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Please No Other Warframe Genders-Vote Now For Gender Warframes


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The thing is though, they've established that it's not the case that these are characters. You know, what with us being able to have 4 of the Vauban series of warframes in a single mission. (Will the real slim shady please stand up?)

The names of the Warframes, which are indeed 'mass produced' weapons of war, are named for ancient warriors, as mentioned elsehwere. That's all well and good and interesting history of the universe, what little we have to view as stable.

This means you are using your Excalibur, named for the original Excalibur Warframe prototype or your Nyx, again, named for the original model.

The bosses we encounter taunt us and refer to our equipment as trophies they want to take from us.

They don't call me 'Excalibur' they call me Drusus, and that they want to mount my Excalibur (note, _my_ Excalibur, one of the many Excalibur model Warframes) to the wall as a trophy.

It just isn't in the presentation of the game at moment that a Warframe is anything but a piece of (super awesome!) biotech equipment leveraged by us as opposed to an identity unto itself.

If you choose to perceive it as a character, that is of course, your preference.

It's worth noting that as of the Art livestream at approximately minute 25, this subject is addressed quite clearly. Devs clearly support the value of this being worthwhile as a point of customization with a clear, calm and rational explanation of why this makes sense to consider.

I argue for the most inclusive case that gives the greatest amount of choices for all concerned with no mechanical impact and with worthwhile revenue potential given the production requirements.

People keep bandying about how much dev time additional Warframe skins would take and that's simply not well reasoned, and yes this is a subject I know something about from a project management point of view (you may choose to believe me or not, of course)


All animations already exist across all Warframes and could certainly be retasked.

All codes for powers already exist for the Warframes in question.

Base models to work from already exist in each case and we have seen the prototypes available in each (such as for the Female Ash that everyone seems to clamor for regularly).

The only major component needed is the character model itself and we know that this is an area of customization and tailoring that people will pay Platinum for (myself among them).

If we want the Prime suits to be the 'original versions' with a gender for some distinctness, fine. If we want the new male Ember to be called Pyre instead, but has the same power set? Fine.

But these arguments for treating them as gender locked characters don't make any sense and are certainly counter to the desire for a significant portion of the purchasing player base to customize how they wish, including gender.

The lore is NOT established to support them as unique nor does the in game activity and presentation support that conclusion. DE themselves see why gender unlocking is sensible and worthwhile both for game play, personalization and profit reasons. This really should be kept in mind the next time another one of these threads makes the rounds.

Sorry noveltyhero, I categorically disagree with your point of view. Locking them to gender is simply not the best move forward for overall player engagement, profitability or even lore with what we know to date.

It makes far more sense to have the ability to choose male or female for any power set. And I fully expect DE will take this route because it not only is logical, but profitable, comparatively.

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The thing is though, they've established that it's not the case that these are characters. You know, what with us being able to have 4 of the Vauban series of warframes in a single mission. (Will the real slim shady please stand up?)

The names of the Warframes, which are indeed 'mass produced' weapons of war, are named for ancient warriors, as mentioned elsehwere. That's all well and good and interesting history of the universe, what little we have to view as stable.

This means you are using your Excalibur, named for the original Excalibur Warframe prototype or your Nyx, again, named for the original model.

The bosses we encounter taunt us and refer to our equipment as trophies they want to take from us.

They don't call me 'Excalibur' they call me Drusus, and that they want to mount my Excalibur (note, _my_ Excalibur, one of the many Excalibur model Warframes) to the wall as a trophy.

It just isn't in the presentation of the game at moment that a Warframe is anything but a piece of (super awesome!) biotech equipment leveraged by us as opposed to an identity unto itself.

If you choose to perceive it as a character, that is of course, your preference.

It's worth noting that as of the Art livestream at approximately minute 25, this subject is addressed quite clearly. Devs clearly support the value of this being worthwhile as a point of customization with a clear, calm and rational explanation of why this makes sense to consider.

I argue for the most inclusive case that gives the greatest amount of choices for all concerned with no mechanical impact and with worthwhile revenue potential given the production requirements.

People keep bandying about how much dev time additional Warframe skins would take and that's simply not well reasoned, and yes this is a subject I know something about from a project management point of view (you may choose to believe me or not, of course)


All animations already exist across all Warframes and could certainly be retasked.

All codes for powers already exist for the Warframes in question.

Base models to work from already exist in each case and we have seen the prototypes available in each (such as for the Female Ash that everyone seems to clamor for regularly).

The only major component needed is the character model itself and we know that this is an area of customization and tailoring that people will pay Platinum for (myself among them).

If we want the Prime suits to be the 'original versions' with a gender for some distinctness, fine. If we want the new male Ember to be called Pyre instead, but has the same power set? Fine.

But these arguments for treating them as gender locked characters don't make any sense and are certainly counter to the desire for a significant portion of the purchasing player base to customize how they wish, including gender.

The lore is NOT established to support them as unique nor does the in game activity and presentation support that conclusion. DE themselves see why gender unlocking is sensible and worthwhile both for game play, personalization and profit reasons. This really should be kept in mind the next time another one of these threads makes the rounds.

Sorry noveltyhero, I categorically disagree with your point of view. Locking them to gender is simply not the best move forward for overall player engagement, profitability or even lore with what we know to date.

It makes far more sense to have the ability to choose male or female for any power set. And I fully expect DE will take this route because it not only is logical, but profitable, comparatively.

