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I Think Stalker Is Related To Umbra In Picture From Second Dream....

(XBOX)MK Ultra K11

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My guess with stalker is that he looks like Umbra Excal because when the Orokin were killed he got angry and decided the only way to fight Tenno is to be a Tenno so he took over a Umbra Excal suit, the technocite virus neerly hate him alive, but his anger made him strong, went insane and now only thinks about killing Tenno....


Can't say I see it. The chest piece doesn't seem to line up, even taking into consideration the possibility of alt colors. Just doesn't look like the same pattern.

Just a note,that picture looks like it's from before Excal rework, the abilities still have super jump
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I said that his model was different, and I acknowledged that the Stalker and Umbra probably share the same body model now, did you even read my post or did you assume I was just going "You're crazy!" and dismissing you entirely? My issue was that you're assuming some sort of distinct link (Such as "Stalker was a umbra all along!" or something) based on the fact that he just happens to share a model with a warframe since that's ALWAYS been the case for the stalker.

Yes I read your post. But Umbra is different. Him having the same body as the frame that is the face of warframe is understandable. Umbra is a bit different than that. It could mean some serious lore stuff or not. You have read my other posts about my view on this before posting this, right? If so you should see me saying there is a connection but it may or may not be important.

Seeing that Stalker has the Umbra body makes me think Steve was serious here:




If Stalker upgrades his Warframe after you finish the quest, that will be awesome.

This also hinted towards it.

Nice Find OP, but I;ll like to point out that DE, dropped the ball and pretty much told us Umbra has been DELAYED, sure sure, we get a shiny new U18, but until we have solid proof that Umbra will be in U18, as a warframe in our hands, we can speculate nothing, I'm going to wait to see if they drop the ball and delay Umbra before I make this claim.


This is beyond appropriate, this is why hype always ends in disappointment

Yeah, umbra probably won't be in U18. Stalker though may have relation to what an umbra is hence sharing the same body with umbra.

Before this came out I had already known stalker had a connection to umbra, hence the similarities in their helmets. Like the indentation right above the stalkers forehead that is the same as umbra excalibur horn in shape.

Plot twist: the picture is actually just showing off the next cosmetic helmet for Excalibur.


I'm going to make M. Night Shyamalan proud with these twists.

Why would it be displayed on umbra though....? UMBRA U18 confirmed!!!!! (JK)
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