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Datamined Mission Rewards Are Bad. If True, Please Change Them.


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You can't farm a mod like you farm resources? What?

You really can't. Mods are extremely RNG and even if something is more inclined to be dropped by a certain faction, you could spend a month farming that faction and still never, ever see it. You can't farm mods at all because of the janky-&#! RNG system they run on.

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You can't farm a mod like you farm resources? What?

Certain resources drop on certain planets, when I go to a planet or boss I know what I'm getting, farming Mods is sticking my hand in an ocean of gold fish and hoping to catch one with an orange strip on it, I can't see it and I have to rely on blind luck to get it.

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ONE of my biggest issues on this game right now is the pricing of the weapons in platinum
, I bought 30 dollars worth of plat some time ago, was thinking on getting a weapon or a warframe along with some slots/potatoes, but after seeing the prices I ahd the reaction many other players have "Nah, I can farm this"

What does this tell you? nerf drop rates, up the blueprint prices, decrease the materials drop rates? hell no.

Reduce the platinum prices, people who bought 10-30 dollars platinum packs are scared to spend his currency on anything that isn't unoptainable stuff like slots or colour packs, so why not greatly reduce the platinum price of weapons and warframes?

Alternatively, make more cosmetics, and don't overprice them either.

You mention TF2 when people talk suggest going for the cosmetic route, but look at dota 2, they offer individual cosmetics that can go from 1 to 11 dollars and packs/sets that go from 5 to 15 dollars aprox

New update rolls, some new cosmetics added

"Oh something new for my favourite hero got released, well I guess getting only one piece of the set won't hurt, after all it's just 5 dollars"

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You can't farm a mod like you farm resources? What?


Resources = Can go to a specific zone, find them from lockers, chests, mobs, and bosses. Multiple (and some very specific) ways to grab em.


Mod = No specific zone or mob that drops them. All mobs have a chance to drop any mod, some with slightly better chances for certain types.

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This thread made *after* it was implemented and put into the game... I see!

So you're going to ignore an idea 223 people support wholeheartedly because it would require some changes to the game?

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ONE of my biggest issues on this game right now is the pricing of the weapons in platinum

, I bought 30 dollars worth of plat some time ago, was thinking on getting a weapon or a warframe along with some slots/potatoes, but after seeing the prices I ahd the reaction many other players have "Nah, I can farm this"

What does this tell you? nerf drop rates, up the blueprint prices, decrease the materials drop rates? hell no.

Reduce the platinum prices, people who bought 10-30 dollars platinum packs are scared to spend his currency on anything that isn't unoptainable stuff like slots or colour packs, so why not greatly reduce the platinum price of weapons and warframes?

Alternatively, make more cosmetics, and don't overprice them either.

You mention TF2 when people talk suggest going for the cosmetic route, but look at dota 2, they offer individual cosmetics that can go from 1 to 11 dollars and packs/sets that go from 5 to 15 dollars aprox

New update rolls, some new cosmetics added

"Oh something new for my favourite hero got released, well I guess getting only one piece of the set won't hurt, after all it's just 5 dollars"


I hear you, but man - DOTA2 is a bit different, right? Its a bit like telling a local book seller you should copy Amazon.

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For defense mission rewards with every wave teir you progressively guarantee a mod or item of equal teir.  I think mass effect 3 multiplayer might have had something like that.  so wave 5 would have the normal drop rate, wave 10 would have a lesser chance for common items and raise it for uncommon. 15 would drop the chance for any common reward and guarantee either a uncommon or rare, 20+ would always guarantee a rare mod and after that you add another reward item. so at wave 25+ you would get two rare item rewards instead of 1, etc.  Just a suggestion.


For enemy drop rates the its probably best to increase percent chances of uncommon and rare with level. Its a bear of an idea to tackle that for sure. All these random drop rates and rewards seem like quite the horrid problem to fix well. Best of luck coders and developers. 

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(and discounting the actually focus of the purchase, which is platinum and the Mod is a bonus)

It's not a bonus when It's the only way to get the Mod in a reasonable amount of time, and not relying on sacrifices to the Number gods

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This thread made *after* it was implemented and put into the game... I see!

Actually, there were a bunch of threads BEFORE handspring was implemented. One was about ukemi or something and the other one picked up that idea. I'll try to fish them up


Edit: Original thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/27477-implementing-ukemi-into-warframe/?hl=ukemi

thread that referenced it: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/38967-dang-stunlock-needs-to-go/?hl=ukemi

I think around that time almost all the 'remove stunlock!' threads referenced this in some way or another. Really, you should read the forums more, there are so many great ideas there!

Edited by Wojek
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So you're going to ignore an idea 223 people support wholeheartedly because it would require some changes to the game?

Mayeb they don't feel 223 out of the total forum users constitutes a large portion of the player base?

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You mention TF2 when people talk suggest going for the cosmetic route, but look at dota 2, they offer individual cosmetics that can go from 1 to 11 dollars and packs/sets that go from 5 to 15 dollars aprox

New update rolls, some new cosmetics added



Yea, but that is what the sentinel accessory pack basically is. Or at least forming a foundation towards individual piece customization...


But keep in mind that the majority of the cosmetic items are made by the community through Steam Workshop, that is why Valve has no problem in releasing new cosmetics every few days or a week. That brings me a new question; Steve, will WF hook up with Steam Workshop some day?

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So this invalidates the opinion of your players? What's done is done, yes?


Why the hell would I be here responding to every post, sharing code if 'what's done is done'? Why would I post our update plans that include "yes, that sucks" pasted all over them? I am not sure where you get this impression on this very specific tangent.

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Resources = Can go to a specific zone, find them from lockers, chests, mobs, and bosses. Multiple (and some very specific) ways to grab em.


Mod = No specific zone or mob that drops them. All mobs have a chance to drop any mod, some with slightly better chances for certain types.

Dunno if it would help or make things worse but I think making a few/most/all mods specific to each faction and instead of increasing drop rate for all mods on high lvls missions, just the rare mods, possibly lowering the common drop rates.


last bit is probably a bit much.

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Mayeb they don't feel 223 out of the total forum users constitutes a large portion of the player base?

How many would? How many topics from how many people complaining about the broken alert system, and how many people in region chat complaining about it do we need before DE accepts that yes all is not faultless with their RNG? And this goes with a lot of other things too, like the market change which still drives out new players despite the reduced alloy plate costs.

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Why the hell would I be here responding to every post, sharing code if 'what's done is done'? Why would I post our update plans that include "yes, that sucks" pasted all over them? I am not sure where you get this impression on this very specific tangent.

We need twice as many posts and more large red text telling us you guys made mistakes and want to fix them. A glowing neon sign and hula-girls might help.

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Why the hell would I be here responding to every post, sharing code if 'what's done is done'? Why would I post our update plans that include "yes, that sucks" pasted all over them? I am not sure where you get this impression on this very specific tangent.

That's not the issue Steve the issue, is you dismissed the entire thing because it's already in the game

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How many would? How many topics from how many people complaining about the broken alert system, and how many people in region chat complaining about it do we need before DE accepts that yes all is not faultless with their RNG? And this goes with a lot of other things too, like the market change which still drives out new players despite the reduced alloy plate costs.

You are responding to the wrong post. I'm not talking about RNG.

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