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How To Trade Like A Pro



Hi and Welcome to the culmination of about 250 hours of trade chat (if not a lot more) I enjoy trade chat and consider the amount of plat on me a "score" of sorts. I do not have money to spend on Warframe so I found out how to role in plat via the effort I put forth into trade chat. In this post I will detail how to start playing the minigame that is trade chat.

This is not a get rich quick scheme as it is anything but quick. However I can offer myself up as an example for my success in using these practices in the manor that I will show you here.



What you need to know:



Acronyms! You will see a lot of these flying around trade chat and it will look like another language if you are not familiar with them so let's get to the basics!

WTS = Want to sell



WTB = Want to buy



WTTF = Want to trade for



p = Platinum (the paid currency)



pm = Private message



These are the most common acronyms you will see used and in my opinion are the most fundamental piece of jargon in need of grasping before moving forward.




"butz I waents da pluuut nooooww!"



Well hold on there little fella in order to make plat you have to have something that you can sell. In my experience I see people take that tid bit of information run off to a T2 Survival, stay for 15m, come back to tradechat, attempt to sell whatever it is they found, become disheartened because not a single person is interested, hop into region chat, and moan about how much tradechat sucks.


Well this is how we avoid all of that and go from craving plat for frame and weapon slots, to rolling in cosmetics and plat to spare. 



First things first - Open trade chat and watch it. Look for the WTB's, look for the ones that repeat by different people. at the time of this being posted the most common item meeting this criteria is the infamous Trinity prime systems. Note: this will change with each new prime access or fad. Look for others there are a lot of people buying a lot of different things other than the latest prime stuff.

Next step – Now, with your list of items that you have noticed people wanting to buy go over to the Wiki and search for those specific items and see where their drop location is. Be sure to write down somewhere the list of locations and rotations that the items drop on. In the case of the Trinity Prime Systems you will notice that it is T3MD (Tower 3 Mobile Defense)



Third step - You now know what people want to buy and where to get the item that they want to buy, it is now time to head on over to recruiting chat and try and hunt down people hosting that mission and ask for an invite. (Why use your own keys when someone else is happy to host instead). Note: people are not always hosting the mission you are looking for so sometimes you have to be the one who hosts so be sure to stock up on void keys. 



Fourth step - Easily the hardest part of this, the flesh and bone sacrifice to RNGesus, Instructions are as follows: Find one Virg- I kid, I kid. But really there is a reason why items are being bought and why people are not just getting them on their own. This is what drives item value. This is free market capitalism (kind of). Thus if you wish to see returns you must put in the effort to make them.



Fifth step - Congrats you leeched, or hosted, or key shared, on some T3MD and got a Trinity Prime Systems on your first attempt, your offering to RNGesus was enough (I recommend giving another offering up as thanks in order to continue reaping the bountiful harvest he has supplied you with, I suggest your first born) Now you go back to Trade chat to peddle your wares. This is where it get outwardly complex to explain but in reality ends up being very, very, simple. Look and see if there any immediate people saying "WTB Trinity sys" or something along those lines. If you do find them click on their name and hit "message" or type /w (their name) (your message) with the information that you would be willing to sell them the item they are interested in. (continued in negotiation)



However I'm here to provide all sides to the coin so let us assume you do not find anyone saying "WTB trinity sys" or anything along that same context. You have now become the seller. "well wasn't I a seller before?" No you were a trader, someone taking time to go individually hunt down leads to make a sale. While yes you were still selling the entire time you are now taking on the role of the A-typical-carpet-bomb-advertiser, rather, an advertiser- like everybody else. You should make a post into trade chat looking something like this "WTS Trinity Prime Systems pm For Details!" the way that trade chat works is that you can only post once every 120 seconds so making it stand out from the rest of the mayhem is important. Numerous studies have shown that babies associate capitalized words with meaning much sooner than they do lower case words due to their average exposure, this is something that is not lost when they mature as it is retained not via individual letter character structure but entire word shape. So Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word, Even The Ones You Do Not Think Are Important.



