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[WC] Nzeru: The Neuromancer - Artwork and Thanks


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What happened to the topic? Where is everything?

The spoilers were irreversibly broken and I have to rebuild this post from scratch. Everything is saved. Nothing is missing.

I have no major updates, but I do want to thank everyone here (or on the subreddit) who has brainstormed, made suggestions, criticized or otherwise helped to shape Nzeru (even way back when she was Neuron).

A special thanks goes out to @Krion112 not only for his artwork, but his help building Nzeru's Network ability from the ground up, and brainstorming sessions to help remove some of Nzeru's older clutter. 

This post will remain under construction until it's back in acceptable viewing condition. As I rebuild it, find an artist to carry on Krion's work, create a patch/change notes and think about how to rework her abilities (as per the last discussions with @-MNT-Erlking ) 'll leave you with Krion's final sketch and all the older ones.

Name: Nzeru

Name Meaning: Chewa/Chichewa/Chinyanja word for “Wisdom / Intelligence”

Name of Original Operator: TBA

Gender: Female

Role: Stealth Support (and Intelligence).

Concept and Theme: 


Control over and weaponization of biological, synthetic, and mechanical targets’ internal functions and motor control (puppetry).



Neurons in the body and brain. Older Sentient lore, a lot of which has been invalidated by the Second Dream, I think. But I'll revise it one day.

Codex Blurb: 


Nzeru controls the neurons that regulate bodies and brains, turning enemies’ own internal, biological or mechanical functions against them.

Lotus Blurb: 


“This is Nzeru, manipulator of senses, memory, and willpower. Nzeru will help you evade and devastate on any battlefield, Tenno.”

Ballas Blurb - Prime Lore: TBA

Nzeru Stats: 



Unranked (lvl. 0) Max Rank (lvl 30)

HEALTH                               75          225
SHIELD                              100          300
ARMOR                                50           50
POWER                              150         225
SHIELD RECHARGE           20           30
SPRINT SPEED                1.25        1.25


Passive Ability: N/A [All Nzeru's old passives have been removed for now.]

Abilities: (Icons by @MrPigman , everything else by me including some minor color tweaks to the icons.)


Artwork: (By @Krion112 / JE-112, otherwise the oldest sketches are mine.)



Above is his final sketch. We both agreed it still wasn't where we wanted it to be yet.

Below is his previous work, as well as mine.


Krion's Older Sketches:








My Original Sketches:


Old Alternate Helmet:


Older Side-by-Side:


Oldest Public Nzeru Sketch (I have older, uglier ones still in a file somewhere).



The Ability breakdowns will be restored later, along with other things that have been temporarily removed.

Edited by Rhekemi
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i'm tired so i'll start commenting as i see something i encourage or discourage, i'll tell my opinion and stuff at the end.



For the concept, here is one that you should not look at, at least not seriously

now this is just for laugh, please don't take it seriously





Armor... well you mostly know what i'm gonna say..

the min armor so far is 15, and with Banshee (15 armor and 100 health / shields as base) she can't stand high lvl alone even with her stun abilities !! she keeps dying fast : /

5 armor is just ridiculous, and even 15 wouldn't work if shields are low !! for health build you still need armor or it will be useless as the health will go down so fast too, i suggest a min of 65 (the regular value) and better be 100 like Ember (that still low i didn't ask for frost or saryn's just because of some talk you said before)



just an info : max speed is 1.25 (like Loki and Loki P. my favourite frame =D)

i have no problem with 1.2



please note that abilities have a total of 4 ranks : Unranked, Rank 1, Rank 2, Rank 3.

so when telling states you need to give the variation of all 4 ranks and not anly 3 !



Ability 1: most 1st abilities aren't OP, i don't know how to explain it.. it cost only 25 energy and to be used on 1 or few enemies mostly only when on low energy (my point of view, and as i said mostly not always, and as i said before i'm not sure this describes my idea well maybe i'll correct it later when i'm "not tired" as i am now)


so this better affect 1 target at a cast, can be casted again to re-initiate timer and to affect a new enemy.

ranks gives more duration

no damage delt cuz it will alert enemy

and you mean with "using ability on loki" using it at pvp ?? cuz he still not included yet and i don't think i'll support this !!



