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Energy (And Health) Regeneration


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This is the OP post


So in my opinion the best approach would be to cut out the blue orbs all together and replace them the with a relatively quick (modifiable) innate energy regeneration.
If you don't feel the same way, i think you should still consider to at least add a slight innate energy regeneration (perhaps on the level of energy siphon) to address point 1 and a bit of point 2.
Without going into details here, i think a slow innate health regeneration would also be beneficial.


NOw i am sure you can best approach would be to cut out blue orbs all together and replace them 


I don't think anybody ever said anything about removing the energy orb :p just a slight innate energy regen too

Now i am sure you were just not looking or didn't fully read but i am sure this pretty much a suggestion as well for Removing energy orb and being replace with the idea i am just adding a little to it.So yes this is discussion thread and the OP brought the idea so yes it was mention removing energy orb and is up to talk about because the OP mention it.

Edited by Leavith
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Good point...

But say that innate energy regen was actually going to be implemented--this is just a what if--how would it be implemented in such a way that over-abuse of skills (although, imo, skills were meant to be abused for fast-paced gameplay) could be avoided but the overall fast-pace feel of the game wouldn't be affected significantly that it would impede a quick mission progression?

As i said before:


I would argue that it is exact the other way round: the orbs are what allows you to abuse your abilities. If you depend on your energy regeneration, then you can only cast so many 4 per minute no matter how many enemies there or how lucky you are in them dropping orbs.



Simply lower the energy per orb so that in average it corresponds to the additional energy through innate regeneration. This would mean:

- In situations where there are less than average enemies/orb drops, you can cast a litte more than before (this is a good thing i think)

- In situations where there are more than average enemies/orb drops, you can cast less than before (this is also a good thing i think. Here is where your abuse happend before)

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I agree. They can give us innate energy regen and get rid of energy orbs. It seems natural that these Tenno would have innate energy regen. Also, make that regen increase when doing some other action like melee strikes or just plain damage to an enemy. Also, energy siphon would simply increase our regen. I know the game is just sci-fi but the energy make no sense. Innate regen makes lots of sense.

     Just to throw some numbers; I think a base regen of 3-4 per sec would be good with energy siphon giving another 1-2 per second. Also, doing damage to enemies giving you another buff (almost like your fighting focus causes you to regen faster) would take away any need for orbs. Health regen is another issue I haven't thought long enough about so no comments now but I just think the idea of orbs is silly. Don't get me wrong I love the game and will play either way but I think my system creates more active gameplay.  

Edited by (XB1)SkinnyANOINTED1
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I think a base regen of 3-4 per sec would be good with energy siphon giving another 1-2 per second. Also, doing damage to enemies giving you another buff (almost like your fighting focus causes you to regen faster) would take away any need for orbs. 

Correct me if i'm wrong, but the effect of energy siphon will stack if more than one frame in the squad has one, right? If so, and according to your suggested rates, not only will the need for an energy orb be pointless, but you'd also be taking the challenging feel out of the gameplay since you can just go on spamming skills here and there, thus most probably rendering the need for weapons rather pointless.


This is my opinion. Like I said, correct me if i'm wrong or missed something...

Edited by Sync527
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     Let me work through these numbers (which I gave as suggestions). So, essentially, lets say your frame has 3energy/sec regen. Let's also say that energy siphon gives 2 energy/sec. So, with four energy siphons you will then have 11 energy/sec. Keep in mind you no longer have energy orbs to look for or worry about for that matter. So, this may sound op but it would still take ten seconds to use your fourth without any efficiency. How often do you use your fourth now?

     I mean their could be a cap of 10/sec placed on regen but my idea is just a suggestion without a lot of thought put into numbers. Just keep in mind orbs are gone and toggle abilities will still stop regen. Give me some ideas on numbers and any other suggestions that might make this idea better. I really think the orbs are somewhat silly but I get the idea. 

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Yeah but not everyone mains Trin man :/ you gotta account for the fact that not all players will have lifestrike, health pads, or a healer on their team. Even if you don't take any serious damage you're guaranteed to die eventually due to slash/toxin procs, it's just going to happen and there's no way around that. If you give the player slight health regen then you aren't screwed if you don't have lifestrike or health pads. and besides we're trying to stray away from mandatory mods on builds (the whole damage/multi-shot being constantly used issue) so we shouldn't have to always plan around having lifestrike or heal pads. 

As far as energy goes sometimes people don't want to bring Energy Siphon, some people don't have it, and some frames just don't fit it. and unlike what AngelShur thinks we shouldn't have to forma a frame just to make the aura give us health or energy regeneration, and if you do that you have to choose either health OR energy, since the two have differing polarities


Alternatives to those "mandatory" things which can make your life easier


1) bullet jump around like crazy to avoid damage.... can be done 

2) guard with melee to reduce damage .... can be done

3) rely on revives, and spent plat to refill revives... can be done

Which given the pricing of plat, you might consider wasting a few healing pad, that is the next best to do when there is no healer present.


