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Void Drop Rates + Void Keys Drop Rates + Void Key Pack Drop Rates+ Defense Reward Estimation


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Drop tables:



Ammo Drum: 7.37%
Banshee Chassis Blueprint: 7.37%
Fast Deflection: 8.43%
Fast Deflection: 8.43%
Fast Hands: 8.43%
Large Health Restore: 8.43%
Magazine Warp: 8.43%
Molten Impact: 0.17%
North Wind: 0.17%
Omni Ammo Restore: 0.17%
Orokin Tier 1 Extermination Key: 0.17%
Orokin Tier 1 Raid Key: 0.17%
Orokin Tier 2 Extermination Key: 0.17%
Orokin Tier 2 Raid Key: 0.17%
Orokin Tier 3 Extermination Key: 0.17%
Pressure Point: 0.17%
Quick Rest: 8.43%
Quickdraw: 8.43%
Rush: 7.37%
Shocking Touch: 0.17%
Stretch: 0.17%
Trick Mag: 8.43%
Vitality: 0.17%
Vitality: 8.43%



Ammo Drum: 7.37%
Banshee Systems Blueprint: 7.37%
Fast Deflection: 8.43%
Fast Deflection: 8.43%
Fast Hands: 8.43%
Large Health Restore: 8.43%
Magazine Warp: 8.43%
Molten Impact: 0.17%
North Wind: 0.17%
Omni Ammo Restore: 0.17%
Orokin Tier 1 Extermination Key: 0.17%
Orokin Tier 1 Raid Key: 0.17%
Orokin Tier 2 Extermination Key: 0.17%
Orokin Tier 2 Raid Key: 0.17%
Orokin Tier 3 Extermination Key: 0.17%
Pressure Point: 0.17%
Quick Rest: 8.43%
Quickdraw: 8.43%
Rush: 7.37%
Shocking Touch: 0.17%
Stretch: 0.17%
Trick Mag: 8.43%
Vitality: 0.17%
Vitality: 8.43%



Tier 1:

Ammo Drum: 4.42%
Cipher: 6.32%
Fast Deflection: 6.32%
Fast Deflection: 6.32%
Fast Hands: 4.42%
Large Health Restore: 6.32%
Magazine Warp: 6.32%
Omni Ammo Restore: 1.01%
Orokin Tier 1 Extermination Key: 4.42%
Orokin Tier 1 Raid Key: 4.42%
Pistol Ammo Restore: 6.32%
Pressure Point: 1.01%
Quick Rest: 6.32%
Rifle Ammo Restore: 6.32%
Rush: 4.42%
Shotgun Ammo Restore: 6.32%
Sniper Ammo Restore: 6.32%
Trick Mag: 6.32%
Vitality: 6.32%


Tier 2:

Banshee Systems Blueprint: 1.01%
Blunderbuss: 8.43%
Fast Hands: 2.46%
Fury: 1.01%
Hornet Strike: 2.46%
Metal Auger: 2.46%
No Return: 8.43%
Orokin Tier 2 Extermination Key: 2.46%
Orokin Tier 2 Raid Key: 2.46%
Piercing Hit: 2.46%
Pistol Gambit: 8.43%
Point Blank: 2.46%
Point Strike: 8.43%
Pressure Point: 8.43%
Ravage: 8.43%
Reflex Coil: 2.46%
Serration: 2.46%
Speed Trigger: 8.43%
Target Cracker: 8.43%
Vital Sense: 8.43%


Tier 3:

Banshee Chassis Blueprint: 0.15%
Banshee Helmet Blueprint: 3.16%
Banshee Systems Blueprint: 3.16%
Barrel Diffusion: 0.15%
Convulsion: 3.16%
Cryo Rounds: 0.15%
Deep Freeze: 0.15%
Enemy Sense: 0.15%
Enemy Sense: 3.16%
Focus: 3.16%
Heated Charge: 18.97%
Hell's Chamber: 0.15%
Hellfire: 18.97%
Hellfire: 18.97%
North Wind: 0.15%
North Wind: 0.15%
Orokin Tier 3 Extermination Key: 0.15%
Redirection: 3.16%
Rush: 0.15%
Shocking Touch: 0.15%
Split Chamber: 0.15%
Stormbringer: 3.16%
Streamline: 18.97%
Stretch: 0.15%




