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Limbo Prime Release Date


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No one underrates Banshee.


Everyone correctly rates Limbo as trash-tier because his abilities are fiddly and pretty bad at what they do (restore energy, protect/heal, and increase damage output), unless you absolutely, positively must take 0 damage, which is really only the case at extremely high enemy levels.


Trinity protects, heals, and restores energy far better than Limbo can, with the caveat that duration Trinity can't prevent 100% of damage, just 99.X%. However, Blessing affects all allies no matter where they are on the map, and you don't have to be in the Rift to receive protection. Also, if at any point an enemy is in the Rift alongside a banished squad mate, they're unprotected from that enemy.


As far as Limbo's damage output goes, with Rift Surge, Rift Torrent, and an extremely high Power Strength, he can reach maybe 2-3x weapon damage, because Rift Surge only affects a weapon's base damage. That's for himself only, mind you.


He's just a really marginal frame overall even when his abilities are used to their maximum potential.

Edited by Kastorius
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Wow and I thought Banshee was underrated. His toolbox is godly. He just looks like a goofball.


He's skillset got a nice concept, just a tad bit unpolished. Things like unable to interact (looting, hacking, etc) while in the Rift turns off most people when Limbo drops a Cataclys, amongst other flaws as well. 


A good skillset revolves around solid independecy divided inbetween powers, yet linked with flowing synergy. (Excal/Frost's latest buffs has this "flow" vibe going on, Saryn's upcoming rework has great synergy connecting her powers to produce greater results)


What Limbo has currently, that each of his powers are highly-dependant on each other. (Press 1 to banish, 2 so Limbo enters the rift, annnndddd hit 3 to get buff, da wut?) 

Edited by SeraIngvir
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Most frames dont jump out the box working as intended.

Banshee's 3 did absolutely nothing for the longest time.

How long was Ember the worst frame in the game?

Excal had an ability solely committed to jumping high?

Nekros is still to this day Santa Claus in wolf clothing.

Mag's 1 is(or was) better then everything else in her arsenal by leaps and bounds.

Volt was laughable back in the day(high damage frame lel)

The list continues. It just ain't Limbo.

Edited by AcceI
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In 2016, Nekros, Vauban, Banshee, Valkyria.

In 2017, Oberon, Hydroid, Zephyr, and Mirage. (I'm scared that they will pull a nova prime on Zephyr and release mirage or Mesa before her, i would be sad lol)

2018- Limbo, Chroma, Mesa (If she is primed after Zephyr Hopefully), and Equinox.

2019- Atlas....

Sorry, limbos in three years, also everyone that says that limbo isn't good, actually get limbo and level him to 30, and catalyst him.

Edited by (PS4)abb12355
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Wow and I thought Banshee was underrated. His toolbox is godly. He just looks like a goofball.

His toolbox is like having 4 screwdrivers that are all the same size when all the other frames have cordless drills. They are redundant and give negligible benefits to teammates while also being inconvenient frequently, especially when compared to Trinity. His damage skill (3) is also inferior to Banshee's Sonar.


I've said it in other threads about him...I like the Void/Rift concept but do not care much for his powers not to mention his silly looks. 

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Wow in the eyes of the community limbo is so bad that the players will rude fully get the F*** out of here your troll happnes in missions that I joined with most of the time thought not in the exact words so basically limbo is the black guy among white men in the racist days

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Wow in the eyes of the community limbo is so bad that the players will rude fully get the F*** out of here your troll happnes in missions that I joined with most of the time thought not in the exact words so basically limbo is the black guy among white men in the racist days


Why do you have to bring racism into warframes?

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Why do you have to bring racism into warframes?

Oh just making am analogy if you don't know white people= hates the colour of the blacks skin , nearly most of the community= hates the skills of limbo thoughmy analogy sounds rather harsh and a little exaggerated

Hopefully never and they remove him entirely

Or better yet DE ignores your selfish biased personal opinion and have a rework on limbo which the latter is better than. What you are suggesting

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