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Boar Prime


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hahahah No, Significant damage would be weapons like the dread, lex prime, vaykor marelok or the sancti tigris. Boar Prime is only good for the fodder in missions and after 5 minutes your out of ammo using your secondary or your melee to kill things

"significant damage" for a weapon that has 19-20 status procs per shot and at ~4.5 shots per second.


I was talking about in comparison to other status effect weapons.

Edited by Deadoon
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"significant damage" for a weapon that has 19-20 status procs per shot and at ~4.5 shots per second.


I was talking about in comparison to other status effect weapons.


lol the boar prime has only 9 pellets per shot how are you even planning to get 19-20 status procs per shot if you're not going to use a multishot mod because all you're modding for is status chance and elemental dmg

Edited by sniperbro-captian-PS
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So I worked it out and here it is


Total dmg : 75 per shot

11 pellets

1 pellet ~ 6.8 dmg per pellet


Slash 50

Impact 10

Puncture 10


Crit chance 40 %

Crit multiplier 1.5 or 2 (depends on the devs )


Status : 15%


Max ammo :500

Mag size : 20


Reload : 2.8 sec









This is how it will look like

Mastery Level


Weapon Slot



Weapon Type


Trigger Type



Flight Speed


Noise Level



Fire Rate

4.67 rounds/sec

Pellet Count

11 pellets/round




Magazine Size

20.0 rounds/mag


Max Ammo

500.0 rounds

Reload Time


Normal Attacks

Physical Damage










Crit Chance


Crit Multiplier

2.0x (or 1.5)


Status Chance






1x V

this is the crit stat build as named in the strawpoll btw.

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lol the boar prime has only 9 pellets per shot how are you even planning to get 19-20 status procs per shot if you're not going to use a multishot mod because all you're modding for is status chance and elemental dmg

Hells chamber is a higher damage multiplier than if you had on a full elemental in it's place, no matter the scenario.


Do you even know what you are talking about? Because that statement by itself is very apparent you do not.


Multishot is a pure damage multiplier, you will do ~45% the damage without it as you would with it.

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Hells chamber is a higher damage multiplier than if you had on a full elemental in it's place, no matter the scenario.


Do you even know what you are talking about? Because that statement by itself is very apparent you do not.


Multishot is a pure damage multiplier, you will do ~45% the damage without it as you would with it.

well , yes a dmg multiplier AND a multi pellet arrow shot bullet what ever

it adds more pellets with multi shot , but still even if you were to use a boar (prime ) its nothing compared to tigris or hek or caykor hek or sancti tigris

thats why my idea the straw poll and this thread :3

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well , yes a dmg multiplier AND a multi pellet arrow shot bullet what ever

it adds more pellets with multi shot , but still even if you were to use a boar (prime ) its nothing compared to tigris or hek or caykor hek or sancti tigris

thats why my idea the straw poll and this thread :3

Then why did you compare it to a pure elemental mod?


If you are going for the 100% status  build you will put on hell's chamber and all 4 status mods, likely seeking fury as well for reload and punch through.


Still 2 mod slots left and you can load (primed) point blank, and blaze or ammo mutation(vicious spread is worse than blaze in this situation).


With blaze/primed point blank you get 5.2k per shot, 25k burst, and  15k sustained with no crits and,  6k,, 28k, and 18k with crits accounted for.

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Cause those shotguns outperform the boar prime... It needs a buff somewhere... something like more crit more ammo less spread... You can throw on vicious spread on a tigris and its still better then a boar prime's base spread

Follow the reply chain, I was saying for a status weapon, it is decently powerful, but overall I agree it is weak. And he compared said there was no room for hells chamber on a 4 status and elemental build, which is why I said that he had no clue what he was talking about. You don't put full 90's on it so you have space for mods that will increase damage more than a 90% mod would.



Simply buff the damage to 225-250 and you will be competitive in dps to the sobek while still being a 100% status shotgun.


As it is right now, it melts the armor of enemies fully before it kills them at highish levels( level 60 corrupt heavy gunners constantly) .

Edited by Deadoon
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Guys if you want to attack me by any reason go ahead but I made this thread for 1 purpose and that it getting the boar prime to something that is comparable to other shotguns.

Edited by sniperbro-captian-PS
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Guys if you want to attack me by any reason go ahead but I made this thread for 1 purpose and that it getting the boar prime to something that is comparable to other shotguns.

Dude, how sensitive are you? We aren't attacking you in particular(or atleast most are not), we are going against your idea for "fixing" the boar prime.


The boar prime is the only non-event status shotgun as it is right now. It should keep that crown.


