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[WC] Nzeru: The Neuromancer - Artwork and Thanks


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Cleaned up front page a bit.

Stats updated on front page: (Shield bumped from 75 to 100. Armor from 10 to 50.)

HEALTH: 150 (Level 30: 450)

SHIELD: 100 (Level 30: 300)

ARMOR: 50 (Changed from 10 to 50)

POWER: 150 (Level 30: 225)

SHIELD RECHARGE: 20 (Level 30: 30)


I plan to update the Scribd document accordingly. For whoever still reads that link. But I also plan to re-add Neuron's bio, NPrime bio, and codex entry. Perhaps after revising it. Not sure yet.

Completed the sketches and added them to the front page. newneuronfullfront_smaller_by_armormatrinewneuronfullback_smaller_by_armormatrix

Any thoughts for improving the concept are still welcome. (But I want to do a bit of work on a new concept for a male frame.)

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Numbers and math added! Ability duration, range, energy costs. Subject to change, but at least now there are numbers to chew on.

Ability notes re-added and overall ability blurbs shrunk down (way down, technical jargon removed)

Codex Blurb: Neuron access enemies’ neurons and uses their own internal, biological or mechanical functions against them.

Lotus Blurb: “This is Neuron, breaker and booster of willpower. Neuron will help you evade and devastate on any battlefield, Tenno.”

Old concept art removed (leaving only the two newest sketches)

Again, here's the full document:


(Contains Neuron lore exploration (as well as Neuron Prime) not found in this thread)

Edited by Rhekemi
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New concept art by Krion112 (an artist superior to my humble skills) is underway.

Thread will be updated when we've finalized ideas and he's completed the artwork. (And we're both happy with it.)

Get excited! (All 5 of us!)

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Alright, so while I keep working on the design, I did want to discuss the abilities:


For my first thought, I really think you should just combine the first two abilities into one ability that will completely nullify the senses of a targeted enemy, making them unable to become alerted. It could be cast on multiple enemies, and it would effect all types of enemies. Splitting the ability between organics and machines just seems to take up the capacity to have another, more interesting ability.


Second ability, I would fill the void with an ability in which she could generate nodes for a neural network that would relay information along several points. Enemies in range of the neural network nodes would be highlighted through walls and terrain. Casting the second ability while having your crosshair on one of the network nodes will cause it to burst, stunning all surrounding enemies and inflicting them with the effect from the first ability.

Effectively, this ability could help keep track of enemies during stealth attempts, and it could be used to better organize allies during defense-type missions.

Energy may only cost 25, and power rank and power strength mods could determine how many nodes you can have active, as well as the effectiveness of their stun.


Third ability, like the first, I would say should affect robots and machines. Instead of lowering their aggression though, it simply scrambles them, like I imagine the first ability should also do. Lowering aggression should also mean enemies still attack, but they're not as tactical, they don't use any abilities, and the actual attack attempts they would do would be shortened and inaccurate.


Finally, I think the fourth should be done like this:

Neuron enters a state where she generates a neural network all around her. Enemies that get caught in this network have their bodies hijacked, and they are then forced to fire their weapons where Neuron aims and when she demands. Once this power ends, either at the will of Neuron or at the depletion of the duration, all enemies that were hijacked go into shock from having their very impulses forced around. Weaker enemies die, but all suffer a reasonable period of stun and damage. Robotic units will come out of the effect powered down temporarily, but suffer no damage.


Agree, disagree?

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Hey Krion, thanks a lot for the feedback.

Agree, disagree?


For my first thought, I really think you should just combine the first two abilities into one ability that will completely nullify the senses of a targeted enemy, making them unable to become alerted. It could be cast on multiple enemies, and it would effect all types of enemies. Splitting the ability between organics and machines just seems to take up the capacity to have another, more interesting ability.

This is interesting. There are abilities in her set of augments that I would prefer to have be straight-up abilities. (Like "Tenno, What Tenno?"). Whether that happens or not, this is still a good idea. Even though the ability would have to attack from her innate powers and the NSC independently, it could be a coordinated attack. One issue is it complicates the attack mechanics of a frame that's already somewhat complicated: Neuron would have to cast on a single target with a small radiating radius (around single target) for organics, and have a set/fixed radius for machines. (Most of her utility in Hard Reset is best for fixed-location machines.)

