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U18 Bug Report Megathread


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DESCRIPTION: Some part of the focus points lost after server failed to apply focus change

Who Operator

What Focus points

Where Focus points (in my caser Naramon focus skill tree)


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? N (since focus tree is changed and I lost some portion of focus points)


REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. Enter focus tree

 2. Transfer focus points to fundamental skill (by holding "focus" button)

 3. Then I clicked button on the top (vault said 4/5)

 4. Then I tried to apply changes

 5. Message box appeared saing that server failed to apply change

 6. Game hang on progress window, I had to terminate process with Windows Task Manager

 7. Now I see that I lost my focus points (approxx.. about 10k focus points)

 8. Now it says vault 5/6, I"m not sure what that means

Edited by tornnreal
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DESCRIPTION: The Rakta Balistica forces Ivara from Prowl when fired.
When firing the weapon while prowl is active, on snap (tap) shots, Ivara leaves stealth, as if the weapon made noise. However a charge shot does not do the same.

Equip Rakta Ballistica on Ivara, activate Prowl, fire the weapon.


Edit: The same occurs on the Talons, but stops when you equip the Suppress mod on it, even though the weapon is tagged as "Silent" already.

Edited by GrimKonstantin
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I just completed the character creation process (btw the new quest was just so much fun. And the storyline was mind blowing. Had a great time)and ended it by selecting my preferred focus (naramon). The moment I clicked "done", I disconnected from the game. So when I relogged in, well, none of the focus was unlocked. Not even the selected naramon focus tree. I do however, have the naramon lens in my inventory. If someone can explain to me why my focus tree wasn't unlocked, that'd be very helpful. Right now, I'm just not sure if it is a bug or intentional. If I remember, I read somewhere that it should unlocked one of the focus,that is the one selected after the character creation. Do excuse my English, not a native speaker. Please and thank you for your help.

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DESCRIPTION: Problem with UNAIRU lens on ASH Prime in all mission ending.


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Yes all the time i'm extracting



 1. Take ASH with Unairu lens

 2. Finish mission

 3. Have 1.053.609.408 UNAIRU



Edited by kristoff127
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DESCRIPTION: Nova Prime tries to pick up energy orbs when energy is already full, resulting in an infinite clicking sound
Who - Nova Prime (+ Carrier for extra annoyance)
What - Not sure if Primed Flow is a culprit, but I have mine at 8/10
Where - In game, only when playing as client
CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Yes yes yes yes yes
1 - Pick Nova Prime
2 - Play a mission as client
3 - Get full energy
4 - Tear your ears off
Every pickup click also counts as a pickup in the results screen for some reason, even though the energy orbs still remain.


This is not a u18 bug has been happening since way before

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DESCRIPTION: Doing Archwing missions with a Warframe with a lens on results in not spawning the Archwing. You result walking in the zero plane in space. Its kinda fun but you cant extract since the extraction point is too far away from the zero plane.

Who - Any Frame probably with lens on (I only have Ember Prime though, in combination with Elytron)

What - Archwing not equipped in Archwing missions with lensed Warframe

Where - Any Archwing mission, tried it only on open space Archwing missions


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Y (I wasnt the only one having this bug in the missions)


REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?

 1. Equip Warframe with an installed lens

 2. Start an Archwing mission


Linked to this issue: Warframes or Weapons with lenses on:


All sorts of problems with current [3:32 EST 12/4] Archwing alert.


1st Run spawned Archwing, 2 enemy exterminate mission with only 1 enemy on map. Squad could't extract. :(


2nd Run didn't spawn Archwings for 3/4 players, 2 enemy exterminate mission with both on map. Killed both targets, but 3/4 players couldn't reach extraction points as they were confined to 2 dimensions. :(


Anyone else have these (or other) issues?


EDIT: Did 3rd Run, spawned Archwings for every player, but not Archwing weapons. Both enemies in 2 enemy exterminate spawned and were successfully killed. Managed to extract this time and got the mod, but no experience was rewarded for Archwing (or anything else for that matter).

Edited by Shriker_sh
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Update 18 has introduced into my game for the first time ever, screen tearing. No matter which graphical options I choose, torn frames are all over the place. This is definitely due to the update, didn't have any torn frames, or at least none so prominent and visual, just a day before the update.

This is the same for me, Frame rate is solid and ive tweaked settings to no avail, its pretty bad and pretty annoying


Update: turned off vsync, and set frames to 72fps everything else is on max, looks better than it has before but not perfect still

Edited by cannonfodder1982
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Gulliver (Phoebe) lv 65-80 Sortie Spy 12/7 

Conditions: Eximus Stronghold

Me: Volt Prime using Soma Prime, Lex prime, Scindo Prime, Wyrm Prime and Corrosive proj.