Tier 1:

Forma Blueprint: 0.67%
Latron Prime Barrel: 11%
Latron Prime Blueprint: 25.3%
Latron Prime Receiver: 0.67%
Latron Prime Stock: 25.3%
Scythe Blade: 0.67%
Scythe Blueprint: 11%
Sycthe Handle: 25.3%


Tier 2:

Forma Blueprint: 12.65%
Forma: 0.5%
Frost Prime Blueprint: 0.5%
Frost Prime Chassis Blueprint: 12.65%
Frost Prime Helmet Blueprint: 12.65%
Frost Prime Systems Blueprint: 7.37%
Latron Prime Barrel: 7.37%
Latron Prime Blueprint: 12.65%
Latron Prime Receiver: 0.5%
Latron Prime Stock: 12.65%
Scythe Blade: 0.5%
Scythe Blueprint: 7.37%
Sycthe Handle: 12.65%


Tier 3:

Forma Blueprint: 12.65%
Forma: 2.01%
Frost Prime Blueprint: 7.37%
Frost Prime Chassis Blueprint: 12.65%
Frost Prime Helmet Blueprint: 12.65%
Frost Prime Systems Blueprint: 7.37%
Latron Prime Blueprint: 12.65%
Latron Prime Receiver: 12.65%
Scythe Blade: 12.65%
Scythe Blueprint: 7.37%




First key:

Orokin Tier 1 Extermination Key: 47.39%

Orokin Tier 1 Raid Key: 47.39%
Orokin Tier 2 Extermination Key: 2.37%
Orokin Tier 2 Raid Key: 2.37%
Orokin Tier 3 Extermination Key: 0.47%


Next 3 keys:

Orokin Tier 1 Extermination Key: 39.22%

Orokin Tier 1 Raid Key: 39.22%
Orokin Tier 2 Extermination Key: 9.8%
Orokin Tier 2 Raid Key: 9.8%
Orokin Tier 3 Extermination Key: 1.96%


Last key:

Orokin Tier 3 Extermination Key: 100%



How to estimate you reward after wave 10 (still by the same dataminer)


"Remember my previous topic where I posted all the percentages for rewards. I sorted that list alphabetically but in its original state, it's sorted however developers want. I'll post the list unsorted for Tier 3 defense rewards:


Hellfire: 18.97%
Heated Charge: 18.97%
Convulsion: 3.16%
Deep Freeze: 0.15%
North Wind: 0.15%
Shocking Touch: 0.15%
North Wind: 0.15%
Hellfire: 18.97%
Stormbringer: 3.16%
Cryo Rounds: 0.15%
Split Chamber: 0.15%
Barrel Diffusion: 0.15%
Hell's Chamber: 0.15%
Stretch: 0.15%
Redirection: 3.16%
Streamline: 18.97%
Enemy Sense: 3.16%
Enemy Sense: 0.15%
Rush: 0.15%
Focus: 3.16%
Banshee Helmet Blueprint: 3.16%
Banshee Chassis Blueprint: 0.15%
Banshee Systems Blueprint: 3.16%
Orokin Tier 3 Extermination Key: 0.15%


The order of these items is important in a way. When you enter a defense mission (let's assume high level so you start at Tier 3), you get a random seed. Depending on that seed you get a value between 0 and 1 (from now on initial seed). After completing 5th wave, you get a reward. Initial seed now determines what you'll get. The way it works is this:
1. Create an interval between 0 and 1 consisting of all the possible rewards (notice the sum of % is 1)
* In this case, Hellfire = 0.0-0.1897, Heated Charge = 0.1897-0.3794, etc.
2. Now find out where your initial seed fits in, and that's the item you'll get.

On the next checkpoint (this case 10th wave) depending on the seed you'll get a new random number. This new random number will be added to the initial seed. That is if your initial seed was 0.5, the interval picking number will be 0.5 + random. Now what is important is this "random" value is the same for every checkpoint after. 15th wave would be 0.5 + random + random.