Advertising Meta - You may notice in trade chat that what they posted and what I suggested for your post format are two different things but in essence the only difference is the majority in trade chat end their listing with "pm offer". Now in many circles saying offer is a big no, no, and you can expect to see varying results in how you phrase your post so do so accordingly. Keep in mind that you in this case are the seller. You have absolute power and no one can dispute you as you hold the item that they want. It does not matter what you type so long as you are advertising an item they want they will come to you in droves. Note: The reason I choose "pm for details" is because it works as either the seller or the buyer, it is opened ended, it incites discussion, as well as the possibility for negotiation - all things that can make you more plat if utilized correctly.



Sixth step - The sell, you have now found someone either by them going WTB or by you going WTS and one of you pmed the other. This is where style, tact, courteousness, and professionalism shine the most. It is my firm belief that you do not squeeze the most plat out of people by haggling rather I believe haggling lowers your possible gain - people want to buy your item not argue with you over its value. So instead I suggest you make their day better by having contacted you. You do this by being excellent to them. There is no "how-to" for this because it varies from person to person so much. The best advice I can give is get them chatting. Your aim is not to just sell an Item it is to sell yourself. You are going to show them how awesome the Warframe community is in trade and in actual game play.  Easy way to start is check out their profile and see what prime stuff they may be missing, ask if they are also in the market for anything else (even if you cannot provide what they ask for) get to know each and every person you trade with. Ask them if they might be interested in trading with something other than plat (even if you want to only do plat) this is where the real game begins and it is all about skill. Note: Skill is developed through practice and learning what works with them but also what works and what does not for you. 


Seventh step - Ahh but it's all good and fun until you need to get the price out of them so this is where you get into the make or break space of them not giving a hoot about what you had to ask or whatever it was you tried and they just want to buy or sell the item. Well you are in luck because here is how you do it. With this one easy trick you can rake in tens of thousands of plat just like me. Ask them what they think its worth. Yup. That is it. Don't ask them how much are they willing to pay, no rather ask them about their honest opinion on its value. that's it.

This is where things get stickier. Before this it was all just being courteous I like to equate everything before step seven to the formalities exchanged before the beginning of a fencing bout in which players exchange the traditional sign of respect to one another before stabbing or whacking the S#&$ out of each other (Saber here). Because they can answer with a myriad of different responses all of which will -like in any game of turn based strategy- dictate your next move.

if they answer with the offensive and or immature "lol idk" treat them with no less respect than you would any other person - for all you know they could be being honest. Remember that profile check you did earlier take note of their their mastery rank and the weapons and frames they have mastered, look and see if they are wearing any raid badges, etc, all these clue can provide a fair overall picture of the kind of person you are dealing with and their amount experience with in the trade system. For example a "lol idk" from a MR7 is a lot different than a "lol idk" from a MR20 proceed carefully either which way as I myself have created alt accounts and I know many other who do the same. so when you thought you were trading with an MR7 in technical reality you are in fact trading with an MR47..... this and many other reasons like it are why there is no one size fits all answer.


Eighth step - You have their offer... now if only I could make a flow chart... well here we go


If you liked: their offer tell them so! after that follow it up with an invite to your dojo to trade with them.


If you did not: Like their offer, or rather you did not agree with them on their opinion of how much they felt it was worth - lets remember not everyone is trying to lowball and undercut you, some people legitimately do not know or are misinformed about its value. So this is where you come in. Since you did the research as to where the part drops recite it back to them, explain to them that it only drops  in a single specific location or locations within the void. Explain to them what rotation it might be on explain how long it takes to get to that rotation if it is on a rotation at all. explain how hard it is to get the specific void key to run that mission to get to that specific rotation. where applicable list the % drop chance if you can find it. say whether or not it was a pain in the butt for you personally to get it people subconsciously tend to care more about personal excerpts than mere data points. Tell them how many you have left. Then and only then when you feel that they have finally grasped not its value but your opinion about what you think it is worth - do you tell them what you think it is worth and what you think is a fair price. Follow it up with a straight answer of whether or not you would be willing to negotiate the point you just listed and whether or not you might be willing to take other things in substitute of or in addition to plat.


