs intended. I like warframe so much (over 2300 hours gameplay, over 11k plat EARNED from gameplay), I AM PRAYING they FIRE The person SOLELY RESPONSIBLE for all these nerfs. You think I jest? I recant, I pray they demote him, families need jobs and food and such. Maybe one day I could be on a dev team that improves games instead of debilitating them, I enjoy making programs and games smoother, more functional, user friendly and enhancing existing qualities (example, all the stalker games were significantly improved by merging various various mods... which took alot of recoding/reworking and merging files and code til: You had the most amazing experience. DE KEEPS doing the opposite!!! Adding new content but reducing function... like the stealth nerf and HALF-FIX to waypoints/pads/gear/mission progress menu being unuseable during melee and/or sprint- GRANTED as modding happens (and its always trial and error) things go awry when changing code and need to be fixed/reworked) I'd expect more from a "team" of devs as opposed to an individual, Example: XDA Devs, android apps,People that make in depth freeware and reworking code to make everything work better- they make it as perfect as possible because they want things to Work right or Perform a function without needless hassle. How many people make batch scripts, gui programs etc. etc. for modding game files to give a user a WAY BETTER experience? AS A PLAYER and a tinkerer of games/files I AM CONCERNED for warframes future because of how much stuff keeps getting donked up. Its like DE is missing a critical component to their dev team: QoL and that hydroid nerf IS BY NO MEANS QoL but rather a hypocrisy to QoL)


Whether this is ACCIDENT or NOT... its implied implementation is awful! It broke tonkors "on-hit" explosion anyway, Penta is weaksauce, now we get New penta and "possible" mod nerf... I'm distraught. (getting worked up over a video game? If you took your car to a shop to get new tires, and they put a governor on it to limit its speed to 80mph, you would not be happy either- DE keeps demoting function in this game baselessly and unreasonably. Killing Pilfer nerf because of Uranus Ophelia is an excuse not to fix Drekar drop rates. Covert lethal needed nerf, Augment removal from EB was senseless, angstrum ammo nerf to 30 is unustified: 10 charged shots?? ... Greedy pull needed rework because everyone "stopped" playing and just sat there as mesa)

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Yeah , read the first 3 lines. Expect a swift lock.



OP couldve gotten his point across easily without all the bashing.

I'd like to see him attempt to make a game of this caliber and implement the changes he desires and deal with the community backlash like DE does.

Good luck with that.



Locking - This failed to remain respectful from the start.


Give feedback and by all means feel free to express your dislike for a suggested mechanic / mechanic change, but give it without bashing please!



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