With this knowledge and the loot table, you can figure out what your initial seed was and on 10th wave figure out what the increment is (approximately). By extension, you can calculate approximate chance to get what you wanted.

* You start a defense mission.
* At wave 5 you get Heated Charge. Now you know your initial seed was between 0.1897 and 0.3794.
* At wave 10 you get Heated Charge again. Now you know your increment was pretty small (between 0 and 0.1896). Note that increment can be negative.
* Since orokin tier 3 key is the last in the table, to get to it you would have to play for at least 4 more checkpoints (20 waves) if increment was positive.
* If your increment is big the chance to hit 0.985 - 1.0 interval is really small.

Example sequence:


I hope this explained why you might be getting the same reward multiple times and why low % rewards are so rare. This should also explain why defense rewards don't scale with levels.


Tier 1 in order:

Vitality: 6.32%
Fast Deflection: 6.32%
Quick Rest: 6.32%
Fast Deflection: 6.32%
Rush: 4.42%
Magazine Warp: 6.32%
Trick Mag: 6.32%
Pressure Point: 1.01%
Ammo Drum: 4.42%
Fast Hands: 4.42%
Cipher: 6.32%
Large Health Restore: 6.32%
Omni Ammo Restore: 1.01%
Sniper Ammo Restore: 6.32%
Pistol Ammo Restore: 6.32%
Rifle Ammo Restore: 6.32%
Shotgun Ammo Restore: 6.32%
Orokin Tier 1 Extermination Key: 4.42%
Orokin Tier 1 Raid Key: 4.42%


Tier 2 in order:

Speed Trigger: 8.43%
Fast Hands: 2.46%
Point Strike: 8.43%
Vital Sense: 8.43%
Piercing Hit: 2.46%
Metal Auger: 2.46%
Pistol Gambit: 8.43%
Target Cracker: 8.43%
No Return: 8.43%
Ravage: 8.43%
Blunderbuss: 8.43%
Point Blank: 2.46%
Serration: 2.46%
Hornet Strike: 2.46%
Fury: 1.01%
Reflex Coil: 2.46%
Pressure Point: 8.43%
Banshee Systems Blueprint: 1.01%
Orokin Tier 2 Extermination Key: 2.46%
Orokin Tier 2 Raid Key: 2.46%"







Also Master thief mod seem to be only droppable in phoenix mod pack. SOme people said they got it as random rewards, but nobody still prove it with a screen. Apparently, some people got it into the void, but seems extremly rare.


all credits to "dataminer" - "Pwnatron"





Edited by Asla
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It make sense why i am still waiting for my receiver and system bp.

Even in t3, u have one chance out of ten to get receiver, woot... And t3 is nearly  undroppable in game compaired to t1&t2

Who said this game is not pay to play?


I have more chance to win the lottery than getting prime stuff without buying massive amount of keys with platinum :D

Edited by Asla
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7 blades 2 receivers tons of everything else but im still waiting for barrel. Over 100 runs total. You sure these are real??

I can't be sure. But i better trust dataminer who are mostly passionate gamer than de who is greedy like hell

Edited by Asla
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If this data is true no point buying keys at all. Your are spending 75 plat to get 1 key with ok odds. People would have spent less money if they put frost prime(with his gear) in market place for 1000 plat.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Since all of the 6 key packs i bought had just the complimentary t3 in them & the rest t1 im starting to guess that certain things will be out of reach unless i drop more bucks or get extreme lucky (which i doubt)


Welp, the way this is implemented as of now is just..i dont know.

Basically hope for t2 & 3 cause t1 is going to be useless after a certain time & becomes a waste of time since the drops become somewhat useless fast, also no frost prime bps at all in there?? just in the higher tiers?

Feels bad man.

Edited by D3thpool
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Since all of the 6 key packs i bought had just the complimentary t3 in them & the rest t1 im starting to guess that certain things will be out of reach unless i drop more bucks or get extreme lucky (which i doubt)


Welp, the way this is implemented as of now is just..i dont know.