Option 3 let's say they shoot you and offer waaaay above what it is worth. let's say you are selling braton prime set and they offer 800p. It is up to you to not be S#&$ guzzling $&*^ ripper to tell them that it is not worth that much and what its actual price is. Don't be that S#&$ guzzler.



Notes / Tips and Tricks


 1. Warframe allows for you to copy and paste from out of game into game (in that order) via the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl + C > tab back into warframe > open chat > Ctrl + V and wha la. for example sake this is what my copy paste looks like:

" WTB Arcane Strike x8, WTB Arcane Avenger x7, WTB Arcane Barrier x5, WTB Arcane Eruption x3, WTB Gaia's Tragedy PM Me What You Got! WTS Carrier Prime Set, WTS Loki Prime Set! "

2. Keep it Simple. If you have a large variety of stuff to sell as I usually do, I find that a simple message works better. My usual choice of message is "Selling most Mods and Prime Parts available. PM me, I may have something you're looking for." I get more PMs since I started doing that over the walls of spam messages. -Ruby_Rose_
3. Always expand your chat window. This seems obvious, but a lot of people don't do it.  A full expanded chat window WILL make chat seems to move slower, because the spam message will take less lines overall and chat will be more manageable even during peak time. -Ruby_Rose_

4. I did a lot of experimenting with generic copy paste response in order to more easily initiate aspects of step six. This experimentation culminated in the firm belief that generi response will get you one of three answers: oh my thats a lot of text!, (the response you wanted), This user is now ignoring you. Feel free to experiment but know that there is a much larger margin for losing your potential buyer / seller when doing this than if you had actually typed it out.
5. Worth re-mentioning: ALWAYS be willing to negotiate prices. -Ruby_Rose_
6.  Learn when each region's trade chat is most active. It will help, even if you only use just your region and learn just that one. It's easier to Buy/Sell during peak hours, but you may stand to get better deals during the slow times. -Ruby_Rose_

404 TL;DR not found.....
Questions, comments, criticisms, all welcome, if you find error in what I say and wish to dispute it feel free and if I find cause that you are indeed correct in your finding I will be happy to ammend 
Edited by Jigoogly
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Since noone replied yet I just want to say: Good job on this article.

Whoever does not understand how trading works as of now should probably read again ;D


I have to especially thank you because of the fact that this article will maybe prevent some people from ignoring me when I'm not well enough informed about the correct value of an item (which unfortunately happens from time to time) but instead talk to me to tell me that I'm wrong.

I would have loved to tell them that it wasn't a problem at all to lower the prices massively, which I couldnt because of the insta-ignore :(


Have a good one, sir!

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With over 2000 total hours, and most of that being trading.. I can say that most of this is accurate.


As added tips, which I don't recall being mentioned..


Always expand your chat window. This seems obvious, but a lot of people don't do it.  A full expanded chat window WILL make chat seems to move slower, because the spam message will take less lines overall and chat will be more manageable even during peak time.


If you have a TON of stuff to sell, DO NOT Make a flood message like

"WTS (Part/Set)(price) (Part/Set)(price)(Part/Set)(price)(Part/Set)(price)(Part/Set)(price)(Part/Set)(price)(Part/Set)(price)(Part/Set)(price)(Part/Set)(price)" Trade chat moves fast at peak hours and most of it will get overlooked. That and these messages tend to be ignored often than not.


Keep it Simple. if you have a large variety of stuff to sell as I usually do, I find that a simple message works better. My usual choice of message is "Selling most Mods and Prime Parts available. PM me, I may have something you're looking for." I get more PMs since I started doing that over the walls of spam messages.


