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Endgame - What Weapons Are The Best? Which Ones Are Bad?


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Hey guys,


This game has me confused to heck ><


I wanna know (with the new changes) what weapons are the best for end-game play ( so I know what to get ) and which weapons become absolutely worthless ( so I know what to avoid ).

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Boltor and braton are safe bets for endgame weapons. Seeing how long akbolto have been overpowered as well I doubt get around to nerfing those either any time soon. Heavy weapons and dark sword are the best melees, you can check out the wiki for different traits on the heavy weapons

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Pretty much anything else


Also, define "end-game".

Do you mean the endless defence missions where enemy levels can go up to 200+, or bosses like Phorid, Stalker, or Ambulas?


ftfy, even the grakata is better than the dojo wep right now.

Edited by Dasmir
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i still say that glaive is best ranged melee, but Hek is good, Grakata once modded can rip things to shreds albeit it sucks before you get to that point(might as well shoot cotton candy at them), i still think the basic Mk1 when modded decently and with good aim could be one of the best guns.

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By end-game I will assume you mean T3 void and high wave defence missions (so we are talking lvl 70+).


Shotguns: Hek

Rifles: Paris, Dread, Latron Prime

Pistols: Akbolto, Lex

Melee: Gram, Scindo


Everything else is either too weak or will have ammo problems.


For melee you have to use charge attacks or your damage output will be pathetic.


When you get over lvl 100 your weapons will start to become more and more useless and you can only really rely on abilities if there are big groups (10 ancients coming at you with a swarm of charges, leapers and runners). At this stage you need frames like Nyx, Frost and Banshee or you are screwed.

Edited by Strudul
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I don't know why people are bothering to mention Dual Ethers in a topic asking about endgame play.


Have you even -tried- them in level 3 void missions? They can't even hold up there, heaven forbid high level defense.

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Grakata is a weapon to avoid unless you want to 60 slot it and buy 3+ polarities.  Would require a rank 10 serration, multi shot mods, the Crit% Crit damage and the right elemental mods to be in a good spot. Other weapons easily out class it at the same mod level its not worth hassle unless you really want to use it for whatever reason.

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There was a DPS chart in a spreadsheet form somewhere, I don't remember where, but it shows all of the rifle weapons' DPS and how they all changed when modded.


Grakata was the second best DPS (the Gorgon was the first) when fully decked out in the mods it needed, However, it's extremely expensive, but certainly qualifies as "end game" once you get it to its full potential.




That is a copy of the spreadsheet file that I copied to my google drive, I don't remember exactly where I got it from though.

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There was a DPS chart in a spreadsheet form somewhere, I don't remember where, but it shows all of the rifle weapons' DPS and how they all changed when modded.


Grakata was the second best DPS (the Gorgon was the first) when fully decked out in the mods it needed, However, it's extremely expensive, but certainly qualifies as "end game" once you get it to its full potential.




That is a copy of the spreadsheet file that I copied to my google drive, I don't remember exactly where I got it from though.

This is before armor is taken into consideration. Right now if you use any normal damage gun on mobs that are level100 basically all damage that is not elemental is mitigated. It also would use up almost all its ammo on 1-5 high levels mobs. Its a gun that doesn't fit the game as it stands.

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Yeah, it's kind of a one-time-use gun if you need to kill anything tough. I never said it had much use, just that it does in fact have high damage.


It's a niche application weapon, and what it's restricted to, it's damn good at doing. Everything else it sucks.

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There is no "endgame" in Warframe, not yet anyway. If by "endgame" you mean Tier 3 Void Towers and 20+ Wave Defense Missions then... almost anything.


No, really. If you use Orokin Catalyst and Forma on almost any weapon it will be overpowered as hell. It's all about the mods and your game preferences. If you like slow but accurate weapons - go for the Latron/Vulkar. If you like to spray and pray - Gorgon or Boltor is the way to go. If you simply want to kill fast - then HEK.


Anythig is good when modded with Multishot and damage mods. Feel free to pick your favourite weapon.


Yes, even Braton.

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There was a DPS chart in a spreadsheet form somewhere, I don't remember where, but it shows all of the rifle weapons' DPS and how they all changed when modded.


Grakata was the second best DPS (the Gorgon was the first) when fully decked out in the mods it needed, However, it's extremely expensive, but certainly qualifies as "end game" once you get it to its full potential.




That is a copy of the spreadsheet file that I copied to my google drive, I don't remember exactly where I got it from though.

And out of ammo still means out of ammo.

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With both the Gorgon and Grakata, you need a rifle ammo box anyhow.


Grakata gets an ammo bonus that seems to get mentioned very rarely here. Grakata's base ammunition is 675 (it doesn't start off with that amount at the beginning of a match, but it can acquire that amount without ammo drum), regular rifles base ammo is 540.

Grakata's maximum potential ammo (with max ammo drum) is nearly 900 rounds. After upgrading ammo drum and piercing hit all the way, it rarely runs out.

The Grakata is never meant to be fired full auto pray 'n spray unless you're at shotgun ranges and/or are fighting a large boss enemy.

Edited by Vaskadar
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I had a friend take grakata to lv 60+ ancients. He modded it for crits and with appropriate elements. It was pretty pathetic honestly. Hek/Dread would kill them almost instantly while he would empty a magazine and deal hardly anything. I can do an experiment and try it vs lv 100 and see how it does, but as I see there is no point. The gun is a waste of slot if you are gonna kill high level stuff. If you're just messing about or framing for mats, the gun is fantastic. It will mow down trash well.

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Anything vs. 60+ ancients you may as well just throw bricks at them.


Dread can kill them in one shot depending on which portion of the damage crits. Hek takes few shots. They are quite effective. Paris works too, so does Snipetron, Akbolto, Boltor and any big heavy melee via charge attacks.

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