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Getting Past Vorn But Dieing To The Endless Ammounts Of His Troops Due To Low Ammo Despite Using Ammo Boxes


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After progressing through the campaign and reaching the first boss in the game, I had a surprisingly easy time defeating him with minimal resistance. However! after this I realise my previous plans of conserving ammo were for nothing as I had 20 rounds left in my pistol and about 200 in my primary.


I thought "Not a problem the mission will be over in about 5 mins anyway"

Well I thought wrong as TONS of enemies came from everywhere which for one made me burn through the little ammo I had left and two: left me with low health.


After fighting my way using my sword and what ammo I could find off dead troopers for my pistol I had found my way to a room with seemingly no way out. Again I thought "No problem ive killed a ton of them, they couldn't catch up to me anyways.." I was dead wrong 20 yes 20 enemies 4 with pesky shields march into the room with one purpose, to destroy me..


I ended up finding the exit after 3 tries but, It just never mattered as the shield troopers and their backup proved to powerful to defeat.


So yeah I've tried going stealthy but that failed straight away.


To be fair on the missions leading up to the boss battle I didn't care when I had no ammo as it made the game more challenging, but then again their wasn't 20 enemies constantly shooting at me.


All of this + A secondary which is 10x better than the starting weapon which runs out of ammo every 5 seconds and should be semi auto all together.


TIP : This gun isn't good at being automatic so try using it as a semi-auto as it helped KILL the HEAVY recoil or at least It keeps it at bay.


I'm not one for moaning at games and difficulties or even asking for help in games as I like to work things out for myself and have the full experience. Bottom line is I like to play games solo and I just want to get back to having fun playing the game.

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Sounds like you were playing solo... maybe you want to gear up a bit more before going back? Get some more necessary mods and level your weapons for more capacity, OR buy ammo boxes/large HP restores and try again, this time more carefully, using cover whenever possible to limit how many people can shoot you at one time..

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Get some guns with a good ammo economy, my suggestion for starting out is, as soon as you hit 10k credits, buy a Braton and sell the Braton MK-1. You can pulse fire it to hit at max range perfectly, it'll hit harder and you'll notice the difference immediately, saving bullets to do the same damage.


The Lex or the Kunai are decent sidearms with good ammo/kill ratios, but they're not exactly super cheap as the Braton. Take your time and whenever possible aim for the head and fire in bursts, hitting enemies in the head (the ones that have heads anyway) will let you get kills twice as fast, saving a lot of ammo.


Don't forget your skills! Assuming you're in the starting frames still, if you're in a Loki you can always use invisibility and leisurely take down your foes without worrying, remember while invisible your melee attacks hit a lot harder!. If you're in Excalibur, Slash Dash everything, you can never use this skill too much! And if you're in Mag it'll be slightly harder, you've gotta rely on your 100 energy Crush to deal with groups, but it does dish out the hurt. 


Hope some of that helps.

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to be fair the game did become more spammy with enemies after update 8. it is an annoying fake challenge as you are being constantly zergrushed. especially on objective based missions like boss runs or raid runs. amusingly some missions do it to a bigger or lesser degree

Edited by grndragon
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there isn't that much of a campaign yet in the game. you could try just farming some earlier levels. getting mods and affinity will always help it out. although i understand your pain. i used to get killed a lot by zergrushing when i was new to the game.

i also played with a friend recently, defeating vor just for fun. we did indeed notice that there are a lot more enemies in that mission after U8

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Another thing to note is that if you're having trouble killing Grineer enemies efficiently, grab yourself an armor piercing mod and slap it on your weapons.  Grineer take high damage from head shots and they take bonus damage from the piercing 'element'.  You can greatly increase your ammo efficiency early on with a Piercing Hit mod on your rifle (this will help too once you start fighting Corpus enemies, because their box helmets prevent head shots unless you use a bolt or armor piercing weapon).


Also, don't forget: you don't need to kill everything.  It is perfectly acceptable to run for your life when you're in a dire situation and in fact you often do yourself somewhat of a disservice by sticking back and killing the infinitely respawning mobs (and they do more or less respawn infinitely!).  So basically pick your fights and be careful not to tunnel-vision on the killing aspect when your goal is to get back to extraction.

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After progressing through the campaign and reaching the first boss in the game, I had a surprisingly easy time defeating him with minimal resistance. However! after this I realise my previous plans of conserving ammo were for nothing as I had 20 rounds left in my pistol and about 200 in my primary.


I thought "Not a problem the mission will be over in about 5 mins anyway"

Well I thought wrong as TONS of enemies came from everywhere which for one made me burn through the little ammo I had left and two: left me with low health.


After fighting my way using my sword and what ammo I could find off dead troopers for my pistol I had found my way to a room with seemingly no way out. Again I thought "No problem ive killed a ton of them, they couldn't catch up to me anyways.." I was dead wrong 20 yes 20 enemies 4 with pesky shields march into the room with one purpose, to destroy me..


I ended up finding the exit after 3 tries but, It just never mattered as the shield troopers and their backup proved to powerful to defeat.


So yeah I've tried going stealthy but that failed straight away.


To be fair on the missions leading up to the boss battle I didn't care when I had no ammo as it made the game more challenging, but then again their wasn't 20 enemies constantly shooting at me.


All of this + A secondary which is 10x better than the starting weapon which runs out of ammo every 5 seconds and should be semi auto all together.


TIP : This gun isn't good at being automatic so try using it as a semi-auto as it helped KILL the HEAVY recoil or at least It keeps it at bay.


I'm not one for moaning at games and difficulties or even asking for help in games as I like to work things out for myself and have the full experience. Bottom line is I like to play games solo and I just want to get back to having fun playing the game.


If you're just starting out in the game, allow me to say welcome!


Now, on topic, I would recommend running M Prime a few times, for extra money/mods, as this will help increase the effectiveness of your guns, or allow you to purchase some other weapons that may help you out.

The game is fun, and there was definitely some difficulty when I first started out, but once you get the hang of the mechanics, and play around with some new weapons/mod combinations, you'll find yourself quickly tearing through missions. 


Best of luck to you, Tenno!


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The main problem was not the individual enemies but when they really stack up as I did end up running past them on a few occasions, the problem is that I got in way over my head and just went in blindly so yeah ill go try this again and probably die a few times >.>

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