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Remove The Dark Sectors Armistice


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Yeah yeah, what's the point though?  


One Clan or Alliance vs. the others - it still turns into back room deals, exploitation of mechanics and to be honest, the Dark Sector rewards really aren't worth the headache of dealing with PvP.


Drop the Umbra's there, put a tax cap on things, make the conflicts friendly to PvP and PvE?  That changes things.  But as they are now - no point.


For many, we just need a reason other than epeen.

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@ Noamuth - I think the issue is this. For someone not playing on PC this is how I see it.

1) A plethora of PC players complaining about one alliance's 99% taxation.
2) Said plethora of PC players have deemed this taxation so offensive that it's one of the reasons they dislike Rails so much
3) Yet said plethora of PC players who claim that they are the silent majority won't ban together and remove said alliance from the rails
4) Instead they choose to come on the forums and attempt to get Rails to not come back or express their lack of interest in rails.
5) But if you have such a lack of interest for rails and DS then why even care about who is taxing what on which dark sector node?

You see how non-PC players are confused. Because on Xbox when we didn't like what Alliance A was doing we formed our own alliance and garnered our strength and eventually took it to them and they didn't even come CLOSE to taxing 99% on rail nodes. But on PC it seems that everyone wants to complain about the taxation but when we point out the simplest of solutions to that it's like "well, nah there's not enough interest for people to get together and fight on these rails..." Well it sure sounds like there's enough interest with all the complaints loll.


Edited by (XB1)Lorewalker1022
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@ Noamuth - I think the issue is this. For someone not playing on PC this is how I see it.

1) A plethora of PC players complaining about one alliance's 99% taxation.

2) Said plethora of PC players have deemed this taxation so offensive that it's one of the reasons they dislike Rails so much

3) Yet said plethora of PC players who claim that they are the silent majority won't ban together and remove said alliance from the rails

4) Instead they choose to come on the forums and attempt to get Rails to not come back or express their lack of interest in rails.

5) But if you have such a lack of interest for rails and DS then why even care about who is taxing what on which dark sector node?

You see how non-PC players are confused. Because on Xbox when we didn't like what Alliance A was doing we formed our own alliance and garnered our strength and eventually took it to them and they didn't even come CLOSE to taxing 99% on rail nodes. But on PC it seems that everyone wants to complain about the taxation but when we point out the simplest of solutions to that it's like "well, nah there's not enough interest for people to get together and fight on these rails..." Well it sure sounds like there's enough interest with all the complaints loll.


Complaining is easier than doing.
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The point of dark sector conflicts is that it adds depth to the game and draws people back to it when constant farming gets dull. And we ALL know that farming endlessly for whatever you want (creds, resources, prime parts) can get boring. A lot of people get burned out on Warframe despite it being a great game because it gets dull. Solar Rails kept things fresh. And like CFE Reaper posted from our clan leader CFE Vulari, it gave clans and alliances a reason to exist other than clan research. Without solar rails what is the point of forming an alliance? What is the point of being in a clan other than getting the research and leaving?


A lot of games lack complexity and solar rails added that complexity. They're reworking the combat constantly in PVP, tweaking what's broken and buffing things that actually need it. I can't wait to fight on solar rails because after about 1500+ hours in the game I have every prime, I have most of the mods and I'm MR18 which means I've mastered most of the weapons too. What is left for me in a game that I love? I want more from this game because its awesome.


And like Lorewalker said, if you don't like the taxes. Stop complaining. Do something about it. Get motivated. Things are not as hopeless as you seem to think. Solar Rails make Warframe dynamic and give people a reason to be invested in the game.

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Complaining is easier than doing.

Judging is easier than understanding.



@ Noamuth - I think the issue is this. For someone not playing on PC this is how I see it.

1) A plethora of PC players complaining about one alliance's 99% taxation.

2) Said plethora of PC players have deemed this taxation so offensive that it's one of the reasons they dislike Rails so much

3) Yet said plethora of PC players who claim that they are the silent majority won't ban together and remove said alliance from the rails

4) Instead they choose to come on the forums and attempt to get Rails to not come back or express their lack of interest in rails.

5) But if you have such a lack of interest for rails and DS then why even care about who is taxing what on which dark sector node?

You see how non-PC players are confused. Because on Xbox when we didn't like what Alliance A was doing we formed our own alliance and garnered our strength and eventually took it to them and they didn't even come CLOSE to taxing 99% on rail nodes. But on PC it seems that everyone wants to complain about the taxation but when we point out the simplest of solutions to that it's like "well, nah there's not enough interest for people to get together and fight on these rails..." Well it sure sounds like there's enough interest with all the complaints loll.


It's not just the taxation that was the issue - PvP was added and many players lost interest in the Dark Sectors entirely.  