As for splitting abilities, it ties directly into the theme. Neuron prioritizes organics (her innate void powers allow her to act as a catch-all neuron, communicating and controlling other neurons), while the NSC (is meant to be a weaker version of her original Prime who had Sentient DNA) gives her some control over machines without the devastating, absolute results of her innate powers. I want her to be just a little bit handicapped, I guess. When conceiving it, I wanted her to not be OP. At the same time, the possibility of a Prime version that was radically different (not just in style) than the contemporary...was also appealing.

I'm open to upgrading her attacks against machines, but Neuron is meant to have more power over organics than machines. This also facilitates teamwork, and smart solo-playing.

Second ability, I would fill the void with an ability in which she could generate nodes for a neural network that would relay information along several points. Enemies in range of the neural network nodes would be highlighted through walls and terrain. Casting the second ability while having your crosshair on one of the network nodes will cause it to burst, stunning all surrounding enemies and inflicting them with the effect from the first ability.

Effectively, this ability could help keep track of enemies during stealth attempts, and it could be used to better organize allies during defense-type missions.

Energy may only cost 25, and power rank and power strength mods could determine how many nodes you can have active, as well as the effectiveness of their stun.

Due to the high amount of Animal Instinct equipped kubrows and sentinels (and Enemy Radar) and Banshee, I avoided this utility on purpose, but I do like how you us the utility in this ability (stun and synergy with her #1). I'll think about it.

Third ability, like the first, I would say should affect robots and machines. Instead of lowering their aggression though, it simply scrambles them, like I imagine the first ability should also do. Lowering aggression should also mean enemies still attack, but they're not as tactical, they don't use any abilities, and the actual attack attempts they would do would be shortened and inaccurate.

I follow, but still strongly disagree. The cast is unique to organics (and for that matter, the entire game) simply because it makes enemies too happy (and high) to give a damn. There's no utility for that on machines. But thinking about it...you're right, I did say it lowers aggression. That means they'll still have some fight in them. What about attacking whoever is being a noisy pest? IE: their mechanical allies? It's similar to the affect in Critical Condition, but funnier. It's "Pipe down, MOA, you're killing my mood." This also means if Neuron's attacks don't one-shot enemies that are affected by Serenity, they have a chance to fight back (like enemies under Nyx's chaos).

Finally, I think the fourth should be done like this:

Neuron enters a state where she generates a neural network all around her. Enemies that get caught in this network have their bodies hijacked, and they are then forced to fire their weapons where Neuron aims and when she demands. Once this power ends, either at the will of Neuron or at the depletion of the duration, all enemies that were hijacked go into shock from having their very impulses forced around. Weaker enemies die, but all suffer a reasonable period of stun and damage. Robotic units will come out of the effect powered down temporarily, but suffer no damage.

Strongly disagree. It's too close to direct mind and motor control, which I've deliberately steered away from because it's Nyx's territory (although technically and in theory Neuron could do what you propose, yes).

My main disagreements are due to:

-Wanting to keep Neuron in line with her organic attack edge

-The unique theme of manipulating neurochemicals and biological functions

-Avoiding Nyx's abilities and theme

-Not wanting her to be too powerful

Thanks for the feedback. I still have plenty to think on.

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Okay, just right quick, I don't want to come off the wrong way. Just know, I really like the concept, I think you've done a reasonably excellent job, and I hold a different set of beliefs in designing for games. As such, I want you to know my argument doesn't carry any emotion and it definitely is not accusatory, it is just what I believe based upon my own experiences. So please, I implore you do not take anything too much to heart, alright?


So, I'm going to make the arguments as to the thought processes behind my suggestions, but ultimately, of course, it is still your call:


I know you keep bringing up the Neural Sentry piece, but honestly I think it's holding your concept back. The power of the void is so not-understood, that literally it can be used to do anything in the realm of Warframe. By saying that Neuron even needs this bit of equipment to carry out half of her powers seems to defy what the Warframes and Tenno are.

Nyx can mind-control machines, and last I checked machines process information differently from the way living beings think, so I would argue whatever the void is, it can break whatever laws you think exist that would necessitate having a micro-Neural Sentry. I mean, why wasn't it explained that Nyx needs a Neural Sentry bit to mind control enemies? Because the void already handles it. Which, the power of the void is the driving prospect for what the Tenno are and how they're able to do what they do. It's what makes them unique. You take that away, and make them dependent on something else, and they're really not Tenno anymore.


