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Slaughtering Depths [Ic - Invite Only 18+]


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A Corpus gunship, only kilometres above in Europa's atmosphere, flew overhead in the same direction they were travelling. In the same instant, a transmission came across the communication frequency to be used for this mission - "Proceed ahead. I will join you when you reach the target location. In the meantime, ACRA-5 will provide overwatch until you are out of its range."

(we're on pluto btw ^-^)

"Copy, we will proceed" Zax replied. "Alright, just got word that an ACRA-5 will be providing overwatch for us until we are out of range. Lets get moving" Zax said. He readied and the group began to head towards the lab's direction. The snow was dense but the lab was only a few kilometres away from the rendezvous point, Zax checked through the evidence through his HUD hoping to find something else that would help in their mission.

The sentinel of Ice circled around the area providing surveillance. It suddenly flew back to Zax at break-neck speeds. As he read the information given by the sentinel, he got even more wary. Enemies had been spotted nearby the lab. "Get ready for combat there are enemies at the lab" said Zax.

[Encounter roll - 5 / 20] - 3 LvL 4 Enemies


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"Lets damn do this..." He'd draw his glaxion and ready his hyena for attack"

'This marks it for these tenno, they live, We have a good bunch on our hands... They die... We are done for.' He'd mutter to himself

Edited by superapple22
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A green white liset soared like a ghost above pluto, the operator an excalibur "Alright what fun do I have planned for today" recieving the lotus's message he pinged the corpus gunship for info "hmm they recieved the same message." "ARCA-5 come in ARCA-5 do you copy?"

Edited by (XB1)BusinessMan762
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James and Jessie nodded and quickly followed Zax, James taking control of the Frame with his Day form, Raising his Attica as they made towards the laboratory, being cautious and careful to the enemies they'd approach as they made their way in.


Jessie quickly asked over the comms "So, what kind of forces are we expecting in terms of size or faction?" she directed the question towards Zax, unsure of what her expectations may prove or disprove.

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"We don't know." Temya interjects, answering Jessie's question. "That's why we're here. All we know is that it leaves claw marks. Could be Kubrow, could be infested, could be some crazy taypatp with a Venka. Just be ready." She keeps her finger near the trigger of her Lanka as they round the next few bends toward the enemy. She didn't need to pre-charge, this model was modded for ideal charge-up speed, and so could fire quickly if she needed it to. She just hoped it was something with a tough shell - her rounds were modified with corrosive particles.

Edited by Stigmergy
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Zax checked the coordinates on his HUD, the group was only 1.2 km away."According to the information i gathered, the 'Enemies" aren't Corpus, Grineer or Tenno it might just be infested, but why would there be infested on Pluto? However, i don't think the culprit of the slaughter would stay around that long." Said Zax

Zax radioed the gunship, "Can you examine the enemies at the lab? We need as much information as possible." He gestured to the sentinel of ice to vapourize for the time being so that it would be able to form anywhere in sight.

Spoiler warning don't click if you want to find out yourself


The ancients scavenged through the corpses acting as if they were possessed by some greater force. Both of them bore markings that resembled a Lotus symbol but was obviously different, their arms were cut shorter than usual and replaced with a mechanical claw.


Edited by E.M.P-DeathLegacy
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"You're cleared for landing, Tenno," came the reply to Kenshi as ACRA hovered over the top of the lab and began a quick X-Ray scan, weapons ready.

"...That's strange. The body form resembles Infested Lorists - Ancients - but they've been modified with mechanical parts. This facility wasn't studying this, as far as I know... it matters nothing. Stand clear." An audible whirr came from the ship's systems as it fired an Opticor beam through the lab ceiling meant to break it apart, followed by two streams of burning plasma into the opened-up room.

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Jessie butted into Temya's sentence saying "we heard it got worse with this mutualist strain of technocyte, The infested got stronger." James added with a question as they waited for the gunship to clear out the mess. "Who's Alad V by the way? We didn't get a good idea of who our current list of most hated people are."

