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Who Needs A Rework?


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I was thinking about this on the way home from work tonight. here's my 2p:

Zephyr needs one ASAP. Parkour 2.0 was no kind to her. Sure with her 1 you can cover a lot of ground horizontally but why not jsut bullet jump again? It doesn't cost energy. Sure you can get some altitude as well but only the Ceres defense/intercept map has a high limit that isn't an invisible ceiling or force-respawn "out of bounds". Dive bomb has never worked well. Turbulence is fine and her 4 just needs some polish. What I had in mind was dive bomb get buffed and have some sort of high status and make it her 1. Then turbulence as 2, followed by a lower AoE or single twister for 3. Then her 4 just channels flight.

Equinoxs night side(I do love 'Nox, concept is 10/10); Mend is not good under the best circumstances. It's a harder to use and less effect bless. Perhaps have have it as a pool that frames regen from very quickly? An active additional health pool for the team. Bless is still better, but at least it's different and worth keeping up. Pacify is fine. Rest and Rage are useless on endless. I like the idea, but no one mob that is vulnerable to single target CC can't be downed by a good weapon. Perhaps having a small AoE and tweaking them. Rest is fine then, but rage is the most lacklsutre damage buff out there. Every single damage buff frame does it significantly better. Perhaps have it add confusion too? Like an uncontrollable rage. Not just slight damage and speed buff.

Hydroid. Needs some more technical buffs or a total rework. He's cool, but his abilities are inferior water-flavors of other powers.

Banshees Silence. Just add decreased enemy accuracy and it would be perfect.

Oberon needs a revamp. He's all over the place. I've seen a lot of great suggestions on this board already.

Limbo is too much of a one-trick pony. His concept is cool, just too much of him is dedicated to going in/out of the void. Maybe jazzing up how it's done would work. Like have banish be similar to sonic boom, but instead its like he's tearing a small rift and putting enemies in side it with some mild CC and some damage and not just "I choose you!". Same with him going in and out, add a small AoE as he rips through the dimensions.

That's all I thought of in the car ride.

Also it wont let me break for paragraphs

Edited by Nusquam_Ubiquitous
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I've said it before, I'll say it again, and I'll say it a thousand times after that: Nyx's Psychic Bolts need to go. Absorb and Mind Control are very weak abilities that I use very infrequently, and I only ever use Psychic Bolts to demonstrate how useless they are.



Edited by Meatuchu
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Zephyr needs one ASAP. Parkour 2.0 was no kind to her. Sure with her 1 you can cover a lot of ground horizontally but why not jsut bullet jump again? It doesn't cost energy. Sure you can get some altitude as well but only the Ceres defense/intercept map has a high limit that isn't an invisible ceiling or force-respawn "out of bounds". Dive bomb has never worked well. Turbulence is fine and her 4 just needs some polish. What I had in mind was dive bomb get buffed and have some sort of high status and make it her 1. Then turbulence as 2, followed by a lower AoE or single twister for 3. Then her 4 just channels flight.


Since parkour 2.0 is far slower than coptering, Tail Wind's horizontal mobility was actually buffed compared to all other frames, although there's really no reason for the vertical launch to exist anymore. A skilled Zephyr with an effective build can easily cover many times the distance of any other frame in the same amount of time for a miniscule energy cost. I would say Tail Wind is one of the most skill-based abilities in the entire game, requiring build knowledge, mechanic knowledge, and timing to be used effectively, and has the potential to massively screw you over if you mess up. You can compare it to rocket jumping in many ways. All I would do to Tail Wind is remove the ground launch, since there's literally no reason for it to exist anymore (and maybe merge it with Dive Bomb.)


It's become very apparent to me that the vast majority of Zephyr's issues that you see on the forums are created by people that have barely used the frame, and the problems can be overcome with a little skill and experience. 90% of Zephyr's real issues right now just come from bugs.


