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Boar Prime


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Well with U17 the weapon got a little bit more damage at the cost of a little bit status and can actually do damage beyond 10 meters now. Didn't work out so well in my opinion.

agreed but i still ""demand"" the other things i named

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Well good luck with this, DE is famous for a lot of things, weapon balance or revisiting old weapons is certainly not among them.


Even then people that did understand and used the weapon a lot got tiered of wasting her time with posts nobody of the devs will read anyway(it is a waste of time, like in all online games to be honest), so chances are reasonable feedback will be fairly rare. Just look at the suggestion to the weapon in the thread here, while all it needs(and the strun wraith for that matter) is being returned to her pre U17 point(even with the old damage and damage falloff on them, I would be the last person that would care) and actually giving all shotguns a working status mechanic to make them viable at high levels instead of just adding unreasonable high damage numbers to them even at high ranges(basically this is the thing DE shipped as the shotgun "buff"), that not only makes even a working boar prime questionable at best but most of the other weapons as well currently.

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Well good luck with this, DE is famous for a lot of things, weapon balance or revisiting old weapons is certainly not among them.


Even then people that did understand and used the weapon a lot got tiered of wasting her time with posts nobody of the devs will read anyway(it is a waste of time, like in all online games to be honest), so chances are reasonable feedback will be fairly rare. Just look at the suggestion to the weapon in the thread here, while all it needs(and the strun wraith for that matter) is being returned to her pre U17 point(even with the old damage and damage falloff on them, I would be the last person that would care) and actually giving all shotguns a working status mechanic to make them viable at high levels instead of just adding unreasonable high damage numbers to them even at high ranges(basically this is the thing DE shipped as the shotgun "buff"), that not only makes even a working boar prime questionable at best but most of the other weapons as well currently.

diego but if we keep this thread alive and give good reasons to buff it in certaint ways we can get what we want

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the status nerf wasn`t made p for with damage like DE intended, so before we had a low damage but high status shotty, now we have a low damage and status shotty, basically a masterpiece at being crap :/


I actually liked it more before, if DE take back the dmg buff, and rebuff status, I`d be grateful, also the fire rate nerf sucked too, it was fun to spray that clip in rapid succession

DE killed boar, I hope they revive it soon

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the status nerf wasn`t made p for with damage like DE intended, so before we had a low damage but high status shotty, now we have a low damage and status shotty, basically a masterpiece at being crap :/


I actually liked it more before, if DE take back the dmg buff, and rebuff status, I`d be grateful, also the fire rate nerf sucked too, it was fun to spray that clip in rapid succession

DE killed boar, I hope they revive it soon



I also hope that

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Its spread is fine. It needs some of its old stats restored: Reload/status/RoF.

Maybe a bit more damage, but that might be pushing it.

i'm alright if they did most dmg in slash a little less dmg fall off and tighter spread ...

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No, I used the Boar Prime extensively before the nerf. It was fine as a mid damage high status shot gun with rapid fire. I don't want it to be mostly slash. Why? Because there already IS a rapid fire slash based shot gun. I am glad Kohm and Boar Prime aren't the same gun with different skins.


It needs it's 40% status chance back. I honestly don't care if they drop the damage back to where it was but it needs it's status back. I seriously haven't touched it since checking out the stat after the shot gun "buff" happened. One of favorite weapons is now vaulted because DE wanted to nerf it when it wasn't even anywhere near game breaking. Funny thing, Tigris was my favorite ahead of Boar Prime and I thought was fine but DE thought it should do soviet damage. Whatever. Then they made the Sancti Tigris and that one does even more.


With all that considering I seriously do not understand why then nerfed Boar Prime...

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It is a point blank shotgun with a lot of spread to it, with a quicker reload/higher fire rate and that utilizes status instead of raw dps. It is just not really that good with the status any more that it would be worth a look and DE decided that shotguns are so bad that they should do hilarious damage at range and do twice the damage at close range as added feature, for the few people that still use them at close range. They also decided that status shotguns are so good that they for some reason unknown to me require nerfs what makes them overall pointless to use in a practical fashion at high levels. That in return obviously doesn't work out so well on a shotgun with a lot of spread, that is based around close range and close range only what mainly used proc stacking as it's main dps mechanic.


Because low damage, high ammo consumption low reserve ammo, high spread/low accuracy which makes its low damage even worse as its not concentrated and so only a few pellets go where you want them to go this makes status stacking worse and the damage worse. Boar Prime needs buffs all across the board including tighter spread, more pellets, higher damage, better main damage type, higher crit chance/damage a much larger ammo pool and higher status chance to compete with a regular drakgoon/hek/tigris. If they just wanted to make it a status weapon they'd increase the reserve ammo to the normal 500 and a flat 10% status chance and increase the pellet amount to 15. But i kinda want it on par with other shotguns as it is the only real prime shotgun we have so i want 15-22 pellets, 375-425 damage with it being pretty balanced between puncture/slash with some impact. The spread needs to be tighter or have more pellets to compensate and the crit chance/damage raised to 35% and 3.5x. After all this it MIGHT be worth using... maybe... 