Ability 2: i think i like this one, i want to add this : if you shoot a nullifier's globe until it's off then cast this ability he won't be able to regenerate his globe until ability is over.


and i have a question, will this be just a blast to affect enemies in area for a duration, can be recasted again to affect new enemies / restet timer ??

or will be on for the time and follows your frame ??


i think the first makes more sence with your description (also i prefer it idk why) but want to make sure


Edit: forgot to add that they should be "vulnerable for stealh", there is no animation for this type of units so they will just ge stealth bonus damage from melee wih no animation.

and for spy missions lasers and cameras should have a back up power and will be auto re-activated after 5 secs no matter what (unless ability duration is lower than 5 secs).


Ability 3: haha funny idea XD like the second but more suited for living creatures,

my suggestion: at the end deal some damage accumulated by the time of the ability (more time will give more damage at the end) and the animation the will catch their heads like feeling pain for a while, making them open for finishers but deal no bonus damage, maybe an augment for this to deal bonus damage at finishers.


Note: as this 3rd ability is suited for Organic creatures, Neuron prime should not affect organic with 2nd so each ability keeps it's uniqness



Ability 4: not bad idea, tho it will be overpowered don't you think ??

Umm.. why not make it slightly simillar to Banshee's ult ?? (yea.. again banshee XD)

Ability animation idea 1: simillar to Nekros when cast Terrify but keeps hands in the air still untill ability desactivated.

Ability animation idea 2: simillar to Trin when cast 1st (or 2nd) ability and keeps her hand still in the air (in this case for 1st ability it's like the first idea but with 1 hand only, for the 2nd ability she keeps her hand in front of her, i guess you know all those abilities animations already) till ability desactivated.


how it works: while ability is active it will be dealing damage over time and stunning enemies, any enemy who come in range get affected too, she can't move while ability is active. after disactivating ability enemies who survive will have damage decreased by a % for a short time.


Disclaimer: all these ability ideas are just suggesion you are free to accept / refuse them and you are free to take what you like to add to your post if your will : )




Passive ability question : you mean with it that while trying to hack a console this will happen :

                                             for Grineer : up to 75% of those things we need to press on will be already considered as done.

                                             for Corpus : either up to 75% of those cases will be lined correctly, or we will have more time to hack ??


if so i'de recommand for the corpus the 1st case, cuz we still hack it in time anyway so we don't need more time but we need faster hacking, so some already correctly done will help a lot.

75% look OP tho, and starting with 0% is like not helping at begining, it's a passive not an ability lol

what about this : 10 / 20 / 30 / 40% ?? so we have bons since the begining and it don't become OP at lvl 30, she's not good with electronics afterall XD



Edit: forgot to put my overall idea about this XD


i think this is a not bad idea, i like it, specialy as a loki player i care more about controlling enemies and keep them under control than damaging them with abilities, this will help mission that require stealth, and if it's a nightmare this frame will be of a greate use to survive !!


and i added an edit to ability 2 at the same time with this edit in case you didn't read it.



Edit 2: you're not the only one who can write a lot... FEEL OUR PAIN >BD

Edited by 6KIRA9
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Thanks for stopping by, 6KIRA9. I read the post (good ideas, others we can debate).


I've updated the first post with Ability Augment Mods:


Tranquility - Serenity Augment: At this mods max rank, Neuron floods squad members’ bodies with key neurochemicals and boosts their health and energy by 25% once per Serenity trigger.


Kill Switch  - Hard Reset Augment: At Kill Switch’s max rank, machine enemies have a 30% chance to never boot up again (death).


Adrenaline - Critical Condition Augment: Neuron transmits to allies’ adrenal glands, flooding their bodies with epinephrine/adrenaline. Squad members take 50% less damage for 10 seconds at this mods max rank.


Which are of course, subject to change.


Her second Ability, Kill Switch, has been changed to Hard Reset, and a note added to make it clear the attack is temporary.