There is trade-offs in this games, in the name of balance.


There is freedom of choice, don't make it sounds mandatory, you can crank up your attack to the extend of being untouchable

and do pure DPS build

(Excalibur spamming exalted blade, which is a starter frame, I did 25 waves of akkad/ sechura without being touched)

with efficiency exalted blade is quite sustainable, though if you dont want efficiency, then you can be more actively shooting enemies dead to pick up energy...


Different players have different play style.


Edited by Ada_Wong_SG
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Alternatives to those "mandatory" things which can make your life easier


1) bullet jump around like crazy to avoid damage.... can be done 

2) guard with melee to reduce damage .... can be done

3) rely on revives, and spent plat to refill revives... can be done

Which given the pricing of plat, you might consider wasting a few healing pad, that is the next best to do when there is no healer present.


It can be done, but if you're bullet jumping everywhere you're not going to kill anything, and eventually you WILL take damage, there's no way around that, Even if you guard you still take damage, and you still get slash procced. As far as revives go yes you could, but that's not really a fix to the issue as much as it is just a waste. I'm just saying some innate health regen would be nice so that taking no healing methods on an endless mission isn't suicide.

Assuming you go at least 20 minutes, I guarantee you'll get slash procced AT LEAST once in that time, so there'll be health loss from that, that's assuming you don't actually take some shots and lose health that way, or have a toxic Eximus spawn, and steal your health that way

Edited by LilLemay
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Assuming you go at least 20 minutes, I guarantee you'll get slash procced AT LEAST once in that time, so there'll be health loss from that, that's assuming you don't actually take some shots and lose health that way, or have a toxic Eximus spawn, and steal your health that way


Even with Rejuvenation at full rank, if you are taking damage in excess of 200HP, you are most likely not able to wait long enough regenerate the HP

since the enemy which is capable of inflicting that damage will most likely be common. And hopefully the bullet jumps does a good job at keeping you alive while running.

You can choose to use HP restores which is good for 200 - 300 HP unless you plan to spam a bit more


Or find a buddy who play Trinity, and bring the "Human-Shaped-HP/Energy/Shield Restore" into battle


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A small energy regeneration without energy siphon could help new players.


Equilibrium should also drop much earlier, be buffed a bit (base 5 instead of 2.5) and changed into common type, the concept of this mod is not bad. Rage and life strike can help but they are also hard to get for new players as well as rejuvenation that is an alert only reward.

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So i was aware someone mention regarding their idea on energy orbs being removed and we get regeneration of energy and made an example of energy in focused manner would increase as we do damage.

Now I do like this idea so i am make some tweaks to it.

Lets say that the basic Warframe has maximum of 4 energy per sec in 25 sec he would have 100 energy to use.

Just using this logic if we tie the energy by melee to give us 1 energy per sec and as we attack and build up our meter that 1 energy per sec multiplies

1.5X1=1.5+4 we now have 5.5 energy per sec and so on as we build our melee counter we gain energy per sec over our normal energy....NOW here is were it would help with raising a player skill let say you activate the 4th ability like exalted blade you no longer have Energy regen like you would expect not from siphon or your warframe....BUT in my idea melee energy regeneration can still affect the the ability.

Kind of like in simple math

4th ability - energy regeneration =0+1.0X1=1 so in incensce when we enter melee mode would be receiving energy regeneration of 1energy even after we loose energy regeneration from siphon and our natural.

NOW this may sound nothing but it Would help so much is not an OP amount and Yes we understand Ash or Valkyr could help abuse this considering their Ulti.BUT we can always adjust natural Regen example a warframe like valkyr or Ash don't really seen as energy oriented so we could easily lower their natural regen to 2 energy per sec.

Now on the topic regen i feel like health regen should lower as we combat more based on the logic our warframe is what heasl us but when we enter combat it need to direct energy to different location such as shield restoration or Warframe energy.Now of course regen would speed up when out of combat but Energy regen would lower if we are healing That Way we cannot just Wait it out and Let both our energy build up quickly and Health.Nope It would be inverse if we are healing health we not gaining energy at th same rate if we are restoring energy we are not gaining health at the same rate.

So what do you think.

I am sure the Orbs will  never be remove for how long they been around and because we have powers and Pets whose main function is to work with them to provide support.

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Imo , rejuv and energy siphon should be removed and instead be innate to the warframes while having different values based on the warframe . For example a Loki would regenerate 1 energy per second with only 2.5 health a second while an Ash would regenerate 5 health a second with only 0.5 energy a second . Also , give shield based frames the ability to regenerate shields in combat with a lower effect .

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 I like your ideas Leavith. The only difference I have is slight. The energy regen during combat would be based simply on damage to enemies. Almost like we become more focused during combat and so therefore our energy increases from doing damage (or fighting well and efficient). And as you said inversely our health would not regenerate during combat. As far as Carrier and the new Kubrow, no big deal, we still need our resources and credits.  

Edited by (XB1)SkinnyANOINTED1
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