Or, at least, that's what I would argue. And this is why I believe power 1 and power 3 should target both organics and machinery; the void can literally make it the same application.

As well, as someone who has studied a great deal of game design and game design theory, I do believe it would be wasteful to split up these abilities, or even have them not affect an entire set of units just because they're organic or not, especially in a game like Warframe.


As well, I would like to say, even existing Warframes already have overlapping powers:


-Loki's Invisibility and Ash's Smokebomb

-Mag's Pull and Valkyr's Rip-Line

-Mirage's Eclipse and Equinox in general.

-Saryn's Molt and Loki's Decoy

-Excalibur's Exalted Blade and Valkyr's Hysteria

-Frost's Snowglobe, Vauban's Bastille, and Limbo's Cataclysm

-Nekros's Shadows of the Dead and Atlas's Golems


They pretty much function alike to their comparisons, but their smaller features make them different powers that do different things. This is why I believe my proposed second ability is acceptable; it doesn't offer what Banshee's Sonar offers.


Sonar highlights enemies on radar, and displays a big weak point that can be hit for extreme amounts of damage. It's used primarily to increase damage against enemies, but has the added bonus of showing them on radar.


My proposed second ability only highlights enemies, allowing them to be seen through walls but not on radar, and can be used to stun small groups of enemies. It's more for keeping track of enemies in stealth and defense situations. It also would cost less than Sonar to cast in the first place, making its ability to track enemies better than Sonar's. It also doesn't have duration like Sonar would.


Likewise, I don't think you should care at all if Neuron steps a bit into Nyx's territory or not. Literally, right now, Neuron already steps on Volt, Banshee, Loki, Ash, and Nyx's territory, and that's without what I suggested. But, remember, already existing Warframes already sort of overlap, and I think that's a good thing.

But if that's not enough, I'd say Nyx is a mind meddler, and Neuron is a sensory jammer. Nyx's abilities revolve around literally manipulating the morals and thoughts of an individual, whereas your Neuron hijacks the mechanisms that the brain and body would normally controls. As such, I don't think Nyx has power over motor control, but Neuron would, but likewise Neuron doesn't have control over a target's morals. It's a Loki-Ash relationship; similar idea, different execution.


This is why 'puppeteering' is an ability I think would go well with Neuron, especially as her fourth ability.


I also believe you may be too worried about concepts of similar theme, and I don't think you should be. You've already created an idea different from all the others that have attempted this concept. However, I also think you're deliberately trying to have Neuron target organics specifically because others of this theme have always targeted technology.


I say: Why not both? The void already makes it possible, it can happen without any extras like Prizak's Signit Drone, or Neuron's NSC, or even Ethne's Corpus Origin.


So yes, I believe, to an extent, you may be holding yourself back too much. And before you try to argue to the contrary, I'm going to inform you I was exactly the same way before I created Theraph. I worried too much about what already existed, both what the community created and what was already in the game. And the moment I stopped, the moment I realized that it really didn't matter, that was the moment I succeeded and made Theraph, which has been my second most popular concept to date (the first was a 'Sub-Factions' idea, but it too was of this approach).


Rant over, sorry if I got personal or anything, I didn't mean to if you did take it personal, I honestly think this idea has potential, but I also believe you might be holding it back, but that's just my opinion and you can be entitled to the contrary, I will not change my stance on trying to help you make it better with both some improved art and some here or there suggestions.

Edited by Krion112
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The only problem with this is that the Ulti doesn't affect a significant chunk of enemies. I could understand it possibly being weaker or maybe a different effect, but for an Ulti, it should affect everything. I mean, Machines/Robotics can all get those status procs, so there is that at the least.. but you could include some sort of corrosive nano-toxin or something, that can also affect non-organic material.