Replies to 6KIRA9's points: 


-Art: Lol.
-Armor: Yes, I know her armor is below the baseline. In an earlier draft, her armor was higher. But then after coming up with her abilities, I lowered it to add a handicap. Your points are legit, and I'll consider changing it if others also agree.
-Sprint: Noted. (And I like my Loki Prime, too. Not my fav, but he's fun.)
-Ability ranks: Noted. Mostly I left it vague in all abilities except #1, since the upgrades are unique. 
-Ability #1: I meant OP in the sense that it would give her 3 AOE attacks if it was an AOE, and not single-triple target attack.
-Loki: You should probably read all the stuff after Neuron's main description when you're not tired. :)
-Ability #2: I like the new bubble cancelation idea. I'll add it soon. I'd prefer the ability stays active like Nova's Molecular Prime: if they enter the blast radius while it is active, they go down. I am open to the AOE blast radius following her, too. So it is either going to work like Nova's or Banshee's ability. Why would you prefer recasting to hit new machine enemies?
I believe the new devstream said they're working on stealth finishers for MOAs, so I agree. 
Agreed on spy mission automatic backup power.
-Ability #3: I'm against dealing damage on this one, but am open to it if people really want it. Maybe. I think dealing no damage on organics until she has no choice is unique.
-Ability #4: Considering that she deals no damage to organics with abilities 1-3, I don't think it's OP. It will work like Saryn's Miasma, but hopefully using it won't make abilities 1-3 useless.
Freezing a Tenno while their powerful ability is active is a good balance to it being OP, but with her being fragile, I lean toward having it work more like Saryn and Ember: mobile while they activate their ultimates. 
-Passive: Yes, you got what I meant. Her boost is represented by pre-solved ciphers (by X%) or extra hacking time. And I actually wrote that she starts with 5% boost at Warframe level 0. She is good with electronics, but I envision Neuron Prime being better. If you read the Neuron Prime bio and her codex entry, it will shed more light on why. 
I'm open to reducing the max boost %. 
I'm glad you like the idea overall, and thank you again for taking the time to read and post. Much appreciated.
As for the concept, I'll try to work on cutting down the wordcount. I know it's a long read compared to most concept threads.
Edited by Rhekemi
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1st of all i'm glad you accepted my ideas ^___^


as quick answers (again) before i go to sleep :

before all those augments sounds interesting now i'de really like this frame to come to reality !!!!!



1\ i would prefer recasting cuz like for nova's ult you can cast it on enemies then when new enemies comes you cast it again and you get both affected, even if the old ones are out of range, unlike Banshee's silence if you get an enemy out of range he won't be affected anymore,

of course the 1st make you lose more energy and after a moment new enemies won't be affected, while second saves you some energy and affect all enemies in range,

again the 1st will help you cover more distance to be more helpfull for the team, while the second will require teammates to stay around you to benefit from the stun.


each have it's benefits and downfalls but you're the one who came with the frame idea you decide what you want : )



2\ for her 3rd ability i agree, i just thoughed you talked about damage or something, maybe just i misunderstood lol anyway what i suggested i was thinking that it will be like a downfall for what she does for them, i don't mind no damage dealing at all (it will just make it overpowed afterall, also my favourite frame deal no damage so i won't have any problem no matter what's the case XD)



3\ about ability 4, i see your point, yeah your right, specially with that armor XD



4\ about the passive: i start wondering if i'm drunk lol XD idk how i thoughed you wrote 0, maybe it was the frame lvl and i misunderstood somehow lol sorry for that.



well see you tomorrow then : )

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I understand your point on recasting.


On the rest, no worries. I wrote a lot. Found a lot of typos and mistakes when I was finalizing the third draft, too. Found more once I'd posted it. Everyone misses things with lots of text.


Glad you like the mods. I should make it clear in the description the buffs work for the whole squad, which includes Neuron.


First "decent" sketch is done. Will find out how to use my scanner again.

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I'll give some ability feedback.

