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Would It Be Bad If Element Mods Were Exclusive?


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The problem with this is that the only real way to increase damage is to stack multiple elementals. (ESPECIALLY IF YOU NEVER GET MULTISHOT SLKJDLKJWDLJK) High level enemies have a lot of HP as it is.


Maybe if the mod damage was increased to compensate.

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not currently. you are expected to mix and match them. for example some mission switch to another faction. you would have to set one wep apart for the possible switch but it would then be useless if no switch happened.

also they make nice combos. like slowing down an ancient while still doing good damage.

we will at some point reach saturation as more and more mods are introduced. forcing us to leave some behind. currently its really easy to slot how you want and have room for "fluff". which is fine. it makes things more interesting. i dont see how adding more mods makes "exclusiveness" more attractive.

letting players pick however they want seems like a win win.

Edited by MetalGerbil
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I like being able to freeze people on fire until they get shocked to death.


Apart from logic, I see no problem with this. I just feel that the power of an omni-element build is going to make any new and interesting mods from ever being useful.


Sorry i don't understand your post. But to answer the title, if it were very rare elements then it would be great if there is an event for it.


Exclusive meaning "you can only have one equipped on your weapon." Not exclusive like Vandals.



yes... very much so.

because the lack of other mods?

yes and no.

would more mods make it ok?

maybe... i dunno


Well, why.


The problem with this is that the only real way to increase damage is to stack multiple elementals. (ESPECIALLY IF YOU NEVER GET MULTISHOT SLKJDLKJWDLJK) High level enemies have a lot of HP as it is.


Maybe if the mod damage was increased to compensate.


This is true.

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The only thing I want changed is the melee damage mod. Only 49% damage increase? Seriously?

On topic, I too enjoy freezing burning people. It doesn't make sense, but... it looks cool!

Edited by CH33F
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not currently. you are expected to mix and match them. for example some mission switch to another faction. you would have to set one wep apart for the possible switch but it would then be useless if no switch happened.

also they make nice combos. like slowing down an ancient while still doing good damage.

we will at some point reach saturation as more and more mods are introduced. forcing us to leave some behind. currently its really easy to slot how you want and have room for "fluff". which is fine. it makes things more interesting. i dont see how adding more mods makes "exclusiveness" more attractive.

letting players pick however they want seems like a win win.


I feel like a rock-paper-scissors mechanic was desired, but the %damage increase ended up overriding that. Another idea I had was to remove the damage except on weakness. (Naturally with other damage mods given more levels or some other mechanic put in place to keep damage progression flowing.)


If they brought the crit mods up to par and added some other useful mods it would be fine.


If crit mods were ten level mods, would that be balanced. It seems like they're trying to find ways to throw more Rare 5 Fusion cores in the game, so those might not be so daunting in a few updates.

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I like being able to freeze people on fire until they get shocked to death.


Also electric melee mods need to be REALLY looked at again. WAY too many mod slots are taken up for a paltry increase in damage.

Edited by LuxAngel7
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If crit mods were ten level mods, would that be balanced. It seems like they're trying to find ways to throw more Rare 5 Fusion cores in the game, so those might not be so daunting in a few updates.

Crit chance + crit dmg together would have to be equal to 2 elementals so 180% dmg. Thats pretty much it.

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Also electric melee mods need to be REALLY looked at again. WAY too many mod slots are taken up for a paltry increase in damage.


Their stun is pretty respectable.



Crit chance + crit dmg together would have to be equal to 2 elementals so 180% dmg. Thats pretty much it.



I guess that would make innate crit chances way more important. 

Edited by Lumireaver
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Can anyone explain me what the OP wants to ask?


Would it be detrimental to game balance if it were made so that a player could only have one elemental mod equipped on a weapon at a time? If it were done, what kinds of things could be done to remedy the gap caused by the lack of damage?


The reason for a change like this would primarily be to open mod slots for new and interesting mods. Mods that affect guns in cool, more unique ways.

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IE: You could only have Fire, Ice, or Electric rounds/melee?

Would this be unacceptable?

Is this because there aren't enough mods?

If there was a greater variety of mods would this then be acceptable?


Discuss, please.

Well as long as more mods are made to compensate the lack of damage I'm okay with this, besides it is a litttle akward when you know your lighting someone on fire, while chilling them to a frozen icicle. 

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I think it would be better if mixing them made new elements. Like fire+ice made a steam effect that knockbacks and confuses an enemy. Maybe Electricity and fire makes a laser effect that makes an AOE explosion upon death. I know it doesn't exactly make the most sense, but it's just an idea that I'm sure would be better fleshed out by more creative people.


I had fire+ice+electricity on my Lato Vandal and when I tried to just make it one element per weapon my Lato was extremely weak without the other two elements. Right now I feel like we need all three elements. I don't really like it since it feels "easy" for a lack of a better word. I'd like some balance that forces me to sacrifice one thing for another. I wouldn't mind being forced to have one element per weapon since there are three weapons to carry and three elements. It also feel redundant playing as Ember with a fire mod on my Hek...