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Krion, this is some really in-depth criticism, and it had to be said.
I agree that I'm holding the idea back (and perhaps myself). My reasons for doing so are a bit different, but let's get into the meat of your critique:


I know you keep bringing up the Neural Sentry piece, but honestly I think it's holding your concept back. The power of the void is so not-understood, that literally it can be used to do anything in the realm of Warframe. By saying that Neuron even needs this bit of equipment to carry out half of her powers seems to defy what the Warframes and Tenno are.
To an extent, I agree. I've felt the friction in the design and theme (that she's reliant on a piece of equipment) for some of her abilities. There's also friction within the different elements of the theme (bio-mechanical attacks could be a frame theme all its own, and is fighting the intelligence/Sentient theme).
Also agreed that the Void allows the Tenno to do basically anything. The term I've seen used on the forums (space magic) is perfect. I didn't really fully grasp that when I created Neuron, I agree. Later, once it was more clear (despite having read all the background information and lore I could find before posting Neuron) I made a post in someone else's topic somewhere in this section that another way to look at the Void is literally "all knowledge in the universe", the knowledge to do anything, and it grants access in myriad ways to those exposed to it. It can be knowledge of the sciences and universe as we know them, and what goes beyond what we know, and yes, it includes magic.
My logic for helping/hobbling Neuron with the NSC was in response to a question I'd asked myself: how do you replicate Neuron Prime's abilities without the original Neuron Prime Tenno who had a small % of Sentient DNA? That's what originated the entire concept "Why isn't there a Sentient-themed Warframe?"
The Neuron Prime codex entry came first (alongside my first design of Neuron which was overpowered and used the best abilities of every faction). From there, I had to figure out how to bridge to a modern Neuron. The NSC was what I came up with.
So I can see how the NSC is more of obstacle than anything. However, even if we consider the Void would give her all she needs to know about machines, how would you get around that missing link of Sentient DNA in her contemporary version? 
Which leads me to wonder if the Sentient backstory is also holding the theme back. I still think it's an ambitious idea that needs to be explored in one way or another. Whether or not it's part of Neuron's backstory is something I'll have to think about.


Nyx can mind-control machines, and last I checked machines process information differently from the way living beings think, so I would argue whatever the void is, it can break whatever laws you think exist that would necessitate having a micro-Neural Sentry. I mean, why wasn't it explained that Nyx needs a Neural Sentry bit to mind control enemies? Because the void already handles it. Which, the power of the void is the driving prospect for what the Tenno are and how they're able to do what they do. It's what makes them unique. You take that away, and make them dependent on something else, and they're really not Tenno anymore.
Yes. I chose to ignore this fact: Nyx doesn't need an additional device. Yes, you do lose something of the Tenno if they rely on a device for their abilities. The primary reason was I needed a bridge to Neuron Prime. 


Or, at least, that's what I would argue. And this is why I believe power 1 and power 3 should target both organics and machinery; the void can literally make it the same application. As well, as someone who has studied a great deal of game design and game design theory, I do believe it would be wasteful to split up these abilities, or even have them not affect an entire set of units just because they're organic or not, especially in a game like Warframe.


List of similar abilities
I've always been okay with overlap in general, but noted.


Neural network vs sonar.
Initially, I thought them too similar, but I'll concede on this. Good argument, and I see where they are different.


Likewise, I don't think you should care at all if Neuron steps a bit into Nyx's territory or not. Literally, right now, Neuron already steps on Volt, Banshee, Loki, Ash, and Nyx's territory, and that's without what I suggested. But, remember, already existing Warframes already sort of overlap, and I think that's a good thing.
In Nyx's case I probably shouldn't, but I really do. Lol. With regard to the others, yes, by way of being a new stealth frame (and the Overload-like ability, except Hard Reset does no damage augmented), but with those, they're more inline with that overlap that still differs you've already mentioned. I worried less about those. Splitting hairs...yeah.


But if that's not enough, I'd say Nyx is a mind meddler, and Neuron is a sensory jammer. Nyx's abilities revolve around literally manipulating the morals and thoughts of an individual, whereas your Neuron hijacks the mechanisms that the brain and body would normally controls. As such, I don't think Nyx has power over motor control, but Neuron would, but likewise Neuron doesn't have control over a target's morals. It's a Loki-Ash relationship; similar idea, different execution. This is why 'puppeteering' is an ability I think would go well with Neuron, especially as her fourth ability.
I'll concede this is closer to the truth with regard to Nyx and Neuron's differences. Motor controls was originally part of what I considered for Neuron's skill set (as they are also impacted by neurons), but more in the way of loss of motor controls (whole bodies going limp) that would tie into Critical Condition. Puppetiering still strikes me as something Nyx comes closer to achieving, and something a really good dedicated puppeteer frame could achieve. 
As an ability, it doesn't immediately appeal to me, but I'll keep thinking about it. (Unlikely I'll change my mind on this.)