1) Hear No Evil, See No Evil

The stealth application is appealing. But it needs a usage in non-stealth scenarios as well. How about use on alerted enemies causes them to be blinded (like a Radial Blind effect) for a short duration and become vulnerable to Finisher attacks.

I would like the ability to be a target-based aoe. So that enemies around the target are also affected in a limited radius like Valkyr's Paralysis. This could encourage careful targeting while still giving it some group-affecting power.

2) Hard Reset

I like the idea of powers focused on specific enemy types. What if the ability overclocked alerted robotic enemies? So they gained double movement and attack speed but attacked their allies while taking damage over time. If it could have that effect while retaining its shutdown stealth/utility aspect vs traps and tools it'd be pretty neat.

3) Serenity

Sounds great. Could be quite an interesting tableau in conjunction with sped-up berserker machines attacking their allies.

4) Critical Condition

Since this ability is sort of the opposite of Serenity thematically I think it should have a special interaction with Serenity. Maybe due to the strain of the swing in tone enemies could take increased damage or increased effects if they are affected by Critical Condition while under the effects of Serenity creating permanent losses of a variable percentage of health.

I think it would be interesting if this ability had a stack of random status effects that could affect enemies differently. Sort of like the Bad Breath attack of Marlboros in the Final Fantasy series. So they can be affected with any number of the different status effects in the game. The DoT effects like Bleed, Burn, and Toxin would need a base damage number to go from so maybe give it a (hidden?) base damage of 1000 for the DoTs to work off of.  

The mechanics of this idea might be a little complicated. But I like abilities with some variability to encourage reactive play and to create diverse scenarios.


Overall the theme of the frame looks interesting. I like the contextuality of the abilities regarding organic and mechanical enemies. So I introduced a bit more contextuality in my ideas regarding stealth and alerted applications and potential ability interactions. Perhaps some of my ideas would make fitting augments.

The theme is very sound. I can see this frame meshing well with the game universe. And there is potential for cool frame design and visual effects.

Edited by Ryjeon
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Hi, Ryjeon. Thanks for accepting the invite to critique and offer suggestions. I'm glad you like the idea. I read the whole thing and will hit you back**, but what I like most are your ideas on synergy. 


**I'm trying to overhaul and streamline the OP as to invite more views. It's lore and note-heavy, so I will try to strip those down (or out) and then host them on a safe external site. (Probably going with Scribd. If my account still works.) Artwork is on the way once the scanner cooperates.


Thanks again, guys. Very glad for the positive, constructive feedback despite the overly wordy post.

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The first post has been streamlined to give a general idea without creating information overload.




-I've added the target based AOE idea. I like it. However, the radial blind on un-alerted enemies seems redundant since the ability levels up to cause short term memory loss on those that do see her. If you happen upon an un-alerted enemy, you should still be able to activate it on them. It won't create endless stealth since it is single target, and limited AOE radius. 


-I'm still thinking about this one. Overclocking them I like, confusing them into attacking allies is also good, but having the mechanical enemies take damage overtime would nudge Neuron closer to a frame that deals more offensive damage than plays as a stealth agent. I do think having the machines push past their hardware's breaking point would be a great way to have them take damage and keep it logically in-theme. But as I consider this, that might modify how the Augment works. Or perhaps overclocking should be an augment idea on its own. Not sure. Wouldn't the machines behavior act as a form of alerting other enemies and defeat the point of stealth?


-I like the random status DOT idea for Critical Condition. I'm not sure about its interaction with Serenity. It feels like we lose something in the non-lethal knockdown that was so unique.


-Yes, it is complicated. I hoped that the mechanics of certain features wouldn't be too unfeasible, but with everyone wanting greater, better stealth mechanics, I think this would find its place.


Thanks for the support, and I'm glad you liked it overall. If only my art was on par. Working on getting the rough sketches onto a host site later today.

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I've been playing around with my Scribd account and the upload is smooth, but what I hate most is the sheer amount of extra spacing their platform adds (that wasn't in my original document). Their format made an 11 page document 19 pages.


