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Ciphers Not Working On Sortie Missions?



Hi i made 1300+ ciphers (and dont ever intend to run out of them) in warframe because i highly dislike the QTE hacking minigame


to my complete shock i found out that i cant use my Hard earned ciphers (i actually farmed alot for them,spend the credits resources and waited countless times ingame) anymore


i want to be really honest... i love Warframe, im a FOUNDER and i played since open beta but this QTE is driving me completely insane


i have extremely bad memories of Resident evil 4 i hated every second of the QTEs and finally had to cheat my way through the game to be able to enjoy it


im good at fps games (actually good at titanfall,blacklight retribution,Hl2 dm mods and more) but im absolutely against any kind or FORCED QTE element ... most of my friends have stopped playing warframe because of the hacking minigame ... some of them have found out about the ciphers and stayed with  me a little longer...



but now i failed my team because i couldnt find the cipher button in the new sortie spy mission ... i even get "fried" on the timeless grineer hack terminals for no reason at all and it directly fails the mission


i dont want the QTEs to be a necessary part of the game and otherwise why did i spend so much into the ciphers if they turned useless anyway ???


i dont know if i can handel forced QTEs in this game ... they nearly killed my interest and enjoyment at first when Warframe was new until i found out about the ciphers


im sorry for my bad english but im really frustrated right now and i hope thsi is actually just a "BUG" and not intentional





thanks for the Responses after some time i see a chance that i maybe  train my skill in the grineer hacking minigame department (after 3 years i got around the corpus one) so im actually up to the challenge to get the grineer part to work too ..


if there are any tipps or Solutions you may have im open for trying them out ...


as curently this minigame has a est. 90% chance to fail every time i tried it or i run out of time and get zapped)  i would still prefer to just use my ciphers but since this option  is out of the way this is the only Chance i have ... im a bit angry to get forced into this but im willing to give it a try even if it annoys me to no end ... i love warframe i put Money on it before it was in beta and im not giving it up even as these annoying parts get essential and unavoidable

Edited by Severuslanskerr
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40 minutes ago, (PS4)sig-man9 said:

i am very dissapointed that I cant use ciphers on sorties...im not a fast solver so this ruins the fun for me. DE  please fix it now!

Please use the Intruder Mod maxed. This will give an addition of 6 seconds if I'm not mistaken.

This advice also stands for others.

The sorties is meant to challenge you, it's not an other easy mission or QTE.  

Please enjoy the game. ?

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3 hours ago, (PS4)sig-man9 said:

i am very dissapointed that I cant use ciphers on sorties...im not a fast solver so this ruins the fun for me. DE  please fix it now!

Sorry, but don't ruin my fun. I like carry people. At mastery rank 20, I really don't have anything to do. So I help people, carry them.


I think warframe is easy, very easy now.

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If you've been playing the game for three years, you should know that lots of information that is not obvious in-game is easily available via the Wiki. And lo and behold, it says: Ciphers cannot be used on mission-important consoles (or in the case of the latter, data vaults) encountered during Trials or Sorties.

I have no clue what being a Founder has to do with this ...

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Cyphers work fine. In game. 

Sortie is special, challenging high level content for best of players who seek challenge. Get it? ; ) For BEST. So you must ask yourself fellow tenno, are you the best? In short, git gud mr. founder. It can be done, learn how to do it. You're big boy, I know you can do it ; )

I like how this game challenges me. I kinda sucked in spy missions and in hacking myself, but ivara later, and dozen sorties later, i'm all pro ^^


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On 6.3.2016 at 1:53 PM, (PS4)AngelShur said:

Please use the Intruder Mod maxed. This will give an addition of 6 seconds if I'm not mistaken.

This advice also stands for others.

The sorties is meant to challenge you, it's not an other easy mission or QTE.  

Please enjoy the game. ?


thx for the idea .. had this mod sitting around for 3 years and totally forgotten about it to be honest ...

thanks to a more recent update it finally works on the Grineer hacking ones (finally)

im now able to beat them with like 70% success rate (which is till annoying for most other players who dont trust themselves into hacking at all and "wait it out" till someone comes along to not instant fail the mission at those sorties ... i at least TRY it... but as soon as i fail i get all kinds of disasterous results from most of them..)its funny im not the only one having this problem but im one of them who actually try it and not stand around the consoles till someone comes to your aid ...

thought im getting alot of hate if it went wrong which adds another layer of why im not particullary fond of the current way its handled (you could at least make the ciphers solve 30% of the puzzle or so to spare some time for the rest if you have problems with it..but no they had to get completely unusuable at all ... especially when they are actually most needed which was just a waste of my time and resources to build)

Edited by Severuslanskerr
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my spy mission skills were lacking, and then I had to get good to get Ivara.  50 missions later I can solo most any spy mission (except the new moon ones, those are hard)

Use the intruder Exilus mod to give you more time and slow down the Grineer ones.  I still use it to reduce the stress of hacking.


Nightmare Law of Retribution doesn't allow you to use Ciphers also, that why they usually designate a few people to do hacking.  Some nigtmare missions, or events doesn't allow you to use Ciphers.  and I am glad they don't allow them in sorties (tho i wish those that blow out corpus ship windows learned to hack better when the ship goes on lockdown)

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I was in the same boat at first with sorties, best thing to do is practice. Try some corpus locks by running some higher tier spy missions on corpus run planets and eventually, it will feel like second nature to crack those puzzles. I started off horrible at cracking terminals but now can crack them with ease. Hope this helps and good luck out there,  tenno!

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