I also believe you may be too worried about concepts of similar theme, and I don't think you should be. You've already created an idea different from all the others that have attempted this concept. However, I also think you're deliberately trying to have Neuron target organics specifically because others of this theme have always targeted technology. I say: Why not both? The void already makes it possible, it can happen without any extras like Prizak's Signit Drone, or Neuron's NSC, or even Ethne's Corpus Origin.
Only Nyx, really. I'd completed the entire concept and posted it (as it used to be, before the streamlining edits and augments) before I ever read those concepts (before I went through the index). Honestly, they didn't affect my choosing organic control over machines--but I was aware while finalizing the concept that power over machines, digital interfacing, and eventually Sentient themes would be used as themes if they weren't already. 
Control over neurons, and by extension brain and body functions struck me as truly unique and I ran with that as the main theme. It was less likely to have been done, and that turned out to be true.
Overall, I agree, both are possible.


So yes, I believe, to an extent, you may be holding yourself back too much. And before you try to argue to the contrary, I'm going to inform you I was exactly the same way before I created Theraph. I worried too much about what already existed, both what the community created and what was already in the game. And the moment I stopped, the moment I realized that it really didn't matter, that was the moment I succeeded and made Theraph, which has been my second most popular concept to date (the first was a 'Sub-Factions' idea, but it too was of this approach). Rant over, sorry if I got personal or anything, I didn't mean to if you did take it personal, I honestly think this idea has potential, but I also believe you might be holding it back, but that's just my opinion and you can be entitled to the contrary, I will not change my stance on trying to help you make it better with both some improved art and some here or there suggestions.
I'm definatley not taking it personally, and I thank you for elaborating. Your arguments made plenty of sense. The NSC is likely to go, but I'll need to think about whether to un-tether Neuron from the Sentient DNA theory. Perhaps that should be a separate theme, concept, Warframe. (Then I might shift some of the intelligence associated themes to that Warframe.) Plenty to think about.


The only problem with this is that the Ulti doesn't affect a significant chunk of enemies. I could understand it possibly being weaker or maybe a different effect, but for an Ulti, it should affect everything. I mean, Machines/Robotics can all get those status procs, so there is that at the least.. but you could include some sort of corrosive nano-toxin or something, that can also affect non-organic material.
Good points. Thanks. I haven't had time today, but soon I'll rework Neuron (while leaving the Prime story alone for now).
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I'm glad to see that you were not offended; it's not my intention to, and I don't necessarily think you're wrong, just that I want to see some more interest and potential with this concept. We have a few stealth 'frames already, so something like this needs to really stand out.

As well, it's not totally criticism, it's mostly my observation and interpretation. But I do hope it is constructive enough for you to move forward with this concept.


Well, in the mean time, while you figure out what you want to do, I did also have another idea for a power. I don't know what exactly it would do, but my brain described it as 'Neurological Jellyfish', and it was accompanied with the image of a jellyfish-like apparition made up of a neural network and with the energy color of Neuron. Not sure if that could be the basis of a power or not, as I haven't really found a way to make an idea like that stealth friendly.



Actually, Neuron Prime being made of Sentient technology instead of Orokin, something about that is interesting. I mean, it's not shoehorned into the concept overall, it's only saying that Neuron Prime's components were derived from understood Sentient technology. As long as you don't say that her powers are a result of the Sentient components I think it could work.

The Exilus Adapter is still considered Orokin, yet is stylized to be Sentient, so there's obviously something to suggest that Orokin and Sentient tech may be one and the same, and therefore I don't think it'd be a far-fetched idea for some of the original Warframes to have attempted to be constructed from Sentient derived tech, which may technically be Orokin tech.


It would be interesting, at least in my opinion, if some Warframes have Orokin Primes and others have Sentient Primes. Or at least, something about that concept is very intriguing. Likewise for Tenno weaponry with their prime counterparts. Not sure though, it really depends entirely upon what the Sentient are.