I sent the following message as a PM to DERebecca a few weeks ago:


First of all as to why I'm sending you a PM about this and not creating a thread in the bug reporting section, I created a "Grand compilation of Zephyr bugs" thread in the bug reporting section several months ago, and the only bug that was fixed was the one I sent you a PM about. That thread is horribly out of date now, so I wouldn't recommend using it as an official Zephyr bug list, but most of the bugs listed there are still in the game. Creating topics in the bug reporting section has no effect unless enough people all create bug reports on the same bug, and not nearly enough people play Zephyr enough to reach that threshold. Therefore, if Zephyr is to ever have her bugs fixed, I must contact you directly. There is no other option that will result in these bugs being fixed.


So now, here is every single Zephyr bug that I am currently aware of.


Bug 1: Zephyr loses her lower gravity and air control after repeatedly using Tail Wind or doing an extended sequence of parkour 2.0 moves.

This bug has affected Tail Wind for an extremely long time, but with the addition of parkour 2.0, it's worse than ever. After only a few moments in the air, Zephyr plummets in a way that's more akin to a rock than a bird.


Bug 2: Zephyr's air control does not work while aim gliding.

This bug ties into the one above, and also severely limits Zephyr's airborne potential. Zephyr's lower gravity stacks with aim gliding, so why doesn't her air control work with it as well?


Bug 3: Tail Wind has a cooldown.

The title says it all, really. When I try to use Tail wind again in the air after using Tail Wind, I get a "power in use" message, even though I've already stopped moving. I have to wait at least a few seconds before I can use Tail Wind in the air again, and since Zephyr loses her passives after using Tail Wind repeatedly, I almost always end up hitting the ground first. This cripples Zephyr's ability to actually be a flying warframe, since she basically has to touch the ground before she can use her main mobility skill again. Didn't DE say that they would never implement cooldowns?


Bug 4: Zephyr will vault onto obstacles that she side swipes while Tail Winding.

If you hit the top of an obstacle while Tail Wind is active, you will continue flying for a short distance, before being literally teleported backwards and vaulting onto the obstacle you grazed. This will completely neutralize all forward progress you made, wasting your energy, massively disorienting you, and putting you far behind your rushing teammates.


Bug 5: The camera massively zooms out for no reason when using Tail Wind; Tail Wind potentially stealth nerfed.

This issue isn't exclusive to Zephyr, but it certainly damages her more than any other frame. I've already contacted you about it, so here is the link describing why it's so harmful to Zephyr: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?app=members&module=messaging&section=view&do=showConversation&topicID=122839 Links to PMs don't work in forum posts


And here are the screenshots:

FoV with no movement:



FoV at full Tail Wind speed:



The FoV change also isn't instant, and it takes a short amount of time for the camera to fully zoom out.


FoV immediately after Tail Wind begins:



Bug 4: Dive Bomb won't knock down enemies that are crouching behind cover.

This has happened to me many, many times when trying to clear out a tight cluster of enemies. I'll Tail Wind at them and Dive Bomb just before I hit the ground to knock them all over... and have nothing happen because they were all crouching behind cover.


Bug 6: Turbulence improperly deflects Bombards' rockets.

I apologize for not being able to provide screenshots of this happening. what appears to happen is that when a Bombard's rocket hits Turbulence's inner radius, it is redirected away from Zephyr, but the homing effect still remains. The rocket will immediately make a 180-degree turn and hit you directly every single time, unless you move or a piece of terrain gets in the way.


Bug 7: Tornado's elemental damage type cannot be changed off of Corrosive.

Damage dealt to Zephyr's tornadoes will change the elemental damage type of those tornadoes. However, once a teammate changes the damage type to Corrosive, the damage type cannot be changed again. This is incredibly infuriating when I'm trying to use the Viral status effect to reduce the max health of a swarm of infested, but a teammate thinks it would be better to remove their nonexistent armor instead. 


Bug 8: Tornado's energy color cannot be changed.

The way Tornado should look is that its exterior should be colored based on the tornadoes' elemental damage type, and the very center of the tornadoes should take your energy color. This is not what happens. The center of the tornadoes is always light blue, Zephyr's default energy color, no matter what you change your energy color to.