I see your point, considered. What some other posters suggested is same theme but different skillsets (100% against that, unless of course the new ones are more original). Hmm I guess we should wait and see. I will re-watch livestream 4 to specific timing mentioned. I hope a DE employee can also give some views on this topic. This is only my opinion, but well written post :)

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The reason most MMOs can do that is because of the way the game works. But in this game it just won't work and it will be unnecesary work for the devs. I would rather have new warframes than gender changed :/


Please elaborate as to how it works in a standard mmo and not here?  We don't have lore on each particular frame.  They aren't ancient war heroes.  In fact, it's eluded more to the fact that the frames we use are (at least to the tennos) mass produced versions, with the Prime frames being the 'originals'.  As someone else has pointed out, and a point I've made in other similar threads, Warframes DO NOT have personality. They all use the same skeleton.  They have the same idle, the same walk, the same run, wall run, climbing, knockdown, stand up animations.  Everything is the same about how they present themselves.  They have no voice acting or any sort of interaction whatsoever, you get zero personality from one frame, that you don't get from the next.

More customization is for the better.

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This is contestable.


No one said you're playing as you, you self-inserted.


...except that this has been debunked in this topic already. Bosses all refer to your username and your warframe separately for one, and they refer to your warframe as YOUR warframe. The frames we're using are all mass produced versions of the original, as can be inferred from how you are referred to in game. In fact, these warframes being characters on their own actually creates plot holes since the Tenno in a warframe could be referred to as Thereddic or Lumireaver by the same boss in the same mission. Multiple warframes could be addressed as being piloted by Thereddic or Lumireaver. You simply CAN'T assume that these frames are their own separate characters when they are clearly referred to as being worn by Separate Tenno, as in US.

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I like Warframes being gender-locked. To me, it just makes it feel less like your generic MMO with it's generic classes.


I like the idea of Warframe models being designed and built for a specific gender, person or group of people, instead of everyone just being able to use everything all willy nilly. The latter just seems... incredibly boring. This is the design that they had wanted to do. Steve always says that he wanted the Warframes to be like Champions in LoL, for each one to be their own unique thing.


And I like that, I respect that.


However, it's also understandable that others may want to play as their own gender...


If I'm given a choice, more often than not, I choose my own gender, unless there are gameplay differences between the genders. In that case, I love playing both genders.


In the end, my opinion is that I love the way the Warframes are now and I want to keep it that way, but I can understand how others do not.

Edited by FatalX7
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I don't like being gender-locked to a specific thing. It's stupid. So no, I don't agree with your post. It's sexist and you prove no real data as to why you want X frame to be X gender only when others might want the option to go between the two sexes.


Down voted, 




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So yeah, because you like your frames gender locked, everyone else should be forced to deal with it? If you like your Ember female and your Ash male leave them that way, but just because you like it that way does not mean that the people who do not should be made to deal with it.

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I don't think the point is that others "should be made to deal with it". The point is to see what others think.


Both sides have their own opinion, both sides will feel differently if either side gets their way. Feeling hurt and getting angry doesn't do good for anyone.

Edited by FatalX7
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I'm not getting hurt or angry. I am simply saying that: No gender option, my "side" doesnt get the genders we want, the other "side" does. With a gender option,  my "side" gets the genders we want, the other "side" gets the genders they want. Either way they get what they want, why do they have to lobby against others getting what they want?

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agreed. Full customization only works when you have limited selection such as mmo's with only 4-7 classes but in a game that will have dozens of characters like warframe and dota for example each character needs unique distinct gender/lore qualities. 


It would break my immersion if Drow Ranger came in two flavors. Male and female. Or even Lina


You don't get very immersed do you? Have you ever played a game where you make the hero? 

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You don't get very immersed do you? Have you ever played a game where you make the hero? 

i did. It was called World of warcraft. I also heavily played Dota 2 and Lol. Both types of games have different immersion. Since warframe doesn't have a limited selection of classes im going to group it more with Dota 2 and lol. My guess is that by a few months time well have several new frames and in short time we'll easily have 20-30 frames to play with.


My point was with this archetype it would be akin to seeing male and female Annie or Olaf running around. Its just wierd and immersion breaking. 

Edited by ClaymoreNo47
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In my opinion, immersion is a more personal journey, the more personal and close to the lore you can feel the more it will pull you in. I will feel more a part of the game if I can better place my personality into the game. Not being able to, to a basic degree, bend my character around myself, makes me feel more disconnected from the game. Now if there is some specific, logical, lore based reason that Ember is a woman then I am all for it. Otherwise let me put myself into the game!

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My question is: What Immersion?


The character's never speak or do anything that shows personality and for all we know the Warframe's aren't specific characters and are just suits for the Tenno to man and kill stuff in.


Edit: Don't bring that "Silent Protagonist" bull crap into this argument. Silent charcters do nothing to Immerse the player in the game and to be honest i don't get why people think video games are some sort of art (COME AT ME BRO) They were meant for entertainment and nothing more.

Edited by BoompigXD
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My question is: What Immersion?


The character's never speak or do anything that shows personality and for all we know the Warframe's aren't specific characters and are just suits for the Tenno to man and kill stuff in.

easy. The fact they all have distinctive names. Unlike braton mk1 and braton. They also have different body types suggesting a different humanoid piloting inside. Have you seen ember's tricepts?

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Warframes aren't people. Warframes are exo-suits. Tenno are people in the suits. You control the Tenno and I like to imagine that there's a different Tenno for each suit so every time you switch suits, you're just switching characters. 

So your building people......................... Explain that genius

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easy. The fact they all have distinctive names. Unlike braton mk1 and braton. They also have different body types suggesting a different humanoid piloting inside. Have you seen ember's tricepts?

For all we know thats the name of the  Warframe and as multiple fan-fics suggest the warframes are suits

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For all we know thats the name of the  Warframe and as multiple fan-fics suggest the warframes are suits

you still gotta account for the different body types. Ember (massive tricepts), nxy extremely skinny, Saryn a mature thicker woman.

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