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Some Kind Of Auction House? [Megathread]


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I'm going to get flamed for this but dammit my eyes are hurting from looking at trade chat. Yes to auction house but lets make the prices fixed, this way no one will have to worry about others...overselling, or at least thats why so many of you have a problem with auction houses. Ppl buying for cheap then overselling them?  keeping this thread alive : P

Edited by (PS4)FarCript
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Making profit = more content = more happy players. Works both ways.

As for your idea, I really don't want to have to refarm Ash P parts every month just because I like to take him out for a spin every once in a while. Way too time consuming, I would never do that. I'd just stick to the non-prime variants and get the prime sets once for mastery fodder.


See this is exactly the mentality of ppl that oppose the AH idea, deluded/ close-minded... Ofc, how stupid of me, to make you do something so difficult and time consuming like going to the AH and buying a full ash prime set for less than 10 seconds flat! How hard is that right?! Especially after you just said that you want DE to profit so they can make players happy... But no, its way too time consuming to go to an AH, in a relay and buying prime parts, fast and easy with platinum that gives DE profit. Why would you never do that? You already did that a harder way, why not do it again in a fast and very very easy way? Prime frames are convenience and looks while weapons are overall better stats(mostly) and looks, it is a whole month after all (and ofc it can be extended, its obviously debateable), but no its easy to just buy and forget, just like its much easier to say you want DE to profit, but not be part of that process, right?!

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That's not what I was referring to. I could care less about the time it takes to get to the auction house. I have no problem with that.

I do have a problem with my hard earned prime parts going to waste after 30 days. Not everyone buys prime sets, I'm the kind of guy that farms every last piece so I have something to do on this game. If I just buy the set I max it, maybe forma it, then get bored. Me spending dozens of hours farming a frame, waiting 3 days for it to finish, then have it disappear 30 days later does not sound like an efficient use of my time.

Think about the new players that don't have platinum. They would be most screwed over by this.

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That's not what I was referring to. I could care less about the time it takes to get to the auction house. I have no problem with that.

I do have a problem with my hard earned prime parts going to waste after 30 days. Not everyone buys prime sets, I'm the kind of guy that farms every last piece so I have something to do on this game. If I just buy the set I max it, maybe forma it, then get bored. Me spending dozens of hours farming a frame, waiting 3 days for it to finish, then have it disappear 30 days later does not sound like an efficient use of my time.

Think about the new players that don't have platinum. They would be most screwed over by this.


 WTF are you talking about?! Did you even try to put some thought in what i wrote down, obviously not! I clearly stated that the prime frame/ weapon will become unavailable, which means you will not be able to use it (LOCKED!), until you get a full set for that prime frame/ weapon, you will never lose the frame/weapon, its NOT going to be destroyed! Here, ill make this very very simple! Lets say you want to play with Ash Prime, the last day of the 30 or so days (month) have passed, your Ash Prime becomes LOCKED, in other words unavailable/ unusable, untill you get a full Ash Prime set. The moment you get a full ash prime set after the 30 days pass, the full set is instantly consumed and your Ash Prime becomes fully functional again for a whole 30 days! You need to get only 1 full set, which means that, if you have 1 full set of ash prime and 1 or 2 parts that overlay, only the full set will be consumed, if you have 2 full sets only 1 will be consumed. So, after 30 days, you go to the AH, buy a full Ash Prime set (which will take no more than 10 seconds) and your Ash Prime is instantly given another 30 days of usage. It has nothing to do with build times and whatnot... Read what i wrote and think objectively and accurately so i dont need to explain such simple things over and over...

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No need to be rude, please calm down.

I understand the concept. Let me repeat it to you.

You make a prime set and it's useable for 30 days. After those 30 days, you can't use it again unless you make that same prime set, in which case it'll be available for another 30 days. Any progress you made with that prime set will be save and transfer over when you remake the set. Am I correct in this?

