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Yeah, and warframes, good solid interesting/compelling warframes will take a back seat to developing this Operator thing.

Depends, if developing "Operator thing" takes more artist/voice actor parts then coders, then it could allow coders to focus on bug fixes, while new "Operator thing" content is delivered. Bug fixes could optionaly catch up, but I have no idea how this development works.


I just fear that DE will now focus on developping this Operator thing, allowing people to use this appearance in relays, or making another type of relay where you can show off your new avatar.


Also, new people coming to this game will somehow spend less time with their frames than we did, thus feeling maybe more related to it than to the frames.


At least, allow us to put the Operator suit on. This alien look suits (hahaha) us better lore-wise and fits better with this Universe.


And to those who keep saying "we are NOT kids, we are old super warrior... blablabla". Damn, open your eyes and tell me it doesn't look as a kid... Don't care how old it is. Just this damn appearance... (with the Archwing quotes I feel like I am watching a Gundam episode sometimes).

Want to hide your shame in back of your ship :)


I think it is likely to be focused more of art/voice actor parts for "operator thing", perhaps coders will catch up on bug fixes.

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And to those who keep saying "we are NOT kids, we are old super warrior... blablabla". Damn, open your eyes and tell me it doesn't look as a kid... Don't care how old it is. Just this damn appearance...

Isn't that just a failure of imagination? DE can't be held responsible for the fact that someone is so lacking in imagination that they're unable to project their mind into the body of a thing in a chair that looks like a young adult!

Why is that so difficult? Especially given that the lore is quite tragic and emotionally moving. (Horrible accident, lost parents for years, but had to stay alive and cope with crazy abilities, put on ice for years, used as child soldiers for years, yet developed their own culture while feeling and believing that they were these hulking, deadly things of metal, plastic and flesh - all that stuff they've been through, and you still prefer to think of them as like some little emo twat in the local shopping mall??? And damn the game on account of it? Well of course you're free to do so, but I dunno, it seems a bit of a summary dismissal of a lore that isn't all that bad, and in fact is quite good, even if we've seen aspects of it before in other things - but what modern form of entertainment doesn't show us a few things we haven't seen before?)

After all, that's what "roleplaying" means, play-acting as something you are not. Why restrict the range of things you can play that you're not?

Edited by Omnimorph
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Ugh head canon is exactly that the writers intended story. 


Then we have peoples own canon and then we have a lot of different OCs in various AU that people have created over the years. Its a established term to explain a writer or developers story. 


Canon by its very definition is the main storyline be it a story in a book or a movie or as in this case a video game. 


You clearly have problem understanding what i am writing.


No, it's you that isn't understanding at all what I'm stating. I don't really give two S#&$s about your opinion on the lore. I'm not here to change your mind about it. You can cry all you want about the Tenno being children for all I care. What I DO care about however, is this:




(fandom slang) Elements and interpretations of a fictional universe accepted by an individual fan, but not found within or supported by the official canon.



Used by followers of various media of entertainment, such as television shows, movies, books, etc. to note a particular belief which has not been used in the universe of whatever program or story they follow, but seems to make sense to that particular individual, and as such is adopted as a sort of "personal canon". Headcanon may be upgraded to canon if it is incorporated into the program or story's universe."


Headcanon is an idea, belief or aspect of a character’s personality or physicality that is present in a piece of fanwork that does not correspond with information present in the canonical material. Fans and fanfiction authors will often write with these aspects of their headcanon in mind. In certain cases, specific aspects of headcanon can evolve into fanon, which is a specific fandom belief is accepted to the point where it becomes widely accepted concept in the fandom, sometimes escalating to be embraced by canon work.


I can go on forever. Don't dare sit there and degrade someone's work like that ever again. Whether you like the latest lore or not, calling it "headcanon" is an insult to their intelligence and to everyone at DE who approved of it.


Yeah, and warframes, good solid interesting/compelling warframes will take a back seat to developing this Operator thing.


