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Rng Vs. Tokens (Vote!)


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I think the best way to merge both systems is to simply leave the random drops exactly as they are, but also give a token per mission.

Also make sure it takes a lot of tokens to buy anything.

The tokens would be a safety net, not something that anyone actually relies on.  It's only there as a way to make up for bad luck.  If I could only get enough tokens to buy something once a month, that would be more than enough.


It might be wise to cap the number of tokens that can be earned every day.  This would also help keep people playing a little, every day.  A small compliment to the login rewards.

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Why ? Because in rng, there are a few possibilities


One : You never get the item and quit in frustration.

Two : You get the item immediately and don't get any sense of satisfaction from it. Quit the game soon/ don't play it as regularly / don't enjoy playing

Three: Get the item after grinding for so long - sense of euphoria

Four : Get it in a medium amount of rounds - sense of satisfaction, not too easy ,  hooked on the game .


Now, Four rarely happens, and we would all agree that it is the ideal situation, because Three has a high chance of the player raging,


If the token system is implemented it would essentially confirm that Three would happen all the time , which is good.

Please devs, do away with RNG and implement tokens .

Edited by Woonagi
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Wow. Y'all want the token system because it will be easier. Myswell drop all mods like energy orbs and make this game 3x more easier while you're at it. Sheesh 

How will it be any easier ? Lets say for an item you require 10 tokens. Thats 10 runs as each run gives 1 token. - Not easy

Rng ? Get it on your 1st run or 10000th run. Harder ? Not necessarily .

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Definitely 3. I'd love an in-game token system as a third currency, but it would be really crappy to replace the RNG with it.


RNG system isn't bad overall, but sometimes, yeah, it gets annoying. I find it kind of enjoyable to play without knowing when I will get what I want. However, doing a mission dozens of times to obtain something when it could have dropped from the very first time -- if you had had the luck -- feels like a waste of time.


On the other hand, I find it deadly boring to play Warframe all the thousands of hours that I'm going to play knowing exactly how long it's going to take to get the item I want. Predictability is a huge flaw, and the game developers probably know this very well, since they made these random maps, which are really awesome. It might be annoying when you're equipping your warframe strategically, but I'm okay with it as long as I know which faction I'm fighting.


Anyway, I'd love to see both systems merged, keeping the game fun and rewarding all the time.

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I'm fine with the RNG cause there's that chance for something "Great" to drop that you weren't looking for, or even want but you got it anyway.


On the flip side you could never get it, so using a token system as a sort of back up plan so that even if you do have horrendous luck you can still Progress.


Other than Rank and Mastery i don't feel like I've "Earned" anything, It was just blind luck 


So yea, 3

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Not a fan of tokens(specially not for void content, game seems pretty stingy with the keys as of late. Though The idea of taking these oh 17 latron prime barrels and being able to transform them into ANYTHING that is not more latron prime barrels I welcome lol

3 For sure

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I suggest a merge of options 3 and 4.  I think the token system is great, although it sounds like just another form of the money we already have in game which we can buy blueprints from the market with.  I also enjoy the randomness in the game that makes it more of a grind (longer game lifetime).  I would also like choice in the matter since getting the same blueprints that you already have is frustrating (unless it is a forma or orokin cell/reactor).


Therefore it seems like a third form of in-game currency is being described.  This token system could be used to purchase available parts per map.  For example:


Farming Ruk for Ember parts can be very tedious.  Imagine at the end of the level you receive a bounty for defeating that boss, the amount is you receive is randomized.  If you beat the level you are presented with a loot choice screen with cost attached, if you have enough you can just take what you're looking for and move on.  You still have to grind for that bounty, then go to that level for choice of blueprint by the end (especially if it is a boss level).

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The game already has a token system in the form of credits and platinum. It's just that certain things can't be bought with them, and maybe that should change. There really doesn't need to be another token system on top of that.


That said,


The problem is not the RNG, the problem is farming the same bosses you've fought and beaten a dozen times over. I don't think it's appropriate to send my advanced Frame back to the newbie area just for morphics. I don't know if all materials should be available in low level areas, but they should be available (in greater quantities) in very high level areas.


I vote in favor of the RNG, on the condition that it's tempered with more (and more interesting) boss encounters.

Edited by KF_Kenobi
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I have almost 500h played... when u pay to play Void and have problems with drop because RNG system dont like you ... this can pissed you off.

Edited by Dreed
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1, cuz 2 would make the game too easy.



Im sure others have mentioned this, Im just too lazy to read all replies, but:


just like the fusion sys, would could throw in a sys where we could exchange 10 of the items of same rarity for 1 specific item of the same

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I would support 3. The best implementation I have thought of would be to allow players to trade 10-20 of an item of equal rarity to get a single item of their choice. So you would trade 10-20 helm and chassis BPs for your systems BP.

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