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For Those Angry At De For This Patch


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Please remember it is the weekend. I've seen a lot of rage posts on the forums bashing DE's actions.


The problem with being so hostile right now: nobody's home. You are literally getting angry at an empty room. Time would be better spent either playing another game or formulating a more rational response to the issue. I understand your fury (I feel much of it myself), but bring it to the forums in a hostile manor (And on a weekend) will get you know where fast. A response on this issue probably wont be ready until Wednesday (Or later since it is a long weekend).


Secondly, hold off on hostility and judgement until after they respond to the issue. Mistakes are a part of life; learning from them is the important part.


In the mean time, spend time providing constructive criticism and suggestions for the game or simply don't pay for it.



When DE fails to learn from their mistakes, then you have my permission rage on the forums.

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Please remember it is the weekend. I've seen a lot of rage posts on the forums bashing DE's actions.


The problem with being so hostile right now: nobody's home. You are literally getting angry at an empty room. Time would be better spent either playing another game or formulating a more rational response to the issue. I understand your fury (I feel much of it myself), but bring it to the forums in a hostile manor (And on a weekend) will get you know where fast. A response on this issue probably wont be ready until Wednesday (Or later since it is a long weekend).


Secondly, hold off on hostility and judgement until after they respond to the issue. Mistakes are a part of life; learning from them is the important part.


In the mean time, spend time providing constructive criticism and suggestions for the game or simply don't pay for it.



When DE fails to learn from their mistakes, then you have my permission rage on the forums.

I pretty much figured that after u8 was released, the devs stayed up all night patching it, and then all passed out. When they woke up, they took a break for the weekend. And I can't say I blame them.

This is why I've been encouraging people to examine the specifics of the issues at hand, so that they can be properly quantified and resolved efficiently when DE gets back into the office.

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If you didn't notice we had several hotfixes recently. They are working hard on fixing everything. Also if you haven't noticed they are still gathering data from us all. Complaining is what they want us to do to research what is good and bad for the game.

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Those were all in the last 3 updates :)


Absurdly hypersensitive anticheat, removing rewards from people who failed or aborted missions, broken waypoints, Grakata and Ankyros being garbage...

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Rhino Glaive Vauban Dojo costs Rhino again Handspring Scorpions Market changes Snipetron removal...

What is a ","? I don't know what a "," is!

Absurdly hypersensitive anticheat, removing rewards from people who failed or aborted missions, broken waypoints, Grakata and Ankyros being garbage...

If you got banned you deserve it. Everyone who got banned deserves it. "Oh I didn't actually cheat with that cheat engine process running, I swear!"

What other game rewards you for failure?

They fixed the waypoints within a few days.

"Oh no! They gave us new weapons that weren't better than the HEK! All it lost!"

Edited by GottFaust
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Absurdly hypersensitive anticheat, removing rewards from people who failed or aborted missions, broken waypoints, Grakata and Ankyros being garbage...


Those aren't errors. They are working exactly as intended :)


Removing rewards from people who failed or aborted missions could be seen as an error because they later changed it, but it could also be seen as a temporary fix because it stopped people from exploiting. 


As for broken waypoints, if you can show on the forums that it was an easy error to avoid, please be my guest.

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I think a lot of people are upset because void rewards are broken and DE is basically getting free money by people spending void keys to obtain rewards that are either bugged or way too rare. It's really close to a scam, even if its accidental, so I can understand a person's frustration when they are spending their hard earned money for basically nothing.

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I think a lot of people are upset because void rewards are broken and DE is basically getting free money by people spending void keys to obtain rewards that are either bugged or way too rare. It's really close to a scam, even if its accidental, so I can understand a person's frustration when they are spending their hard earned money for basically nothing.

But if it is shown to be in error, how would DE remedy this? or would it just be brushed off?

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I pretty much figured that after u8 was released, the devs stayed up all night patching it, and then all passed out. When they woke up, they took a break for the weekend. And I can't say I blame them.

This is why I've been encouraging people to examine the specifics of the issues at hand, so that they can be properly quantified and resolved efficiently when DE gets back into the office.


Ironically the time NOT to be taking a break is immediately after a major patch.

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Rhino Glaive Vauban Dojo costs Rhino again Handspring Scorpions Market changes Snipetron removal...


- Rhino was changed and then later buffed to a good place.

- Vauban is new enough that they haven't had a chance to fully evaluate him. He was only released when he was because they pushed the patch back.

- The Dojo is newer than Vauban and is too early to pass judgement on.

- What is wrong with the Scorpions and Handspring?

- Snipetron was counter productive to the fast action playstyle of the game. However, this point is the strongest one you've listed.

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You all act like we haven't given constructive feedback. Check about every main "Hot" forum and you'll see a reason wrong, and a suggested method. We are giving feedback.


A lot of it is filled with very aggressive undertones that detract from the feedback and make them seem more like rage posts.


Ironically the time NOT to be taking a break is immediately after a major patch.

Could you elaborate?

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Ironically the time NOT to be taking a break is immediately after a major patch.

I hear you, but according to the versioning, they've already released a few hotfixes that immediately affected playability. The only remaining issues are that of drop rates for rare materials, void keys, and forma.

I'm as annoyed by the drop rate issue as you are (as I STILL need 3 Neurodes, and after thoroughly trashing every mission in Earth & Eris, I still haven't gotten one), but this is an issue that can be resolved fairly easily.

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Another issue is their auto ban of accounts 'using' hacks/cheats, I understand that they need it, but it is a bit too sensitive to say the least.

(I was banned for no reason till 2035 after trying to play U8 for the first time)

I am aware nothing I say or do can prove my innocence, but nothing can prove my guilt either - I sent a ticket to DE (roughly 3 days ago) and its in their hands now, so no need to rage on the forums IMO, introducing an auto ban was bound to have issues, but after all the game is in beta.

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