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[Guide] Void Puzzles / Obstacle Rooms (Incomplete)




NOTE: Since U9 came with a bunch of new content that needs to be added to this guide, I'd appreciate if everyone would contribute with screenshots and such because I got my hands full atm with work and I'd love this guide to be complete as soon as possible. I'll link each person's contribution in the appropriate place so don't worry about that :D


NOTE2: If you want to see U9 new puzzle rooms you can skip to pages 6 and 7, we got lots of new screenshots by MarmoshaCommander_Snake_Eyes11thCommandment, fuffi2milka, tuman18, and Lactamid

You can check those out for now. I will be moving them to the first page later when I get some free time.



Here are the main components of the Puzzle/Trap system:

Lazer Sphere:

Floor Panel:

Wall Lazers:


Video Set: (by Bliznub )


New Video Set: (By Guiltytwo)





- At Update 8.1.0 they said that they fixed it so that Other teammates can solve host-only puzzles now.

P.S. please don't reply to this thread until I finish reserving enough posts (I will reserve 10 for now). Feel free to post now. I think 8 posts will be enough for me.
P.S. 2: If you find anything wrong/imprecise please message me and I'll fix it.
P.S. 3: I'm still working on this, so any suggestions are welcome. And I'm still uploading and editing the pictures that I have and I will try to take better oriented ones later. Edited by MrFireShot
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I think there's one room you don't have, don't know if anyone's mentioned it before. It looks like this:

It seems one side has two lockers, and one has a couple containers. The switch at the "entrance" opens the one to the left. I'll guess that the other switch opens the one on the right. Often, this room doesn't open anything, probably because enemies have triggered it.
Edited by theasl
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Room 6 is rather odd.  The 4 or so times I've encounter it, 3 of those the floor panels/switches could be trigger.


What is odd is that there are usually 2 circles of the 4 on the top that can be pressed , but only one does anything. When successful, that switch usually opens the room below along with the laser defenses. Assuming the trigger in that room below works. (Perhaps it will not if we are hit by the lasers) The water fall should begin, along with the doors opening up @ the balcony. 


Whoever has been hosting has never notice any different color on the switches. One time, a switch from the set of four activated the waterfall only. It did not open any doors.

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Sorry I've been neglecting this guide lately. I've got lots of new content and updates to the guide but I can't take half an hour or so out of my schedule to make them. I have a development project due very soon and I'm doing 16hours a day of code so I can't even play the game :(

This shouldn't last too long (Hopefully). Maybe starting August I'll have more time.



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Adding this on because I found this out not an hour after the update. Feel free to quote this in the main post.


New room in Update 9: Found in Tier 2 Capture mission. (Other types untested for this room)

Discovered by Commander_Snake_Eyes (Me) and Critical_Penguin.


Screenshot of the room:



You want to find the side with three giant tube-shaped protrusions and go inbetween two like so:



Then, you want to look for this wall and wallrun to the other side of the room:



After that, you will be up here with the tall tubes of blue energy:



You want to find one of the two tubes that are on the outer edges, and wallrun to the top, between one of the golden struts alongside the tube, and the outer wall (Same wall you wallrunned on, or opposite wall):



Once you get to the top ledge of the blue pillar (or another rest spot) look for the open grating on the wall opposite. Then look for the ledge under it:



Jump to here:



Make your way over to the grate:



Go in the grate (obviously):



On the other side is this loot room:



Had some storage containers and some openable lockers. A decent sized stockpile. And if this was here before this, I apologize. I had done numerous towers and had never seen this anywhere on my towers or the forums.


OP may repost this in his original post (Hopefully with pictures on-site. I don't know how to)


OP may also modify any pictures of mine to more clearly highlight what I was trying to say, as it was a bit difficult to explain.

Edited by Commander_Snake_Eyes
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there is one more with the new patch (9.0) it starts like room 7 but after the presure plate, it is different, you go throo a pit af laisers and than up throo the light that is at the beginig of room 7, pules you up and throws you in another room full of laisers, got it once and thats how far i came, i think i should go faster to make it to the tresure room, but i was soo suprised :D
did anyone get this one yet? i kind of forgot to take a picture, will post it the next time i get it, or will anyone else do that before me

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there is one more with the new patch (9.0) it starts like room 7 but after the presure plate, it is different, you go throo a pit af laisers and than up throo the light that is at the beginig of room 7, pules you up and throws you in another room full of laisers, got it once and thats how far i came, i think i should go faster to make it to the tresure room, but i was soo suprised :D

did anyone get this one yet? i kind of forgot to take a picture, will post it the next time i get it, or will anyone else do that before me

I got it already as well.

Honestly I couldn't keep myself from playing warframe after U9 (I still have a stockpile of work to do though) and I ran straight for the Void. I already found like 8 more secret rooms and I hope to be able to add them all beginning next month.

I did find the room you are talking about. You don't have to go down the pit. you can switch teleport through the door on the other side. After the steam flow that takes you up is about a dozen more lazers all over the place and 4 cryo floors. Then there is the treasure room :3

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Number One from Post #9 "Small places with loots (hidden or not)" has been updated, there is now a button in the centre of the room.


Which causes the golden spheres to rotate (shown in pic) to briefly reveal a hidden cache.



Thanks for creating such a great guide.