Here is my problem with it. I'll have to re-farm the parts for my prime set in order to keep using it after 30 days. I don't want to have to do that. I also don't want to have to repurchase prime sets in order to keep using it either, I want a one time purchase, not a subscription.

Edit: Put part of my post in a spoiler to shorten length

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I'm all for Auction house that works similar to Ebay only that there is possible to put WTB for certain price and if someone willing to sell and is happy for price than can give straight to WTB.
Sellers can put items for auction or fixed price (if fixed price or auction starting price is bigger than 0, than small taxes apply)
I don't see anything wrong with that system, at least it's better than endless trade chat rolling and hoping that MAYBE someone wanting to buy your item will see (when you can put text once in 2 minutes or bit less)... plainly suck

Edited by nezvers16
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"This will break x and make y worth less!"

An auction house is nothing more than an automated version of the trading system we have now. No, it will not break anything or decrease the values of items. Value of items is determined by stock quantity and demand -- an auction house changes neither of these. An auction house in dojos still requires people to find others selling the items they want, like the current trading system. The only change this will bring is now people across multiple time zones can trade with each other.


"because anyone can buy low and then resell for high prices."

This can already be done with the current trading system and welcome to the world you live in. This is how people make money in the real world -- every time you go to the grocery store you are buying items for more than the grocery store paid for them. This does not magically create platinum, inflating the market, and if you don't like a high price then don't buy it and they will be forced to lower the price to meet demand.


"You should lose the item if no one buys it!"

No, this is dumb. There is no justification for it, and will only result in something DE has to waste time programming. No, "people can set up sales and hope people buy their items without guaranteed sales!" is not justification -- how do you expect potential buyers to get into their clan dojo without the seller there to let them in?

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Value of items is determined by stock quantity and demand.


The value of items is determined by available supply vs available demand. If supply cannot be brought to "market" then it effectively does not exist (for market purposes). Example: commodity hoarders, if they can warehouse a significant portion of production, can cause a shortage and drive prices up. Most of the supply in warframe is "warehoused" by sellers either being offline, playing a mission, or just plain not looking at the trade chat. Offline trading would suddenly allow all that warehoused supply to enter the market, flooding it and causing prices to crash.

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Most of the supply in Warframe is "warehoused" by sellers either being offline, playing a mission, or just plain not looking at the trade chat. Offline trading would suddenly allow all that warehoused supply to enter the market, flooding it and causing prices to crash.

Those items will not "flood" the market -- items being sold by people doing missions, being offline, or ignoring the trade chat / subforum will be quickly drowned out by people advertising their wares in real time. Let's pretend you tell people you're selling a rare mod at your auction post and then never post anything more. If someone goes and buys it immediately it's no different from them contacting you to trade in your dojo. If nobody immediately purchases your item, your chat message or forum thread will get pushed back to where nobody can see it and what do you know -- nobody will be able to buy it since they don't know you're selling it because items being marketed by people active in the trade window/forum are the only items they see -- who would have thought?


And you doofus what do you think an auction house is? Auctions increase the prices of items -- you place a bid, someone else places a bid, and the price keeps rising. Bidding increases the overall value of items.

Edited by Scylax
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And what do you think will be the reaction of a person whose post gets ignored?

Why, lowering his reserve price, of course! Exactly what we've predicted all along.

FYI, auctions only work for items that are actually RARE, and not for commodities (when was the last time you saw an auction for an apple?). Make no mistake, primes and mods are commodities (identical goods; production totally outstrips demand).

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"And what do you think will be the reaction of a person whose post gets ignored?

Why, lowering his reserve price, of course! Exactly what we've predicted all along."


It doesn't matter if they're selling something that normally sells for 1,000,000 plat for 10 plat. If nobody knows they're selling it, it has no impact on the market whatsoever.



"FYI, auctions only work for items that are actually RARE, and not for commodities (when was the last time you saw an auction for an apple?). Make no mistake, primes and mods are commodities (identical goods; production totally outstrips demand)."

