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De On Fp Bp: "we Never Meant To Imply It Was Exclusive" Wait, What?


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We're still in beta.


No way. NO. WAY. I thought this was Alpha!


And yet, the people who don't have the Lato or the Vandal weren't available during the span of the Closed Beta and are not going to obtain them, because they did nothing that was required to obtain them.


I really hope this isn't the highlight of your day.

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Hm. I'll repost something I posted in another topic that has been since deleted. Thank you, Lazarus.

The thing is, Frost Prime shouldn't be put into the same drop pool as its parts. Consider that people worked for hours killing MOA to get a reward, then start farming the Void to try to get the parts they need - and in the process, they get a duplicate Frost Prime blueprint. That kind of devalues the hours of work they put in. They could have skipped out on all those hours of work entirely and still have received the Frost Prime. It is subject to RNG, yes, but it's in the same drop pool and with the way the drop rates are borked right now...

People who worked in the event, as the situation is right now? They didn't get it any earlier - they had to wait for update 8. They didn't get it any more easily - they're as likely to get a Frost Prime BP before they even finish farming the parts, in fact. That reward ultimately feels like nothing to them, and that work feels like it matters less. I can completely understand this, even if I'm personally more concerned about the Void system right now.

Exclusivity is but one factor, but I really don't think it's the core of the problem. Not really. It's the way that effort feels like it doesn't matter anymore. That's disheartening to players. =/ Of course there are people who only logged on to kill one Fusion MOA, but I doubt those are the same folks that feel really slighted about it. Some people put in hours and pulled all-nighters. Of course they feel upset.

In my opinion? Game items shouldn't be a reward for events like this in the first place, to be honest. It would have worked just as well if completing the event unlocked a global award (everyone can farm for Frost Prime!), and if it failed it would be plat only (which is what DE originally intended for the item). That's just an example, but yeah, global unlock. Then participants could be rewarded tiered cosmetic items or something. Just my thoughts.

I do think people should have the Frost Prime. I suspect their reasoning was something along the lines of wanting F2P players to have at least one frame with which they could unlock whatever way the Void is supposed to interact with Prime frames, possibly because they put a good deal of effort into it? Also because it'd be weird for people to be earning the parts and have no blueprint. Would be a smack in the face for them each time >_>

Well put. No one wants it to seem like hours of their work was wasted because they could have done the same thing in half the time if only they waited. I don't care that anyone can get it. I care that I already spent hours to get the Frost Prime BP and now someone who's bought 5 keys will finish it before I even get all 3 parts to drop. Why would I participate in future events when the reward is that I get to throw away hours for nothing?

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Pretty much sums up the complaints.

Eh, for a few people (probably more than that) it's not so much it's no longer exclusive, but DE failed to communicate properly, "misspoke" several times (what they meant was, an item to save you time from farming later, not exclusive)

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Eh, for a few people (probably more than that) it's not so much it's no longer exclusive, but DE failed to communicate properly, "misspoke" several times (what they meant was, an item to save you time from farming later, not exclusive)



I guess they should give only me, a Shining Finger Sword as a way to compensate for all of us.

Edited by GoatGodJohn
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Eh, for a few people (probably more than that) it's not so much it's no longer exclusive, but DE failed to communicate properly, "misspoke" several times (what they meant was, an item to save you time from farming later, not exclusive)

Which it failed to do even that since the parts are rarer than the bp.

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First Braton and Lato Vandal exclusive.

-Still exclusive

First Frost Prime exclusive

-not exclusive


Fair? No.


Open all or keep all exclusive.

I give a *** about exclusivity but i give alot about fairness.

Edited by K0bra
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Why? I don't think they need to compensate us (unless you count apologizing for the "confusion" and then working on communicating better)



No no no.  You misunderstood.  To compensate for ALL the afflicted people, they should only give ME a Shining Finger Sword.  




Well since I am the Harbinger of Truth after all... I only deserve such a reward... to compensate for the rest of the community.

Edited by GoatGodJohn
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Again, where are you getting your reasoning from? I never said (or if I did, I've changed my views) that they should compensate people for this.



Yeah they will be compensating for the people for the Frost Prime issue by giving me a Shining Finger Sword.  Since you know... I brought the truth of the matter to the thread!  Ace Investigator! 

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Yeah they will be compensating for the people for the Frost Prime issue by giving me a Shining Finger Sword.  Since you know... I brought the truth of the matter to the thread!  Ace Investigator! 

I have no idea what you're on, but you should share it. (Also, I don't think you brought any "truth" here, just some insults mostly.)




He's trolling you. Don't respond to him anymore.

you don't say? I figured at first he might have had a point he wanted to get across.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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This is a needlessly argumentative thread that has touched on key issues that we hope to improve on, namely communication. It won't be an overnight change. Seeing how our players feel in situations where the root of the problem is unclear communication is very telling. We love doing Livestreams, Q&As and the like because it allows us to connect with loads of information and take questions - it's up for us to clearly say what is subject to change and what isn't etc. Things change quickly 'round the old Dev Headquarters!

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