Basically hope for t2 & 3 cause t1 is going to be useless after a certain time & becomes a waste of time since the drops become somewhat useless fast, also no frost prime bps at all in there?? just in the higher tiers?

Feels bad man.

it's basically my opinion.

The only parts i miss is a latron receiver and a frost system.

When you buy a pack for 75 plat, you get most of the time one T3 key and four T1 key

Basically it's paying 5 bucks for one run which allow me 20% (12 for receiver+7 for system) to get a part i miss.

The t1 keys remain garbage for me atm.

I won't spend  $ in this game anymore.

Edited by Asla
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You're more likely to get the Latron Receiver and Reaper Blade in Tier 1s than in Tier 2s.

That makes a lot of sense.


I guess because there's a lower number of things that drop.  Reducing the denominator as a whole increases the numerator by a lot. 

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Tier 1:

Latron Prime Receiver: 0.67%

Scythe Blade: 0.67%

Forma Blueprint: 0.67%

I don't even remember the last game I've played that had drop rates as abysmal as this. Maybe it was Lineage 2? Some 10 years ago...

This just reinforces my stand on not spending another dime before I can see what they will do with the next update.

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I don't even remember the last game I've played that had drop rates as abysmal as this. Maybe it was Lineage 2? Some 10 years ago...

This just reinforces my stand on not spending another dime before I can see what they will do with the next update.

Those are listed as "rare" in t1. 


In t3 runs I get forma bps and recievers often enough after the patch. The Frost prime systems and bp are much more rare. The complete forma drop being even more rare. 

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Those are listed as "rare" in t1. 


In t3 runs I get forma bps and recievers often enough after the patch. The Frost prime systems and bp are much more rare. The complete forma drop being even more rare. 

After 100 runs you have a 48.94% chance to get the rare part you're after. The word "rare" isn't a suitable term for this. Try "we put it in the loot table so we could say it's possible to get it".

And the new T3 drop rates don't apply retroactively by replacing old stocks and handles.


I've been playing the game far more than I'd be comfortable to admit but I have yet to see a single T3 key appear anywhere in the game.

Edited by Vabla
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So you have a 76% chance of getting a Common drop,


a 22% chance of getting an uncommon drop,


and a 2% chance of getting a rare drop, per tier.


Then distribute the rates evenely between the possible drops.


... yaaaay math?


Also: Why is the Frost Prime Systems and the Frost Prime Master BP the same drop rate, even on T3? Systems should be more common than the Master. >.< (That does explain how I've found 2 Masters but don't have any systems.)


Also: hurray, I have about a 20% chance to go in and get the Helm or Systems, let alone both. Dammit, can I trade in this Master BP I don't need for the two parts I desperatly want? :(

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Doesn't really seem that bad to me.


Granted I haven't found my receiver OR my blade yet, but really if you think in terms of a four player group it's really very reasonable. Defense rewards are shared, where everyone gets the same reward option at the end of the wave. That means if you are actually playing this multiplayer game with a group of friends one reward leads to FOUR runs and you can't ever lose those runs because you don't lose the key if you fail or abort. You always get four rolls per key that your team gets as a reward.

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I knew i was right.


IO void key tier 1 drop chance at wave 5 is 10% (5% per key)


Im surprised Tier 2s are 5% drop chance. I wonder where they drop.


And tier 3s are pretty much pay 2 win confirmed now. Thanks DE! =]


( not to mention Tier 3 defense rewards are bugged and give heated charge or hellfire 90% of the time so its virtually impossible to get a tier 3 key even if u run a 100)

Edited by cknives
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That's just a joke, i don't even know how some people (don't want to be offensive, but most of the time grand master) can say : "this is ok", "this is fine"

As a master, I refuse to pay for void keys, since even though I do have plenty of platinum (and I have the resources to buy plenty more), the price they're asking for what they're giving (not to mention I firmly believe the entire system of restricting player access to content with void keys is ridiculous in the first place, especially when you consider just how much difficulty this game has delivering content in the first place) is insane.


I'd feel pretty dumb if I ponied up for a pack of void keys.

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