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[Second Dream Spoilers] A New Day For Warframe; Some Feedback On U18


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Now, I must express that this quest did not surprise me, it wasn't as cinematic as I expected, and fighting the Sentient units thrown at me felt tedious, but overall I was pleased by it.


The Quest

So, I have to admit, it wasn't as cinematic as I was expecting, but I can't say I was let down. After the Grineer levels, I was pretty happy with the game-play. I was very impressed with the Moon's architecture, and I have to give a glowing review to all the people who contributed to its creation; it was very fantastic. The writing and voice acting for the Quest were also very well done.


There were a few parts where I became confused as what to do, and the only part that really gave me trouble was trying to get the Orokin Eye to hit the pillars, but perhaps if any improvement can be done, I'd suggest providing just a little bit of extra clarity. 


Otherwise, I really liked the Quest.



Outcome of the Quest;

First, I just want to say, I subscribed to the idea that the Tenno projected their control into the Warframes, so the ending of the quest did not come as a surprise, but I was satisfied to be correct. In fact, I even completely said something along the lines that the Second Dream is that we are the Warframes, and the First Dream is that we are the Tenno. 

I'm also very glad that we were allowed to customize our Tenno after they were rescued from the Moon. I was worried if this was the case, we'd never see the human face beneath the body suit. Glad to see DE put that extra effort into it.


I wonder how all those people who disagreed with my hypothesis felt / will feel when they reached/reach this point in the game. I hope it doesn't put them off.



The Focus System

Yes, yes, it's about time this showed up! But, with it just barely being introduced, I have no idea how it functions or what to do with it. Next Devstream, I want some clarity as to how it functions.



The Sentient Units;

The Sentient units were interesting in design and concept, but honestly the game-play felt lacking and very tedious. It felt like I was running and jumping around something that was way too powerful for its size and capabilities. Plus, there was an attack that was nigh impossible to dodge; the weird flashing blink attack.

In other words, I hope the Sentient are not as tedious to destroy later. They, of course, should not be vulnerable to the almighty one-shot-kill, but my 10,000 damage Lanka was reduced to 200, and that felt way too cheap.


In fact, for most of the quest, I just ran past the Sentient units where possible. They just weren't fun to fight in terms of attacking them, but on the defense, having to dodge, roll, and keep out of range was pretty fun, but doing it for too long, as I was forced to, was pushing it.


Ultimately, I think the Sentient faction is a step in the right direction. I did feel like I was fighting something else, not just re-skinned Grineer.



Sniper Rework;

With the Sniper Rework, I have noticed no change in efficiency. I predicted this right, and the 'rework' provided nothing useful. Most enemies come in too high numbers in a haphazard manner, and not one of those units necessitates using a sniper rifle. Best of luck on the next attempt.




When I first started Warframe, literally December 26th 2013, the world of Warframe brought me in, and it had this certain tone. I don't know if anyone will know what I mean, but it had this sort of mystique to it like walking into a store that sells hottubs. I know that doesn't sound impressive, but that is the only words I can describe that feeling with, and it is a very satisfying feeling. As I played on, the game presented me new challenges and new mysteries, until I came to 'know it all'. Then, very rarely, I would get this feeling again, and I was reminded of it every time I watched the old trailers.


But, this update brought with it not this feeling. While playing, the feeling I got from this update was like the feeling I get the first time I walk into a church or temple. Again, doesn't sound impressive, but like the hottub-feeling, it brings with it a lot of satisfactory thought and emotion. And that is when I discovered that Warframe has become a different game. It is not the game I began at the conclusion of 2013, it is something else now. But that something else is something I have found to like.


Update 18 is the culmination of this concept: slowly, Warframe has been morphing into this new game, and finally update 18 has brought it together, and now I see the bigger picture. Having seen this picture, I can say I'll be happy to stick around some more to see the game blossom into this new creation, hoping with every step of the way that it improves further.


So therefore, I say, Warframe has entered a new day, at least for me, and I am very excited to see where it will take me next.


Hope everyone else is having as much fun as I am with Update 18, and hopefully this feedback carries some value.

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