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 The spread is insane... are you crazy? equip vicious spread and the bullets can miss a target directly in front of you where your reticule is


i don't know why you would make it have more spread with that mod when it had a large spread to begin with. Before the nerf, it was meant for applying status to large groups or stun locking a single target up close. It's old stats where fine. 


Hell, when I wanted it to reduce spread and have better ammo economy I would put on Tainted Shell.


We already have crit shot guns and puncture and slash shot guns. Why can't Boar P be it's own shot gun like it was before? It status application set it apart from other shot guns and it's end game viable when you put 4-5 forma on it like every other gun.


DE, just give us Boar Prime fans the old stats back, please...

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i don't know why you would make it have more spread with that mod when it had a large spread to begin with. Before the nerf, it was meant for applying status to large groups or stun locking a single target up close. It's old stats where fine. 


Hell, when I wanted it to reduce spread and have better ammo economy I would put on Tainted Shell.


We already have crit shot guns and puncture and slash shot guns. Why can't Boar P be it's own shot gun like it was before? It status application set it apart from other shot guns and it's end game viable when you put 4-5 forma on it like every other gun.


DE, just give us Boar Prime fans the old stats back, please...


Because newer shotguns have been added that makes the boar prime invalid. If i had the choice id buff it severely giving it some build flexibility rather then just a status chance gun. ID give it more pellets higher ammo and give it status chance ( its has the worst ammo economy of any shotgun and probably lowest ammo pool) Its basically the wraith twin vipers of shotguns and a prime gun deserves better then that. 

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No, I used the Boar Prime extensively before the nerf. It was fine as a mid damage high status shot gun with rapid fire. I don't want it to be mostly slash. Why? Because there already IS a rapid fire slash based shot gun. I am glad Kohm and Boar Prime aren't the same gun with different skins.


It needs it's 40% status chance back. I honestly don't care if they drop the damage back to where it was but it needs it's status back. I seriously haven't touched it since checking out the stat after the shot gun "buff" happened. One of favorite weapons is now vaulted because DE wanted to nerf it when it wasn't even anywhere near game breaking. Funny thing, Tigris was my favorite ahead of Boar Prime and I thought was fine but DE thought it should do soviet damage. Whatever. Then they made the Sancti Tigris and that one does even more.


With all that considering I seriously do not understand why then nerfed Boar Prime...

kohm and boar (prime) have totaly different machanics


and why i want mostly slash?


take a lvl 50+ gunner 


take the boar and the boar prime same build


you wont notice a difference (or only notice a slight difference)


primes are direct upgrades from there normal weapon well this boar prime isnt

Because newer shotguns have been added that makes the boar prime invalid. If i had the choice id buff it severely giving it some build flexibility rather then just a status chance gun. ID give it more pellets higher ammo and give it status chance ( its has the worst ammo economy of any shotgun and probably lowest ammo pool) Its basically the wraith twin vipers of shotguns and a prime gun deserves better then that. 




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kohm and boar (prime) have totaly different machanics


and why i want mostly slash?


take a lvl 50+ gunner 


take the boar and the boar prime same build


you wont notice a difference (or only notice a slight difference)


primes are direct upgrades from there normal weapon well this boar prime isnt





also impact is easily the worst damage type...


It went from slash... ( which is arguably the best... ) to the worst.... yay shields are gone.... oh wait i could used viral damage..... or magnetic.... or toxin..


Id flip the gun so its mainly puncture/slash with some impact

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Because newer shotguns have been added that makes the boar prime invalid. If i had the choice id buff it severely giving it some build flexibility rather then just a status chance gun. ID give it more pellets higher ammo and give it status chance ( its has the worst ammo economy of any shotgun and probably lowest ammo pool) Its basically the wraith twin vipers of shotguns and a prime gun deserves better then that. 


What new primary shot gun has been added aside from Sancti Tigris, especially one built to apply status effects to crowds? Huh? No shot gun does what Boar Prime excelled at before the nerf. No shot gun currently puts status on an army of foes like the Boar Prime used to. So unless I missed the up date that made Drakgoon the new status king of shot guns, please tell me what replaced the Boar P when it comes to applying status to crowds.



kohm and boar (prime) have totaly different machanics


and why i want mostly slash?


take a lvl 50+ gunner 


take the boar and the boar prime same build


you wont notice a difference (or only notice a slight difference)


primes are direct upgrades from there normal weapon well this boar prime isnt



No they don't. They both have a spool up period. Kohm has a longer one, yeah, but they are both rapid fire shot guns. They are mechanically the same.


