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Having Strange Deaths And Damage



Hi guys. Im having a weird time, as I advanced on the solar system and I started doing T4s with my Valk, Everything was going well until I started having weird insta-deaths from the enemy. Thing is I actually tried once to get damaged by a single normal void enemy, lv30 corpus on the void. He 1shotted me right when I deactivated Hysteria. Can they crit-headshot you? Happened to me on the spy mission from the grinner on Eris? Hapke. I was trying to get some energy from a normal grineer lancer and he 1shot me. This happens more than I'd like to see. Makes me think I need to perma-hysteria valkyr or just leave the high level misions alone.
I have right now rank8 vitality and max rank armored agility on valk as defensive mods. 840 Armor.

Another thing is. Yesterday I was trying to run with my friends a 40 rounds ODD. But there was some mobs I was hitting for FIVE damage. I was critting them for Eight. I one-shotted for 4k any other mob but this ones. The eximus chargers. Is there something special you need to do to kill them? are they inmune to mele damage?

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hysteria was changed so now that you deactivate it you take certain % of dmg you would have taken if you wouldn't had hysteria on if there is enemy close enough. If you can understand any of what i said.(hard time to understand myself what I'm talking)


EDIT: reason why you critted so low was because there was ancient healer around that makes every1 else around them almost immune to dmg and completely immune to CC

Edited by The_Raall
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I find in ODD that the Eximus Chargers will sometimes get insane amounts of armour for no noticeable reason... I THINK it has something to do with Ancient Healers in the vicinity...


as for the dying, you said a Corpus Enemy one-shotted you in the Void after De-Activating Hysteria? the most likely possibility is that you took more damage during Hysteria than you had HP and Shields, and didn't get far enough FROM enemies before deactivating and it all hit you at once (one of Hysteria's mechanics)

if not that, than I've no idea as Valk should be able to tank at least 3 shots from ANY L30 enemy save bosses/Stalker/Zanuka Harvester/G3

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The_Raall is correct, there is a weird Hysteria formula that gives you some damage if nearby enemies equal to the number that appears near your health UI.



As for the Eximus charger, most lileky an Ancient Healer poped up the Armor buff, which drastically increase armor, therefore, Damage Mitigation.


Once the Ancient dies or the buff expeires, the mob get way easier to kill.

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I see. It might be the reason.
It happened with nova aswell tho, but it might be because she's squishy as hell

I cant really remember if there was any of the healers, but it might. I'll test it later on when my friends log in so we can go.
Thanks for the help

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From Hysteria wiki page:

Valkyr emits an aura with a radius of 5 meters around her while Hysteria is active, and 30% of the total damage she ignores is stored. If any enemies are within this aura when Hysteria is deactivated, Valkyr will be dealt 25% of all stored damage as Impact damage.


From Corrupted Healer's wiki page:

Like their Infested originals, the Corrupted Ancient radiates an aura that heals their allies and provides them with a damage reduction buff.

Edited by Darzk
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I find in ODD that the Eximus Chargers will sometimes get insane amounts of armour for no noticeable reason... I THINK it has something to do with Ancient Healers in the vicinity...

If they have yellow health bars then it's the swarm MOA buffing other infested units with swarm clouds.

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When it comes to Valk being one-shotted, without looking at your build I'd have to say that Hysteria's deactivation mechanic is most likely to blame for your problems. I know I've been running a duration/efficiency build on her since her Ult became toggle-able. It's also nice to remember that toggle abilities were tweaked awhile ago so that efficiency and duration work together now. If you're willing to research how they interact it can be incredibly beneficial to your Hysteria's energy drain per second.


As for Nova, how are you built? Nova is squishy as hell, which is likely a lot of your problem, but it could also be a combination of your playstyle and build. I'm not one to emulate (I'm often titled "the Suicidal Nova" since I don't run a typical duration build and my playstyle is odd as hell), but I may be able to give you some tips if you need some help on her since I main her.

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hysteria has always been so that you deactivate it you take certain % of dmg you would have taken if you wouldn't had hysteria on if there is enemy close enough. If you can understand any of what i said.(hard time to understand myself what I'm talking)




Now there is just a visual counter for you to see it.  

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