Here's the screenshot:



As you can see, Turbulence takes my orange energy color, as it should. However, the tornado's center remains light blue. Loki experienced a similar problem where his Invisibility would always make him appear yellow, regardless of his energy color, and that bug was fixed immediately. Zephyr was not as lucky, for some reason. In the patch notes where it said that Loki's bug was fixed, it also said that energy colors for all warframes were now working correctly. Apparently Zephyr doesn't count.


Bug 9: Zephyr has ugly white "seams" all over her where the color sections intersect.

I've already created a thread about this as well, which you can find here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/474659-why-are-there-ugly-white-seams-all-over-my-warframe-this-makes-dark-color-setups-look-hideous/


Since the seams are all white, it's really only noticeable with dark color schemes. These seams make these dark color schemes look messy and hideous. It's especially bad with her default helmet.



In these pictures, every part of Zephyr except the wings and the solid white bits should be a pure, uniform black.







These pictures don't really do justice to how horrible it looks when using a dark color scheme. It's far worse when viewed at an angle, which I couldn't really achieve here.
And last, but... well, also least, bug 10: The new cape syandanas don't attach to Zephyr correctly.
When the new capes are used with Zephyr, they appear to float a short ways behind her, awkwardly attached only by a protruding rod.


This has been every Zephyr bug that I am currently ware of. I will be adding more bugs to this list as I become aware of them. I'm doing what gives them the best chances of them being fixed, since no other way could possibly change anything.
Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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I've played Zephyr a lot. But Tailwind is just another Super Jump. Excal lost it for more relevant powers. Zephyr doesn't need another linear buff. She isn't Volt or Loki that are speedy frames. She's supposed to be lofty, airborne, and strike from above. There are only a handful of situatiosn where you want to cover ground quickly, Loki/Volt carrying bomb in a raid, Void timed puzzles. All of which Tailwind isn't need for. It was great pre parkour 2.0, but now it's redundant. I fully expect it to get dropped/replaced liek Super Jump or heavily reworked. My only concern is when.

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Ember had a rework - Oberon needs nothing at all - Hydroid I'd agree with you.

As for the rest of this sadly misguided thread - Nyx needs one power looking at - that's it. Same for Mag. One power addressed does not constitute a "rework".

Ash is fine too - don't hate on him because the USERS can't think beyond Blade Storm. Comparing him to Saryn is a bit of a stretch - since Contagion is useless and Venom is ... of questionable synergy. Ash's powers all synergize well by comparison.

Either way - enough with the rework nonsense people - some frames need tweaks admittedly but there's bigger, more important issues on Warframe's table right now. There's this crazy assumption that every single frame must be meta worthy - THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE.

Meta has always meant - easiest to use - that's all. There's nothing better about those choices most of the time - they're just brain-leakingly easy to pull off. There's nothing wrong with some frame or team comps taking a little more effort or skill to pull off the same results as a metasquad. If every frame was reworked to be interchangeable with some of meta comps we have - Id die of boredom.

I hadn't played Ember prior to her "rework", but having spent a little time with her after it I feel she's underwhelming. Compared to what they did with Excal and Frost I'd say she missed the mark. Tho in DE's defense she was done well before these two, so I can only hope(and expect)that all upcoming frame updates and reworks compare. That said Ember feels underdone to me. What feels particularly off is her ult having a duration and channeling cost. Not to mention cast cost. Its all over the place. Her fire blast also strikes me as being rather odd. The knock-back is rather handy, but the ring of fire it leaves behind not being a solid patch of fire makes no sense to me. I've seen enemies stand inside the ring and avoid all damage. I mean what exactly is the point of it not being a solid patch of flame? Also feels like it has a somewhat similar purpose to accelerate. Feels redundant, and a crappy semi defensive aoe on what seems like an offensive frame seems really out of place to me. This is just what seems bizarre to me upfront. I've no doubt actual Ember players could tell me what her actual issues are, but the impression that I get is that DE didn't really know what to do with her. She feels outdated and without direction.


