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Helmetless Warframes (Aka. Helmet Alternates)


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We've been past that point several times now. I hope I don't murder your imagination when I say that the captivated Tennos and the Tennos in the cryopod look very much human.



One quick question - Why do you come across as such an &#!? Thought that on a few of the replies I've seen by you.

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I would personally HATE the idea of having head pre made for the classes. A head you can customize would be great however. otherwise its pretty much heroes from fcking LoL, and yes, I do have a problem with that.

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Bad idea, also ash looks really really ugly like it bothers me how ugly he is..... nose ring on a guy?


That's Rhino with the nose ring. And personally I think if Rhino did have a human face, he would be a hench black dude with a nose ring.

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Bad idea, also ash looks really really ugly like it bothers me how ugly he is..... nose ring on a guy?

I didn't even notice the nose ring until you pointed it out. In fact all the images I gathered on the first post were more of a rush-job via google. As it happens, Rudette found several more with his internetskills.



One quick question - Why do you come across as such an &#!? Thought that on a few of the replies I've seen by you.

Actually I am quite a nice person who loves puppies, taking long strolls, play violencefree games like uhhh... WarPeaceframe.

As much as I like to talk about myself, I must say that we once again are led astray by the nice conversation opener you started.

I hope you can make do with that excuse ... Also my favorite color is orange red

Edited by Kasamoto
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First of all, the practicality of using an armor without helmet should become very apparent every-time you head-shot a faceplate-less Grineer and his face turns into beef jerky.


Second, imagine the same thing once your shield runs out and you are in a vacuum. Or poison.


Third, without a face customization system (which WF really does not need imho) it would feel pretty silly to see several identical faces.


Fourth, the helmet clad appearance adds to the character of the Tenno as "nameless" and "faceless" entities and to the character of particular Warframes. Just like the americanized ninja they are compared to, part of the mysticism is in their features remaining secret. 

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while I have a hard time understanding why anyone get agitated/irritated on this topic, please remember two things: Personal demeaning comments are not condoned and if you feel like asking something unrelated to the thread, PM the person you want to as or make your own thread, if it is big enough of a topic. Try to stay focussed, civil and all will be well.



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On the topic of faces and helmets in general, I think it's a really good idea for the sake of the users relating to their Warframe and just the lore in general at first impression, to have points where the Warframes are helmetless and showing a user selected face.


At first glance when I saw this game and my friend recommended it to me, I was like wtf is that? You're wondering what you are controlling and what it's purpose is.  You aren't even sure if you can relate to it or not. Is it human, alien, robotic, android...?  I asked myself all these questions and it really didn't appeal to control something "ugly" and I say that with only the faces.  They are cool and bad &#!, but not attractive. Don't flame me and take it for what it is.


I just think the first impressions and the connections users make to the Warframes would be so much stronger if the human face was integrated into the  art.

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As cool as they look helmet-less it just feels like far too much effort for something purely cosmetic. Besides, the helmets are technically there due to being part of the Warframe itself Whenever its to protect their head or allow abilities/powers to work depends on the warframe. Or adjust/modify it, such as some helmets offering more of that and less of something else.

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Unless, of course, you're dueling Ember.


But in all seriousness, I'd like to find out more about the Warframes in general before I agree with no helmets. For all we know they're machines. Or the humans have been fused into the suits. Or...well, something. Besides which, I'm with FatalX7. I like the mystery.


Perhaps the helmet is our face, and the suits are the tenno... 


Which means we've been fighting in the nude this whole time!

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Aand? It's just the suit. You are the tenno and you are wearing that Warframe.

Oh, and please no helmetless Warframes in game.


The point being, boobs of that size are usually considered to be typical for the female sex of humans. The suit being made to accommodate them suggests the wearers gender maybe? Besides that, those two warframes are also much more "slender" in body form compared to Ash and Excalibur for example.


But hey, that's just what most people thing which is what you asked to know.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Many appreciate the anonymity and and simplicity of fullbody Warframes.

But what if DE were to release helmet alternates with actual heads and faces? (Like Avalon for Excalibur and so on...)

Several per Warframe for diversity of course, taking up on customization and individualisation.



For reference, drawings from Penett and yuikami-da and Masateru from Dev.Arts (Nice find, Thanks Rudette #44)

Nyx by Penett

Ember by Penett

Ash by Penett

Bishie Frost by Yuikami-Da

Bishie Volt by Yuikami-Da

Trinity by Yuikami-Da

Ember by Masateru

Nyx by Masateru

Nyx and Mag by Masateru

Saryn by Masateru



- Would you want (tintable) helmetless heads?


- Is it a good idea or a bad idea?

- If so, why?


- What do you think about it?





EDIT: Regrettably, I don't know how to poll on this forum.


EDIT: Bishie = http://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+is+bishie


EDIT: In case you find the artwork in it's anime/manga-esque style to be harmful to your health or enviroment, I am very sorry to inconvenience you and advise against clicking on the next link. Those images are references and at that, not mine.


EDIT: Some seem to mistake my intention, believing me to hold the power to turn Warframe into an Asian MMO, this is not the case. This is more like sharing my idea and having fun reading replies.

i imagine ember with a mohawk, having one myself i demand her helmet be shaped like that to protect the hair!

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