Team: Trinity Prime and 2 lokis

We had spent an hour on this sortie mission and when we finally got all data, we were told to exterminate all that remained. We got to about 128/132 (somewhere along those lines). And the enemy marker brought us to a door that wouldn't open. I'm not sure if we had been in lockdown at the time (all the runs start to bleed together)  but i had hacked the alarms to the point where i couldn't hack anymore, and that was a while before we got to the door. Upon pressing m it was clear it connected to an entire area. I spammed overload and killed what seemed like 3 guys but marker was still there that seemed to be indicating more enemies past that first room. By the way the lights on the door we're red. We ran around like idiots for about 10 minutes before i decided to do a bunch of screenshots, (my f12 key is also airplane mode) so i didn't get any screenshots, sorry. I also tried using unstuck to kinda glitch in there. My squad mentioned similar stuff happening recently, and it had happened to me before, although i didn't think much of it. It also happened on a capture mission on Saturn when i was looking for a Simaris target (pressed m, clearly connected to another area with no way in but a red locked door no alert). Once more on the same sortie mission with a different person same exact thing (same schtick no alert). Sorry for the length, good luck. I love the game and Second dream is awesome!

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DESCRIPTION: Login reward bug if Quest Complete animation plays when you log in. One can see the animation for the quest playing in the background, and the little vault thing for the login reward in the foreground, but clicking does nothing. Had to Alt-F4, and then never received login reward.



1. Have an active quest selected, for instance Hidden Messages

2. Start building Mirage part, and then log out

3. When Mirage part is complete, claim it through the Warframe Nexus app.

4. Log into Warframe the next day, and both the login reward and quest completed animations play as soon as you log in, but nothing is clickable.


Side Note: I can understand this was never an issue before, because there was no way to claim the part before logging in. Now there is, hence possible for things to happen during login reward screen playing.

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Just something small.  When Chroma uses the new power while his hide is away from him, he returns to his normal skin but continues using the ability.  And perhaps adding a warning when you're about to forma a weapon with a lens on cause I sorta lost a lens...

lens will function as normal once weapon gets back to 30

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I have the same problem on Earth. It says complete all nodes to deploy an extractor, but above that it says mission nodes 12/12 completed. The only "fuzzy" node is the new bazaar but that is a relay and all relay nodes appear like that for me.

i believe this is due to the second dream unlocking new tiles on earth, since doing the quest gives you 12/15

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Description: Lost all Focus after host migration

Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes!


Reproduction Steps: 

1. Do any interception Mission (so far i've tested survival too) 

2. Go  round 4 Check your focus points you got so far (10.000 for exemple if you have a Greater lens like me)

2. Get a host migration

3. Wait for the mission return to normal.

4. Finish it, and you will see a tiny amount of points (100 for example).



The follwing screenshot, was after 25 minutes of Orokin Moon Survival







I Already have openned a request.

Sorry for bad english.

Edited by Victor2308
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I have a few bugs I'd like to report. For a few I've asked friends if they can verify them as well which I'll mention here if I've done this.


1. Infinite focus


Desription: Starting the final sortie mission against the infested (defense with reduced shield recharge and energy) my focus was full from the start. While it burned out normally on use, once phoenix gaze concluded and I returned to my frame it instantly filled up again and I could use it again. I asked my squadmates and none of them experienced this.


Reproducable: No


2. Warframe shadow motions


Description: When equipping the dragon nikana (and possibly the base nikana I never tested that) your warframe's shadow will dance around. My friend experienced the bug as well when I asked.


Reproducable: Yes


Steps: Equip the dragon nikana


EDIT: I was incorrect about the cause of this bug. It's not the dragon nikana, it was because I had a heat damage mod equipped to it and the fire particle effect are what screw up your shadow. Probably a lighting issue. I realized this when I equipped the twin basolk and saw the bug on the liset, but not in missions due to another bug that disables melee weapon particle effects.


3. Irremovable zariman hood


description: My tenno avatar is always depicted wearing the hood despite being listed as having no hood equipped. If I attempt to select no hood again it will remove it until the game loads a mission at which point it returns, I have not asked my friends about this.


Reproducable: Yes


Steps: Attempt to unequip the hood.  Return to the operator chamber after a loading screen and it will be back


4. Wobbly camera


Since update 18 the camera seems to shudder slightly, most noticeable when standing still and watching the edges of the screen or small points of light. I suspect this has something to do with warframe idle motions since I recall the camera normally does that sometimes (though with much smoother motions.) bringing up a menu, such as the start menu or the galatic map will stop these motions. I have not asked my friends about this.