To cut it down, I had to remove all spaces. If I link, there will be two links:


-One for reading online (with no spaces so it formats properly on Scribd)

-A second for downloading (with proper spacing as I intended it)


It's the master document with all notation on all abilities, so please don't read it and then complain about the length. It's the master document for a reason. (When I'm done fooling around with that document, I'll put up my concept art.)


UPDATES: New additions you'll see in the document and are reflected in the first post (unless they are ability notes, which are not in the OP)


New Augment Idea:


Tenno? What Tenno? - Hear No Evil, See No Evil Augment: An unranked mod plays tricks on enemies' memory and recognition: the hostile mistakes Neuron for an ally in their respective faction, ignoring her as they would in Tenno + Faction invasion missions. At max rank, however, the mod has a 30% chance to make the single target see Neuron’s squad mates as enemy faction members. (Grineer will see Infested/Corrupted/Corpus, for example.) 0% chance in solo missions.


4th Ability Tweaks based on Ryjeon suggestions:


Critical Condition (4th Ability) now creates: Random, DOT, status effects on organics: slash, heat, cold, toxin, gas, and viral.


-Critical Condition now drains energy and can be toggled on and off, like Ember's WoF.


-Serenity cannot be toggled on and off, but now has a duration timer.


-Armor upgraded from 5 to 10.


-Level 30 stats added.


Kill Switch Augment tweak based on Ryjeon suggestions for Hard Reset:


Kill Switch - Hard Reset Augment: At Kill Switch’s max rank, machines have a 30% chance to never boot up again (death) and a 30% chance to overclock. Overclocking grants machine enemies 50% more speed, creates magnetic DOT status effects, and confuses machines into attacking allies. Stationary machines or those attached to the location’s structure are not affected by the overclock chance.

Edited by Rhekemi
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Cool, I'm glad you like my ideas. I like your implementation of my overclocking idea onto the augment. I think it fits.


Neuron sounds like a lot of fun. If they ask for new frame ideas in Design Council I'll let you know and submit this one.

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9-8-2015 UPDATE: Artwork!

Neuron Full Body Sketch (this was my second attempt at a full):



Neuron Helmets (These would go with the full body above. The one above has basically no real 'helmet'):



Not great, but it's something of a start.


There are other sketches, but these are a start.

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UPDATE - 9-9-2015: These are other Warframe concepts that share traits with Neuron. Starting with most similar (to Neuron) at the top, descending to the least similar:
Enigma by FinnishHim: (Warframe with bio-technological abilities. Neural Sentry within Warframe)
Prizak by GunDownGrace: (Warframe with tehnological abilities. Warframe-exoskeloton made of Sentient carcasses.)
Tek by defconbacon: (Warframe with technological abilities)
Malware by Hunter126: (Warframe with the ability to act through/wield the power of the digital/virtual world)
Svarog by Vaskadar: (This is specific to nanomachines which then act on biological and mechanical enemies and allies, or the user)
Note: I had not read any of these threads or concepts before today. However, Neuron shares the most similarities with Enigma and Prizak.
Brief, but key differences between these concepts and Neuron are:
-Neuron leans heavier on biological control of enemies through their neurons
-Her control over technology is limited
-Neuron Prime was gene spliced with early Sentient "DNA"
-While Neuron was formed based on Neuron Prime's blueprints (her recovered helmet) and has a Neural Sentry clone (created from scans of a real NS) built into her Warframe and integrated with her brain 
All the concepts above are unique, despite similarities shared. Lastly, if we can have several different Water, Dream/Nightmare, or Plant themed frames, I think we could use a few more themes like those listed above and Neuron.


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Found her pretty (...) interesting. 


But her skills all over machines could be limitated in lower lvls (without rolers and stuff for grinners) or infested tiles... 


But guess she could overextend (is that a PUN?!) her power to infested moas and drones... Cos once they were all machines.


And... She could be Orokin themed ... Just an idea.


Sent Today, 07:38 PM

Ok, was the first one. 


Reading more, the 4th skill seems overpowered ... It could deal a proc chance of some (1 of the pool) effects (like impact stun, piercing, radiation - that makes they fight each other)... 