You are practically wanting a completely different weapon. That isn't a buff, that is a rework. In addition, Your "75 damage crit built boar prime" is utterly horrible( in addition it only does 70 damage due to bad math). The current boar prime does 200 almost


With all primed ravage and both crit chance mods for shotguns you end up with a 95% crit chance and  a 4.2x multiplier on damage. Higher, yes, but at the cost of 36% fire rate and 3 mod slots for a mere 50% more damage on average from current, with no real status boost or anything. Due to all these factors it is still less damage per shot than the sobek, has a slightly higher rate of fire and has a number of mod slots already filled to be competitive.


In other words, it is actually WORSE than it is right now. You get 5 slots for the rest of your build, so blaze, primed point blank,charged shell and contagious spread, and hells chamber. so lets round to 300 due to crits are so common.

300 * 3.25(blaze, ppb) * 3.4(charged shell, contagious spread, blaze) *2.2( hells chamber)


WOW a massive 7300 damage, that is nice compared to the 6k average of the 100% status chance boar prime that also has punch through and a reload speed boost. A 22% boost at the cost of 36% lower fire rate, and a fully ranked primed mod.


Oh wait, if I remove that reload speed boost and put on vicious spread(because I have that utility slot) I can get 7700 damage, or just loading an elemental I can achieve 7400 with no detriment to spread so I still do more damage and have full rate of fire.



Edited by Deadoon
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Dude, how sensitive are you? We aren't attacking you in particular(or atleast most are not), we are going against your idea for "fixing" the boar prime.


The boar prime is the only non-event status shotgun as it is right now. It should keep that crown.


You are practically wanting a completely different weapon. That isn't a buff, that is a rework. In addition, Your "75 damage crit built boar prime" is utterly horrible( in addition it only does 70 damage due to bad math). The current boar prime does 200 almost


With all primed ravage and both crit chance mods for shotguns you end up with a 95% crit chance and  a 4.2x multiplier on damage. Higher, yes, but at the cost of 36% fire rate and 3 mod slots for a mere 50% more damage on average from current, with no real status boost or anything. Due to all these factors it is still less damage per shot than the sobek, has a slightly higher rate of fire and has a number of mod slots already filled to be competitive.


In other words, it is actually WORSE than it is right now. You get 5 slots for the rest of your build, so blaze, primed point blank,charged shell and contagious spread, and hells chamber. so lets round to 300 due to crits are so common.

300 * 3.25(blaze, ppb) * 3.4(charged shell, contagious spread, blaze) *2.2( hells chamber)


WOW a massive 7300 damage, that is nice compared to the 6k average of the 100% status chance boar prime that also has punch through and a reload speed boost. A 22% boost at the cost of 36% lower fire rate, and a fully ranked primed mod.


Oh wait, if I remove that reload speed boost and put on vicious spread(because I have that utility slot) I can get 7700 damage, or just loading an elemental I can achieve 7400 with no detriment to spread so I still do more damage and have full rate of fire.





Well as I said , never let me do the numbres and second you still have a hell of alot of spread WAY to much dmg falloff on range


and remember the boar prime has most dmg in IMPACT so it's pretty much useless in most factions.


either way it needs a buff , I dont care how . If it were to be crit , status , raw dmg , other sort of thing , it needs a rework or rebuff .You can atleast agree with that...


EDIT: the boar prime doesnt even do  200 base dmg it ~184 and you dont take dmg falloff and spread into account, nor the fact that its mostly IMPACT dmg

Edited by sniperbro-captian-PS
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Well as I said , never let me do the numbres and second you still have a hell of alot of spread WAY to much dmg falloff on range


and remember the boar prime has most dmg in IMPACT so it's pretty much useless in most factions.


either way it needs a buff , I dont care how . If it were to be crit , status , raw dmg , other sort of thing , it needs a rework or rebuff .You can atleast agree with that...


EDIT: the boar prime doesnt even do  200 base dmg it ~184 and you dont take dmg falloff and spread into account, nor the fact that its mostly IMPACT dmg

Note that when I used the 300(real calc for average being 303.48) damage from your version I compared it to this monstrosity of a weapon:




7400 damage per shot, with no detriment to usefulness, compared to both the vicious spread version and the crit one you made.

That is using the real stats of the weapon. I rounded to 200 because that is a clean number for tpying purposes, I even pointed out it does almost 200, not it does 200.


Impact isn't bad either, it does well against shields and fixes the problem you would have with a pure slash weapon vs corpus. You can swap the mods around a bit and can have a higher corrosive-blast damage ratio, but w/e. Also, the majority of your damage is elemental by a huge margin that physical damage is sort of left in the excess pile, almost 80% of the overall damage in the build above is elemental.