That's just my opinion regarding a slight challenge. It isn't too bad the way it is for now.

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What if current (weapon) mods weren't so cut an dry? IE: Multiple mods accomplished the same things with other benefits?


For example, what if there was a laser sight mod which increased crit damage/rate on headshots? (...In addition to providing a laser to aid with targeting, in case that's not clear...) (Or if the Eagle/Hawk Eye mods did that? Without the laser.) Long story short, instead of a straight buff to Serration/everything else to compensate for the lack of two elements on your gun, what if most other mods also had dps related benefits.


I think it would be better if mixing them made new elements. Like fire+ice made a steam effect that knockbacks and confuses an enemy. Maybe Electricity and fire makes a laser effect that makes an AOE explosion upon death. I know it doesn't exactly make the most sense, but it's just an idea that I'm sure would be better fleshed out by more creative people.


I had fire+ice+electricity on my Lato Vandal and when I tried to just make it one element per weapon my Lato was extremely weak without the other two elements. Right now I feel like we need all three elements. I don't really like it since it feels "easy" for a lack of a better word. I'd like some balance that forces me to sacrifice one thing for another. I wouldn't mind being forced to have one element per weapon since there are three weapons to carry and three elements. It also feel redundant playing as Ember with a fire mod on my Hek...


That's just my opinion regarding a slight challenge. It isn't too bad the way it is for now.


At first I thought that was really cool, then I puzzled over how it would actually work. ...I still don't think it's a bad idea, I just don't understand why napalm and liquid nitrogen combine to make steam. Like you said, It's still probably worth mulling over 'cause a dynamic reaction like that is interesting. 


I agree that it's pretty much fine the way it is. It would only really be a problem if there were, like, thirty mods and everyone only ever used one build.

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Hmmm... fun as freezeburnbullets are, I do think this would add help add some depth to mod selection beyond "DAMAGEDAMAGEDAMAGEohalsosomedamage". It would also encourage varying weapon usage, and would give a bit more meaning to elements if they weren't essentially perpetually on every enemy.

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That's what I suggest since I play this game.


Only 1 elemental mod at the time and 1 rare mod which increases parallel elemental mod numbers by 2 (not mroe or we have the same problems like before)


and we don't need any "compensation"-damage for it. We deal too much damage already.

Edited by Thypari2013
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Hmmm... fun as freezeburnbullets are, I do think this would add help add some depth to mod selection beyond "DAMAGEDAMAGEDAMAGEohalsosomedamage". It would also encourage varying weapon usage, and would give a bit more meaning to elements if they weren't essentially perpetually on every enemy.


I think it would also help if the elemental status effects had two separate priority lists.


In your gun/melee(!): Fire would rank highest, being the least useful status effect (a trade off for its high damage), meaning no matter what elements you had equipped, you could only set an enemy on fire. 


This priority list would go in reverse for you allies. Provided they do not have fire equipped, their ice rounds will freeze your burn victim, and their electric rounds will stop your slowed target.


This would mean it would always be beneficial to carry one ice/electric only mod for status reasons, but I still feel the exclusive solution is a bit better.


That's what I suggest since I play this game.


Only 1 elemental mod at the time and 1 rare mod which increases parallel elemental mod numbers by 2 (not mroe or we have the same problems like before)


and we don't need any "compensation"-damage for it. We deal too much damage already.


That would just make it so that elements would take up two slots instead of three, if I'm reading your post correctly. It's an improvement, I guess.

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I'd really like a system that encourages weapon "builds". 30 mod capacity is quite a bit as it is, and considering that you get diminishing returns on mod fusion in the upper ranks, people end up using multiple mods whether they want to or not. Then you get a tater in it and you're all the way up to 60, which allows for a lot more. Then insult to injury, you've got the new Polarizing system which reduces mod cost by two. So your end game weapon is a high critical high base damage electric ice fire multishot extended magazine fast reload increased rate of fire *insert weapon type here*, so instead of mods giving weapons personality, they all just end up the same.

Edited by holdenmcclure
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I read some crazy stuff on reddit and spent a good while tinkering around with ideas in my head. What if mods had "Phases" (Working Concept) in addition to Polarities.


(Bear in mind: Polarities are supposed to reflect things like whether a mod is offensive, tactical, or whatever, but in practice it didn't really work out that way. Cryo Rounds aren't any less tactical than Hellfire rounds. ...Though it could be argued that they're more defensive, but I digress. This is just a stray thought I figured I should write out.)


Phases would basically determine how mods interact with one another. Like-phases would incrementally increase the mod cost (of all like-phase mods) by one for each like-phase mod currently socketed. For example, considering ranged weaponry. If all element mods were branded with the same phase, keeping all three of them on the same gun would raise the cost by nine in total. (Three like-phase mods means +3 for each mod.)


This sounds gamebreaking at first, but you just now remembered that Forma exists.


Also this would hopefully only be implemented if there were better/more alternatives to omni-element builds in the first place. Given the present situation it would just be unnecessary tedium which would force forma farming. (Not good.)

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