It's a good skill, would do such a mess.


Here is one idea... The machines in WF have sensors like living beings (?) ,that works much alike. 


The Neuron skills could work with both machine and living targets (including other Tenno, like Stalker or even players).


Appearence: not "prime" like Orokin... An Orokin concept, with metal lines and artistic foundry. Because - just because. 

An idea of a Tenno that works on sensations, would be "art" inspired... In WF universe, "art" is all about the "Orokin Era".


-=> Sorry send it private, I was on the phone! :V

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Hey Rhekemi, I've been looking at your idea, and I have to say, I really like the passive that you've built there. It works very well for a stealth/infiltration Warframe.


I also find the 2nd and 3rd abilities to be quite interesting and diverse enough to make Nueron stand apart, and give her a great deal of usefulness in terms of subverting enemies rather than outright killing or maiming them, and disabling traps and other hazardous devices.


As for the Ult, I don't like the idea of the ult boiling down to degraded damage, health, shield and randomly applied status effects. For a frame that's all about infiltration (the mixture of stealth and intelligence would likely result in such), an ult that does damage by proxy (health and shield degradation) seems out of place. 


I would really prefer to see an ult that makes some use of information gathering on a massive scale, perhaps by harvesting the neurological data of all the enemies in a particular area.


Or an ult which allows you to gain enhanced knowledge of the battlefield by hijacking the neurons of the enemies around you, providing you with intel on the best routes to take, the places you won't be spotted etc.


As for the first ability, in its current iteration, it kinda feels weaker in its effect than the 3rd ability, without being different enough to be uniquely useful. I could be misunderstanding it though, so you'd have to tell me. In terms of the abilities effect, an ability whose effect are separate from the enemy having interaction with you would feel allot better to me. Perhaps something where the you can target an area, and through manipulating the brain chemistry of nearby enemies, cause the attention of those enemies to be drawn to that area for a few seconds. Just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about.


In any case, the design on a whole shows great promise, the only thing that really bugs me is the nature of the current ult. All in all it's a very interesting design man, I'll be following it to see how it goes.

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Found her pretty (...) interesting. 
But her skills all over machines could be limitated in lower lvls (without rolers and stuff for grinners) or infested tiles... 
But guess she could overextend (is that a PUN?!) her power to infested moas and drones... Cos once they were all machines.
And... She could be Orokin themed ... Just an idea.
Sent Today, 07:38 PM
Ok, was the first one. 
Reading more, the 4th skill seems overpowered ... It could deal a proc chance of some (1 of the pool) effects (like impact stun, piercing, radiation - that makes they fight each other)... 
It's a good skill, would do such a mess.
Here is one idea... The machines in WF have sensors like living beings (?) ,that works much alike. 
The Neuron skills could work with both machine and living targets (including other Tenno, like Stalker or even players).
Appearence: not "prime" like Orokin... An Orokin concept, with metal lines and artistic foundry. Because - just because. 
An idea of a Tenno that works on sensations, would be "art" inspired... In WF universe, "art" is all about the "Orokin Era".

-=> Sorry send it private, I was on the phone! :V



Hi, thanks for stopping by.
I am not sure about binding how effective her abilities are to enemy levels (low or high). It would hobble her in a way I don't think any other Warframe is bound. 
Infested MOAs are actually classed as machines in the ability notes. So everything that affects a normal MOA will affect them. (At least that's what I recall adding in the notes: that a biological attack wouldn't work on infested MOAs, because machines.)
I wouldn't say it's sensations (as an artistic theme), but the physical, tangible, senses themselves, which are controlled by actual molecules in the body and brain. 
As for Orokin themed in design, try reading the full document with all her background--that should address your feelings she could be Orokin-themed.  But yes, I can see that for a Prime version! While her current one will be more modern in feel.

Hey Rhekemi, I've been looking at your idea, and I have to say, I really like the passive that you've built there. It works very well for a stealth/infiltration Warframe.