Yeah, and you know this for a fact, right? I mean, the development of new weapons and warframes have taken a back seat before to other systems right? Like pvp? or archwing? Oh...wait...No, no they did not.

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Isn't that just a failure of imagination? DE can't be held responsible for the fact that someone is so lacking in imagination that they're unable to project their mind into the body of a thing in a chair that looks like a young adult!

Why is that so difficult? Especially given that the lore is quite tragic and emotionally moving. (Horrible accident, lost parents for years, but had to stay alive and cope with crazy abilities, put on ice for years, used as child soldiers for years, yet developed their own culture while feeling and believing that they were these hulking, deadly things of metal, plastic and flesh - all that stuff they've been through, and you still prefer to think of them as like some little emo twat in the local shopping mall??? And damn the game on account of it? Well of course you're free to do so, but I dunno, it seems a bit of a summary dismissal of a lore that isn't all that bad, and in fact is quite good, even if we've seen aspects of it before in other things - but what modern form of entertainment doesn't show us a few things we haven't seen before?)

After all, that's what "roleplaying" means, play-acting as something you are not. Why restrict the range of things you can play that you're not?



Yeah really. If you can't project onto Cousin Oliver and see him as you, well then that's just a lack of imagination, dontcha' know?

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After all, that's what "roleplaying" means, play-acting as something you are not. Why restrict the range of things you can play that you're not?


RPG has an immersive part that will work according to one's personal tastes. You can't ask everyone to feel connected to a type of character, or a specific Universe. That's why some people don't like fantasy games, some others like SF best. Some feel attached to one specific character, not to the others. From now, I just have to deal with it and keep playing Warframe for the other aspects of the game I like.


That's why I think it was better to keep the suits on, so people would have to make their imagination, that you seem to make an important point, works. Mystery is what keeps you moving forward. Now that this thing has been revealed, there's no place for imagination. Things are what they are, period. You just have to pretend being this thing. Thus, loosing maybe some players who won't like it at all. I'm ok with it, I just don't want it to be more developped. No kids hanging out in relays, no account avatars based on the operators, etc.


After years of playing this game, you can't ask me to change my perception of its Universe that much. Even if it was implicit, obvious, that we were about to reach this development, I still think it should have remain more mysterious, more puzzling, more abstract than a raw truth they put right in your face.

Edited by matto
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I stopped reading, caring, and respecting your opinion right here. DE's story isn't a @(*()$ "head canon". Warframe is THEIR GAME, not yours. It is THEIR STORY. YOUR story is YOUR head canon, and has nothing to do with THEIR STORY.

agree, people are selfish beings, if they dont like it they want to changes it... LOL really why not love the game for what it is. Its a good story...

(SPOILER ahead...)


orokin created the tenno project as well as the warframe suit, they used children as a tool of war, due to the fact that they lack understanding about morals. they train the children to do this and do that, killing without remorse. no questions ask.


then the sentient came and beat the orokin, they manage to control all of there weapons, including the tenno, the childrens who are sleeping on a mind statis pods, then Natah was tasked to kill them in while the tenno are dreaming on the pods but Natah feel compassion and pity, she feel love and connection towards the children, the feeling was so strong that she cast away her own race to save the tenno...

but past tend to catch up with Natah, she got nothing to hide now...

the story is damn good... 

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Yeah really. If you can't project onto Cousin Oliver and see him as you, well then that's just a lack of imagination, dontcha' know?


But that's nonsensical - again, you're making the mistake of reading a character off some random combination of elements in the Tenno blank slate we've been given, instead of imposing a character on it (within the bounds of the lore scenario, story).  There is no need for the Tenno to be "cute" at all, some are quite vicious, don't you know.


A thing that just looks young isn't necessarily cute or childish - there are devil children :)  Plus, these Tenno have a psychological age and experience of possibly a hundred or more years, some substantial portion of those years spent in slaughter and culture-building.  That would make you grow up fast, even if your body was still juvenile ...

