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A Tenno Looking For Fun In All The Wrong Places


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I'm sure many of you have hit that wall at some point, 'What do I do next?' It's a question that DE continues to struggle to fill the void of our next purpose to grind in Warframe. A new weapon here, an occasional rewarded alert there, these are shiny little boons that we are afforded to keep us invested in the game, a reason to our incessant farming of nanospores, rubedo, and nuerodes. As we grow in Mastery Rank, funneling through the vast collection of weapons afforded to us to use, we find ones we think are fun, so keep in hopes they will eventually be of use. Often enough, however, they gather dust, as the need for a DPS machine outweighs the want for a curious gun. This isn't a flawed system in the least; for greater rewards, we require greater weapons and stronger powers. At some point, we reach a peak of how lethal we can become, through mods and weapons. 

DE and staff have built a great game, one that, even in beta, is still capturing out imaginations and creativity, allowing us to play as Space Ninjas in space, from space, with space powers! in a style that, really no other game follows. In what other game are we allowed to shoot poison clouds, rip people in half with arrows, banish others to another dimension, and use a dubstep frame wield grenade launchers? However, with as much fun as can be had with WarFrame, the construction of the mission system keeps use pushing further and farther ahead, into new missions, new difficulties, and new rewards. However, eventually, even the most diehard of players will want to sit back and have fun with the system that is the core of warframe's game play. But because the only missions available are those intended to push us further, we still eventually are brought back into the never ending grind onward. So, what if there wasn't a reward to push towards, and the challenge never increased? 

Here is my suggestion, my reason for posting. The recommendation of more freeform missions. Now, the gameplay is what makes it fun to keep coming back to WarFrame, and the addition of loot is a nice incentive to do as many missions as possible. However, as we fight hard for our vaunted and powerful weapons, we eventually reach a point were we want to go back and enjoy what we've built. Rather than build a Latron that can proc viral to help deal with higher lvl enemies we'll face in a survival, we can grab a Jat Kittag with no particular build and ragdoll as many enemies as we want. We can try corralling as many enemies as we can to try creating a corpslosion with the tonkor. Not only would this be a way for older players to kick back and have fun, maybe resting from void fatigue, but it could also be a way for newer players to enjoy the game at a slow pace while the wait for new weapons to foundry. This, in turn, creates a drive in the newer players to see what they can experience at high levels. 

I think that missions without a set goal, were fun is the payoff instead of a corrupted mod, a prime part, or that last competent for a new sidearm could be as vital to keeping Warframe afloat in the long term, to keep long time players from burning out and new players able to see what they can reach later on, as the need for higher tiers of difficulty. 

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