I've played my fair share of Oberon, and while I dont think he's in dire need he could certainly use some updates. His Heal draining energy while it travels is just flat out pointless, and actually discourages you from using it if allies are far away. His hallowed ground is also kinda strange. I like the set it and forget it kinda implementation, but I'm not sure having it be a longish rectangle is the way to go. Something more circular would probably be more useful. The buffs it provides while nice are kinda underdone. The armor buff is a bit weak, but the knock-back resistance is really nice. Tho I feel it could use a slowing effect on enemies who stand on it. Since unless you toss it down onto yourself they aren't really on it long enough to suffer any damage. It would also become loads more useful if allies who stepped on it were allowed to carry the buffs with them after leaving for a short duration. As it stands right now I only use it for myself if I'm melee or enemies are piling on top of me. As a frame who's meant to be a support I'd like some more incentive to go out of my way to help allies with it. Rather than rarely using it at all. Perhaps reworking it to be an aura that sticks to Oberon would work as well. Tho I'm not fond of that idea.


I agree with you mostly about Ash. Overall he's in a pretty good place. Maybe a tweak here or there, and I think anyone can at least agree that Bladestorm needs visual updates. However I dont think blaming the users for how a frame is perceived makes any sense. Is Nekros with his Desecrate in any less of a bad design hell because players tend to use him as a loot bot and not a minion spawning badass, or is that the fault of DE? With this example I think the answers pretty obvious, but with Ash its less clear and certainly less extreme. His abilities all make sense and work reasonably well together, but his 1st power is kinda underdone and worthless at high lvl, his teleport isn't very user friendly, his smoke must be used on the ground, and his ult is an afk godmode that cannot be canceled, and frankly is just barely fun to watch. To say he isn't a bit outdated and in need of some tweaks doesn't add up to me.


I think perhaps the word rework carries a bit more weight than its meant to, and tends to have rather large implications beyond just qol improvements, but it is what DE calls what they've done with Excal and Frost, and those frames have never been better. What I'd expect from them if they were released today. Some frames do need reworks on a larger level. Ability replacements and such, but others just need frost lvl adjustments. He's the same frame, but modernized and improved. Every frame frankly needs this. Asking for people to not request these updates seems like the very definition of counter-productive to me. Warframe does have huge issues that need to be addressed, but frankly I'd argue that none of those are more important than well designed playable characters, so implying that frame reworks arent as important as anything else strikes me as rather comical.


To the few who actually read this post I thank you.

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I've played Zephyr a lot. But Tailwind is just another Super Jump. Excal lost it for more relevant powers.


Super Jump was useless because it only increased Excalibur's vertical mobility, and melee air attacks increased your vertical mobility just as much. Horizontal mobility is far more useful than vertical mobility, due to Warframe's enclosed tilesets.


Zephyr doesn't need another linear buff.


"Zephyr doesn't need a completely redundant feature removed for easier use."


Removing Tail Wind's ground launch would be far more of a QoL fix than a buff.


She isn't Volt or Loki that are speedy frames.


I'm not capable of comprehending how someone could have more than 30 minutes of Zephyr playtime and think this.


She's supposed to be lofty, airborne, and strike from above.


Ah, so this is what you were referring to when you made that massively incorrect statement in the previous quote. Perhaps this was the way it was in some ancient, pre-agricultural era design document, but Warframe's low tilesets make Zephyr far more useful for horizontal speed. It's completely reasonable to want to open up the tilesets so Zephyr can fill more of an aerial assault role, and I could totally support doing so, as long as it didn't come at the expense of horizontal mobility, which is really the only thing Zephyr does better than anyone else. You are mostly correct here.


There are only a handful of situatiosn where you want to cover ground quickly, Loki/Volt carrying bomb in a raid, Void timed puzzles.