PS If you are in my time-zone (Australia) why don't you join me in a few of the new void missions, I have Tower Capture 1, 2 & 3, and Tower Defense 1.

IGN 11thCommandment. ;)

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Number One from Post #9 "Small places with loots (hidden or not)" has been updated, there is now a button in the centre of the room.


Which causes the golden spheres to rotate (shown in pic) to briefly reveal a hidden cache.



Thanks for creating such a great guide.

PS If you are in my time-zone (Australia) why don't you join me in a few of the new void missions, I have Tower Capture 1, 2 & 3, and Tower Defense 1.

IGN 11thCommandment. ;)

Thx, I'll be including that in the original post sometime soon (hopefully)



Fireshot, one room one with all the stairs. Just make a note that there are loot rooms on both sides (middle, 1:st floor)

Alrightright :D

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i just found a new puzzle in t2 raid that turned into t2 ext. 

[SOLUTION] for "skilled" people in the end.


it starts here:



this looks like treasure room and it closes very fast. i just "switch teleported" with loki inside (its my first time here)




this is where it starts. there are lasers and a lot of wall running & jumping:



[SOLUTION] in 3 steps:









Edited by fuffi2milka
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I got it already as well.

Honestly I couldn't keep myself from playing warframe after U9 (I still have a stockpile of work to do though) and I ran straight for the Void. I already found like 8 more secret rooms and I hope to be able to add them all beginning next month.

I did find the room you are talking about. You don't have to go down the pit. you can switch teleport through the door on the other side. After the steam flow that takes you up is about a dozen more lazers all over the place and 4 cryo floors. Then there is the treasure room :3


thanks for tip. i edited your screenshot from old room with explanation for the new puzzle:


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Adding this on because I found this out not an hour after the update. Feel free to quote this in the main post.


New room in Update 9: Found in Tier 2 Capture mission. (Other types untested for this room)

Discovered by Commander_Snake_Eyes (Me) and Critical_Penguin.


Screenshot of the room:



You want to find the side with three giant tube-shaped protrusions and go inbetween two like so:



Then, you want to look for this wall and wallrun to the other side of the room:



After that, you will be up here with the tall tubes of blue energy:



You want to find one of the two tubes that are on the outer edges, and wallrun to the top, between one of the golden struts alongside the tube, and the outer wall (Same wall you wallrunned on, or opposite wall):



Once you get to the top ledge of the blue pillar (or another rest spot) look for the open grating on the wall opposite. Then look for the ledge under it:



Jump to here:



Make your way over to the grate:



Go in the grate (obviously):



On the other side is this loot room:



Had some storage containers and some openable lockers. A decent sized stockpile. And if this was here before this, I apologize. I had done numerous towers and had never seen this anywhere on my towers or the forums.


OP may repost this in his original post (Hopefully with pictures on-site. I don't know how to)


OP may also modify any pictures of mine to more clearly highlight what I was trying to say, as it was a bit difficult to explain.

loki decoy .... luuullzz.....

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to fuffi2milka, i found another way, without using Loki:


What we need ?




This walls!

Just wall-climb, better if you will start from the left wall and try to keep climbing, until your movement speed start to reduce then jump.By this way, you will reach our final location in 3 wall-climb




When you will on the top, move around on another side




At this point, run forwar, jump and make air-slide (press "crouch" in the air)




DONE! After this you must run in end of the corridor and collect your reward. If you even falls few times, you still have time to get behind 3rd door, which have more of the barrels than previous 2 







Edited by Marmosha
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Hidden containers:

Our room




This lasers will off/on time to time.
On top of this room you can find lattice (on screenshot it have been broken already), behind which hidden 1 container. Each corner have lattice. 4 corner = 4 lattice = 4 free containers. 



Move behind column and use wall-climb




Here's how it looked like =)




Lattice can be destroyed only by host

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Room 7.5:

Why 7.5 ? Because first half of the way and final room same as 7.0 (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/55839-guide-void-puzzles-obstacle-rooms-incomplete/?p=577634)








From this moment you can find totally another room behind this door

Here is




Come to the edge and start to falling, don't run before falling, otherwise you will be killed by laser which placed near walls.

The pit:
1 - from where we fallen
2 - where we should go, behind this lasers plaсed steam which will launch us in the sky =) If you have Ogris, better to charge it now




When you fly out of the tube, shoot in this place. Here is will be 5, or maybe more, containers. After few sec it will be closed (like it show on screenshot)




Bottom view




Home stretch, go in and press the panel. Now, when door won't close anymore, you can come back and collect all loot from the containers (if you destroyed them ofcourse) until it not disappeared.




After this you can clear final room.






But this is not end

When you will come back, you will see 2 door and panel between them. This panel will open one of this doors (in my case it was door №2)




Behind door will be corridor, in middle which you can find panel, which will open secret wall (panel can be activated only by host), what placed on other side behind door №1 (this door will open too) over 2nd panel (don't sure what this panel works, seem so what only 1 panel can be activated). Go on another side and use wall-climb




If you can't wall-climb with a running start, then try to buy another way: stay right in fron of te wall, press SHIFT+Jump and only after W (move forward). Should work. Now its all. For questions you can add me in game (same nickname what in here). Good Luck and Have Fun.

Edited by Marmosha
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