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What Frame Did You Hate, Try And Then Liked?


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Didn't really like Mesa at first glance because of all the annoying drama she got but after the "nerf" I got some Alad V Coords together and farmed her parts.


Now that I have her I can finally say, she's a pretty fun frame.


A real glass cannon without survivability mods but Shatter Shield and Shooting Gallery are amazing alternatives.

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i did hate Slow Nova


then i tried her and i can do slow to normal to fast setting then i like it now


but to me i usually use NOVA with either no str mods or unrank overextended to get just normal speed

and most of the time always SPEED NOVA even Draco runs..

unless im doing RAID or EVENT then i put max out str mods ON


Definitely NOVA always give new players that WOW effect when everything starts to explode into powder :)

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Many, many moons ago when I was a newbie to warframe I was immediately attracted to Nekros because of how edgy he was. I bought him with plat only to realize that he was more of a tool then a weapon in the battlefield. Many, many hundreds of hours have gone by since that day and he is still my most player warframe (I have every single warframe not named Excalibur Prime). I have learned to appreciate his abilities, I know all of his flaws and every time I see a thread with someone saying "DE, pls buff nekros" all i can say is "WHY?!"  then I remember that most players have not spent the amount of time I have invested into my Nekros to see his true potential. :)

Edited by S0V3REiGN
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I'll take it one step further. I didn't like Volt, tried him, liked him, then got motion sickness from his Speed buff, and stopped liking him.

I was the opposite, I sort of liked volt but then I started using speed and now I use the scoliac with fury and berserker with volt using speed and anything that comes within 10 feet get cut in half, I can't help but have fun with that.

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About 2.5 years ago me and 3 friends started playing Warframe. We decided to choose all 3 different starter frames (back then loki being one of them).

Because i was the last one to join i was 'forced' to choose loki, and had a really frustrating start, but after gathering all those mandatory mods for range/duration etc. i was very glad being 'forced' to choose Loki.


Right after Trinity he will always be my number two.


*gives loki an eyepatch*

Edited by Phintus
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I honestly despised Valkyr when I first picked her up (this was before the recent changes to her). I didn't like the abilities much, and I hated how Hysteria seemed to have as much effect as giving my enemies backscratches. Now that she's been tweaked I love her a lot more, and I look forward to trying her out more seriously. The Gersemi skin didn't hurt either :>

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Many, many moons ago when I was a newbie to warframe I was immediately attracted to Nekros because of how edgy he was. I bought him with plat only to realize that he was more of a tool then a weapon in the battlefield. Many, many hundreds of hours have gone by since that day and he is still my most player warframe (I have every single warframe not named Excalibur Prime). I have learned to appreciate his abilities, I know all of his flaws and every time I see a thread with someone saying "DE, pls buff nekros" all i can say is "WHY?!" then I remember that most players have not spent the amount of time I have invested into my Nekros to see his true potential. :)

I don't need to invest that much time in him, ultimate tank using his pets
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Trinity. A long time ago, back when Vauban was the new frame on the solar system, I made her and tried her out. Only got to Rank 18 before I completely rage quit her, since she looked like trash and was a complete bore to play. Then recently, her prime came out and even though she is still boring as watching paint dry, she looks so good (Best prime by far imo) that I enjoy using her now.

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lol I used to hate Zephyr when I was a noob and didn't have her. I was a little noontime Excalibur watching a Zephyr tailwind at the speed of light, and I thought that player was mocking me as he/she was kept tailwinding near me. So I built her after a got into a clan, and Now, she's my favorite by far, I used her 65%, and the only other frames I use are equinox and banshee

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