It's never not advantageous to have high mobility. As long as you can maintain your precision of movement (which takes some skill with Zephyr), having higher mobility will always be an advantage. I will admit that in Warframe, mobility is less important than something like CC, and that could be made into a valid argument to support a change, but then you contradict yourself by saying:


It was great pre parkour 2.0, but now it's redundant.


How could it have been useful pre-parkour 2.0 if mobility is near useless anyways? This statement is incompatible with your previous one. That doesn't even consider the fact that before parkour 2.0, Zephyr wasn't as fast compared to other frames as she is now. I've already explained to you why the removal of coptering brought this about.


I can support doing things like opening up tilesets and making Zephyr more able to fill the role that she was intended for, but many people seem to grossly misunderstand much of what Zephyr currently is. Before we start talking about reworks, we have to actually know what we're working with in the first place.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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Splitting hairs without taking into context I see.


A. Horizontal mobility is nice, but when you already have bullet jump that costs zero energy and can have mods for it, IE Lightning Dash, why spend energy on it? There is no place except that one giant corpus defense/interception mission where you cannot clear a space by bulelt jump+double jump+aim glide.

B. You missed the entire point. See above.


C. Ad hominem. That comment was in reference to another that stated using tailwind to cover distance quickly(IE speed).


D. Zephyr, the frame that has powers to get airborne, has air based powers, slower decent etc?


E. It's not a contradiction because it's referring to different instances of mobility. The first one being speed, and the second being vertical distance.


F. Because pre parkour 2.0 there wasn't Bullet Jump(vertical distance in this context see above). Which means Zephyr and Excal had an edge in covering certain distances.


Listen if you're just going to turn hostile because someones vision or Zephyr isn't yours don't bring down the discussion. You can agree to disagree, you don't have to fire off negativity. This isn't one of the various chans.

Edited by Nusquam_Ubiquitous
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Hydroid is fine. His abilities do synergize, 2nd and Tentale swarm is a go to against infested ancients . While #1 and #3 is more of a backup in teamplay. Play the godddamn game without gimping something to max ffs. 150% effi, high duration are req, then choose between even higher duration and lower range or medium 145% range . Why telling so much? He is just a frame with useful abilities. not the abilities that do all the work like Mesa.....

I love you. I use Hydroid a lot and he seems pretty good. And I like his abilities. I wish he had a way to get rid of procs with out an extra mod and maybe a innate bonus to block (he did have high stamina). But no real changes. Just a little innate buff that they all will get some different form of.
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Didn't read through every post but Ember in my opinion needs help. Her first ability pretty mediocre. Accelerant and fire blast are decent but her fourth is god awful now with how it works. World on fire needs to either be a toggle like nyxs bubble or just duration based but not both like it is now.

No other ability is both a toggle and based off of duration, it makes no sense. At least saryn has a good spam 4th and an augment that molt worthwhile. And valkyr to me is all around fairly decent except for troll line. With ember, only accelerant is worth using. Fire blast with the augment is alright though.

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Mirage's Prism.


Mirage's Prism has 8 lasers, wider (range 30m), synergizes with mirage's skills on duration, is radiation based, 15secs and has an explosion that blinds after deactivates.

Ember WoF has 5 pillars,  15m range, screws up with her other skills, heat base damage, 10secs and does nothing else

and lets try not to compare ember with mirage cuz mirage also has HoM and Eclipse while ember only has Accelerant.

Is it really hard to just remove either Channeling or Duration? Is it really hard to just make Fireblast a whole patch of fire instead of just a ring? Is it really hard to just turn Fireball into something like a Ignis with firestorm like explosion?

Cough cough* Overheat Cough cough*

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uuuuh... no.

That's called valkyr, not rhino.

You can't make him "immortal" for X seconds, that's already valkyr's job.


Just FYI for the neophytes, Iron Skin was immortality before Valkyr was even an idea...


So no, it isn't Valkyr's "job"...it's her crutch.  Immortality has been nerfed out of existence with the exception of valk (incase you forget, Blessing used to grant it too).  I'm hoping their incoming changes will get rid of Hysteria's invuln crutch as well.