I also find the 2nd and 3rd abilities to be quite interesting and diverse enough to make Nueron stand apart, and give her a great deal of usefulness in terms of subverting enemies rather than outright killing or maiming them, and disabling traps and other hazardous devices.


As for the Ult, I don't like the idea of the ult boiling down to degraded damage, health, shield and randomly applied status effects. For a frame that's all about infiltration (the mixture of stealth and intelligence would likely result in such), an ult that does damage by proxy (health and shield degradation) seems out of place. 


I would really prefer to see an ult that makes some use of information gathering on a massive scale, perhaps by harvesting the neurological data of all the enemies in a particular area.


Or an ult which allows you to gain enhanced knowledge of the battlefield by hijacking the neurons of the enemies around you, providing you with intel on the best routes to take, the places you won't be spotted etc.


As for the first ability, in its current iteration, it kinda feels weaker in its effect than the 3rd ability, without being different enough to be uniquely useful. I could be misunderstanding it though, so you'd have to tell me. In terms of the abilities effect, an ability whose effect are separate from the enemy having interaction with you would feel allot better to me. Perhaps something where the you can target an area, and through manipulating the brain chemistry of nearby enemies, cause the attention of those enemies to be drawn to that area for a few seconds. Just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about.


In any case, the design on a whole shows great promise, the only thing that really bugs me is the nature of the current ult. All in all it's a very interesting design man, I'll be following it to see how it goes.


Hi Kraken, thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you like the idea overall.


I'm of two minds on your post. On the one hand, I see your points (they bugged me a little bit, too), but on the other, I think there's solid reasoning behind her ultimate.


Hear/See No Evil: What is crazy is in my original (hand-written) notes I had that as her first version of the ability. The idea was that Neuron, having increased intelligence, would have the ability to speak in any enemy's native tongue. (Grineer and Corpus, accents and all, and infested and corrupted grunts and sounds.) This would allow her to "throw" her voice as a distraction. (Was going to be called "Voice Throw" or "Nothing to See Here".) 


Once she targets a location and throws her voice there, the enemy would go there and investigate.


This was dead as soon as I had to deal with the fact that WarFrame's don's speak.


In order to fix it, I had an idea for a passive. "Black Box". It would record and decipher everything Neuron hears, and then when she needs to throw her voice, she would communicate with the box, built into her suit, and it would speak in the enemy's native tongue as a form of a distraction. (And she'd mess with their neurons in order to make their judgement of distance fail.)


I'm glad you picked up on her #1 having other possibilities. The explanation of the ability as it appeared originally (posted above), is a lot more complicated than her current #1, however. I'm a bit worried that overall, the more complex Neuron is, the less attractive to players she'll be. 


Critical Condition: Yeah. I see your point. If she is to be a true stealth frame, she should have an ultimate stealth. I could think on this later and come up with an alternate #4 (and I do like your ideas on data-mining enemies and the location!), but the rationale behind her current #4 is she needs to be able to use her power to put hostiles in a world of hurt when her back is against a wall.


She's not focused on damage, hurting enemies, but that doesn't make her nice. Her #4 is meant to reflect the ugliness of what she was created to do: fight, kill, and destroy in a war. She's still a soldier, still a Warframe. (And her Prime version was meant to possess a single-minded, cold cruelty. Possibly due to being part Sentient. In the codex entry, you'll see what I mean. What she did in the entry wasn't evil, but it was still cold. But to her? It was her only choice. I think I want Neuron to reflect some of that ruthlessness, when she has no other choice.)


One drawback is players relying on her #4 too often, but hopefully that wouldn't be the case since she is more than her #4.


You've made good arguments. I'll come up with alternates in the future, and maybe if folks still care about this idea, I can put up a poll for of her two versions of first and fourth abilities.


Thanks for your time and thoughts, everyone.

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(..) She's not focused on damage, hurting enemies, but that doesn't make her nice. Her #4 is meant to reflect the ugliness of what she was created to do: fight, kill, and destroy in a war. She's still a soldier, still a Warframe. (And her Prime version was meant to possess a single-minded, cold cruelty. Possibly due to being part Sentient. In the codex entry, you'll see what I mean. What she did in the entry wasn't evil, but it was still cold. But to her? It was her only choice. I think I want Neuron to reflect some of that ruthlessness, when she has no other choice.) (...)