They DO have differences in statistics where Kohm is meant to deal high DPS. Boar Prime was meant for status. If you want to boast Boar Prime's damage, than fine. But I can not stand by why you advocate changing Boar Prime into a slash based shot gun when we already have a slash based rapid fire shot gun with ONE METER INNATE PUNCH THROUGH I might add.


It dealing mostly impact is fine. The problem is not being able to do corrosive + fire to destroy heavy gunners like Boar Prime USED to! Now I need four elements to get status at 100%

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If they just wanted to make it a status weapon they'd increase the reserve ammo to the normal 500 and a flat 10% status chance and increase the pellet amount to 15.


240 would be fine 360 if they really want to push it. Since pellet count directly translate into proc/s and it is already the highest proc/s weapon in the game it doesn't need more pellets, otherwise it would be to good compared to the strun wraith or status rifles. Btw the normal ammo reserve for shotguns is actually 120 rounds.


But i kinda want it on par with other shotguns as it is the only real prime shotgun we have so i want 15-22 pellets, 375-425 damage with it being pretty balanced between puncture/slash with some impact. The spread needs to be tighter or have more pellets to compensate and the crit chance/damage raised to 35% and 3.5x. After all this it MIGHT be worth using... maybe... 


So a gun that would even out dps the vaykor hek, what is currently the highest dps shotgun in the game, might be worth using?

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What new primary shot gun has been added aside from Sancti Tigris, especially one built to apply status effects to crowds? Huh? No shot gun does what Boar Prime excelled at before the nerf. No shot gun currently puts status on an army of foes like the Boar Prime used to. So unless I missed the up date that made Drakgoon the new status king of shot guns, please tell me what replaced the Boar P when it comes to applying status to crowds.




No they don't. They both have a spool up period. Kohm has a longer one, yeah, but they are both rapid fire shot guns. They are mechanically the same.


They DO have differences in statistics where Kohm is meant to deal high DPS. Boar Prime was meant for status. If you want to boast Boar Prime's damage, than fine. But I can not stand by why you advocate changing Boar Prime into a slash based shot gun when we already have a slash based rapid fire shot gun with ONE METER INNATE PUNCH THROUGH I might add.


It dealing mostly impact is fine. The problem is not being able to do corrosive + fire to destroy heavy gunners like Boar Prime USED to! Now I need four elements to get status at 100%


it mostly dealing impact IS NOT FINE , seriously all the nice wounderfull made designs are going to waste 


kohm is different because 


1. boar has no spool uptime (or hardly any) and kohm has

2. kohm makes more pelets over time boar doesnt 

3. the kohm has a higher ammo pool then the boar

4. kohm is more ammo efficient (imo)

5. kohm does more dmg over time


impact dmg is (only) best vs corpus 



The problem is not being able to do corrosive + fire to destroy heavy gunners like Boar Prime USED to! Now I need four elements to get status at 100%

but , I dont care about the status now ...  my biggest concern is having most of the dmg in slash and less dmg fall off and spread that (maybe just maybe a little more dmg to make it a REALL counterpart of the boar).
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So a gun that would even out dps the vaykor hek, what is currently the highest dps shotgun in the game, might be worth using?

Tigris 1050 (mostly slash)









Hek : 525 dmg (mostly puncture)









boar prime :   184 dmg per shot (not considering the dmg fall off status nor impact dmg versus factions)








 I need to agree with Djego here because that crit chance and dmg is to much 
i actually really want this to be a crit chance weapon except for status
because there are already enough status weapons in game 
so my idea stat whys
50 - 100 dmg a shot 
45 or 50 % crit chance 
11 pellets
2.5 - 3 x crit multiplier
This will give the weapon a new life and it will be a new experience to players
Edited by sniperbro-captian-PS
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I really don't see what your beef is with Impact. Slash is best for Infested, Puncture is best for Grineer. So what? This is all in consiquential if you can mod weapons with elements that are even MORE effective the IPS damage types. Do you run around with no elements are your guns? If you're concern with Boar Prime is how well it meshes with your squads 4 Corrosive Projection all slash build than please, use a different weapon.


It doesn't need slash. It hardly needs less spread as it is. It's not mean to be a shot gun sniper like Tigris. From the sounds of it you want the fast firing rate combined Hek damage.