Correct, commodities are not auctioned off -- no, not all prime parts and mods are commodities.There are rare mods (i.e. mods only given as rewards for limited time events or mods with a low percentage to drop + drop from a rare enemy) and rare prime parts (i.e. weapon parts no longer in the reward tables but desired by collectors who want to max out every weapon in the game, prime parts with low drop rates). Both of these can be auctioned off for higher prices than they can normally be sold for. For the commodities that cannot be sold off through auctions, they will not drop the prices on the regular market as mentioned in the beginning of this post.


Please do me a favor and think your posts through so I don't have to point out the obvious to you. Thanks -- you're the best.

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It doesn't matter if they're selling something that normally sells for 1,000,000 plat for 10 plat. If nobody knows they're selling it, it has no impact on the market whatsoever.

Correct, commodities are not auctioned off -- no, not all prime parts and mods are commodities.There are rare mods (i.e. mods only given as rewards for limited time events or mods with a low percentage to drop + drop from a rare enemy) and rare prime parts (i.e. weapon parts no longer in the reward tables but desired by collectors who want to max out every weapon in the game, prime parts with low drop rates). Both of these can be auctioned off for higher prices than they can normally be sold for. For the commodities that cannot be sold off through auctions, they will not drop the prices on the regular market as mentioned in the beginning of this post.

Please do me a favor and think your posts through so I don't have to point out the obvious to you. Thanks -- you're the best.

1. It's called a search function. List by price.

Learn2auction, noob. (The reason why people want an AH is so they can search for the lowest price).

2. That's right, only discontinued items will have any value in an auction environment. The rest, will have NO value.

Thank you for supporting my point!

Must be nice tasting your foot in your mouth

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"It's called a search function. List by price."

Nothing in the OP mentioned being able to trade cross-dojo (I assumed you would invite people to your dojo to have live auctions and the 24-hour offline part people were talking about would be if you wanted to have inter-clan trading whose market impact would be negligible). This is made clear by the last bit of my original post: "how do you expect potential buyers to get into their clan dojo without the seller there to let them in?" Reading the entirety of the thread, it's clear that it is meant to be a public auction.


Yes, my foot does taste good.



I do not really have an opinion on a public auction that anyone can take part in over the course of a day, but I'd imagine DE would favor it over the current system. With a larger supply, yes, the prices would drop, and platinum would be more evenly distributed amongst the playerbase (instead of the trader regulars stockpiling it) since buying and selling would be easier meaning more people spending platinum  which would exhaust the total platinum distributed amongst players forcing people to buy more. Sellers may not like it, but DE and buyers would.

Edited by Scylax
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"It's called a search function. List by price."

Nothing in the OP mentioned being able to trade cross-dojo (I assumed you would invite people to your dojo to have live auctions and the 24-hour offline part people were talking about would be if you wanted to have inter-clan trading whose market impact would be negligible). This is made clear by the last bit of my original post: "how do you expect potential buyers to get into their clan dojo without the seller there to let them in?" Reading the entirety of the thread, it's clear that it is meant to be a public auction.

Yes, my foot does taste good.

I do not really have an opinion on a public auction that anyone can take part in over the course of a day, but I'd imagine DE would favor it over the current system. With a larger supply, yes, the prices would drop, and platinum would be more evenly distributed amongst the playerbase (instead of the trader regulars stockpiling it) since buying and selling would be easier meaning more people spending platinum which would exhaust the total platinum distributed amongst players forcing people to buy more. Sellers may not like it, but DE and buyers would.

1. It is clear from the OP that it was meant to be an auction accessible to the general public, while the seller is offline. The idea was you set up an auction in the dojo, but the buyer interface is not dojo dependent.

2. All my points stand. You must really love the taste of your foot in your mouth.

3. Incorrect.

AH would cause massive price deflation. Price deflation is indicative of a shrinking economy. Instead of spending 50p on 1 part/mod, you'd be spending 20p for 20 parts/mods. People would be trading more, sure, but they would be spending LESS. Since DE actually makes a profit through the money market (ie plat generation), they would take a MASSIVE revenue hit, since you only need to spend $50 and get most everything in the game (ie people would need to exchange dollars for plat less).

