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How Do I Use Limbo Effectively?



Sorry if this post is in the wrong section of the forums.

I'm a fairly new player (MR4, nearing 5) and I crafted the limbo theorem quest. I tried searching other posts, but A LOT of posts said he is either useless or not worth getting in the first place.

I think he has great potential with his 'world switching' mechanic. He can single out tough enemies to finish off, which I like, and he can just jump into the rift and run without taking damage.

To those who have extensive knowledge of limbo, please share your builds etc.

P.s. we need a WarframeFire.com site (LoL and DoTA players know these sites)

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8 answers to this question

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He's called useless because it's a real hassle to achieve a proper modding. Most players don't know how to mod him and then use him depending on the modding.


I have done a build that is pretty adapted for the most of situations, here it is.


But keep in mind : his mechanics are cool, but Limbo is really hard to use. It's a Warframe you'll have to try and strive to master. I have proposed you a build, but you must adapt yours to your playstyle.

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He's called useless because it's a real hassle to achieve a proper modding. Most players don't know how to mod him and then use him depending on the modding.

I have done a build that is pretty adapted for the most of situations, here it is.

But keep in mind : his mechanics are cool, but Limbo is really hard to use. It's a Warframe you'll have to try and strive to master. I have proposed you a build, but you must adapt yours to your playstyle.

Thanks kindred spirit. :)

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This question is asked all too often.  I think DE should have a small video clip of each ability and how it works IMHO.

Limbo is one of my favourite frames, he is so misunderstood yet so powerful.  If you actually search the forums there are lots of threads:




Good Luck, and enjoy the Misunderstood Gentleman Limbo

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the only thing consistant about limbo is you need high duration and you dont need mods that effect your survivability since thats his innate talent. the rest is up to playstyle on whether you want strength for catalcysm bombing and rift surge or if you want range for cataclysm cycling. or efficiency for quick easy spamming and whether or now you want natural talent so you can rift walk toggle faster.

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short answer is u dont


hate to be negative, but bottom line limbo needs a rework badly, his kit is just grossly underwhelming compared to many others and he is incredibly counter-intuitive


can limbo perform ok if played perfectly? sure, but there is little-to-no room for error


not to mention that since he does require precise use of his one rift gimmick, he is shutdown even harder than other frames when he runs across the dreaded nullifiers and other similar cludge enemies [energy drainers are also a bane to limbo, even moreso than for other frames]


his dmg is subpar [both in #'s and type], so building him for dmg is never going to yield great results, not to mention it falls off fast anyways, his only ability with the potential to allow him to put down some great dmg is arguably his worst ability [#3], requiring 2 other abilities just for it to do anything... =/


his cc is lackluster at best and conveniently unreliable at worst [often enemies dont suffer KD due to 'immune' animation frames]


he has no advantages in the rift, ie if u riftwalk to stay immune to the enemies, then bring one high priority heavy into the rift to dispatch, they can often easily one-shot you as soon as they enter =[


many enemies deal dmg thru the rift, completely ignoring limbo's only safe-space


almost immediately after limbo was released DE said they would address his kit/design/shortcomings, but since then the only change was to allow cataclysm to be ended early, other than that, we can only assume DE does not currently care about limbo's issues/problems or that many of his abilities dont work well together and that many enemies completely ignore the 'rules'


dont get me wrong, i wanted/want to like limbo, i tried several builds with more/less range/duration/etc but overall he brings little to nothing to the table that dozens of other frames dont do a LOT better than he does


here's to hoping that we see some real progress from DE in 2016 on giving limbo the kind of attention that he deserves

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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You don't. You don't play limbo effectively. 

That is his problem, he is not well thought out, he needs rework badly. I have tried to like this frame, I assure you. I've potatoed it and tested various builds, always leaving bad taste in my mout after playing him. 

Some ppl say "limbo is just difficult to use and master" - no, he is not really difficult to use, just not that good. 


You can play it. There are builds. But they feel weird, wonky and clunky, even when fairly effective. While other frames can do massive damage, powerful cc's, buffs for whole team, permanent invisibility and God knows what wonders, limbo can't do s***t, all he has is limbo powers, which is mixed blessing by itself really. 


Imo most closest to effective solo limbo build was done by brozime (youtube: methodical man limbo brozime) and it - works. It's best thing you can say about it. That it works.


Some say his powers are situational, fair enough, I've tried to save prisoner with him in NM mission, should be piece of cake, you in limbo, prisoner in limbo, right? Nah, not really. One mistake, you're dead because everybody and his mother see you, are aggroed and trying to kill you constantly. I might try this in future thou again.


I do have one plan still to try with him, nyx, speed nova and maximum duration limbo in theory could be a dream team for defenses. Let them kill themselves. Throw ember in to quicken the job. Could work, still it needs timing and you could just take frost instead and use your weapons, see where is this going? 


Still, might be good to try. 

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