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[Spoilers] Who Is The Stalker? Theory.


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It's a very interesting theory, personally I quite like it. Kinda reminds me of that fan-story about Excalibur and Nekros fooling around, Nekros Soul Punched Excal, resulting in the soul that came out being Stalker XD (Fits my Profile pic too) but yeah, it's really an interesting theory and can lead you places -nod nod-

Do you mean leading us to horrible places? 0_0

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Actually, considering some of the past folks who looked into the functioning of warframes(I'm looking at you Ala V and Vor. Especially Vor), I couldn't help but wonder...

... what would happen if someone who was NOT a void touched Tenno somehow found the way to re-enact transferance and control a Warframe?

After all, one of the core makes a Tenno is that they are Void touched. But we don't actually know if they -need- to be Void touched to manipulate of Warframe.

Think about it: Alad V, actually making a remote controlled "robot", Zanuka, outright made out of warframe components. Without realizing it, he had likely actually made the closest thing to what a Warframe actually is in the game universe. A remote-controlled golem-like being. One had to wonder if he would try to reboot his Zanuka project if he discovered the truth.

And then Vor; who installed his Ascaris on a Warframe and began to hack not only it's motor control skills, but the mind of the Tenno himself whose thoughts he started to outright see. 
Which sound heavily like literally hacking into the transferance process(and just add to how much of a danger he truly presented to the then unknowing Tennos). He even had already guessed the nature of the Tenno's power not being tied to the warframe itself. He just hadn't realized (yet) the actual location of the Tenno, due to still wrongly guessing the tenno was the being inside. But his Ascaris might have certainly surprised him with an answer he himself wouldn't have expected and which would have endangered all of the Tennos well before Stalker and Hunhow.

But yeah, with different individuals having unwittinly come close to the Transferance process or similar ones.... it does make me wonder what would be if a non-Tenno was to go through that process. If one even needs a Tenno to "pilot" a warframe.

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When the Tenno looks at his hand, mimicking your Tenno, do the dim distant memories that stir ask "Can I kill myself?" Or "Can I kill my brethren?"

His suit is exactly like your child Tenno's. That is HIGHLY suggestive that he is either a nightmare version of YOU that only dies when you do or when you deal with your subconscious issues (hate, despair, dread made real as weapons?) OR he is an actual TENNO Operator inside a suit and is unaware until that moment. It would explain his abilities; major focus.

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Maybe at the time, there was two betrayals. 


Maybe the Stalker had a special someone in the Orokin ruling class?


I have a feeling when we are shown the Stalkers true origins, we may be blown away...


Edited by Juniya
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The Stalker's codex entries talks about the Tenno slaughtering the Orokin at the victory parade against the battle of the sentients, at the stroke of one of the drums, was the stroke the signal? Or was it just chosen for it's significance? Whose to say that all Tenno are not joined by a certain shared mental thought/experiences? All Tenno work for the Lotus how come no one else has chosen a different master? Alad V's rants must have made someone question that validity of his experience with the infestation, or at least stir a curiousity. I think the stalker is a Tenno who got lost in the void, or had something happen that separated and/or isolated him from the rest, perhaps when the Tenno were being experimented on, a separate test on that specific Tenno instilled a higher sense of loyalty than the others? Whose to say the Stalker is not a cloned Tenno?

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