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Zephyr needs to have tailwind and divebomb combined and tailwind, along with rhino charge and tidal surge should be steerable and not just a dash across the screen. All warframes should hav power interactions with other abilities especially there own. Say with rhino we can stack iron skin up to 2 times and it will increase the damage of the charge or say roar lets u do a 3rd iron skin while it is active to further increase ur next rhino ability or lets say while frost is in snow globe all of his abilities cost less and when certain warframe are together there powers can combine to increase damage for others Example beingthe combo of Volt and hydroid increaseing electric damage on enemies with volts abilities.

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Zephyr needs to have tailwind and divebomb combined and tailwind, along with rhino charge and tidal surge should be steerable and not just a dash across the screen. All warframes should hav power interactions with other abilities especially there own. Say with rhino we can stack iron skin up to 2 times and it will increase the damage of the charge or say roar lets u do a 3rd iron skin while it is active to further increase ur next rhino ability or lets say while frost is in snow globe all of his abilities cost less and when certain warframe are together there powers can combine to increase damage for others Example beingthe combo of Volt and hydroid increaseing electric damage on enemies with volts abilities.


Sounds cool, what if having an Ash specter out when casting Bladestorm you gain an Extra clone for Bladestorm?


In other words specter joins Bladestorm. Only one specter of each frame can be summoned soo dont worry it wont allow more then this one clone in Bladestorm

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Sounds cool, what if having an Ash specter out when casting Bladestorm you gain an Extra clone for Bladestorm?

In other words specter joins Bladestorm. Only one specter of each frame can be summoned soo dont worry it wont allow more then this one clone in Bladestorm

I had a really big plan for ash cause to me all of his powers are very good except for bladestorms animation and that aiming thing with teleport. bladestorm would be something completely different and be a duration kind of power where u freely run around with a clone or 2 inflicting finisher damage on any u attack. While in this state the combo multiplier does not restart and all of his powers get buffed and cost a little less. He throws 4 shurikens instead of 2. When smokescreen activates they will start to choke and will b open for finishers instead of stunning them and while invisible he does not 3x damage instead of 2x (or however the invisibility damage thing works its stronger while in this state). Teleport will auto attempt to kill a single target one time (no repeating on the same target or going to others and attempting) and cause the clones to do it to nearby enemy in a similar fashion to bladestorm now but shorter. Id also have shuriken, while stationary, have it spammable and he throws them by chucking them off one hand.(i dnt know how to word this maybe like how u would throw cards at someone) Edited by (PS4)marcellusg90
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I had a really big plan for ash cause to me all of his powers are very good except for bladestorms animation and that aiming thing with teleport. bladestorm would be something completely different and be a duration kind of power where u freely run around with a clone or 2 inflicting finisher damage on any u attack. While in this state the combo multiplier does not restart and all of his powers get buffed and cost a little less. He throws 4 shurikens instead of 2. When smokescreen activates they will start to choke and will b open for finishers instead of stunning them and while invisible he does not 3x damage instead of 2x (or however the invisibility damage thing works its stronger while in this state). Teleport will auto attempt to kill a single target one time (no repeating on the same target or going to others and attempting) and cause the clones to do it to nearby enemy in a similar fashion to bladestorm now but shorter. Id also have shuriken, while stationary, have it spammable and he throws them by chucking them off one hand.(i dnt know how to word this maybe like how u would throw cards at someone)


I got word today that Ash got a passive implemented but not 100% sure its true although I have tried it out and I will say I think it is true but Bladestorm/Teleports Finishers are affected by FURY/BERSERKER. I have realized his attack speeds increased significantly, I made a thread about this its not a Rework i am just asking the community and also informing those who might not know but i am looking for someone to post a link confirming this info to be in fact True. 


If anyone knows this to be true please post a Link or paste on my thread I feel this is a Passive implementation not a buff or rework and it is what He infacted needed besides the fact Bladestorm can use Better animations this is a Good start for Ash.





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