With a blaze + 4 dual stats for elemental damage you end up with exactly 75% elemental damage, due to you are increasing your base damage, which is pure physical by 300%, which means your physical damage is always at a 1:3 ratio with elemental.


Now I agree it needs a buff, but I think most of the issues with it revolve not around the damage per shot, rate of fire, magazine size, or even reload speed. I think the flaw is purely in AMMO, or rather the lack there of. 


The DPS of the boar prime is pretty close to the sobek with the exact same build.

boar prime:





Note the differences? Boar has a little more burst, sobek has a little more sustained, but both are around 28k and 18k.


Really I would not complain about the boar in the slightest if they scaled ammo drops on a per weapon basis. But as it is right now, the boar needs a buff to something to account for the terrible ammo economy it has. Honestly, I would love if they properly gave the boar 240 rounds reserve, it would hold out for those unlucky periods of incompatible ammo drops well at that point.

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Boar prime against  Sobek

Boar prime has a higher status chance

More pellets per shot

Boar prime has a higher reload

Boar prime has a little higher crit chance





Boar prime     Sobek

sobek has base dmg  (bieng mostly impact also the boar prime)

The sobek has a higer ammo pool (while the boar has a lower ammo pool and faster fire rate)

Sobek has an augment mod from steel meridian (+20 status and the justice effect)

Sobek has more accuracy 

Edited by sniperbro-captian-PS
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Read the entire thread and can only disagree with OP.

Changing from impact to slash is highly unnecessary. Impact does neutral damage on all armor types and only loses 25% to cloned and standard flesh. In the worst of situations, you lose 40% of maybe 30% of your total damage. That is roughly a 12% difference in the absolute worst case scenario.

A status nerf would be the worst thing for the boar p's damage output. Most damage resistance comes from the high armor numbers of foes, which are shredded by status, not crit or slash.

Crit stats, particularly those you suggested, do nothing but waste more mod slots for similar numbers. The only change would be their color.

Edited by (PS4)zanebrtn
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Read the entire thread and can only disagree with OP.

Changing from impact to slash is highly unnecessary. Impact does neutral damage on all armor types and only loses 25% to cloned and standard flesh. In the worst of situations, you lose 40% of maybe 30% of your total damage. That is roughly a 12% difference in the absolute worst case scenario.

A status nerf would be the worst thing for the boar p's damage output. Most damage resistance comes from the high armor numbers of foes, which are shredded by status, not crit or slash.

Crit stats, particularly those you suggested, do nothing but waste more mod slots for similar numbers. The only change would be their color.


1. ok I agree changing most dmg bieng in impact to slash it is unnecessary

But here is the thing I already said 'Dont let me do the numbers , and here is the thing the boar prime WAS ORIGINALLY A CRIT BASED WEAPON. Wich most players discribe as 'bieng more fun then it's current state'.

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This are 5 things players REALLY want this weapon to have.


* higher ammo pool (500)

*less spread 

*status at 40%

*less dmg falloff

*and a fair and square 200 dmg

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This are 5 things players REALLY want this weapon to have.

* higher ammo pool (500)

*less spread

*status at 40%

*less dmg falloff

*and a fair and square 200 dmg

1:Higher ammo pool does nothing but kick the can down the road. Eventually, you will need the ammo mutation or ammo restore.

2: spread on the boar is entirely manageable. It reliably hits a man sized target with most pellets at midrange as long as you time your shots. Going full auto still sees at least a few pellets on target while spreading the 100% status fun to other targets.

3: the status nerf was likely intentional. You want 100%, you have to make a sacrifice. I am not terribly sad to be "forced" to use explosive damage, as it works great for crowd control.

4: damage falloff is capped at 50%, which is more than reasonable.

5: 200 damage, I could get behind. Damage per shot is slightly low for a shotgun and I do love to be able to use round numbers.

Edited by (PS4)zanebrtn
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1. ok I agree changing most dmg bieng in impact to slash it is unnecessary

But here is the thing I already said 'Dont let me do the numbers , and here is the thing the boar prime WAS ORIGINALLY A CRIT BASED WEAPON. Wich most players discribe as 'bieng more fun then it's current state'.

Umm,  the last time it was a crit weapon was damage 1.0, which was 2 years ago(with a 25% crit rate). It has had the same crit rate ever since damage 2.0 and only got a buff in status chance from 5% to 40% and then recently a damage buff with a status nerf to 30%.


