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Warframe And Discussing Possible Ideas.


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Heyo Guys.


Just wanted a place to dump a heap of ideas I had for warframe and was wondering what you guys think about them enjoy.

(Btw, dont just say I don't like it, try to be a bit more constructive about it.) :)


1) Dojo and that goodness

- More Rooms please. 

       - Perhaps a database room where you can leave documents on things (Good places to farm, modding stuff, team-wombo-combos and the like.)

       - Hanger/Docking Bay/Ship Depot, a place for you to show of your liset(for the fun of it) and a place for you to upgrade it or buy parts and cosmetics and the like.

       - Personal rooms, created by anyone with a high enough Clan rank, can be assigned to players and only decorated by the player that owns it

-Skins for the Dojo?

       - I'd kill for a Prisma dojo skin. De plz.

2) Rhino Rework?

       - the flow between his abilities needs a bit of a rework. He doesnt feel like a tank at all.

       - First, his stats: I feel that his shield needs to be lowered and his health buffed, I also feel that his Armour should be on par with Valkyr to give him that tanky feel.

       - As far as I see it, his abilities should draw agrro.

       - At the end of his Rhino Charge, enemies in a small radius should stop to star in awe (sort of like a small stun, except focus would be on Rhino after the stun wears off, resulting with them attacking him and not your teammates)

       - His Iron skin is ok-ish. Needs a buff. Should also buff his armour for a short time after his Iron skin goes down.

       - His Roar should buff all friendly damage (affected by power strength) as it does now, but should be better, and it should draw all aggro for a long time (affected by power duration). This way it works in conjunction with his Iron skin.

       - His ultimate doesn't feel real ultimate at the moment. Rhino stomp shouldn't slow time, it should knock enemies around him to the edge of his radius, dealing damage (affected by power strength) . If the enemies come into contact with walls when being thrown from around him, inflict impact damage. Enemies that a thrown should have their armour halved (affected by power strength). His ability should give 50% of his Iron skin (not affected by power strength). He also resets aggro timer on his Roar.

3) Kicking from squad

​      - This is controversial, but nothing is worse then having to disban the squad and reinvite people just because 1 mastery rank 3 can take on a 3 hour t4 survival with his Mag and Skana. so yeah.

4) New Void units Please

      - Killing Heavy Gunner and Crewmen and Lancers just with a gold tone over the top is annoying. It would be nice if we got some mobs that were more unique. At the least give them Prime weapons to use instead, Why are lancers using Dera? Seriously...

5)More Lore

6)Syndicate Questlines.

        - Multiple questlines for each faction.

        - Give there some purpose for being dedicated to one syndicate, ya know.

7) Prime Frame quests

        -Quests to get prime Frames and just let the Void Drop tables be for weapons. Have each quest have a specific theme for each frame

Edited by Cryptic_Dragon
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Had to post this thread in the Fan concept buddy....


...... the Liset Docking spot sounds cool, just like the Relay already has! (Great, Open)


- The VOID might in time go... so that is being worked on. (Check)


-  Kicking from squad is also something I believe they are looking into! (Open)


- Rhino, you can build Strenght on it instead of duration and it won't stop/slow time but instant kill the affected... The Iron Skin is NOT affected by duration but strenght and Steel Fiber.


.... explain more about the dojo skin?

Edited by (PS4)AngelShur
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Some of your suggestions (new Dojo rooms, more lore, syndicate questlines) have already been announced by DE (or at least they are considering them). So yay, let's suggest things that are already confirmed to arrive! Woo!


Kicking from squad is a request as old as the game and never happened. But sure, do repeat it one more time in the case that this time they'll listen.


7) Prime Frame quests

        -Quests to get prime Frames and just let the Void Drop tables be for weapons. Have each quest have a specific theme for each frame

I seriously doubt this will ever happen. DE puts them in the Drop tables because they want the new frames to be rare, to incentivize players buying PA or buying plats in order to trade.


Quests are notoriously reliable ways to get parts. Mirage and Chroma have basically no grind, for instance, just straight missions with 100% part drops.


I do appreciate that you want more Lore and you want things to be easier, but this isn't going to happen any time soon.

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