I can admit, the gun is horrible now. But what I am saying is it used to be one of the top 3 shot guns because it could strip defenses and apply statuses like heat/viral/poison. If your first time using Boar Prime was AFTER the nerf, then I implore you to understand it doesn't need slash. It needs it's 40% status chance back. It needs it fire rate back and it needs it's reload speed back.


There are plenty of really good Impact weapons. Impact damage is not a problem. Jak Kittag, AkMagnus, Bo Prime, Kogake, Ratka Cernos, Vaykor Marelok, all have majority impact yet are considered some of the best weapons in the game.


With all the good Slash based weapons like Tigris and Soma why do you feel it needs slash so much? It was perfectly end game viable with out it up until the shot gun "buff".


By the way, here is the wiki's side by side comparing the Boar to the Boar Prime. Statisticlly, Boar Prime is better so I don't know what you mean when you say Boar Prime needs to be on par with Boar:


Compared to the Boar Prime.
Lower base damage. (176.0 vs. 184.0)
Lower Impact b Impact damage. (96.8 vs. 119.6)
Slightly lower Puncture b Puncture damage. (26.4 vs. 27.6)
Higher Slash b Slash damage. (52.8 vs. 36.8)
Slightly faster reload. (2.7s vs. 2.8s)
Lower pellet count. (8 vs. 9)
Lower rate of fire. (4.17/sec vs. 4.67/sec)
Lower Critical Chance. (10.0% vs. 15.0%)
Lower Critical Damage. (1.5x vs. 2.0x)
Lower Status Chance. (20.0% vs. 30.0%)
Edited by (PS4)DBR87
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I really don't see what your beef is with Impact. Slash is best for Infested, Puncture is best for Grineer. So what? This is all in consiquential if you can mod weapons with elements that are even MORE effective the IPS damage types. Do you run around with no elements are your guns? If you're concern with Boar Prime is how well it meshes with your squads 4 Corrosive Projection all slash build than please, use a different weapon.


It doesn't need slash. It hardly needs less spread as it is. It's not mean to be a shot gun sniper like Tigris. From the sounds of it you want the fast firing rate combined Hek damage.


I can admit, the gun is horrible now. But what I am saying is it used to be one of the top 3 shot guns because it could strip defenses and apply statuses like heat/viral/poison. If your first time using Boar Prime was AFTER the nerf, then I implore you to understand it doesn't need slash. It needs it's 40% status chance back. It needs it fire rate back and it needs it's reload speed back.


There are plenty of really good Impact weapons. Impact damage is not a problem. Jak Kittag, AkMagnus, Bo Prime, Kogake, Ratka Cernos, Vaykor Marelok, all have majority impact yet are considered some of the best weapons in the game.


With all the good Slash based weapons like Tigris and Soma why do you feel it needs slash so much? It was perfectly end game viable with out it up until the shot gun "buff".


I get what you say I really do but impact is the worst of the three dmg types 


puncture bieng on second


and slash bieng better overal




Would you guys atleast consider what i said earlier?

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So I worked it out and here it is


Total dmg : 75 per shot

11 pellets

1 pellet ~ 6.8 dmg per pellet


Slash 50

Impact 10

Puncture 10


Crit chance 40 %

Crit multiplier 1.5 or 2 (depends on the devs )


Status : 15%


Max ammo :500

Mag size : 20


Reload : 2.8 sec









This is how it will look like

Mastery Level


Weapon Slot



Weapon Type


Trigger Type



Flight Speed


Noise Level



Fire Rate

4.67 rounds/sec

Pellet Count

11 pellets/round




Magazine Size

20.0 rounds/mag


Max Ammo

500.0 rounds

Reload Time


Normal Attacks

Physical Damage










Crit Chance


Crit Multiplier

2.0x (or 1.5)


Status Chance






1x V

Edited by sniperbro-captian-PS
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I get what you say I really do but impact is the worst of the three dmg types 


puncture bieng on second


and slash bieng better overal




Would you guys atleast consider what i said earlier?


And I am saying so what if Impact is the questionably the worst of the three damage types. You get more damage from elements. Every other shot gun focuses in Slash and Punture so what I am asking is WHY do you want the Boar Prime's few remaining unique feature changed? Khohm does slash and Drakoon does Slash. So why get rid of one of TWO impact shotguns? Because it's -25% to cloned flesh? Add fire! Add viral!


And man, the other guy wants 100 per shot on a weapon that has a fire rate of 4.6 rounds a second with a 30% status chance and he'd add 40% crit with a 3.0 multiplier. Like, wow.


EDIT: And apparently you want the Soma Prime of shot guns... Can't you just suggest a whole new weapon and let us who loved the Old Boar Prime have our rapid fire status shot gun?

Edited by (PS4)DBR87
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