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Short Writing: Tenno Origins


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In preface:

I'm rushing this story because it might be the last chance I'll have before it's completely denied as anywhere near canon in the next update.  It's a story explaining the interpretation of the question "What is a Tenno" (in regard to the human/energy thing) that I shared with the first friend I found in Warframe, whom no longer plays, whether due to health or moving on.  I realize that already, most of this breaks canon of parts of the codex that I just haven't read yet, but it's about the last time I can share this interpretation without it being wrong, as we'll probably find out in a few weeks.  I hesitate to call this fanfiction, though that's what it is, as it's not in that spirit.


Anyways, here it is:

Kaila, an assistant of the gravitational technology research tower stood at the terminal, her thoughts on the fear of her Orokin superiors.  They are the ruling class of psychics that would be considered a shadow government for how aloof and reserved they are, if they didn't make their presence and will as clear as it is.


The project was close to completion, but lacking a vital calculation that none could figure out.  It was Kaila's task to complete the calculation, running only on the fear of the psychics, if she failed.  The portal stood open and charged, but with no pocket space formed behind it, nor destination beyond.  The Orokin demand success where there is none to be had.


Kaila looked to the janitor with no name.  To be a grineer, without the ability to think complex enough thoughts to feel fear.  She felt envy, turning back to the giant obelisk of physical nothing within arm's reach.  Whether urged by voices from the void as she thought, or pushed by the Orokin psychics, she never knew, but she stepped through the portal.


What came back was flesh changed, a pile of it reminiscent of Kaila.  This new being lacked in bones, like some horned aquatic lifeform, maybe a jellyfish, or a squid, or some fleshy coral, barely heavier than a child.  It boasted powerful pseudo-limbs, but uncoordinated with no skeletal system.  Manifesting powers of the orokin psychics with no control over domain or focus as the normal psychic.  A frame was built around this being, in humanoid form, and it learned to communicate again, with surprising coordination and psychic powers honed to rival those of the orokin psychics.  It was the human named Kaila, as they'd thought - or once was, whether or not it remained human is only a matter of semantics, whether the truest definition in the body and genes, or in the mind and soul.  She often found herself with three thoughts she couldn't identify the source of, about a mother figure, about the name of Nyx, and that the time when she need fear the Orokin was soon to end.

Edited by Arkinvas
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