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Simulacrum Rework


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it would be nice if simulacrum get a rework, because it's 50.000 standings. And when i finally got it, i started to feel regrets because it's sloppy and lack a lot of features of a simulator. And every times i try to test my weapons against high level mobs, i get killed from them. And the most annoying part: "Logging out of relay to mod my weapons, head to the navigation, travel to the relay, run to Simaris's room and log into simulacrum and repeat to mod my weapons.". DE, it's 50.000 standings, please make it worth the players hard works. And if you don't know where to start, i could give you some ideas:

+ An Arsenal: To not waste anyone times.

+ Codex: Information of fully scan enemy (including damage, critical multiplier body parts, special features like slam attack or deploying drones)

+ Auto spawning: Because i'm tired of keep running back to the console and reactive the mobs.

+ Appearance and Special features: Redesign would be best and some features too. (Player should be able to make a simple tile set to practice against enemies in the simulacrum, that should be one of the features that they'll like :D)

+ Analyzing weapons damage on enemies: This is a feature that would be very very very very helpful, Because instead of jumping into a mission to test it out, this features will tell you how fast you can kill your enemy base on critical chances, critical damage, base damage, elemental damage, etc. You can increase enemies levels to work as well.

+ Challenging your friends: tired of getting pawn in Conclave? Test your friends and yourself with "The precision test" and "Last man standing". (Details about these test will be DE's stuffs.)


So yes, that should be enough, others who have ideas or edits then feel free to, do encourage intense argument but don't curse. (Unless if you need to.)

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This is how I see a Simulacrum rework:


-cost is pretty good (neither expensive nor cheaper) so no changes about this;

-shortcut since Liset;

-arsenal pannel in Simulacrum avoiding return trips;

-possibility to be several players (until 8 like raids) for fun and try compositions;

-more maps, why not every single Mastery maps or training maps like on Hunger games;

-increase the limit of enemies (>20).

Edited by CGs_Knackie
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This is how I see a Simulacrum rework:


-cost is pretty good (neither expensive nor cheaper) so no changes about this;

-shortcut since Liset;

-arsenal pannel in Simulacrum avoiding return trips;

-possibility to be several players (until 8 like raids) for fun and try compositions;

-more maps, why not every single Mastery maps or training maps like on Hunger games;

-increase the limit of enemies (>20)

i would lower its price due to newbies who are low on nodes and planets, other than that i agree to your opinions. And it would be nice if you can explain more about the Hunger Game theme.

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I would like an options so that enemies don't look "realistic". Not to the same level as say Hunger Games, but something uniique so that it feels you are fighting simulations. This is of course a "personal thing", but I thought I'd just throw that in.


The MR rooms are a good try at it, but I think it still lacks something.

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This is not a concept intended to beginners. ^^

So the current price is really good.


I don't know if you have seen Hunger Games 2 but there is a training room.

Look at this:

ok i see what you mean now (the hunger game part). But i would disagree to "not intended for beginners". This concept should and must be intended for beginners, to help them know the enemies and learn about specific strategies against factions and game modes, i still remember those times learning how to pass laser doors and struggle on how to level my equipment fast without doing Draco. Overall, the feature is essential for everyone. But is necessary for beginners. Of course, they will need codex scanners for it but i would say, let them learn through the progress

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