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RPG has an immersive part that will work according to one's personal tastes. You can't ask everyone to feel connected to a type of character, or a specific Universe. That's why some people don't like fantasy games, some others like SF best. Some feel attached to one specific character, not to the others. From now, I just have to deal with it and keep playing Warframe for the other aspects of the game I like.


That's why I think it was better to keep the suits on, so people would have to make their imagination, that you seem to make an important point, works. Mystery is what keeps you moving forward. Now that this thing has been revealed, there's no place for imagination. Things are what they are, period. You just have to pretend being this thing. Thus, loosing maybe some players who won't like it at all. I'm ok with it, I just don't want it to be more developped. No kids hanging out in relays, no account avatars based on the operators, etc.


After years of playing this game, you can't ask me to change my perception of its Universe that much. Even if it was implicit, obvious, that we were about to reach this development, I still think it should have remain more mysterious, more puzzling, more abstract than a raw truth they put right in your face.


Essentially though, here, all you're asking for is more options in the character creator, including options which get that thing in the chair out of your face; which I doubt anyone would argue with. 


The ideal character creator would have infinite options within the bounds of the lore (e.g. if you're playing a game that has a female protagonist named Jill, then at least you expect a lot of variation in her looks, her hairdo, etc., etc. - scale this up as you go, and you're looking at the set of restrictions that come from lore and story enclosing, at each stage, as many combinations of visual options as possible (so that someone can visually represent the psychological feel of the character and personality they're playing).


I appreciate what you're saying, but imagination squeezes into any cracks, it's never completely squeezed out.  I say that with the character creator for the Tenno, there are no restrictions on creating whatever personality and character you like (sad, mad, bad, happy, sybaritic panentheist, etc., etc.), other than: 1) the natural limit on possibilities arising from the fact that an art department can only do so many things in a day, and 2) the restriction that whatever personality and character you have been roleplaying as up till now, or play from now on going forward, it just has to look young biologically. 


I can understand qualms about that (feels weird playing something that looks young, unable to imbue a thing that looks that young with a sense of yourself, if you're roleplaying yourself in-game, etc., etc.), but I guess I just don't see it as that big a deal.  Why?  Because to me, the character I've been playing as all along is the character that thing in the chair has.  The fact of its young visual age is no barrier at all. My Tenno is old, wise, a bit whimsical, generally stable but prone to occasional fits of berserk rage; she is extremely experienced as Banshee, but also pretty nifty as Nova, etc., etc. 


She just happens to look like a young adult, that's all.

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But that's nonsensical - again, you're making the mistake of reading a character off some random combination of elements in the Tenno blank slate we've been given, instead of imposing a character on it (within the bounds of the lore scenario, story).  There is no need for the Tenno to be "cute" at all, some are quite vicious, don't you know.


A thing that just looks young isn't necessarily cute or childish - there are devil children :)  Plus, these Tenno have a psychological age and experience of possibly a hundred or more years, some substantial portion of those years spent in slaughter and culture-building.  That would make you grow up fast, even if your body was still juvenile ...


That's your headcanon talking, Tenno. You need to learn to let go and accept Cousin Oliver. Space Ninja in exo suits is not exciting enough, and the cast is aging, so we need to introduce a new, young, family friendly, lovable scamp to liven things up a bit and draw in that younger demographic and general family audiences, for this rated M product. Have the tyke play with the Warframes like dollies though, can't risk the wittle baybay getting booboos.

Edited by UrielColtan
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Yeah, and warframes, good solid interesting/compelling warframes will take a back seat to developing this Operator thing.

Oh look - you've spent so much time working yourself into a knicker-twist tizzy over the "emo kid" that we're just going into full-on paranoid hyperbole over it all.

Yes I'm sure this reveal means that DE will just completely abandon the model and process that has served them so well in favour of building upon this future cripple's 2nd life.

Stay classy Warframe forums - or something ...