Reproducable: Yes


Steps: Start the game and idle, leaving no menus up


5. Light sources through walls


Description: Certain light sources can be seen through walls. I've noticed this with the foundry light as it constructs items and the energy bolts from moas. I have not asked my friends about this.


reproducable: Yes


steps: 1. Begin foundry construction of any item

           2. Move to an area of the ship where the foundry cannot be seen due to obstruction (you do have to face in the foundry’s direction

           3. Observe periodic flashes of blue light through the wall


6. Weapons jumping out of my hands


Description: when performing a spin jump my equipped weapon will suddenly teleport to its holstered position. It will return to my hands on landing, gliding or otherwise putting it to use. This one I’m particularly interested I first noticed this bug a day after 18.0.3 was released, so I’m not certain that this isn’t a problem on my end, such as a corrupted file, though I may simply have failed to notice it.


Reproducable: Yes


Steps: 1. Start a mission or travel to any area where weapons are usable.

           2. Perform a double jump. Your weapon should then leave your hands.


If anyone else has experienced these bugs please let me know, as I’d like to be sure this isn’t some problem on my end, number six in particular.

Edited by Archvile93
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DESCRIPTION: Artemis Bow cannot apply any punch through on enemies ( even with 2 punch through mod)

Who Ivara

What Artemis Bow

Where Any mission



apply some punch through mods on the weapon and active Artemis Bow , arrows can punch through walls properly but can never punch through enemies

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DESCRIPTION: No Energy use for Ivaras Ultimate

Who: Ivara

What: Only her Ultimate

Where: Excavation and Mobile Defense Missions





 1. Equip Ivara

 2. Start a Excavation or MObile Defense Mission

 3. Grab the Key on Mobile Defense or a Power Cell in Excavation

 4. Use your Ultimate

 5. Shoot Arrows till you have 0 Energy

 6. Realize your Ult wont end and you regen Energy even while shooting .

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A pretty serious bug I've discovered making Madurai 100% un-usable/playable.


Description: Basically whenever I cast Phoenix Gaze spell under the Madurai school, and I have a carrier equiped with Vacumm, the carrier will suck in loot (intended), but because my frame is in that sitting/invulnerable state, it wont take the loot, so the loot sits in front of the Carrier. Now, the issue is, Phoenix Gaze hits the said loot. Stopping it from hitting/damaging enemies.

Who: All frames I've used (Ember Prime and Oberon)

What: Phoenix Gaze

Where: Any mission

This is 100% reproducable. It's happened to me a dozen times across multiple frames/missions.


Reproducable: Yes


1. Equip Carrier (or prime) with vacumm.

2. Enter any misson.

3. Cast Phoenix Gaze

4. Carrier sucks loot in.

5. Loot does NOT get taken by the player, instead hovers infront of player/on carrier.

6. Beam is blocked by said loot.


I find this to be a serious bug/issue needing immediate fixing. It makes Madurai un-usable.



Feel free to contact me.

Edited by Hamedar
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DESCRIPTION: Mastery rank challenge didn't finish properly

Who Just me

What in a Nyx, equipped was Paris, Seer and Dual Heat Swords

Where in the imaginary space where the Lotus increases your mastery rank


This was increasing from mastery 4 to 5, I had a time limit in which to hack several terminals. I completed the hacks within the time limit, my Tenno sat cross-legged on the floor, then the red 'Mission Failed' words with the logo behind appeared twice in rapid succession. Now I'm sitting there in white space in front of the console and the only command I can get to is my chat window.


CAN YOU REPRODUCE THE BUG? Nope, upon a force-quit and restart of the game, I discovered I was at mastery 5, so I couldn't retake the challenge.

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Hello i dont know if this is a bug  but im hoping for a anwser,
My in​game name : Dread5i553r
i started the new stran​ge quest but i sold the chassis blueprint so now i cant get chroma anymore, is there any way of restarting the quest or re-obtaining the blueprint because chroma seems like a very good frame to me and i dont wanna miss him.

thank you, ​


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ALT Tab makes my game freezu up in taskbar after U18


This happens a couple of launches each time until after a few times it works again and i can switch between desktop and game without problems.

When I try to open Warframe in my taskbar after Alt Tabbing it doesn't respond and the icon just stays there.
- Warframe isn't shown in Task Manager (CtrlAltDel) and needs to be shut down in the Resource Monitor by ending the process tree.

After this I'll probably need to do this proces a couple more times until the time Warframe in my taskbar responds. This can be 3 to 6 times.

When I get it working and I restart Warframe then this problem can occur again. But while I got it running and let Warframe run, I can Alt Tab as much as I like, no problems.

Reason of it is that I start the game on my small speakers, and change to my S/PDIF after startup for my music. So keep that dedicated audio output in the game, that's great! Can't listen both well on 1 output ;)  edit:nvm that last, just saw the audio output option in options, didn't notice that change. Even better.

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My friend dosent get the second dream quest even thought he finished the natha one but he didint have the natha quest equited until he finished it pls help we tried everything.sorry for bad spelling

My friend dosent get the second dream quest even thought he finished the natha one but he didint have the natha quest equited until he finished it pls help we tried everything.sorry for bad spelling

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