DE changed the conflict mechanics, made it a cue'ing system over who-clicked-faster, so it's stacked with a waiting period.  Alliances were having 'rogue' clans fighting for them to pad their numbers, flawed mechanics and bugs were being taken advantage of. 


It wasn't just the taxes, it was a lot of other things on top of the taxes.


My posts are from my personal experience and opinion, I do not speak for the plethora of other PC players.

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@ Noamuth - I understand that. When I said "plethora" I was referring to all the times I heard complaints about this 99% taxation. Not necessarily you.

Any game has some flawed mechanics and bugs, alliances didn't create them. Those bugs were there for everyone, and is really DE's problem.

Xbox had the same problems. We still played through it. That's all I'm saying.

I've had games where those flawed mechanics cost me to lose, I've had games where I didn't even get paid for my efforts, but I still played through it.

When people complain about bugs and flawed mechanics they say it as if they are the only ones affected. Like oh, it messed with my playing so that's why I lost. It messed with everyone! The bugs didn't just go, oh let's only mess with Player A.

And I know you are not saying it as a complaint, you are just explaining why people dislike the DS conflicts. But every game I've ever played had some bug or flawed mechanic, you didn't just remove it and say, "screw it, we aren't going to have this anymore."

DE should bring the rails back and fix it as we go along. At least that way they will get real-time feedback on their fixes.

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@ Noamuth - I think the issue is this. For someone not playing on PC this is how I see it.

1) A plethora of PC players complaining about one alliance's 99% taxation.

2) Said plethora of PC players have deemed this taxation so offensive that it's one of the reasons they dislike Rails so much

3) Yet said plethora of PC players who claim that they are the silent majority won't ban together and remove said alliance from the rails

4) Instead they choose to come on the forums and attempt to get Rails to not come back or express their lack of interest in rails.

5) But if you have such a lack of interest for rails and DS then why even care about who is taxing what on which dark sector node?

You see how non-PC players are confused. Because on Xbox when we didn't like what Alliance A was doing we formed our own alliance and garnered our strength and eventually took it to them and they didn't even come CLOSE to taxing 99% on rail nodes. But on PC it seems that everyone wants to complain about the taxation but when we point out the simplest of solutions to that it's like "well, nah there's not enough interest for people to get together and fight on these rails..." Well it sure sounds like there's enough interest with all the complaints loll.


I'm glad it worked on xbox, but it obviously wasn't a concept that worked on PC and if I remember correctly PS4 was also moving down the road to PC's ways. It's kind of silly to ask for a concept back when it didn't work or wasn't appreciated on a big part of the community (complaints about it was why it was removed from the first place). You haven't got a single clue what people have attempted to take nodes form alliances on pc, so don't judge the community over this. A lack of interest in rails involves everyone in the game. Dark sectors are playable nodes for everyone and not only that, but they are special nodes for resource farming, etc. I don't care about rails at all, but I care about playing dark sectors. 


I get that you liked conflicts, but you're not the only one playing this game and DE felt that a larger part of the community didn't appreciate how conflicts worked. So it's being revised. It's not gone forever, it'll come back if a different way that may or may not work better for a large part of the community. Just be patient and you'll get to play rails eventually. This is coming from a PS4 only player btw. 

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No unless they have a dedicated server for that (if it is pvp) as host migration strategy crap will be used again, why do the S#&$ty alliance that put 99% tax get away with what they did? this host migration strategy bullcrap is one of the reasons.


But if it is ds 1.0 where it is pve and the host migration bullcrap strategy can't be utilize then I'll vote for it.

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@my_soldier - Sure. You point is well-taken. I don't know exactly what happened on PC, but I can only presume and guess based on my knowledge of Rails on Xbox. It can't be that different. But maybe I'm wrong. That's fine.

All I'm saying is the community has the power. And I've said that all along. People always say well what about the rest of the community, they don't get a say in this? They do. If they don't exercise it for whatever the reason (be it legitimate or not) it's up to them. And I still see it as the PC community should have exercised their power. If I saw a 99% tax on a node I wanted to play believe me I would be fighting for the opposition alliance.

And I only hope they bring the rails back sooner than later. It wouldn't hurt to fix it as we go along. Because I bet you they will never be able to release a "balanced" version that makes everyone happy. So then, why not release a revision and then add fixes to it from there. Player feedback will be in real-time. Instead of now, there's no transparency. There's only "we're working on it" which in the real world at any work place translates to "I haven't really done anything" lolol.

Edited by (XB1)Lorewalker1022
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@ Noamuth - I understand that. When I said "plethora" I was referring to all the times I heard complaints about this 99% taxation. Not necessarily you.

Any game has some flawed mechanics and bugs, alliances didn't create them. Those bugs were there for everyone, and is really DE's problem.

Xbox had the same problems. We still played through it. That's all I'm saying.

