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What Was Your Most Memorable Kill?

(XBOX)a salsa wizard

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For starters, I love this game and hearing about the awesome stuff that goes on within it. My most memorable kill was on a Grineer Powerfist. He charged forward at me and my clan mates, I was running Hydroid and I turned into a wave and he was thrown back into one of those machines and the laser on the machine burned him alive, he went from water to fire in seconds. 


Now I want to hear about what you guys have done!

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Set the scene: We're doing the void.


High lvl mission, forgot what exactly, but that's not important.


New weapon just came out.


Tonkor is love, Tonkor is life.


two of us carrying it, one with a penta, and the last guy toting Boltor P.


All of a sudden; *Flicker* Wolf96781, you can't escape your sins.


Stalker after my Piglets!


Tell team. We group up  in a hallway


*Flicker* *Flicker*


*Stalker spawns*


Team, like super haxor legit swag. Aimbots towards his position, whole team mind you.


A flurry of explosions, gunshots, and more explosions, screen shake for days.


He never even stood up.


Obliterated the stalker.


Best kill ever

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1- I was using tigris, I saw an excal coming at me, I used the double shot on Tigris, I killed excal and a Loki who was cloaking and got caught in the middle, 2 guys, one burst, I laughed so hard


2- I was running, with Vectis p, accidentally pressed fire, and I headshotted some guy who ran in front of me, that timing...


3- Daikyu, 4 kills/one shot o.o punch through fu**ed up, projectile made a 90 degree-turn after hitting the second guy, and got the other 2....




1- Tonkor, basically I missed the butcher, the bomb bounced waaaay far, behind a door, I saw like 7 XP numbers and some damage ones...


2- Punching through 2 doors and a powerfist to get a bombard (lvling Loki, had to hide)

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I have 2 of them, 1st was yesterday, stalker spawns while I have my Prisma skana and trinity prime, he's spawns and immediately runs from me, and I go about mission and killed him without realizing it was him for them spawned and I'm battling him forgot oxygen and lost mission, 2nd is Me and a friend in conclaive and there's a Nyx absorb spam, my friend was 23k 0d I downslam my channeled Kat into the nyx on purpose killing us bothXD

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It was suppose to be just your average void mission....


Then...it happened...I was right behind a friend and I assumed they tried to get a radiation proc on themselves from the way they coaxed the laser...


So I sat there...with baited breath rocking on the edge of my seat with my finger on the trigger...


Do I need to say anything else?

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