Anyway, tomorrow I should definitely have the first accurate sketch of Neuron ready to show. Just gotta fix up a few things.

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I was replying a few hours ago when the forum crashed.


Yeah, to me (and in general) criticism is only bad when it is negative, comes from a place of spite or hatred and is meant to bring a project or person down.
That's not how you meant it, or how I mean it when I criticize or critique someone's work. Constructive criticism is always good because it's meant to build up, suggest new ways of thinking. That's exactly what I got out of your post: a new way to look at the concept.
I take your point, though.
All I need is a bit of time to stew over it, then rework.
I like the creature idea, by the way. I see you're still thinking up minions. Haha. I can see it as a summoned creature controlled by Neuron but capable of puppeteering, even though I really don't like puppet-master skills. As for stealth, that's solved if Neuron is the only one who can see the creature. Hostiles would only feel it's effects, its ominous presence on the battlefield.
I imagine you'd want her to spawn it, and let it control a specific area while Neuron goes off to do something elsewhere, but have Neuron have to interact with it as she's still in control. Maybe if she runs out of energy it dies.
But that might not be what you had in mind. What did you have in mind for the idea?
Sentient Primes is a good way of thinking of it. Along the same lines, I was thinking the idea of tinkering with some Tenno/Warframes to include early Sentient 'DNA' is bigger than Neuron, imo, and can be applied to more than one Warframe. There's no reason why there can't be a whole line of Warframes that were created and lost/failed, whatever.
Looking forward to the sketch.
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No problem, I hope my interpretation may have inspired some new ideas that may come.


As for the jellyfish, I didn't really think of it as a creature, it's more of an object. It's not living, it's not like a summoning thing, it was more of that's what the ability looks like, and it occurs separately from Neuron. I never really established what I thought it would do. It'd be very small, float up in the air, almost like a Shield Osprey, but I never really thought of what it would do or how it would synergize with Neuron's other abilities. I hoped that just bringing up that I had that thought may have inspired some sort of clarity, but so far, I haven't had much of a coherent idea on it.


Dunno, maybe it'll inspire you to do something.


If Sentient Primes are or could be a thing, one Warframe I definitely feel would already fit with that aesthetic would be Equinox. Not sure though; like I said, it really does depend upon what the Sentient are. But, for the time being, I'll focus on the present version of Neuron's design, and worry about the prime later.

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Ah, I see. As an interpretation of Neuron's ability it'd be pretty interesting, unique. If you want to think on it and elaborate later (on its use and how it would interact with other abilities) I'm all ears. Right now I can't see it, but it is interesting.


I picture her main representation of her abilities as energy running through her wires/helmet and arms/maybe other parts of her suit.


The reason I think it'd work better as a summon (object but represented as a creature) is because it ties into neural networks again, and gives an interesting twist to the puppeteering skill if I go with it. Giant, hovering jellyfish made up of neurons that is unseen by hostiles. That


Either way, what I need is a good minute this weekend to rework her. 


On Sentient Primes, tackling it from a writing angle, I think it'd be fun to see where the panel in the codex entry goes (always did) in search of answers about the sergeant. Could lead to evidence of other Sentient 'frames, but that's a whole other set of challenges.

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Summon the Nerf Hammer...Neuron's about to get a lot more awesome.


After the public debate here between Krion and myself, Neuron's finally ditched her NSC and is free to lay waste to organic and mechanical enemies alike. Rejoice!


Upcoming Update Notes: This means everything below is on Office on my HDD, but not in this thread yet. This is just a notice.


All of Neuron's abilities now affect both organic and non-organic enemies.


Ability Updates

-Hear No Evil, See No Evil (#1) renamed Signal Block. The mechanics of the ability remain unchanged.

-Hard Reset (#2) changed to Network. This is a brand new ability. (Thanks Krion, I've made changes, hope you'll like them)

-Serenity (#3) now affects machines and electronics via Neuron's old #2, Hard Reset (all machines are shut down, forced to restart)

-Serenity's Hard Reset notes on automatic backup power have been removed. Only the Spy Mission backup power note remains.

-Critical Condition (#4) renamed Projection and drastically altered (additions), though the ability's original functions remain intact. 

-As stated above, Projection (#4) still causes Critical Condition in organics, but now also causes Critical Failure in machines.