It seems the twins had been asleep for a long time.

Edited by Drakeardian
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Brando would stop for a second, and look at the tenno advancing, He makes sure they are all past him before he opens a pouch on his arm and takes out a freeze-dried bitesize cube of cheesecake, then closes the pouch, eats the cube and places his hand on the Hyena's head, it looks up and makes a strange sound, almost glitching.


"Better add that to the report..." He'd say as he removes the hand and jogs back up to the tenno.

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*Sorry for the late post, I was busy with work.


One more had arrived. He appeared to be a Rhino Prime, but so short? Why was his build so different from the others? He looked around at the fellow Corpus and Tenno. Before finally speaking, he nodded respectfully towards everyone. 


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*Sorry for the late post, I was busy with work.


One more had arrived. He appeared to be a Rhino Prime, but so short? Why was his build so different from the others? He looked around at the fellow Corpus and Tenno. Before finally speaking, he nodded respectfully towards everyone. 


"Greetings, I'm Zax." said Zax. The group now had a few more members. Now they were only 600 meters away from the Labs, mechanical Ancients? That was the odd thing about this, could the culprit have mass produced those 'things'? If yes then he could very well have strapped on a pair of venka claws onto a pack of crawlers.

"Guys, i think we might be on to something. Whatever those Ancients are, their more of them. The person or persons creating them could have strapped on a pair of Venka claws to some kind of infested and have them do the dirty work. That narrows down the list of people who could be responsible for this. Now the most supiscous would be Alad V..." Zax muttered. He looked at the group waiting for a response, his theory was highly plausible in more ways than one.

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"It would seem possible for for it to be... Alad V... We don't like speaking of that Fool, Seriously, I know we like profit and usually hate you guys, But taking you hostage and cutting you up for money? i was never for that life..." He'd add into the conversation the pair was having, and looked at the frost prime, admiring the golden pieces he adorns "So.. How is it you Tenno get those golden parts? i have only seen a few with them things."

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The corpus woman shakes her head at Zax, "Infested could just grow claws if they really needed. You're overcomplicating this theory." Temya explains, "And this already seems too subtle for Alad V. He's an intellectual, can't wait to gloat to everyone about his next big discovery. But we've received no transmissions of any kind yet."

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The corpus woman shakes her head at Zax, "Infested could just grow claws if they really needed. You're overcomplicating this theory." Temya explains, "And this already seems too subtle for Alad V. He's an intellectual, can't wait to gloat to everyone about his next big discovery. But we've received no transmissions of any kind yet."

"Hmm true.. you got a point Temya, now i got to think this all over again." Zax replied. He contemplated on this for some time before being interuppted by a question from Brando.


"It would seem possible for for it to be... Alad V... We don't like speaking of that Fool, Seriously, I know we like profit and usually hate you guys, But taking you hostage and cutting you up for money? i was never for that life..." He'd add into the conversation the pair was having, and looked at the frost prime, admiring the golden pieces he adorns "So.. How is it you Tenno get those golden parts? i have only seen a few with them things."

"We get these gold parts from the Orokin, they were the ones who intitaly created the Warframes, probably. I don't know if I am 100% correct but i would say that's what everyone thinks." Zax answered. "Get ready for combat, the labs are in sight" he added. Broken windows and shattered glass could be seen. The 2 Ancients were spotted, but they could not possbly spot us. 

Distance from Labs: 175m

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A loud voice was heard from behind a nearby rock.

"Oh well, i think it's time to reveal myself!"

A limbo frame jumped on the rock from behind it and threw a small somke bomb on the ground.

"Hello there fellow tenno, and also corpus. My name is Jarko, but you can call me Jay. I came here to help you in the mission!" he said in an excited voice, bowed, and tipped his top hat.

"So, where are we going? I am sick of sneaking behind you guys."

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