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Prime Farming Big Problem


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Hello, fellow Tenno!


I've been playing for 4 months an have seen alot of people using Prime Warframes and Weapons.

Now, as I know, you can trade prime parts and other things using the trade terminals in the clan dojo. However, some of Prime Items are no longer obtainable, and you can only buy them from other people for platinum/mods/other parts, which made me a little bit sad, because I'm not a big fan of donating in games, even though I understand, that for this excellent game developers must have some payback, because they put alot of time into this.


But for me as a new player it is pretty damn bad that I and other new players can't get the items any other way than using real money simply because we started playing after they are unobtainable!


Options. This is the problem of Prime farming. Every single time a new prime is introduced, one of older ones become unobtainable simply because there is not enough missions.


And so I thought of two options how to deal with this problem:


1. Ruins

    The Orokin Ruins where you kill Lefantis don't serve any other purpose other than the Prime Vault where you get special mods. I suggest adding a drop list to missions in the Orokin Ruins. If there is not enough Primes to fill the drop list you can temporarily fill the empty space with fusion cores and Orokin Energy Cells.


2. Moon

    In one of the devstreams I saw a concept of making a Moon Orokin Colony. Then how about making it Void 2.0? Again, add a drop list, and problem solved!


Now, I leave you to it, DEvelopers (horrible pun, I know), you can use my Idea or leave it just as it is, it's just a suggestion.


And you, Tenno, leave your comments! I want to know what do you think about this idea.

So, on this note, Goodbye, everyone!

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Hello, fellow Tenno!


I've been playing for 4 months an have seen alot of people using Prime Warframes and Weapons.

Now, as I know, you can trade prime parts and other things using the trade terminals in the clan dojo. However, some of Prime Items are no longer obtainable, and you can only buy them from other people for platinum/mods/other parts, which made me a little bit sad, because I'm not a big fan of donating in games, even though I understand, that for this excellent game developers must have some payback, because they put alot of time into this.


But for me as a new player it is pretty damn bad that I and other new players can't get the items any other way than using real money simply because we started playing after they are unobtainable!

Welcome to the real world. People who got here first have cool things that you don't have.


It's just one of the ways to reward seniority, by letting players who have been around longer obtain cool things to show off. Do I wish I had gotten Mag Prime while she was around? Kinda... Am I happy that I have my Latron Prime? Yeah. 


Options. This is the problem of Prime farming. Every single time a new prime is introduced, one of older ones become unobtainable simply because there is not enough missions.

No. That is not how this is handled.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but nothing went into the vault when Ash Prime, Carrier Prime and Vectis Prime came out.


And this isn't something which happens accidentally, things going into the prime vault is done deliberately. Maybe there will be a point in the future where a very hard raid can earn you a vaulted part, but trust me, there is nothing wrong with the system in place. Limited time exclusives are not an issue.

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All the void is due to go, so no more keys required to farm primes.  With the new galaxy map there are suppose to be nodes or missions to get all the prime stuff, hopefully all of it including Frost/Mag and what ever is put there tomorrow



Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but nothing went into the vault when Ash Prime, Carrier Prime and Vectis Prime came out.




Mag went into it

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Same with the next prime, expecting ember prime to be vaulted with the glaive prime. She's the next oldest prime after mag and frost.

The problem is that there isn't enough void missions. If old primes arnt vaulted, the drops would be too dilute to farm.

This would make thing even more stupid expensive then they already are in trading.

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First of All, us that play this game longer had to go thru the same thing with some prime parts... for example Excalibur Prime founders exclusive..

(but that is really exclusive... we won't get a close glimps)


Second... if you take your time and farm other prime gears...you can sell them for plats...wow really?.. yes that simple or you can even try breed some uncommon/rare Lotus kubrow and sell them for plat...


When you get the plat...you can in change buy the Warframe that has been putted in VAULT... it will cost more than it used to but hey you got what you want and with plat that's hanging their freely in the VOIDS! How much more you want to know?



Edited by (PS4)AngelShur
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All the void is due to go, so no more keys required to farm primes.  With the new galaxy map there are suppose to be nodes or missions to get all the prime stuff, hopefully all of it including Frost/Mag and what ever is put there tomorrow


Mag went into it

She went in well before Ash came out (I think).

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She went in well before Ash came out (I think).

Noep.  She went in when Ash was released.  Frost went in when Volt was released.  At the time both were vaulted they held no statistical advantage over the others.  They went in to keep the tables from being too diluted.  Once there's a way to have them available without void drop tables being too crowded to get anything.  It's been hinted that Starchart 3.0 is supposed to remedy overcrowded void drop tables.

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Welcome to the real world. People who got here first have cool things that you don't have.


It's just one of the ways to reward seniority, by letting players who have been around longer obtain cool things to show off. Do I wish I had gotten Mag Prime while she was around? Kinda... Am I happy that I have my Latron Prime? Yeah. 


No. That is not how this is handled.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but nothing went into the vault when Ash Prime, Carrier Prime and Vectis Prime came out.


And this isn't something which happens accidentally, things going into the prime vault is done deliberately. Maybe there will be a point in the future where a very hard raid can earn you a vaulted part, but trust me, there is nothing wrong with the system in place. Limited time exclusives are not an issue.

I thought mag got vaulted for ash? correct me if i'm wrong someone

Frost Vaulted --> Volt

Mag Vaulted --> Ash

Ember to be Vaulted --> Next prime (Trin pls)

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I thought mag got vaulted for ash? correct me if i'm wrong someone

Frost Vaulted --> Volt

Mag Vaulted --> Ash

Ember to be Vaulted --> Next prime (Trin pls)

There has been no ember prime vaulting announcement, it could happen later today with the new prime teaser, but there would've been a post by now...  Also, it's looking like it's going to be Trinity either this time or next, given the hype surrounding the Trinity cloth physics and the (possibly erroneous) Portuguese leak

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There has been no ember prime vaulting announcement, it could happen later today with the new prime teaser, but there would've been a post by now...  Also, it's looking like it's going to be Trinity either this time or next, given the hype surrounding the Trinity cloth physics and the (possibly erroneous) Portuguese leak

YEEEEEEEESSSS TRINITYYYY sorry had to get that out of my system, and I guess yeah they would've said something about ember, I just kinda figured they would given they seem to be following that pattern

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YEEEEEEEESSSS TRINITYYYY sorry had to get that out of my system, and I guess yeah they would've said something about ember, I just kinda figured they would given they seem to be following that pattern



It's not certain, I don't know how much to trust that leak/bug/joke.  I was assuming the same thing about Ember until I realized that we didn't have a warning from [DE]Ember like she did with Mag here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/482945-last-chance-for-mag-prime-parts-in-the-void/  ... I posted somewhere else that it probably has to do with the void splosion...

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