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About The Focus System (Spoilers If You Have Not Completed The 2Nd Dream Quest)


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I know that it is in beta and that i must be another player complaining about how something is unfair.


But i just have to say that naramon Tree is one big disappointment after another.


Now before people start to say UUUh no its not you noob i have seen the abilities of the skill tree and the point cost you need to unlock them, so i'm not saying its a bad choice but it is a slap in the face.


So lets begin with the ability of of naramon tree


Mind spike= you launch waves in front of you what ''are suposed to make enemies have the nyx's chaos effect'' that disable the enemy for a moment and then are suposed to attack each other.


.....In my case the confusion effect started to show after upgrading the main power once and even then some enemies after receiving 8-10 waves are still not ''confused'' and just keep shooting at me.


Then to the active abilities


As all naruman users know the just a quick recap for those who do not know them.


Mind wave active skills can used to boost melee crit chance,turn allies invisible,disarm enemies,opening the up to finishers.


The Ally melee crit chance boost is not there at all, now having 2 points in the skill. There is no indication for the ally tenno that they have received any sort of buff, nor is there any solid numbers.


Did some testing with a friend who had  war (the weapon) with true steel and had that 32% critical chance.


From series of 10 hits he scored 3/10 criticals without the suposed mind spike buff and 4/10 with the ''buff''


And on the second round he scored 5/10 without buff and 3/10 with the buff. (mind you there is now 2 levels in theskill)



Oh yes and then comes the cooldown.


I get the point that passives add more cooldown because they are permanent after 1 use in the mission.

But why on earth do the active abilities give more cooldown.


Oh hey tenno you want to buff your allies with invisibility and critical chance increase.


NOPE big slap in the face the invisibility (if it gives 5 sec per level) last's 20 second at max rank which to begin with costs around 500k or more points all together (if the prices are same as with the passives)


So why would each active ability add 45 seconds to the cooldown that makes no sense at all


Hey here have this 20 second of invisibility and supposed melee crit chance boost.


Next one comes up in 300 seconds (if just had the tactical strike and cloaking aura mind you having the disarming waves and the finisher waves (what are useless if you have no one near and it lasts like 2 seconds)


So yeah i can only say that if you're a new or newish naramon user go all out with the passives, i know that they cost over 600k points to max but in its current state the ally upgrades are bad and not worth of the focus points.



So if DE wants to do anything to this, first step would be that active abilities don't increase the bloody cooldown



Oh yes and also don't bother with the ''cooldown'' reduction ability it takes 15 seconds of CD away and each rank needs more point and gives the same 15 seconds less CD)

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Um... Look to the left side of the tree. Those passive abilities are incredibly powerful, and are currently bugged to the point of being gamebreaking.


The passives work for the duration of the mission, after your first activation of Mind Spike. They have unlimited uses.


The first bug is, for now at least, all critical hits from any weapon provide invisibility, that's ludicrously powerful, and you can easily keep yourself completely invisible for the duration of the mission.


The second bug is with the critical chance bonus, which is applying to far more weapons than it should, making several high crit weapons red-crit-bringers-of-death. I'm not sure on the numbers, but my Tonkor was somewhere between 110-130% redcrits.



Now, if you want to keep complaining about Naramon being underwhelming, perhaps you should look at all the other Focus trees, which are as bad, if not worse.

Edited by Kthal
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IMHO, the best Focus is Zenurik, followed by Naramon. I am myself a Naramon.


Lets be honest...There are very few times when people actually activate the Focus ability. In such a scenario, Focus with Passive powers will always be better. And the Passive of Zenurik is the most useful one. I mean Energy Regen like Energy Siphon! It cant be better.


And moving on to Naramon, the cloaking Passive will be really good with a good crit melee...Moreover, Naramon actually increases crit so thats a plus.

Also, just to add to this, a CC Focus is a good one, because CC is always very powerful. Attach Naramon Lens to a damage frame and it can be a ultimate Warframe...


Well, it might be that the Focus system might be bugged...so lets wait a few days and see.

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Um... Look to the left side of the tree. Those passive abilities are incredibly powerful, and are currently bugged to the point of being gamebreaking.


The passives work for the duration of the mission, after your first activation of Mind Spike. They have unlimited uses.


The first bug is, for now at least, all critical hits from any weapon provide invisibility, that's ludicrously powerful, and you can easily keep yourself completely invisible for the duration of the mission.


The second bug is with the critical chance bonus, which is applying to far more weapons than it should, making several high crit weapons red-crit-bringers-of-death. I'm not sure on the numbers, but my Tonkor was somewhere between 110-130% redcrits.



Now, if you want to keep complaining about Naramon being underwhelming, perhaps you should look at all the other Focus trees, which are as bad, if not worse.

you clearly didn't read my post the i said that i know what the passives do.


Of course critical hits turning you invis 100% time is powerful.

But it cots plenty of points to get there even and not to mention unlocking fees and then that 600k points needed if you want to max rank and it lasts 8 seconds on max rank.


Also the critical chance increase is for melee weapons only so no idea what that tonkor talk of yours is. (P.s tonkor goes to 103% critical all ready with just point strike making it able to do red crits)


Of course if the crit boost applies onto ranged weapons then that is a major bug yes.


But the point of this post was that as in current state the active abilities are garbage and not worth the points....

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First of all, it costs 50,000 Focus, less than a day's cap, to unlock 5 seconds of invisibility, which is more than enough.


Second, Point Strike only brings the Tonkor from 35% base to 87.5% critical chance. You are referring to Critical Delay, which I don't use on it.


The point of my post, which you have obviously not read, is that the Naramon tree is at least equal to the other Focus trees, and you're complaining about it needing buffing without mention of the others.

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