General rule of thumb, if you're selling more than 5 items, use a simpler message. Unless you're listing off sets Like "Selling Prime Sets - Set1, Set2, Set3, Set4, Set5, Set6"


Speaking of Peak hours, LEARN THEM. Learn when each region's trade chat is most active. It will help, even if you only use just your region and learn just that one. It's easier to Buy/Sell during peak hours, but you may stand to get better deals during the slow times.


ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS be willing to negotiate prices. Unless you know the offer is a low offer, for example someone wanting to buy Trinity Systems for less than 80p.. Be willing to work with people, BUY OR SELL.


Always expect to see some low offers when selling. That are a lot of people that would like to turn a profit.


Also, since you mentioned haggling, you will always want to when buying. Just don't over do it. You can do it when selling too, but you may just chase people away.

Edited by Ruby_Rose_
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With over 2000 total hours, and most of that being trading.. I can say that most of this is accurate.


As added tips, which I don't recall being mentioned..


Always expand your chat window. This seems obvious, but a lot of people don't do it.  A full expanded chat window WILL make chat seems to move slower, because the spam message will take less lines overall and chat will be more manageable even during peak time.


If you have a TON of stuff to sell, DO NOT Make a flood message like

"WTS (Part/Set)(price) (Part/Set)(price)(Part/Set)(price)(Part/Set)(price)(Part/Set)(price)(Part/Set)(price)(Part/Set)(price)(Part/Set)(price)(Part/Set)(price)" Trade chat moves fast at peak hours and most of it will get overlooked. That and these messages tend to be ignored often than not.


Keep it Simple. if you have a large variety of stuff to sell as I usually do, I find that a simple message works better. My usual choice of message is "Selling most Mods and Prime Parts available. PM me, I may have something you're looking for." I get more PMs since I started doing that over the walls of spam messages.


General rule of thumb, if you're selling more than 5 items, use a simpler message. Unless you're listing off sets Like "Selling Prime Sets - Set1, Set2, Set3, Set4, Set5, Set6"


Speaking of Peak hours, LEARN THEM. Learn when each region's trade chat is most active. It will help, even if you only use just your region and learn just that one. It's easier to Buy/Sell during peak hours, but you may stand to get better deals during the slow times.


ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS be willing to negotiate prices. Unless you know the offer is a low offer, for example someone wanting to buy Trinity Systems for less than 80p.. Be willing to work with people, BUY OR SELL.


Always expect to see some low offers when selling. That are a lot of people that would like to turn a profit.


Also, since you mentioned haggling, you will always want to when buying. Just don't over do it. You can do it when selling too, but you may just chase people away.

Good ones I was getting burnt out writing it all out towards the end but I will edit it to include these with a citation to you for these needed additions.

also gratz on becoming a junior guide!

Edited by Jigoogly
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Good post man , very well done.

One trick I do to get players coming back all the time to buy is cut them a better deal in pm.

for example I'll sell Orthos P set 50p.

If theres a buyer who's willing to pay that I drop the price to 30p in pm.

They will come back and spend more plat.

 Being reasonable can get you repeat "customers", but given your example, it sounds like you're just unnecessarily dropping the price for the sake of doing so. Resulting in a good deal for them, but you losing out, especially if you were flipping.

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Good ones I was getting burnt out writing it all out towards the end but I will edit it to include these with a citation to you for these needed additions.

also gratz on becoming a junior guide!

Thank you. :)


Also, post trade, you should always follow with some sort of thank you or nice trading with you. Just being nice in general will get some people to add you or similar effect and get you repeat trades.

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Being reasonable can get you repeat "customers", but given your example, it sounds like you're just unnecessarily dropping the price for the sake of doing so. Resulting in a good deal for them, but you losing out, especially if you were flipping.

True ... If I was flipping sets I would be cutting myself short , this only works with sets you've farmed yourself
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Great Guide ! 


but .... how do I expand the chat window ? it sometimes happens by accident but I dont know how to do it 

Bottom right of the chat window is a corner you can click and drag to resize. You will have to move your window up to allow it to expand downwards though

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