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Okay now you're just pulling figures out of thin air. Last time I checked you weren't DE's financial advisor nor had a degree in economics -- you are spouting pure speculation. You are obviously trying to further your own agenda as a seller, and have have a biased, non-credible opinion on the matter.

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So you want De to make profit so you can be a happy player and yet, you refuse to be part of that process?! You literally just dissed an idea that will rise the demand of prime parts in this game trough the roof, so congradulations for that! You clearly dont want anything good to happen to this game, thus dissing the AH idea aswell, cause its the new warframe forum hype right?!



How can you be so deluded i wonder? You do realise De can put a limit on AH in every way conceivable, right?! I already gave an idea that will fix the demand in this game and i will also give one to satisfy all of you ''item prices will plummet'' mentality people as well.

Like i already said De can put a limit on everything in the AH, EVERYTHING! The solution is very simple really...

Lets take an Ash Prime set for example, lets say the set's normal selling price is 150p, its overpriced value is 180p and its underpriced value is 120p.

So you go to the AH to sell a full Ash Prime set you just farmed, you go in the ''enter item price'' interface, and you can only enter a price that varies from 110p(which is 10p less than the underpriced value) to 190p(which is 10p more than the overpriced value). If you enter a price under 110p or over 190p the item will not be listed and the player will be notified that he entered an incorrect value.

How f***ing hard is that to concieve?! There are absolutely NO drawbacks! At all!

You will never be able to sell something for lower than De ever wants! De will have absolute control over the transaction and its prices, they can put endless countermesures to make sure everything goes exactly as planned!

With all that being said i just gave 2 ideas, one that fixes demand(which you did not bother to read into at all) and now i gave you an example of how prices of items can never fall under what De thinks is best for the market and their profit! I await your input on this!

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Case closed!

If it works in real life it can work in game, period.

At least need to be sectioned trade wall where you can leave your trade message on don't worry that it wont be seen (by people that are interested in that item).

FFS there are already websites that does trading easier, why wouldn't DE make trading more convenient inside game.






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And thats when I say, Who cares then anything is easily obtainable.

Well yeah.. but if that's the case then no one is going to be buying plat, which is DE's main source of income, it isn't free to run this game you know guys, as well as it isn't free to produce more content.


The main problem with an auction house is that it would kill the platinum economy, which would ultimately kill the game, because if anything can be bought for a ridiculously low amount of plat, there's going to be less people buying platinum and supporting DE.




While you bring up some very good points, and this would work entirely actually, that would require DE to go through and place price ranges on EVERY trade-able item in the game, and if they don't do that then price gouging will just tear the plat economy down.


Also regarding the being able to set your own price thing, the only things that are ever going to sell are the ones that are the cheapest priced, because in an auction house situation where the price range on an item is 100-120, the seller who set's his price at 100 is going to get his plat alot faster, because who's honestly going to willingly spend MORE plat when there's cheaper ones on the market? so effectively the price range feature you suggested is useless, since no one will willingly buy something for more plat when there's another one right below it that's cheaper. Which means DE would basically be setting a price on every trade-able item in the game. And given that we can't get them to fix bugs that are years old, do you really think they'd go back in just to keep trade prices up to date with the ever changing supply and demand of the game?

Edited by LilLemay
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I want new console into our Ship where we can access the Auction House, where we can sell/buy/bid stuff with platinum.


I don't like the Dojo idea as it's not fair for solo players.

The new ship component to unlock AH could be behind quest that opens at low MR.

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Making profit = more content = more happy players. Works both ways.

Thats biggest bullS#&$ ive ever heard.


If company makes profit without providing content then what incentive they have to provide content??


If you want more content then you need to prove that youre not gonna pay until you receive that content, otherwise youll receive more crap for cash shop just like warframe is getting for all these years.

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