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Is Nekros Worth Getting?



Nekros is interesting...... really interesting. I want to get him but you must kill Lephantis blah blah blah, collect the nav coordinates again and generally keep farming my a** off. But he still seems like a really good warframe and I don't know if I should try him out?


To all Nekros owners, did you like  using him, or did u get him and just left him in your inventory?


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I wouldn't recommend him he is extremely squishy and most people want you to be there loot slave.

His only interesting ability is shadows of the dead which on my opinion is aslo flawed because 1 his other abilities suffer building for it and 2 the AI of his shadows arnt great they like to hide behind cover and they don't follow you.

Terrify is good good but I find myself spamming this ability to much due to his fragile nature.

Desecrate has the be the worst out of all his abilities, it will burn your 3 button. I don't build for it because it's a boring unappealing ability that makes loot and orbs roll. Its like playing the lottery just because you buy more tickets doesn't mean your gonna win. I find it very lack luster.

So all in all no I wouldn't suggest him unless you find turning corpses into loot fun. His current state isnt worth the 100000 creds and the lephantis grind imo.

If you want a summoner atlas sort of fills that role with his rumblers they deal damage draw aggro, don't take cover, and are tanky.

Hope I helped

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Hated it. Totally. All abilities are cap but Desecrate, and I'm not keen on being the Loot @#&*( of a team.

Terrible Warframe stats with Terrible abilities. Of course, if you like team play, you might get it. Or not.

PD:I have all "team play" frames but Trin (farming Prime)

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If you wanna play efficient you spam 3, if not you play solo cuz nobody wants to waste their time farming stuff with a sotd nekros derping around. May sound offensive, but this game is 99% farming so people naturally want to play as efficient as possible to ease the mindless grinding.

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You like to get mor loot? Get Nekros.

You like to mindlessly mash the 3 key on the keyboard while munchin a sandwitch? Get Nekros.

You have a little more imagination and can work out how to fit him to your playstyle, turning him into a necromancer terror inducing shadowlord, and a bit of skill in this game? GET NEKROS, experiment, try different things, get his amazing augments.

EVERY frame is worth it. The main question is, are you ready to work out a way to make Nekros worth it for you?

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solo game nekros is ok but there are better frames for that

party game nekros is boring - spam 3 all the time. pretty much that's it (this basically gives more loot on farming missions).


If you go solo, I'd say not - get something better. If you want party and having difficulties people letting in with some useless warframe - go for nekros, but you will get bored of it sooner or later, forcing to get some new useful frame again

Edited by maumastoks
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