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I would have you look at history and understand that honor is not some immutable thing that is same thing for everyone. Different cultures have differing understanding of honor. Why would sort of post human society would have same understanding of honor as we would? They may consider fulfiling their missions by whatever means honorable, rather rushing enemy like moron.

By that definition, then the Tenno clearly see using avatars to fight their battles for them as honorable.

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That's your headcanon talking, Tenno. You need to learn to let go and accept Cousin Oliver. Space Ninja in exo suits is not exciting enough, and the cast is aging, so we need to introduce a new, young, family friendly, lovable scamp to liven things up a bit and draw in that younger demographic and general family audiences, for this rated M product. Have the tyke play with the Warframes like dollies though, can't risk the wittle baybay getting booboos.


No, sorry, you point isn't made any more cogent by labourious elaboration ;)

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When I played trough the guest, and saw that kid, I was honestly thinking it was a girl due to  'its' chest.....then when I got to costumize it I looked for 5 minutes for a option to choose sex, 2 mins later, I realized that were playing a kid, or that tenno are transexual ( no hate to trans btw ).


its a weird concept to be fair, but, what can you do ? 

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I do not know why everyone is so *****y about it all.

Ever read Ember Prime codex?

Three figures waited behind a simple table. Their attention on a single chair, bathed in light. An old woman's voice from the shadow: 'Send her in'. Across the room a security officer, stern and plain, opened the door. The outline of a young woman appeared at the door. She hesitated, but only for an instant, then crossed the room and sat.

There was a gasp as the light hit her face. Her right eye was bright and blinking, but her left was a greasy slit. Her skin had been burned moon-white. Her mouth was a sagging gash without lips or expression. Her military beret was pulled snug over a scarred and hairless scalp.

The old voice: 'Your name is Kaleen.' Kaleen nodded. 'You were the principal investigator of the Zariman?' Kaleen's voice was a jagged whisper, a rigid face. 'Yes.'

Kaleen coughed, straightened: 'The Zariman was lost making the fold from Saturn to the Outer gates. Mechanical failure. I notified families and filled a report with the inspectors. Nothing ever returns from the fold, so I closed the case.'

'But you reopened the case, days later.'

'I didn't believe it myself until I stepped aboard the ship. It was completely intact, full environmental, as if it had never left.'

'And the crew was gone.'

'Not exactly.' Kaleen hesitated. 'We thought it was empty but we began to find...' Her face twitched at remembered pain, 'We began to find children hiding in the ship.'

'And that is when you violated procedure?'

Kaleen bowed her head, a tear welling in her sightless eye. 'They were children. They were afraid. They needed comfort.'

'So you broke quarantine and this happened to you.'

There was silence as Kaleen touched her face, 'So what have you done with them?'

The old woman gestured for the officer to take Kaleen away. The meeting was over. When Kaleen reached the door she twisted out of his grip and shot back, 'Why would you do that? Why did you put children on military ship?'

'We didn't. That would violate procedure.'


Read it. Ember Prime was released November 20th, 2013....

That thing has been in the works for a long time.

Originally when i readed it i got confused, but i did read out that Orokin were utter bastards.

But i didn't expect them to be kids till now tbh. Don't mind it though. Like we know what the void did to them.

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bunch of opinions, misrepresenting EVE Online, not understanding the distinction of a more story/character driven product.



You're suggesting that EVE Online has no story?  Are you @(*()$ serious???? It has one of the most complex stories of any MMO ever, woven by the devs and players themselves (but mostly the players) over the years, players roleplaying as immortal space pilots who absolutely love the spaceships that they "are" in the game.


So much so that it's actually a test of EVE Online manhood to be absolutely stoic at the loss of ships (even though you're seething inside).  You're kind of allowed one involuntary gasp, but if you start expressing anger, you have lost at EVE Online :)

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bunch of opinions, misrepresenting EVE Online, not understanding the distinction of a more story/character driven product.



