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Stalker's Archwing.


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Any ideas you can pitch in to improve archwing? I won't look at ideas as right or wrong, after all they're the ideas that would make that player happy and that is his/her opinion. Here's mine:
Nothing too fancy, just a wishful thought from a player who sees the potential of archwing.
Archwing having the camera angle of the video below or maybe if they can do better than it that will be more than welcome. Intensity of the archwing movements that makes you feel you're actually riding a very mobile machine. And on top of that, an archwing boss battle being stalker as the enemy. Slashing and dashing in space with his hate, evading horizontally in a fast paced motion while throwing his despair knives. Perhaps, having some detachable units inside his archwing that when dispatched will seek out targets and hail down a barrage of lasers. Shrouding himself and a large portion of space in darkness, making you count on your prediction as to where he is by following where he is shooting his despair or whatever long range attack he can do. 
It would be great if archwings would be introduced in a manner that they play an important role in our lore, maybe a godly machine created to counter a force in space that would destroy the planets if not stopped? I dunno, maybe omega powerful sentients flying in deep space with their own version of archwings.

Edited by -Genesis-
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I absolutely ADORE Z.O.E 1 and 2.

Jehuty is still one of my favorite mecha designs.

And Aumaan Anubis in the core was a really great boss fight albeit frustrating when you didn't know what to do.


But really I don't want Stalker to have an Archwing.

A new threat. A large unknown spaceship that you take down would be much more interesting.

Kind of like Noah's Ark from Xenosaga. A giant gnosis/ infested ship that appeared out of bloody nowhere with little to no announcements (or summoned by the Song Of Nephilim) and started a full scale invasion.


Archwing needs the lock on feature and the third strike of melee should fling an enemy away like ZOEs melee system. Would make things more interesting.

Edited by Ziegrif
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I absolutely ADORE Z.O.E 1 and 2.

Jehuty is still one of my favorite mecha designs.

And Aumaan Anubis in the core was a really great boss fight albeit frustrating when you didn't know what to do.


But really I don't want Stalker to have an Archwing.

A new threat. A large unknown spaceship that you take down would be much more interesting.

Kind of like Noah's Ark from Xenosaga. A giant gnosis/ infested ship that appeared out of bloody nowhere with little to no announcements (or summoned by the Song Of Nephilim) and started a full scale invasion.


Archwing needs the lock on feature and the third strike of melee should fling an enemy away like ZOEs melee system. Would make things more interesting.

I'm a fan of xenosaga too! But I'm more into its predecessor which is xenogears, that one gave the machines in the game have a life of its own(you feel they're alive), the story makes those machines have their personality and actually have a purpose in the game which I believe archwing needs, a purpose as to why they are there.
I dig that idea of a giant lost ark too! Maybe stalker is inside being controlled by the inhibitors of the ark(combining our ideas). Hehe.
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Eh, IMO stalker and the other goonies don't need to appear in space, it would be too boring to have already existing units appear again.  I would much rather get new assassins from the same factions(maybe stalker's female sidekick, some new space grineer squad, new robot and maybe a new space infested that roams space searching for stuff to "infest").

Edited by kiteohatto
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Eh, IMO stalker and the other goonies don't need to appear in space, it would be too boring to have already existing units appear again.  I would much rather get new assassins from the same factions(maybe stalker's female sidekick, some new space grineer squad, new robot and maybe a new space infested that roams space searching for stuff to "infest").

Or maybe a space-only type of the sentient faction, I imagine them having glowing wings.

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I will add that I still want to see the G3 coming at me in dingy space scooters.






I'm a fan of xenosaga too! But I'm more into its predecessor which is xenogears, that one gave the machines in the game have a life of its own(you feel they're alive), the story makes those machines have their personality and actually have a purpose in the game which I believe archwing needs, a purpose as to why they are there.
I dig that idea of a giant lost ark too! Maybe stalker is inside being controlled by the inhibitors of the ark(combining our ideas). Hehe.


I only played EP 2 and 3 of Xenosaga and watched the cutscenes of 1.


I tried playing Xenogears but got turned off pretty quick as it hasn't aged well at all.

Current gen has ruined me. Only nostalgia helps with it.

Edited by Ziegrif
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