Augment Updates and New Passive (Neuron had 5 augments. I planned to hold a vote, but I've fixed that.)

-Kill Switch (Augment to Hard Reset, her old #2) has been removed. Kill Switch's effects have been added to Projection (#4) as Critical Failure.

-Tranquility (Serenity Augment) has been removed. It's now a new Passive, Medic.

-Medic (2nd passive): allies’ health or energy levels drop to 5% of their total, Neuron boosts them back to 30% of their total. No cost to Neuron and is a self-buff unless Gambler Sequence Augment is equipped. 

-The other three Augments remain (What Tenno? | Adrenaline | Gambler Sequence).

-Gambler Sequence (Serenity Augment) has been updated to give Neuron unique bonuses in different missions at the cost of 60% of her health upon each cast of Serenity.


I'm open to suggestions on how Gambler Sequence can affect each and every single game mode. Yeah. I'm serious.


I have one more Augment in mind (in order to make the most of the debate with Krion, but I don't know whether to make it an augment or an ability yet).


All the updates above will be added to the front page and the Scribd document soon. Krion112's artwork as well as some additional artwork I'll be making for the first page are also all underway.

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Summon the Nerf Hammer...Neuron's about to get a lot more awesome.
After the public debate here between Krion and myself, Neuron's finally ditched her NSC and is free to lay waste to organic and mechanical enemies alike. Rejoice!
Upcoming Update Notes: This means everything below is on Office on my HDD, but not in this thread yet. This is just a notice.
All of Neuron's abilities now affect both organic and non-organic enemies.
Ability Updates
-Hear No Evil, See No Evil (#1) renamed Signal Block. The mechanics of the ability remain unchanged.
-Hard Reset (#2) changed to Network. This is a brand new ability. (Thanks Krion, I've made changes, hope you'll like them)
-Serenity (#3) now affects machines and electronics via Neuron's old #2, Hard Reset (all machines are shut down, forced to restart)
-Serenity's Hard Reset notes on automatic backup power have been removed. Only the Spy Mission backup power note remains.
-Critical Condition (#4) renamed Projection and drastically altered (additions), though the ability's original functions remain intact. 
-As stated above, Projection (#4) still causes Critical Condition in organics, but now also causes Critical Failure in machines.
Augment Updates and New Passive (Neuron had 5 augments. I planned to hold a vote, but I've fixed that.)
-Kill Switch (Augment to Hard Reset, her old #2) has been removed. Kill Switch's effects have been added to Projection (#4) as Critical Failure.
-Tranquility (Serenity Augment) has been removed. It's now a new Passive, Medic.
-Medic (2nd passive): allies’ health or energy levels drop to 5% of their total, Neuron boosts them back to 30% of their total. No cost to Neuron and is a self-buff unless Gambler Sequence Augment is equipped. 
-The other three Augments remain (What Tenno? | Adrenaline | Gambler Sequence).
-Gambler Sequence (Serenity Augment) has been updated to give Neuron unique bonuses in different missions at the cost of 60% of her health upon each cast of Serenity.
I'm open to suggestions on how Gambler Sequence can affect each and every single game mode. Yeah. I'm serious.
I have one more Augment in mind (in order to make the most of the debate with Krion, but I don't know whether to make it an augment or an ability yet).
All the updates above will be added to the front page and the Scribd document soon. Krion112's artwork as well as some additional artwork I'll be making for the first page are also all underway.



These updates have now been applied to the first post and the Scribd document. 


All the old concept art has been removed from the first post pending Krion's work, but also because I need space for the splash page once its completed.


You can find my old Neuron sketches in the Scribd document.


Do read the first post to get a better overall sense of her newly refined abilities. Keep in mind that Network is still a bit rough. Krion will have some thoughts on how to fix it later, then I'll apply them if we work it out. (That ability was his idea after all.)




Thanks for the comment! I'd appreciate the upvote if you're feeling so inclined.

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Network, formerly Hard Reset, has seen significant changes in discussions Krion112 and I have had. 


Expect the updated ability sooner or later, but personally, I think Krion's ideas have made it a definitive Neuron ability. 


Mostly all I did was keep saying I wasn't happy with it, and pressing for something...more (as in a unique practical application). I think Krion arrived at "more", and then some. 


Hope you all will like it as much as I do.

Edited by Rhekemi
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