I may not play the game BUT GODDDAMN


This stuff right here is damn nice

I may not play the game (tried the free trial), but i do enjy the story that comes from it.

That was one example.

Titanomachy, a space battle of 21 hours.

It has a damn WIKIPEDIA PAGE!



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Yes,i agree with the threads creator. I can no longer identify with my warframe,that is to say i can't imagine myself into the Warframe, because there is this Emo looking thing ,with an attitude,that reminds me of who the operator really is. Turning it off and forgetting all about it is impossible because i keep seeing it every time i access my focus system. It's always there mocking me. U18 has been a real dissapointment to me.

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I do not know why everyone is so *****y about it all.

Ever read Ember Prime codex?

Three figures waited behind a simple table. Their attention on a single chair, bathed in light. An old woman's voice from the shadow: 'Send her in'. Across the room a security officer, stern and plain, opened the door. The outline of a young woman appeared at the door. She hesitated, but only for an instant, then crossed the room and sat.

There was a gasp as the light hit her face. Her right eye was bright and blinking, but her left was a greasy slit. Her skin had been burned moon-white. Her mouth was a sagging gash without lips or expression. Her military beret was pulled snug over a scarred and hairless scalp.

The old voice: 'Your name is Kaleen.' Kaleen nodded. 'You were the principal investigator of the Zariman?' Kaleen's voice was a jagged whisper, a rigid face. 'Yes.'

Kaleen coughed, straightened: 'The Zariman was lost making the fold from Saturn to the Outer gates. Mechanical failure. I notified families and filled a report with the inspectors. Nothing ever returns from the fold, so I closed the case.'

'But you reopened the case, days later.'

'I didn't believe it myself until I stepped aboard the ship. It was completely intact, full environmental, as if it had never left.'

'And the crew was gone.'

'Not exactly.' Kaleen hesitated. 'We thought it was empty but we began to find...' Her face twitched at remembered pain, 'We began to find children hiding in the ship.'

'And that is when you violated procedure?'

Kaleen bowed her head, a tear welling in her sightless eye. 'They were children. They were afraid. They needed comfort.'

'So you broke quarantine and this happened to you.'

There was silence as Kaleen touched her face, 'So what have you done with them?'

The old woman gestured for the officer to take Kaleen away. The meeting was over. When Kaleen reached the door she twisted out of his grip and shot back, 'Why would you do that? Why did you put children on military ship?'

'We didn't. That would violate procedure.'


Read it. Ember Prime was released November 20th, 2013....

That thing has been in the works for a long time.

Originally when i readed it i got confused, but i did read out that Orokin were utter bastards.

But i didn't expect them to be kids till now tbh. Don't mind it though. Like we know what the void did to them.


Does not contest against growing to dawn exo suits at all.

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I don't see the big deal about this. If the lines spoken by the operator are annoying to you, then go into options and turn them off. As for the "emo" look, well I'm sure if folks want it a helmet or hood can be designed for an accessory so that the operator's head is covered and you can go back to imagining yourself  in whatever style you want, controlling the frame. I am also very confident that further customization options for the operator will be added.


Personally I dig the idea. I think the new lore makes sense, and is a good piece of story telling. As far as role playing goes, well maybe it's because I'm 52 at the moment, but having a teenage body back and still having a century or so of experience, and knowledge, with amazing powers and the ability to transfer into and control warframes thrown in as a bonus, would be cool as hell. I find it hard to see what is so horrid about the concept of playing the operator.

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Representing ship as the character and not the pilot, who is in the thing, not some remote location. Fans don't know whats best for story , just look at Eve Online, derp. People care more about tools than people in a more story driven scenario, duh.

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Representing ship as the character and not the pilot, who is in the thing, not some remote location. Fans don't know whats best for story , just look at Eve Online, derp. People care more about tools than people in a more story driven scenario, duh.


If you want to troll, go to 4chan. they gladly rip you a new one. I wont bother with you anymore.

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