I've had games where those flawed mechanics cost me to lose, I've had games where I didn't even get paid for my efforts, but I still played through it.


When people complain about bugs and flawed mechanics they say it as if they are the only ones affected. Like oh, it messed with my playing so that's why I lost. It messed with everyone! The bugs didn't just go, oh let's only mess with Player A.


And I know you are not saying it as a complaint, you are just explaining why people dislike the DS conflicts. But every game I've ever played had some bug or flawed mechanic, you didn't just remove it and say, "screw it, we aren't going to have this anymore."

DE should bring the rails back and fix it as we go along. At least that way they will get real-time feedback on their fixes.

My point is that there are multiple reasons why Conflicts didn't work on PC, it's not just that we aren't trying hard enough.


This is a game, good grief.  

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@ Noamuth - Saying this is a game is a bad argument. In fact it's basically a non-argument. Gaming is something a lot of us do. And some of us take it quite seriously (obviously). It's a big part of what we enjoy. So your phrase "This is a game, good grief"...suggests that simply because its so, it shouldn't be taken seriously.

Also if this is "a game" as you put it, then why are you still here responding. it's not that big of a deal right?

As for me, this is a game, but one that I love. I have basically stopped playing all other games for this game. So yes, I care very much about it and the elements within it that I greatly enjoy. And rails happens to be one of them.

And I've put many hours into my clan and my alliance as has many other warlords and clan leaders. So I don't see why I would take it any less seriously to be honest.

I go to work everyday, I pay my obligations on time, I have a family just like you, but on my free time if I choose to put my passion into a game then I think that deserves some seriousness to it don't you?

If it's just a game, then you and I wouldn't be here still having this back and forth.

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I still support Lorewalker's posts. Especially about having a passion about this game and the fact that, yes, it should be taken seriously too. Obviously you can take things to extremes but I don't think there is anything wrong about him having a passion about solar rails and really wanting them to come back. This is the age where anyone can put passion into their hobbies. Gaming is a hobby, therefore deserving of passion and therefore deserves to be taken seriously.

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So it's too much freedom That there are

Too many opportunities for alliances outside of official game rules too many unspoken treaties too many rivalries too much competitive spirit too much life too much conflict. I would say that this game has these things exclusively. And it's why I couldn't take other games half as serious and have half as much fun since I am in the competitive circle you do not have to join the competitive circle but please our dear game has been limping too long don't make it an amputation


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So instead of fighting against these greedy alliances on PC who taxed so high you decided that DE should win a victory for you by placing an armistice? Lol

You have no idea how cunning they are, you think we didn't fight them? I hope they all move to XB1

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Oh I'm sure you fought them. But obviously not enough of the community. Yet most of the community seems adamant that the taxation was too high yet couldn't be bothered to fight them off. Most people say oh alliance A taxed at 99%. And then when I say hey band together and fight them off. They say, well DS isn't for me. Or I don't PVP. So you can complain about it but can't be bothered to form a front to defeat the high tax imposers. They are one alliance of up to 4,000. Even if they had another alliance working with them to hold rails that's another 4,000 tops. Are there less than 8,000 remaining active players on PC? I'm curious to know. Lol

And here I thought PC had the largest populations. By default more people to fight against these surely tyrannical alliances.

Edited by (XB1)Lorewalker1022
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Oh I'm sure you fought them. But obviously not enough of the community. Yet most of the community seems adamant that the taxation was too high yet couldn't be bothered to fight them off. Most people say oh alliance A taxed at 99%. And then when I say hey band together and fight them off. They say, well DS isn't for me. Or I don't PVP. So you can complain about it but can't be bothered to form a front to defeat the high tax imposers. They are one alliance of up to 4,000. Even if they had another alliance working with them to hold rails that's another 4,000 tops. Are there less than 8,000 remaining active players on PC? I'm curious to know. Lol

And here I thought PC had the largest populations. By default more people to fight against the alliances.

Alright I gonna say it no that it come to this, just for your information everytime ds conflict happen DDoS attack happen. You see how bad things are now? and also exploits are often used the most common are the host migration bullcrap strategy. You think people can just band together to fight jerks like this?

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I think the real topic is bring back the rails everything else is taking away from that if you don't remember it above all then the whole thing is pointless. I really don't care about anything else just want to vote bring the rails back then after they do it would be cool to talk content. I just joined the conversation where it was and was thinking everyone wanted to say they want the rails back and what we would like to see in it but you guys are talking politics and all the other stuff. I want to talk bring the rails back only and all the other stuff can go I put in my hours on this game and I like it the way it is may have some things I would like to see and some that I don't but I will address them one at a time this thread says bring back solar rails so that's what the topic should be all other stuff put it else where I think that would help but I am just a random guy jumping in the middle so later I will start my own little section to discuss one topic at a time

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