It was released on september 13 2013, update 10


November 23, 2013, post damage 2.0, update 11: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Boar_Prime?oldid=382607


February 6, 2014; update 12 buff to 40% status chance: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Boar_Prime?oldid=493426

(Ignore the  "200x" damage, that is a formatting error caused by template changes it seems)

It was a crit weapon for 2 months, after that it was a standard shotgun for another 2.5 and has been a status shotgun since.

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1:Higher ammo pool does nothing but kick the can down the road. Eventually, you will need the ammo mutation or ammo restore.

2: spread on the boar is entirely manageable. It reliably hits a man sized target with most pellets at midrange as long as you time your shots. Going full auto still sees at least a few pellets on target while spreading the 100% status fun to other targets.

3: the status nerf was likely intentional. You want 100%, you have to make a sacrifice. I am not terribly sad to be "forced" to use explosive damage, as it works great for crowd control.

4: damage falloff is capped at 50%, which is more than reasonable.

5: 200 damage, I could get behind. Damage per shot is slightly low for a shotgun and I do love to be able to use round numbers.


1: Considering the Boar Prime is a cross between an automatic rifle and a shotgun it deserves the ammo of an assault rifle. Imagine if the boltor prime/soma prime only had 100 rounds for an ammo pool? The boar prime is the sex furis of shotguns

2: The spread on the boar prime is the worst of any shotgun, You can equip vicious spread on a tigris and the spread on the tigris isn't as bad as the boar primes

3: My vaykor marelok has 100% status on it and it still has good damage... Why can't boar prime have its cake and eat it too?

4: The damage falloff is too soon with the gun. It needs a 20 meter range before falloff


Read the entire thread and can only disagree with OP.

Changing from impact to slash is highly unnecessary. Impact does neutral damage on all armor types and only loses 25% to cloned and standard flesh. In the worst of situations, you lose 40% of maybe 30% of your total damage. That is roughly a 12% difference in the absolute worst case scenario.

A status nerf would be the worst thing for the boar p's damage output. Most damage resistance comes from the high armor numbers of foes, which are shredded by status, not crit or slash.

Crit stats, particularly those you suggested, do nothing but waste more mod slots for similar numbers. The only change would be their color.



Considering crit chance is per pellet, building it crit does considerable more damage vs low armored targets, ( something like 50k burst? ) But vs armored targets its more of a corrosive hose to get rid of enemy armor... of Course you could just equip corrosive projection.


I still think it needs higher pellet count and overall decent stats ( higher crit chance/damage/higher status more ammo more damage ) whats wrong with a weapon being viable with different builds?


It just needs to be a valid gun with reasonable accuracy decent ammo pool and decent base damage with the crits/status making it worthy of a prime weapon

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Umm,  the last time it was a crit weapon was damage 1.0, which was 2 years ago(with a 25% crit rate). It has had the same crit rate ever since damage 2.0 and only got a buff in status chance from 5% to 40% and then recently a damage buff with a status nerf to 30%.


It was released on september 13 2013, update 10


November 23, 2013, post damage 2.0, update 11: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Boar_Prime?oldid=382607


February 6, 2014; update 12 buff to 40% status chance: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Boar_Prime?oldid=493426

(Ignore the  "200x" damage, that is a formatting error caused by template changes it seems)

It was a crit weapon for 2 months, after that it was a standard shotgun for another 2.5 and has been a status shotgun since.



After dmg 2.0 the crit weapon from origin was made into a status weapon with a only 15% crit chance . I still can't see the point in that.


Also you now need ALL dual stat mods to get to 100% , while most dont have shell shock.



1:Higher ammo pool does nothing but kick the can down the road. Eventually, you will need the ammo mutation or ammo restore.

2: spread on the boar is entirely manageable. It reliably hits a man sized target with most pellets at midrange as long as you time your shots. Going full auto still sees at least a few pellets on target while spreading the 100% status fun to other targets.

3: the status nerf was likely intentional. You want 100%, you have to make a sacrifice. I am not terribly sad to be "forced" to use explosive damage, as it works great for crowd control.

4: damage falloff is capped at 50%, which is more than reasonable.

5: 200 damage, I could get behind. Damage per shot is slightly low for a shotgun and I do love to be able to use round numbers.

1. well , you last ALOT longer . by the time you would have lost all you're ammo with its current stats. you would have gotten it back with its (maybe coming) new stats

2.again only on this weapon vicious spread makes it hit only 2 bullets in a distance of 1 meter

3.as I said not many people have all the dual stat mods and would rather waste a mod slot on a dmg mod then on pure status.

4. well tigris doesn't have a problem with dmg  falloff , hek doesnt either. But the boar? 

5.same here round numbers are clear and good for calc

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