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[Warframe Concept] Maladi, The Infected Frame (Now With Art....updated-10/26/2015: Updated Image)


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1) 25 energy-Charger Inheritance: Racun charges forward with a speed greater than a Charger, doing 100/150/200/250 slash damage and stunning the target for 5/10/15/20 seconds.

2)50 energy-Infested Missile- Racun spits 1/2/3/4 explosive toxic tissues at a target(s), homing in on them, dealing 100/150/200/250 toxin damage.

3) 75 energy-Brood Mother's Wrath: Racun embodies the wrath of the Brood Mother, dealing 150/200/250/300 damage in a single strike.

4) 100 energy-Armor of the Juggernaut: Racun's armor becomes 25%/30%/35%/40% stronger and becomes slowed by 10%/15%/20%/25%.

Better or more changes needed?

I personally like them a lot more now. The stun on 1 is a little long and I think the 2 and 3 should switch though. Overall it seems like good progress.
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1) 25 energy-Charger Inheritance: Racun charges forward with a speed greater than a Charger, doing 100/150/200/250 slash damage and stunning the target for 5/10/15/20 seconds.

2)50 energy-Infested Missile- Racun spits 1/2/3/4 explosive toxic tissues at a target(s), homing in on them, dealing 100/150/200/250 toxin damage.

3) 75 energy-Brood Mother's Wrath: Racun embodies the wrath of the Brood Mother, dealing 150/200/250/300 damage in a single strike.

4) 100 energy-Armor of the Juggernaut: Racun's armor becomes 25%/30%/35%/40% stronger and becomes slowed by 10%/15%/20%/25%.

Better or more changes needed?

Yes these are quite good, because now they're like Racun becoming the Infested itself though how is Racun pronounced exactly

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The Idea of a primarily summoning warframe is nice but I have some issues with the stats and such.

My main issue with the stats is that it has a ridiculously low shield (which by the way if the base is 50 at level 30 the shields will be 150 not 250) and that low of armor and no way to heal itself it would be taken down rather quickly, despite the large health pool.  The health pool is large but health doesn't regen and with such a small amount of armor it's not a lot of effective health either.  Honestly even with the armor exposing the health that much without giving it some way to get it back, no matter how good the frame's powers may be it will likely fall flat because of it's shields will be dispatched quickly and then it'll take health damage which won't regen without a healer so unless the player wants to take cover every single 5 seconds and let the game auto-play with the summons or bring a healer every time they use it.  Also the visual design looks like a modified saryn too a ridiculous extent.  

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The Idea of a primarily summoning warframe is nice but I have some issues with the stats and such.

My main issue with the stats is that it has a ridiculously low shield (which by the way if the base is 50 at level 30 the shields will be 150 not 250) and that low of armor and no way to heal itself it would be taken down rather quickly, despite the large health pool. The health pool is large but health doesn't regen and with such a small amount of armor it's not a lot of effective health either. Honestly even with the armor exposing the health that much without giving it some way to get it back, no matter how good the frame's powers may be it will likely fall flat because of it's shields will be dispatched quickly and then it'll take health damage which won't regen without a healer so unless the player wants to take cover every single 5 seconds and let the game auto-play with the summons or bring a healer every time they use it. Also the visual design looks like a modified saryn too a ridiculous extent.

I didn't think it looked like Saryn (whom i happen to have and use). So what...increase the shields and armor?

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1) 25 energy-Charger Inheritance: Racun charges forward with a speed greater than a Charger, doing 100/150/200/250 slash damage and stunning the target for 5/10/15/20 seconds.

2)50 energy-Infested Missile- Racun spits 1/2/3/4 explosive toxic tissues at a target(s), homing in on them, dealing 100/150/200/250 toxin damage.

3) 75 energy-Brood Mother's Wrath: Racun embodies the wrath of the Brood Mother, dealing 150/200/250/300 damage in a single strike.

4) 100 energy-Armor of the Juggernaut: Racun's armor becomes 25%/30%/35%/40% stronger and becomes slowed by 10%/15%/20%/25%.

Better or more changes needed?

Overall, the new abilities are better. Those are some really long ability names. Some alternatives:
"Charger's Ram"
"Brood Mum"
"Juggernaut Hide"
Brood Mother's Wrath is basically a really strong *@##$-slap. (Don't take offense to that. You can be *@##$-slapped by a man.) What else can you add to this to make it unique? Pick a damage type, perhaps. As long as it fits with the theme.
Jugg's Armor could be stronger and slow Maladi down more, imo. Which brings me to my next comment.


I didn't think it looked like Saryn (whom i happen to have and use). So what...increase the shields and armor?


Even though Infested have no shields, I'd agree. I neglected to look at your stats carefully, because I agree with toolazy and have made similar comments in other concepts after finally understanding the relationship between armor and health stats.
Above is a handy graphic to help understand that relationship. Also look up the page that link comes from on the wikia.
Armor allows for effective healing, and prevents excess loss of health in the first place. It's about survivability.
I think 80 as an armor number doesn't actually exist in Warframe, and neither does your health value. I'd suggest lowering the health value to the highest existing number, and raising the armor up to something suitable. (See: "warframe comparison" for all existing stats in a handy single page)
That way the armor buff from the Jugg' armor can stack properly with other mods if needed.
Btw, it does look like a bit like Saryn, but it doesn't bother me much.
Edited by Rhekemi
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Yo! people. I'm the one that made the art. So if you wanna keep commenting about the visuals please do it in my art thread and please keep this place concept related.

I'm sure that Beldair doesn't wanna hear how much this looks like Saryn for the tenth time in a row.

This. And if it looks toooo much like Saryn to ppl, i'm sure evergreenmind will hear you out.

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You might want to link the art thread in the first post and leave directions for members to comment on the artwork there.




-Because commenting on artwork is commonplace, and happens in every thread. It's normal for folks to comment on the art and the concept/theme and abilities all at the same time.


-Because many Fan Concept members don't follow the Fan Art section, and vice versa. 


As for the changes, yes, they're better.

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