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Helmetless Warframes (Aka. Helmet Alternates)


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Many appreciate the anonymity and and simplicity of fullbody Warframes.

But what if DE were to release helmet alternates with actual heads and faces? (Like Avalon for Excalibur and so on...)

Several per Warframe for diversity of course, taking up on customization and individualisation.



For reference, drawings from Penett and yuikami-da and Masateru from Dev.Arts (Nice find, Thanks Rudette #44)

http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/093/d/6/warframe___nyx_unhelmeted_by_penett-d60cc89.jpg'>Nyx by Penett

http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/096/2/8/warframe___ember_unhelmeted_by_penett-d60n3qu.jpg'>Ember by Penett

http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/109/a/9/warframe___ash_unhelmeted_by_penett-d6297gc.jpg'>Ash by Penett

http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/121/1/d/warframe___frost_by_yuikami_da-d63picz.jpg'>Bishie Frost by Yuikami-Da

http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/140/1/f/warframe___volt_by_yuikami_da-d660oyq.jpg'>Bishie Volt by Yuikami-Da

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/119/0/4/warframe___trinity_by_yuikami_da-d63i0ny.jpg'>Trinity by Yuikami-Da

http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/100/f/1/warframe_ember_by_masateru-d616vsl.jpg'>Ember by Masateru

http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/093/4/a/warframe_nyx_by_masateru-d60cgc6.jpg'>Nyx by Masateru

http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/137/7/d/warframe_nyx_mag_by_masateru-d65jjgr.jpg'>Nyx and Mag by Masateru

http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/143/0/c/warframe_saryn_by_masateru-d669ghb.jpg'>Saryn by Masateru



- Would you want (tintable) helmetless heads?


- Is it a good idea or a bad idea?

- If so, why?


- What do you think about it?





EDIT: Regrettably, I don't know how to poll on this forum.


EDIT: Bishie = http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+bishie


EDIT: In case you find the artwork in it's anime/manga-esque style to be harmful to your health or enviroment, I am very sorry to inconvenience you and advise against clicking on the next link. Those images are references and at that, not mine.


EDIT: Some seem to mistake my intention, believing me to hold the power to turn Warframe into an Asian MMO, this is not the case. This is more like sharing my idea and having fun reading replies.

Edited by Kasamoto
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I like the mystery.


In the Art of Warframe stream, Mynki did say that they had concept art of their faces... However, I think I speak for others when I say that I'm always disappointed when I finally see the face behind the mask or the helmet.


Like seeing the voice actor of a cool voice... Once you see the face, it's never how you thought it would be. You're disappointed, you can't un-associate them and the magic is gone. Forever.


so yeh.

Edited by FatalX7
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That frost has no beard! What kind of man of the cold has no beard to rival the forest's fullness?

I call shenanigans! He has such a thick neck on his Frame for a reason.


Also, nty. I enjoy each warframe having personalities through their armor's appearance and abilities but that's it IMO.

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While I do love the drawings, I like things the way they are. Beyond the aesthetic aspect, as Skulliedoo said, why make yourself vulnerable? And ever notice  how the extraction ship takes off BEFORE you get folded into it? Yeah, it'd be a race to see which head-hole your blood boils out of first.

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It would be interesting to have something like this assuming they develop the non battle related content more, ala Dojos. However in actual battles I'd prefer to see people adorning their gear in full. This game seems to have an emphasis on character building, so having some more personality and customization couldn't hurt, assuming it doesn't damage the atmosphere of the game too much.

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Well, Tenno could be helm-less just in the dojo then :) No danger of boiling blood there :)


Unless, of course, you're dueling Ember.


But in all seriousness, I'd like to find out more about the Warframes in general before I agree with no helmets. For all we know they're machines. Or the humans have been fused into the suits. Or...well, something. Besides which, I'm with FatalX7. I like the mystery.

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Hehe, I just reread that. Cut me a break, I've been up since early.