In my mind... The frame of "senses", would be like both for war n... "Chaperone" ... e_e... If u know what I mean... What gives her an "geisha" feel...


Don't be fooled Tenno! Tennos were Orokin Slaves (n slaves in many ways, I suppose).

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Sensations in the body and brain are only part of what real neurons control. Yes, the sensations as they relate to sex are part of it.


But they aren't part of the Neuron concept for reasons:


-That would be a very different character, for a different kind of game. 


-The balance between war and peace. Commerce and trade. Justice and vengeance. Science (of all fields), spirituality and religion, torture. Reproduction by scientific/clinical means. Battles for control, territory, resources and power--those are largely the only aspect of the world WarFrame (and most games, for that matter) focuses on. (Though I'll give them credit for addressing Lotus'

being barren due to her journey to this world, then adopting the Tenno as her new children



-Therefore our concepts have to stay within those boundaries


-It would bend the lore in ways I'd rather leave for someone else to try. lol.

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That is debatable, to say the least. You could say Geishas were and weren't related to sex. Some were, especially depending on the period/era, and the laws of the country at that time. It is documented fact that I don't want to debate here, but feel free to check for yourself.


I appreciate the feedback, but I'll have to ask that we stay on-topic.


Geisha's and entertaining clients are an interesting concept, but are not related to the Neuron concept simply because those social aspects of the WarFrame world don't apply to the game. If in future DE changes the game to suit more social gameplay, we can revisit this.



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New Ability Augment I've been mulling over. The idea behind it being Neuron gives a situational intelligence advantage for whatever mission she's in. Still working out how she can affect each mission type. But it comes with a sacrifice.


Gambler Sequence - Kill Switch Augment: While active and maxed, Neuron sacrifices 50% of her health to boost her brain and the NSC’s processing power. A deadly gamble:

·         Interception capture points (so long as she’s standing on it) are sped up by 50%.

·         Mobile Defense node timers are cut in half (by 50%)

·         In Defense missions, half of Neuron’s health is converted to an overshield for the (cryopod)

·         In Hijack missions, Neuron sacrifices her health to overclock machine speed (those being escorted) by 30%

·         Spy mission data vault timers are lengthened by 50%

·         Rescue mission execution countdowns are lengthened by 50%

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Hey Rhekemi, neko here. overall very good concept, but may want to change a few things(from here on is personal preference though). if your frame is a stealth/hacker frame, may want to focus on shields instead of health, considering the low armor value. consider raising the armor a LITTLE bit, nothing too excessive like valkyr(lmao), but like 15 is good for a stealth. lower the health- around 75-80 is good for the low armor. lastly, shields. again, nothing excessive, but enough to keep her alive if you find yourself aggroed by a higher leveled heavy/bombard/etc. around 150-175 would be great. Oh, and try to make her faster. better for getting out of rough spots or rushing to assasinate an enemy... feel free not to consider any of this. otherwise i see nothing wrong.

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Hey, Neko. Good to see you on the forum, and thanks for the input.

I will tinker with her stats. My old defense was I wanted her to be fragile given the wide ranging advantages she has, but I think it wouldn't hurt to tweak upwards.

New concept art coming soon.

(I can only reply via mobile it seems.)

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New Neuron look. I may have scaled the size down too much in CS3 after the scan. Hope the details are still clear enough.

No reference pic this time, and mini-Neuron was just a doodle. Ignore her.


I still can't post to the forums except through mobile (thus my limited interaction on other post).

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Thoughts on new helmet and design appreciated.

Overall, though, I'm wondering about the weird view to vote/comment ratio.

Do people vote and comment more on cool artwork as opposed to a fleshed out concept?

Are there still too many words in the original post? (Even though most of the wordcount is now housed in the Scribd document)

Or is this concept simply uninteresting from the idea angle?

Did people want another male stealth frame instead?

Just thoughts due to the odd(high) view count.

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