I think I meant to say is that I'd like to know more about the warframes, and those within them, but I like the mystery of never seeing their faces. I have my own theories about what they are, and I'd hate to be disappointed.

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Unless, of course, you're dueling Ember.


But in all seriousness, I'd like to find out more about the Warframes in general before I agree with no helmets. For all we know they're machines. Or the humans have been fused into the suits. Or...well, something. Besides which, I'm with FatalX7. I like the mystery.


Can't really be "fused" into the suits; we're able to change suits (even change GENDER doing so, or at least grow thinner and grow a pair of breasts and/or lose them and get broad flat chests) at will.


EDIT: Is it just me or does Ember very vaguely resemble River Tam?

Edited by Xylia
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Unless, of course, you're dueling Ember.


But in all seriousness, I'd like to find out more about the Warframes in general before I agree with no helmets. For all we know they're machines. Or the humans have been fused into the suits. Or...well, something. Besides which, I'm with FatalX7. I like the mystery.

Seeing as we're free to change frames whenever we feel like it, in addition to the fact that our movement isn't anything like animatrons do I'd say we're not robots, nor fused to our frames. (remember we get our pick of frame at the end of the (short) tutorial, in addition to our inventory being shared amongs warframes)

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Seeing as we're free to change frames whenever we feel like it, in addition to the fact that our movement isn't anything like animatrons do I'd say we're not robots, nor fused to our frames. (remember we get our pick of frame at the end of the (short) tutorial, in addition to our inventory being shared amongs warframes)


Thing is tho, I'd love to know how you can so drastically change your body shape.


One day, you're a hulking behemoth in a Rhino. The next, you're a waif girl in an Ember or Nyx. Some of that is the suit (Rhino must have a lot of armor plating), but you can't tell me that someone skinny enough to be in a Nyx can climb into Rhino's suit. That'd be a LOT of extra padding to fit someone that small in that huge suit...

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*sigh* I really need to avoid posting when I'm tired. What little logic I have goes out the window...


If anyone needs me, I'll be in the corner drooling and staring at the walls.


Just now noticed your comment about the mission extraction... this is what I wanna know:


1). Break out a Window during a mission. Notice your shields and health dropping.

2). Step into an Extraction Pod... note how it takes off with you being exposed to the vacuum of space.



.....either you're risking y our life every time you extract from a mission, or for some reason, you magically don't take damage when exposed to the vacuum of space/decompression during extraction and not during a mission.

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why do all the guys look like girls (except for ash)


The links say "(Bishie)" after them, meaning Bishounen, a Japanese art style that has effeminate (but not necessarily non-straight) men.


EDIT: Really now? That's filtered? *rolls eyes*

Edited by Xylia
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Thing is tho, I'd love to know how you can so drastically change your body shape.


One day, you're a hulking behemoth in a Rhino. The next, you're a waif girl in an Ember or Nyx. Some of that is the suit (Rhino must have a lot of armor plating), but you can't tell me that someone skinny enough to be in a Nyx can climb into Rhino's suit. That'd be a LOT of extra padding to fit someone that small in that huge suit...

Ever noticed how slow Rhino is? That's the armor.

It's full-well possible for the same Tenno to crawl into a Rhino and the very next day or hour step into a Nyx and rock on.

Albeit a bit weird.


Just now noticed your comment about the mission extraction... this is what I wanna know:


1). Break out a Window during a mission. Notice your shields and health dropping.

2). Step into an Extraction Pod... note how it takes off with you being exposed to the vacuum of space.



.....either you're risking y our life every time you extract from a mission, or for some reason, you magically don't take damage when exposed to the vacuum of space/decompression during extraction and not during a mission.

Maybe it does damage us, however it doesn't instantly kill us (our suits still protect us). We're not exposed long enough to ACTUALLY get hurt.


The links say "(Bishie)" after them, meaning Bishounen, a Japanese art style that has effeminate (but not necessarily non-straight) men.


EDIT: Really now? That's filtered? *rolls eyes*

Not everyone knows japanese. Would have been wise to clarify beforehand. Oh, well.

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